Contrast shower for men: benefits, harm, how to take it correctly

For any person obsessed with their skin, maintaining a good skin care routine is nothing less than a passion. Cleansing your face is one of the first steps in skin care and includes washing your face with water. Part of your daily routine may include asking, “Should I wash my face with cold or hot water?”

No matter what skin type you have, it's easy to find a variety of products that are perfect for cleansing your face. But do you know whether it is good to wash your face with cold or hot water? In fact, the water you wash your face with can affect your skin just as much as the products you put on it.

Since each skin type is different, you may experience different reactions to certain water temperatures. Well, in this article you can find out whether you should wash your face with hot or cold water. Continue reading!

Is it possible to wash your face with cold water?

It is always better to use cold or warm water while washing your face. There is a lot of anecdotal evidence pointing to the benefits of washing your face with cold water, but there is limited research to prove if it has a significant impact.

While the pH level of the water is also important, you also need to check the temperature of the water you use to wash your face. Extreme water temperatures can have some adverse effects on the skin, such as drying or redness, and this makes regular use of such water harmful.

Now it's time for you to understand the benefits of washing your face with cold water. Keep scrolling.

Skin population

Even clean human skin harbors many bacteria. This is an established community with a formed population ratio, which feeds on particles of dead epidermis, sebum and keratin hair scales. The number of bacteria on one square centimeter of skin can reach several hundred thousand individuals. Most of them are in protected from light and damp places - in the armpits or interdigital folds. The natural microflora
of human skin is not just a harmless parasite.
Humans' own bacteria inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms on the skin and are involved in the processing of skin proteins, free fatty acids and sebum. There is evidence in favor of a connection between the normal state of skin microflora and immunity. Active antibacterial components contained in special cosmetics kill bacteria
and disrupt their balance on the skin.
Other, more dangerous guests take the place of the dead. For example, inflammation-causing fungi or pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, hygiene products with pronounced antibacterial properties are indicated only when absolutely necessary: ​​heavy sweating and the accompanying odor - a sign of excessive growth of bacteria. Save the “disinfecting” soap for traveling by train or going to the country. And when buying soap, carefully read its composition indicated on the label. If triclosan
, this soap is classified as antibacterial.

Benefits of washing your face with cold water

There are many benefits of washing your face with cold water. Most of these benefits apply to the surface level of the skin you wash with cold water, but the effect may differ from one skin type to another. If it does not lead to any problem on your skin, you can check how well you can tolerate the use of cold water on your skin.

Tightens pores

Some anecdotal evidence suggests that washing your face with cold water can shrink pores. It's worth trying to see if cold water can minimize the appearance of large open pores on your skin.

Reduces morning puffiness

Washing your face with cold water can feel good when you have a puffy face, especially around the cheeks. Cold water can help constrict blood flow under the skin.

Adds hydration

Washing your face with cold water can help retain essential moisture and hydration while reducing transepidermal water loss.

Reduces sebum production

Washing your face with cold water can help treat excessively oily or acne-prone skin by combating excess sebum production.

Reduces swelling and inflammation

Washing your face with cold water is said to be very beneficial for those who suffer from acne, as it can reduce the amount of swelling and inflammation, especially around areas that are susceptible to acne. However, there is no scientific evidence to support the same.

Prevents the formation of wrinkles

Washing your face with hot water is potentially linked to the formation of wrinkles. Therefore, it is better to use cool water for washing.

Now that you know the benefits of washing your face with cold water, let's talk about the ideal water temperature for your skin.

Preventing excess skin shine in summer

In the warm season, oily skin feels worse, since the heat contributes not only to more sebum production, but also to inflammation. If you adhere to certain rules, problems, as well as excess shine, can be avoided:

  • You should give up frequent use of decorative cosmetics, at least during the daytime;
  • Be sure to remove makeup at night;
  • in hot weather, you can use thermal water to keep your skin constantly moisturized;
  • you can carry out cleaning - scrubbing and peeling, but only gentle and no more than 2 times a week.

It is very important to supply the body with enough water, which will benefit the skin. You can drink purified water, but not carbonated water. It is also worth limiting the consumption of too spicy, fatty and salty foods.

What temperature of water should you use to wash your face?

It is believed that water at room temperature or below is ideal for washing. It's best to avoid extreme temperatures - either too hot or too cold - as this can damage your skin.

Washing your face with hot water can lead to dry, aging skin and the production of excess skin oils as your skin tries to compensate for the repeated removal of its natural oils. Very hot water (above 107°F) can also cause premature aging over time. However, there is no scientific evidence to support the same.

It's important to consider how often you wash your face during the day if you want to keep it healthy. Let's discuss this in the next section.

Harm of a contrast shower

Having decided to do a contrast shower, you should be aware that it can cause harm to the body if done incorrectly. It is important to use water with a temperature greater than 18 degrees, since lower temperatures can lead to hypothermia and can cause illness. You need to get used to the decrease in temperature gradually, since a cool shower is stressful for the body. If everything is done in accordance with the rules, a contrast shower will become an assistant in the fight against depression and old age.

We explained in detail what a contrast shower is, what its benefits are, what hardening techniques exist and contraindications. In many situations, this simple and accessible procedure will improve your health and lift your spirits. If you follow the rules, a contrast shower will strengthen your immune system, improve blood flow and improve your appearance.

How often should you wash your face?

Washing your face with water at least twice a day is a generally accepted norm, but you can wash your face only once. Rinsing with water alone may not be enough to get rid of dirt and product residue on your skin. To effectively cleanse your face, you may need to use some form of cleanser that can dissolve the dirt and oils that have accumulated there.

However, using too much cleanser on your skin or washing it too often can strip it of its natural oils, leading to dryness. Therefore, to balance things out, it is best to combine the use of water with a cleanser that is suitable for your specific skin type. Sometimes washing may become necessary, for example after heavy sweating.

Now let's talk about the potential downsides of using cold water on your face.

How can you tell if you have oily skin?

You can find out your skin type with a simple test. Take a napkin and apply it to your face (without makeup):

  • if the skin is dry, flakes of flaky dermis may remain on the napkin;
  • If you have oily skin, shiny spots will appear on the paper;
  • with a combination, the napkin will be partially covered with greasy stains.

And only with the normal type, which is extremely rare, will the napkin remain clean.

Oily skin can also be identified by its structure - it is looser, the relief and texture are uneven, and the complexion has a grayish tint. Often there are people who have rashes - comedones, acne.

Are there any disadvantages to washing your face with cold water?

  • Washing your skin with cold water can potentially be disadvantageous in several ways:
  • When you apply cold water to your face, your skin's pores may shrink in size. If these pores are clogged with bacteria and dirt before this process, washing your face with cold water can limit the path they can take to escape. As a result, they can remain trapped inside the skin and lead to acne.
  • Cold water may not be able to dissolve the oils on your face as effectively as warm water. This can lead to clogged pores and an increased incidence of acne.
  • For some people, cold water on the face can cause a sudden change in the appearance of the skin, making it redder or drier.

Here are some cons of using cold water to wash your face. However, if you're looking forward to using it anyway, here's a quick tip to avoid some of these drawbacks. You can use warm water to cleanse your face and then splash cold water on it. However, this is not a scientifically correct way to wash your face. You can just try it and see if it works for you.

The next section discusses some general tips for keeping your face clean.

How to properly take a contrast shower to harden the body?

In order to rejuvenate and strengthen your body, you need to carry out a contrast shower according to the rules, otherwise health problems cannot be avoided. Recommendations for performing these water procedures are as follows:

  • Morning application. This is not only practical, since after sleep a shower helps to cheer up and finally wake up, but it is also healthier. In the evening, a contrast shower may be contraindicated; in addition, doctors insist that it can only be used three hours before going to bed, and the final procedure must be dousing with water at 25-30 degrees.
  • Charger. Exercise helps warm up the body and prepare it for the procedure.
  • Calm state. You need to be mentally prepared for a contrast shower so that there is no negative reaction from the nervous system.

You need to douse yourself with water from top to bottom, and it is best to dry yourself with a hard towel. At first, you should not stand under running cold water; wiping is permissible.

Tips for keeping your face clean

If you want to keep your skin healthy, here are some tips you can follow:

  • Avoid using very hot or very cold water.
  • Carry out regular skin care procedures, cleansing, toning and moisturizing it.
  • Always use gentle cleansers specifically formulated for your skin type.
  • It is best not to use soap on your face because it can harm your skin's pH levels.
  • While facial scrubs are essential for exfoliating the outer layers of the skin, overusing them can irritate the skin and even damage the skin barrier. So, limit their use.
  • Avoid over-cleansing your face as this can lead to redness, dryness and irritation.

Care products

For regular procedures, you need to have a whole arsenal of cosmetics - therapeutic, preventive, supportive.


For care, formulations with a soft, light structure are suitable, without aggressive effects, so as not to provoke increased activity of the sebaceous glands. It is not recommended to wash your face with soap, even if it is antibacterial. This hygiene product can greatly disrupt the protective properties of the skin. Foams, gels, thermal and micellar water are suitable for washing. Several times a week you can use masks based on clay and other drying ingredients.

Among salon procedures, professional cosmetologists suggest using superficial chemical peeling based on salicylic or lactic acid to cleanse the skin. The procedure can be carried out once every six months. Also for oily dermis, manual and ultrasonic cleaning is suitable. Laser therapy will help get rid of acne and post-acne, restore the balance of tissue hydration. Laser resurfacing is designed for effective rejuvenation.


A mandatory step for any skin type. The toner should not contain alcohol, especially for combination skin types, as it dries out the skin greatly. In the summer, oily skin sweats more, which causes irritation and inflammation. Toning helps avoid this problem, improves blood circulation, and normalizes sebum production.


Since the secreted sebum is located on the surface of the dermis and clogs the pores, it does not allow sufficient moisture to enter the tissue. Therefore, moisturizing with products with a light structure is also an important stage of care.

You can use a composition with a matting effect and beneficial substances. The product will provide not only an optimal level of moisture in the cells, but also comfort for the whole day.


Such products should be of 2 types - daytime and nighttime. The cream with nutrients will ensure that the cells receive useful elements throughout the day. They may also contain medicinal components:

  • antibacterial;
  • calming;
  • softening;
  • whitening;
  • restorative;
  • absorbent.

For problem skin, corrective and anti-rosacea products are suitable that contain hyaluronic acid, panthenol, vitamins A, B, C, K. The forms of release of such compositions are emulsions, lotions, creams, and so on.

Can my skin become patchy if I wash my face with cold water?

If your skin is really sensitive, it may react negatively to very hot or very cold water. It is better to use water at room temperature to avoid this situation.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that cold water may be better for washing your face. If the water is scalding hot, it can cause many adverse effects on the skin. You should wash your face twice a day and after sweating heavily to prevent clogged pores. Also, maintain a daily skin care routine to keep your skin healthy.


Cold water comes in different temperatures. If it is close to room value or slightly lower, only a beneficial effect occurs. This is evidenced by the reviews of most people who use the method for daily washing.

When people begin washing their faces with extreme cold water or ice, they do not initially experience any adverse effects. To a lesser extent, oily shine is formed, the skin is tightened. But vascular spasm gradually appears, so areas of sagging and wrinkles form.

Numerous reviews about the use of hot water are only negative. It becomes easier for people to wash their face in the morning and they do not experience discomfort. But gradually the quality of the face deteriorates.

The best reviews can be seen about using a contrast shower and washing . The positive effect appears after 7-10 days. Most people notice increased elasticity and a healthy glow.

Do not dry

Avoid drying out your skin. The use of aggressive soap leads to disruption of its protective fat layer, which makes the skin dry and can cause peeling and cracking. In addition, dry skin is less elastic - it can stretch greatly without restoring its shape later. As a result, deep wrinkles form. Frequent use of alcohol-containing products also leads to excessive drying of the skin. After all, alcohol absorbs water very well - and not only from the air, but also from the skin. In addition, washing with very hot water
. It irritates the skin, actually causing a slight burn, and also dissolves and washes away more sebum.

Why wash your face in the morning?

You may ask, why wash your face in the morning if we did it at night? It turns out that cosmetic substances that we apply before bed can react to the sun's rays and cause skin burns. Glycolic acid and retinol, which are included in many evening care products, have this effect. In addition, night masks provide a sealing effect for the first nourishing components of the care, so that they do not evaporate quickly and act longer. Therefore, evening creams must be washed off in the morning.

Other arguments in favor of washing your face in the morning, even if you stay at home:

  • Bacteria live on bedding, which is especially abundant in feather pillows;
  • The home microclimate also contains pathogenic microorganisms, and sometimes mold, which is detrimental to facial skin.

Are you still in doubt whether to wash your face in the morning or not?

Old age will come much faster

Our skin, called the epidermis, accumulates particles of dirt, exhaust fumes, ordinary dust and products that inevitably float in the air near industrial areas. Even if you don't leave the house, you cook, smoke or clean. Steam, cigarette smoke and dust settle on the skin. If you live in a metropolis, near a highway or in an industrial area, your skin suffers several times more. Production products are released into the atmosphere and enter the open windows of houses.

Industrial and household dust provokes degeneration of the epithelium (surface cells of the skin) and connective tissue called the extracellular matrix. Such pathological changes lead to structural and external deterioration of the dermis. As a result of such a destructive effect, which we physically do not feel at all, pigment spots appear on the skin, it loses elasticity and dullness, but acquires dryness, yellowness and premature wrinkles. You won’t be able to perfectly cleanse your face with regular micellar water, don’t even dream about it!

To remove urban and industrial dust from the skin, sometimes even triple cleansing is required. Our face especially suffers in the summer, when it’s hot outside, we sweat, and the dust settles more intensely. Warmed skin opens the pores, from which sebaceous secretions are released. Mixing with dust and cosmetics, this secret tightly closes the pores through which the dermis breathes.

Why do you need to cleanse your face at night?

When you wash your face before bed, you not only cleanse the skin, but increase blood supply to the epidermis and trigger metabolic processes, that is, cell renewal. Pay attention to Asian women, whose age is very difficult to determine, since the skin of the faces of twenty-year-old and fifty-year-old women looks almost the same.

All this is because Korean women pay great attention to washing their face. Hygienic procedures with water, foam and gel not only cleanse the skin, but also make it softer, so that cosmetics are absorbed better and have a greater effect.

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