Is it worth using salicylic-zinc paste against acne?

Salicylic-zinc paste, also known as Lassara paste, is a budget-friendly remedy for the treatment of acne. The two-component drug gives the first positive results just a few weeks after regular use. The paste is used both in its pure form and as part of acne masks.

  • 2 Methods of application

    2.1 Contraindications and possible harm

  • 3 Elena Malysheva about the treatment of acne - video
  • 4 Reviews about the product
  • The role of salicylic acid in salicylic-zinc paste

    Salicylic acid is an anti-inflammatory substance of plant origin. The use of salicylic acid against acne is due to its pronounced anti-inflammatory properties. The list of beneficial effects on acne includes:

    • antiseptic properties;
    • local irritant activity;
    • keratolytic properties.

    Keratolytic properties are the ability to cause active exfoliation of the top layer of skin cells. Inflamed skin with an abundance of acne needs such renewal.

    The negative aspects of using salicylic acid include its aggressive effect on the skin. Its use in people with sensitive skin is undesirable. It causes excessive dryness and flaking of the skin.

    Operating principle

    Lassara paste is an excellent antiseptic and prevents the spread of infection. But the main advantage of the medicine is that salicylic-zinc ointment saves from the smell of sweat and other manifestations of hyperhidrosis. The result is noticeable after the first use. The process of excessive sweating decreases in 3-4 days, and the unpleasant “aroma” disappears in the first day.

    Another version of the same composition.

    This effect is achieved thanks to the main components of the product:

    Salicylic acidAnti-inflammatory, disinfectant, drying, antibacterial. Reduces the secretory abilities of the sweat glands.
    Zinc oxideDisinfectant, regenerating, antimicrobial, drying and absorbent.
    StarchAbsorbs moisture perfectly. Gives the product thickness, which reduces the likelihood of the medication entering the bloodstream, increasing its safety for the body.

    In pharmacies you can find ointment with a variety of additives - essential oils and other beneficial substances. Thus, sulfur in the composition increases the antimicrobial qualities of the drug. Tar improves the disinfectant properties of the paste.

    Using this medicine you can achieve the following results:

    • disappearance of the smell of sweat;
    • reducing the amount of moisture released;
    • strengthening the elasticity of the skin;
    • stopping the inflammatory process;
    • relieving irritation;
    • drying the skin.

    According to doctors' reviews, salicylic-zinc ointment, although it does not affect the very cause of hyperhidrosis, successfully fights the unpleasant symptoms of the disease - a nasty odor, an abundance of moisture, irritation, and the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

    Before using the paste, consult a dermatologist. If the cause of excessive moisture in the feet is a fungal infection, Lassara paste is unlikely to help. Stronger drugs are needed. But it will relieve hyperhidrosis caused by nervous excitement or physical activity.

    On a note . Salicylic-zinc ointment in combination with other drugs does not reduce the therapeutic properties. But it cannot be used together with cosmetics and antiperspirants. Drinking alcohol does not affect the treatment process with this drug. However, alcoholic drinks reduce the rate of skin regeneration - it is better to avoid them during therapy.

    The role of zinc in the composition of salicylic-zinc paste

    Zinc is part of the essential elements of our body. Its deficiency leads to disruption of metabolic processes, growth and development of both children and adults. Scientific studies have shown that people suffering from acne are mostly deficient in zinc, which provokes the development of skin pathologies, including acne.

    Therefore, zinc, as well as creams and ointments based on it, are widely used in the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases.

    Clinical studies have shown that zinc:

    • enhances the production of inflammatory mediators;
    • promotes accelerated wound healing;
    • has an antiandrogenic effect - suppresses excess sebum production;
    • has antibacterial properties;
    • capable of enhancing re-epithelialization;
    • used in creams to prevent skin aging due to its regenerative properties;
    • has photoprotective properties.

    Salicylic-zinc tandem

    Salicylic-zinc paste is a viscous, thick ointment based on white petrolatum, containing zinc oxide in a 25% concentration.

    Are there any advantages to the salicylic-zinc tandem? Dermatological studies indicate the undoubted benefits of using zinc and salicylic acid against acne separately.

    However, in the composition of the paste, these ingredients may no longer act as a united front against acne. Moreover, salicylic-zinc paste is prepared on a fat basis and can potentially lead to blockage of the sebaceous glands and increase the severity of inflammatory processes.

    Salicylic-zinc paste is recommended to be applied to the affected skin surface 1-2 times a day.

    Simple instructions for use

    Before using the medication for the first time, check the body’s reaction to the active ingredients: apply the ointment to a small area of ​​skin. After 20 minutes, inspect the treated area. If skin irritation or discomfort occurs, rinse off the ointment thoroughly and choose another medication with a similar effect.

    An example of using the product on the armpit area.

    The course of treatment for hyperhidrosis under the arms or excessive sweating of the palms and soles is two weeks.

    The procedure for applying the ointment is not difficult:

    1. Take a shower, wash areas of excessive sweating with soap, and shave your armpit and groin hair.
    2. Apply a thin layer of ointment to dry skin.
    3. After five minutes, put on a cotton T-shirt.

    Do the procedure twice a day - morning and evening. The very first use will bring relief: sweating will decrease, the unpleasant “aroma” will disappear.

    You can enhance the effect of the drug by mixing the paste with 2-3 drops of essential oil. Tea tree, bergamot, cypress, lavender, and fir oils are suitable.

    At the end of treatment, the ointment is used as a means of prevention. It is applied using the same method, but not daily, but twice a week before bedtime. In difficult situations, the greatest effect can be achieved by simultaneously using several methods to combat excess sweating. A comprehensive treatment must be prescribed by a doctor.

    Why salicylic-zinc paste is ineffective

    Why do such effective anti-acne substances - zinc and salicylic acid - lose their effectiveness in the paste? After all, the use of zinc in dermatology is practically a panacea for a number of skin diseases. And salicylic acid in moderate doses has also proven effective against acne.

    There are several reasons for this: the presence of petroleum jelly and inactive zinc oxide in the paste.

    Vaseline in salicylic-zinc paste

    Salicylic-zinc paste contains 48% petrolatum, being, in fact, a very fatty ointment. What will happen if the pores already clogged with sebaceous secretions are covered with another greasy layer? There is a high probability that the skin condition will worsen and the number of acne will increase.

    In addition, Vaseline in the paste prevents the penetration of active substances into the skin, creating a fatty film on the surface.

    Useless zinc oxide

    Zinc oxide in the composition of salicylic-zinc paste cannot penetrate the skin due to its insolubility. It is a crystalline powder, which, however, is capable of reducing exudation phenomena.

    Zinc oxide in the composition of salicylic-zinc paste cannot:

    • dissociate into active ions that can reduce inflammatory mediators;
    • integrate into the damaged follicle and reduce the production of secretions by the sebaceous glands.

    Thus, salicylic-zinc paste is an ineffective remedy against acne.

    Active zinc compounds

    Zinc acetate, hyaluronate, and sulfate are effective analogs of zinc oxide that exhibit all of their anti-inflammatory properties in the fight against acne. On their basis, Zinerit, Curiosin and Zincteral tablets are prepared.

    Reviews and recommendations


    19 years old, Tula

    This is not to say that I have a lot of acne. But 1-2 are constantly present on the face. This is where salicylic-zinc paste comes to my aid. My result is that if the pimple has not yet matured, then when using the paste it will not come to that point, it will simply disappear. But the process is long - it takes almost a week. It took me about the same amount of time to remove the results from the squeezed out blackhead.


    27 years old, Kyiv

    I use salicylic-zinc paste only to heal “battle wounds” after squeezing out pimples. Dries well. I tried applying it to a ripe pimple - to no avail. After cleansing your face, it is generally contraindicated to apply it - it clogs the pores too much. By the time the skin calms down, the pores will be unsightly again.


    25 years old, Murmansk

    Salicylic-zinc paste has always been in the home medicine cabinet. I have had unhealthy skin since I was a teenager. Following my mother’s advice, I tried to clear up the rashes with this ointment. And I never saw any meaningful results. I think that this remedy will definitely not cope with a hormonal storm. You can try to treat isolated acne, but you should not apply it to large areas.


    27 years old, Chelyabinsk

    The advantage of salicylic-zinc paste is its low price. But its efficiency is correspondingly low. But in my case, it has the opposite effect. I have combination skin, so a few days after I started using it, my acne appeared more.


    Salicylic-zinc paste is an over-the-counter drug that, due to its low price, has long been used for self-treatment of acne. However, there are limitations and contraindications to its use. Namely:

    • pregnancy;
    • lactation;
    • children under 12 years of age;
    • individual intolerance to components.

    Salicylic-zinc paste shows little effectiveness in the treatment of acne. Zinc ointment and zinc paste, which contain zinc oxide, have the same properties.

    The low effectiveness of the product is also explained by the fact that the paste can only affect superficial rashes. The roots of acne lie much deeper - these can be systemic and endocrine disorders, an unbalanced diet and even stressful situations. Therefore, first of all, when dealing with skin rashes, it is necessary to find out the origins of the disease.

    In fact, no remedy helps against acne as much as consulting a cosmetologist. Be healthy!

    Cautions and contraindications

    It must be remembered that Lassara paste as a remedy for excessive sweating is used only during therapy. It should not be used constantly. Salicylic-zinc ointment is not recommended for people with poor blood clotting, anemia or kidney disease, or intolerance to the components of the drug.

    When carrying a child and breastfeeding, in childhood, Lassara paste is used carefully, and only with the permission of a doctor.

    If you are allergic to the components of a pharmaceutical product or with its prolonged use, side effects such as:

    • noise in ears;
    • headache;
    • itching;
    • skin rashes,
    • dryness, peeling and redness of the skin.

    One of the negative reactions to the ointment may be urticaria with the appearance of itchy pinkish blisters on the skin.

    If such manifestations occur, then use of the product should be discontinued. In case of such a reaction, the applied ointment is washed off with lukewarm water.

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