Facial rejuvenation after 50 years without surgery - effective methods and procedures

Consultation Services Doctors Results Reviews

Expert tested

Avdeyuk Elena Vladimirovna

Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

Publication date: May 14, 2022

Review date: November 19, 2022

After 50 years, age-related skin changes accelerate. This requires radical methods to slow down the aging process and correct its signs. With the help of A Clinic technologies, you can do this without plastic surgery.

The key to maximum rejuvenation is a comprehensive approach. None of the procedures alone will give lasting, pronounced results. But their optimal combination guarantees the effect!

This requires a specialist diagnosis. After this, we will create an individual program for you. In it we use the achievements of modern cosmetology that will provide the best results in rejuvenating the face and body.

Sharubina Karina Petrovna

Trichologist, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

Home facial care

Evgrafova Anastasia Andreevna is the author of the article “How to look young after 35 years.”
When you are a little over 30, as the famous song says, you increasingly think about how to preserve the beauty and youth of your skin. In the morning, you probably notice a lack of sufficient hydration, the fatigue of the working day is reflected on the face with more and more wrinkles, and nasolabial folds and between the eyebrows no longer disappear after gymnastics for the facial muscles. Looking with envy at your friends who are older in age but look younger, you are planning to look into cosmetology, but you just can’t find the time.

Anastasia Andreevna is sure that such women are simply afraid that they will have to often come to the cosmetologist and this will seriously “hit” the family budget. Although in reality, home care, which a specialist will one day select for you, is much more important, and very few serious procedures in facial cosmetology are needed.

– If we do not rely today on the fact that the condition of the skin largely depends on genetics, then by the age of 35 a woman should use several cosmetics morning and evening to maintain ideal condition. In the evening, be sure to apply a cream that is oily in texture and moisturizing. There should be a special night cream in your cosmetic bag. At rest, the facial muscles relax and the skin takes almost all the nutrients from the cosmetic product.

In the morning, you should definitely wash your face, freeing your skin from dust and microparticles. By washing your face, you open your pores for the penetration of cosmetics appropriate to the time of day.

Water plays a huge role in facial cosmetology. Wash your face with milk or foam if you have dry skin and wash gel if you have oily skin. After this, toning is required, wipe your face and neck with toner. The tonic neutralizes the effect of hard water on delicate facial skin, restores the natural balance of the skin, and eliminates traces of irritation. If necessary, you already apply cream and elements of decorative cosmetics onto the tonic.

Age-related skin changes after 50–55

Rejuvenating facial skin after 50–60 years is an important process that allows you to cheat time and slow down aging. Women at every age want to look young and attractive. After all, modern ladies even after 50 years lead a busy, active lifestyle. Cosmetic procedures along with plastic surgery will help them maintain youthful skin.

Menopause provokes hormonal changes in the female body. As a result, the skin is practically not saturated with collagen, elastin, and loses freshness and elasticity. In addition to wrinkles, deep folds appear in the area of ​​the forehead, cheeks, mouth, the oval of the face floats, and the clarity of its contour disappears. A decrease in estrogen leads to dull, dry skin.

Time takes its toll, irreversibly changing the entire body. But this is no reason to despair! Innovative techniques make it possible to slow down natural processes, prolonging youth.

Choosing the right face cream

We asked Anastasia Andreevna why it is important to know what skin type you have before purchasing cosmetics.

– Many clients who come to our cosmetology literally recover before our eyes when correcting their use of the home line. Recently, a 32-year-old woman came to me with lesions on her skin, acne, and a very oily T-zone. In conversation, the woman often said that she had dry skin, which is what she called peeling in the area of ​​her nose and forehead. The woman “covered” the affected areas with a cream for dry skin, further moisturizing her already moisturized face, which was naturally oily. We applied cleansing procedures, prescribed the right set of care products from the home line of the YON-KA cosmetics company, and literally a week later, at a scheduled free consultation, the patient was amazed by the result. Facial cosmetology does not tolerate experiments. The skin instantly reacts to what you apply to it and the results are immediate.

Therefore, dear readers, in order not to harm yourself, not to aggravate the situation and not to bring your condition to a level where only invasive cosmetology can help, come for advice from a cosmetologist. Believe me, by investing in home care today, you actually save!

How to fix problems?

Starting from 45-50 years old, the main problem becomes sagging skin and the formation of deep skin folds. The main reason for this process is loss of elasticity, thinning of collagen fibers that support the skin and ensure its turgor.

The optimal solution to the problem is exposure to fractional laser and radio frequency radiation. Laser radiation penetrates the skin and evaporates areas of dead cells. Radiofrequency radiation is absorbed by protein fibers and causes them to instantly heat up. Thanks to this, they contract and become denser.

An ideal complement to hardware techniques is thread lifting. With its help, you can create a stable, durable frame that will hold the skin for many months and years.

Dry skin is another factor in aging. It is associated with a lack of hyaluronic acid, a natural means of retaining moisture. To solve this problem, you need to saturate the skin with hyaluronic acid and activate its synthesis.

The activation of metabolic processes is of particular importance. Skin renewal at the cellular level depends on them. A slowdown in recovery processes leads to progressive sagging, sagging skin, the appearance and deepening of wrinkles and folds. This can be prevented with the help of injection technologies that transfer metabolic processes to “youth mode”.

Facelift methods

Facelift can be partial, i.e. carried out in certain areas of the face, or in a circular manner. A circular facelift involves a major operation to correct age-related changes. An experienced plastic surgeon evaluates the condition of the soft tissues, skin and age of the patient to prescribe a specific correction zone:

  • An upper face lift is indicated for patients with obvious complaints of sagging upper eyelids, eyebrows and wrinkles on the forehead.
  • The average facelift is aimed at combating bags under the eyes, deep nasolabial folds, and loss of skin elasticity in the cheekbones and mouth.
  • A lower facelift is recommended for patients with problems with sagging cheeks, the appearance of jowls, and sagging chin and neck. This method can easily tighten the lower part of the face and return a clear oval.
  • Circular facelift. Most often, the patient needs an integrated approach to facial rejuvenation. Correction of only one zone may give temporary results and in a couple of years the operation will have to be repeated.

In the photo: Patient Irina, 47 years old. A facelift and upper neck lift with platysmaplasty was performed, 3/4 view

When should you think about facial plastic surgery?

If we talk about the average age of patients who apply for facial plastic surgery, their age is usually 40 and older. However, when performing an operation, one should take into account not only the age category, but also individual indications, the condition of soft tissues and skin.

Usually, after 30 years, patients begin to think about radical methods of rejuvenation, as the first signs of aging become more obvious. Fine wrinkles, creases, and sagging skin may appear on the face, but all these troubles can be corrected in a cosmetology office using non-surgical procedures.

In the period of 40-50 years, unfortunately, the production of collagen, which is so necessary for maintaining the elastic framework of the skin of our face, decreases. Signs of aging become even more pronounced, and skin ptosis increases.

Therefore, it is during this period that it is worth paying attention to surgical methods of facelift, if the usual cosmetic procedures are no longer so effective.

In the photo: Patient 45 years old. Facelift according to Mendelssohn. Result of surgery after 2 weeks

Indications for facelift

Among them are:

  • Presence of visible skin ptosis in the middle and lower areas of the face
  • The appearance of so-called jowls
  • Sagging neck and chin area
  • Deep nasolabial folds
  • Sagging subcutaneous fat of the face
  • Strongly expressed expression wrinkles and creases

Due to the different characteristics of each patient's body, age-related skin changes occur individually during natural aging or due to sudden weight gain/loss. Also, sagging skin can be caused by hormonal imbalance in the body or genetic predisposition. Under certain circumstances, skin aging can be triggered after age 25. Therefore, it is necessary to objectively evaluate the indications for facelift.

Is it possible to have a facelift after 70 years of age?

With modern methods of performing facial surgeries, facelift can be performed on patients who have crossed even the 70-year mark without harm to health. In this case, a very important factor is the general health of the patient. If no contraindications are identified, then a lift can be done. However, it is worth noting that experts do not recommend waiting for maximum deterioration of facial tissue.

At the age of 60-70 years, the skin loses more soft tissue and fat, so for optimal results you will have to resort to additional procedures. Facelifting can be supplemented by introducing fillers or lipofilling into those parts of the face where additional volume is needed.

In the photo: Patient 75 years old. MACS lift. Short scar facelift method. Indicated for patients whose neck does not require correction. During the operation, the middle and lower areas of the face are perfectly corrected. The zigzag scar afterwards is completely invisible. The operation lasts about 2 hours.

Non-surgical methods of rejuvenation

Mature skin requires constant care. Eliminating wrinkles after 40 is one thing, but the period after 50 is really difficult for women. Signs of aging manifest themselves in different ways and each of them has its own means of combating it.

Non-radical methods of rejuvenation include:

  • ethnoscience;
  • cosmetical tools;
  • cosmetology.

Traditional medicine is simple and accessible. For example, it is useful to wash your face with cold water every day. This procedure strengthens the muscles and helps keep the skin toned. You can also wipe your face with pieces of ice. Pamper yourself with fruit masks more often, they will make your facial skin more elastic.

The range of cosmetics is wide and varied. Check the composition of the product, it should contain vitamins and minerals, glycolic acid, retinol, etc. The basis of cosmetic care is toning. To avoid injury or dry out your skin, use an alcohol-free toner. Also massage your face regularly.

Wanting to preserve their youth, women turn to cosmetology services. In beauty salons and clinics you will find many different anti-aging procedures. Most popular:

  1. injections, with the help of which special preparations based on hyaluronic acid are introduced into problem areas, as well as dysport and xeominchemical peeling, which accelerates the process of cell renewal, evens out skin texture, and stimulates blood circulation;
  2. biorevitalization;
  3. rejuvenation with stem cells and fibroblasts;
  4. RF lifting;
  5. laser resurfacing, which eliminates pigmentation and smoothes the skin;
  6. Altera is an ultrasonic lift that is performed using the American Altera device.
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