Chinese remedy for skin diseases “King of Skin”

One of the most developed industries in China is medicine in general and pharmaceuticals in particular. The development of natural medicines has especially advanced. Chinese pharmacists offer the world market a number of effective drugs for external use, including natural ointment for psoriasis. “King of the Skin”, also known as “King of the Skin”, is an effective remedy for external use, which has proven itself in the fight against the manifestations of psoriasis. The product is popular among Chinese citizens and among the European population. The ointment is effective against such manifestations of the disease as rashes and dryness, itching and irritation. The main advantages of the product are naturalness and effectiveness.

Features of the drug

The consistency of the medication is uniform. It consists of ingredients of natural origin, which reduces the risk of unwanted side effects when using the medication.

Skin King ointment for psoriasis consists of the following ingredients:

  • clobetasol propionate;
  • ketoconazole;
  • neomycin sulfate;
  • sandalwood;
  • turmeric;
  • fine basil;
  • yastimādhu.

Clobetasol propionate

This ingredient is a glucocorticosteroid. Its mechanism of action is aimed at eliminating inflammatory processes that arise as a result of a reduction in collagen synthesis and vasoconstriction in the skin. This substance can have antiallergic and antipruritic effects. It is clobetasol propionate that helps get rid of such unpleasant symptoms as itching and hyperemia. When using a product such as “Skin King” ointment, the active substances of the drug can be absorbed into the systemic bloodstream. In this regard, its use must be extremely careful. After all, an overdose of glucocorticosteroids is quite dangerous.

Main components of the drug

Clobetasol propionate belongs to the glucocorticosteroids. This substance helps eliminate the inflammatory process. It has a pronounced antihistamine effect. This substance helps reduce skin itching.

Ketoconazole has a fungicidal and antifungal effect. This substance disrupts the process of biological synthesis of phospholipids and triglycerides.

As a result, the strength of the cell membranes of harmful bacteria decreases. Ketoconazole allows you to neutralize the activity of dermatophytes, staphylococcus, and mold fungi.

Neomycin sulfate has antibacterial properties. It is effective in the treatment of various skin pathologies.


This substance is capable of producing fungicidal, fungistatic, antifungal and antiandrogenic effects. It exhibits particular activity against molds, dermatophytes, staphylococcal rashes, pathogens of systemic mycoses, yeast-like fungi and gram-positive cocci. The effect of this component is due to the ability to disrupt the biosynthesis of ergosterol, triglycerides and phospholipids necessary for the formation of cell membranes of fungi.

Natural ingredients present in the medicine

Kapur kachari is considered to be an effective antiseptic of natural origin. It helps moisturize the skin and relieves redness.

Sandalwood contained in the Chinese ointment “King of Skin” helps improve the functions of the sebaceous glands. It is known for its analgesic, tonic and antimicrobial properties.

Fine basil has an antiseptic effect. It helps moisturize the skin and eliminate irritation.

Turmeric is enriched with a large number of useful substances. The medicinal plant acts as a natural antioxidant.

Yastimadhu is as effective as steroid hormones. This component of the “Skin King” ointment has a wound-healing and softening effect.

Neem helps eliminate flaking. It is characterized by antibacterial properties and helps improve local immunity.

Benefits of sandalwood

Sandalwood helps eliminate redness. The medicinal plant contains substances that increase the rate of metabolic processes in the body. Sandalwood can have a slight cooling effect.


The main active ingredients that make up the “King of Skin” cream:

1. Ketoconazole . This substance has fungicidal, antifungal, fungistatic effects. The effectiveness of the product in the fight against fungi of the genus Cryptococcus and Candida, Torulopsis and Pityrosporum has been proven. It is used to treat dermatophytes and staphylococci, mycoses and gram-positive cocci. As part of a cream for psoriasis, this component is involved in blocking the production of components that are needed for the synthesis of fungal cells.

2. Neomycin sulfate . It has high antibacterial and disinfecting properties. It is used in the treatment of psoriasis and other dermatological diseases of the infectious-inflammatory type that have developed against the background of sensitive microflora. The effectiveness of the component against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria has been proven.

3. Clobetasol propionate . The ingredient is a glucocorticosteroid. As part of an ointment for psoriasis, it is used as an anti-inflammatory, antipruritic substance. This component is involved in blocking histamine receptors, released from cells of the immune system and causing negative processes in the body during an allergic reaction. Psoriasis cream with the active ingredient clobetasol should be used very carefully, especially on large areas of the skin. Clobetasol is a hormonal substance. If it enters the bloodstream in excess, it can affect some body functions.

4. Sandalwood . This is a substance of plant origin, which has antibacterial and analgesic, tonic and anti-inflammatory effects. “King of Skin” also contains a sandalwood component, which is responsible for relieving inflammation and redness of the skin. The epidermis, under the influence of sandalwood, itches less and is disinfected, which promotes rapid cell regeneration and restoration of the integrity of the skin. Such components improve metabolic processes, help cleanse the skin and moisturize it, prevent flaking and stabilize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The beneficial effects of sandalwood on the immune and nervous systems have also been noted. Sandalwood oils have a calming effect, help cope with insomnia and depression, and stabilize the heart rate.

5. Tulasi . The more common name for this plant is common basil. The substances in its composition have powerful antiseptic and antibacterial properties. These characteristics are distinguished by the substance eugenol and other components found in basil oil. The juice of tulsi stems and leaves contains ingredients with high regenerating properties. In psoriasis cream, these substances are responsible for moisturizing, disinfecting, and regenerating the skin. Basil essential oils have a beneficial effect on the nervous, immune, and cardiovascular systems, and help relieve fatigue and irritation.

6. Kapoor Kachari . The plant is rich in antibiotic, antiseptic, moisturizing and regenerating components. In folk medicine, it is widely used to treat dermatological diseases. The substances it contains stimulate metabolic and regenerative processes, disinfect and restore the skin. Kapur kachari relieves irritation, dryness and itching well.

7. Turmeric . This is not only a spicy plant, but also a good antioxidant, disinfectant and disinfectant component of many creams and ointments. The substances stored in turmeric, which are used in the manufacture of the “Skin King” ointment, stimulate metabolic processes, destroy toxic compounds and promote their removal from the body. In addition, turmeric nourishes the skin well with vitamins and minerals, in particular potassium and iodine, vitamins B and C.

8. Yastimadhu . The plant is better known by its name, licorice glabra. The content of the components of this plant in the Chinese ointment is due to their worthy anti-inflammatory characteristics. In their structure and effects, these substances are close to the group of steroid hormones. In their natural state, they are produced by the body and participate in the elimination of inflammatory processes; they are produced in the adrenal glands. As part of a psoriasis cream, these substances have an effect similar to glucocorticosteroids. Licorice extract has restorative and regenerating properties, has a softening and antihistamine effect. In addition, it is an anti-allergenic component, which stimulates the strengthening of the immune system and has a calming effect on the nervous system.

9. Melia persica or neem. This is a strong antiseptic herbal component that tones the skin, relieves itching and irritation. It significantly stimulates the functioning of local immunity, promotes the cleaning and disinfection of tissues, rapid cell regeneration and wound healing. The effectiveness of neem components in ointments for psoriasis has been proven.

10. Talc . This is a well-known mineral widely used in modern cosmetology and medicine. It copes well with irritation, inflammation, and redness of the skin.

Patient reviews

Patients note a positive effect from therapy with Chinese ointment. Relief of the condition and minimization of the consequences of the disease occurs as a result of prolonged use of the product. The skin gradually clears of psoriasis crust, becomes softer, and the feeling of skin tightness disappears. The product is effective against young scaly formations and white spots from old scales. By softening the skin, it is possible to prevent cracking, which creates a lot of unpleasant painful sensations.

The composition of “Skin King” is natural and will contain a small percentage of the hormone, which makes its use safe. The price of ointment in the pharmacy chain is somewhat high, so it is better to order it directly on the manufacturer’s website. It’s better to buy a package of ointment right away, as it sells out quickly, and you can’t get the product in every pharmacy.

The use of “Skin King” ointment can become the main or auxiliary therapy for psoriasis, fungal diseases, and eczema. With long-term regular use and following the instructions, the product will relieve the unpleasant symptoms of skin diseases. It is effective against itching, dryness, cracks, and redness. After treatment with the drug, the skin is cleared of plaques and scales, the skin softens and regenerates. After three weeks of using Chinese ointment, you can return your skin to a healthy, well-groomed appearance and get rid of the unpleasant manifestations of psoriasis.

Ointment for psoriasis “Skin King”

Description and dosage form of the drug

“King of Skin” has a creamy consistency and uniform texture. It is a white, odorless mass. It is made exclusively from natural raw materials. The composition is effective against fungal and allergic diseases. It is involved in the fight against external manifestations of the disease, such as dryness and rashes, itching and irritation. The drug has an antibacterial, antifungal, wound-healing spectrum of action.

It is produced in red jars. The product is additionally covered with foil. Jars of the drug are transported in cardboard packaging.

Ointment for psoriasis “Skin King”

Positive effect of "King of Skin"

Medicine against psoriasis helps slow down the process of epidermal cell division and prevents the addition of a secondary infection. The drug helps improve blood circulation and eliminates the feeling of tightness. Ointment “King of Skin” is able to saturate the epidermis with nutrients.

The patient's condition improves gradually:

  • after 3-5 days, irritation disappears, peeling decreases;
  • after 12-14 days, the number of psoriatic plaques present on the body is noticeably reduced;
  • after 15-20 days, small plaques completely disappear, and the skin structure improves.

Operating principle

The main effect of the Royal Chinese ointment is determined by clobetasol and ketoconazole, and the auxiliary effect is due to natural ingredients. The drug provides:

  • Pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Clobetasol and some natural substances (licorice root, sandalwood) inhibit the enzyme phospholipase, which in turn inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins. It is these substances that cause the main manifestations of eczema and psoriasis - itching, burning, pain, redness and swelling. Relieving these symptoms can significantly improve the quality of life of patients with eczema.
  • Antihistamine action. Histamine causes itching and swelling. The King of the skin reduces the amount of this substance in the tissues.
  • Nourishing effect. Natural components contain vitamins and various compounds that deeply nourish and moisturize the skin, promote gentle healing of erosions and wounds.
  • Antiseptic effect. The drug has an effect on opportunistic organisms, which reduces the likelihood of infection of the lesions.

The product promotes faster healing of the epidermis, effectively cleanses and tones the skin.

Effect of ointment for psoriasis and other skin diseases:

  • softens psoriatic plaques
    , facilitates their removal;
  • suppresses

    the accelerated division of epidermal cells
    and peeling (hyperkeratosis) characteristic of psoriasis
  • reduces itching, dryness, softens the skin, removes the feeling of “tightness”;
  • has a bactericidal effect, prevents secondary skin infection;
  • inhibits inflammatory processes in the skin;
  • the antifungal effect allows the cream to be used for dermatomycosis;
  • cools the skin and quickly reduces pain;
  • activates the circulation of blood, lymph and tissue fluid, reduces tissue swelling;
  • has a mild tonic effect on the skin and improves its trophism.

Side effects

Improper use of the drug can lead to negative consequences, so before use you should consult your doctor and make sure there are no contraindications.

Possible adverse reactions:

  • Intolerance to the drug - burning, itching, dry skin, swelling.
  • Long-term use leads to atrophy of epidermal tissues, pigmentation disorders, subcutaneous hemorrhages.
  • Systemic pathologies - gastritis, gastric bleeding, Itsenko-Cushing syndrome.

It is precisely because of possible severe adverse reactions that the drug should be used carefully, following the rules and recommendations of a dermatologist.

Scheme for using medicinal ointment

The scheme for using the drug is as follows:

  1. The affected area of ​​the body is washed with sufficient warm water.
  2. “King of Skin” is applied to the body in a thin layer. The frequency of use of the product varies from one to two times a day.
  3. After applying the ointment, hands should be washed with soap.

When using the product, avoid getting the medication into your eyes. Treatment should be continued for 14-28 days. To consolidate the results obtained, it is recommended to use the ointment for another five days after the disappearance of the main symptoms of psoriasis.

Mode of application

Psoriasis ointment is applied to previously cleansed affected areas of the skin. The method of using the ointment is as follows:

• the skin is washed or wiped with water at room temperature; • hands must be thoroughly washed, disinfected and dried before the procedure; • the ointment composition is applied in a thin layer; • you need to apply the cream at least 1, maximum 2 times a day. The number of applications depends on the complexity of the disease and the size of the affected area; • after applying the composition, hands should be washed with soap; • avoid getting the ointment on the mucous membrane, especially the eyes; • you should monitor the body's reaction to the drug; if there is a rash or other allergic reaction of the body to certain substances, you should immediately stop using the ointment.

As practice shows, it is possible to get rid of the manifestations of psoriasis thanks to the “King of Skin” composition in 10-14 days. In particularly difficult cases, the course of treatment is extended to 21-25 days. The ointment should be applied regularly at least once a day for several days after the symptoms of the disease disappear.

Efficiency and effectiveness of treatment

During the experiment, it was possible to prove the high effectiveness of treating psoriasis and other skin diseases (allergic and fungal types) with the “King of Skin” cream.


1. Complete relief from psoriasis symptoms in 93% of patients; 2. Improved dynamics in the remaining 7% of patients.

When undergoing three-week therapy, the following picture is observed:

• first stage – disappearance of itching, roughness and redness after the first 4 days of treatment; • second stage – reduction in the number of psoriasis plaques and the affected area, improving the appearance of the skin in the affected areas. Such improvements occur after two weeks of therapy; • third stage - cleansing the skin of rashes and plaques, cell regeneration after a 15-18 day course; • fourth stage – restoration of the integrity of the skin, returning it to a healthy state. This recovery occurs after a full 19-25 day course of therapy.

How does the “King of Skin” affect the disease?

This ointment helps cure psoriasis due to its complex effect. The following measures to influence the disease and its manifestations are noted:

• softening of scaly formations, facilitating the removal of psoriatic plaques; • preventing the rapid spread of psoriasis throughout the skin by inhibiting the production of pathogenic cells of the upper layer of skin; • bactericidal effect, disinfection of cells and relief of inflammation; • cooling and softening effect, eliminating itching and flaking; • restoration of skin integrity, cell regeneration and healing of wounds; • improving local blood circulation, establishing metabolic processes and nourishing the skin with nutritional components; • disinfectant effect, when the ointment is applied to the affected areas of the skin, it is possible to prevent the spread of infection to a healthy body; • prevention of complications of the disease, its transformation into more severe forms; • saturation of the skin with components and minerals necessary for the rapid restoration of the skin.

Doctors' opinion

Many dermatologists agree that the product is quite effective in the treatment of psoriasis. Despite some pretentiousness of the name, which causes a certain mistrust among patients, most dermatologists consider Chinese ointment one of the best today. They claim that the inclusion of the drug in complex therapy helps to noticeably reduce the severity of itching and inflammation, reducing the number of psoriatic rashes and plaques.

On many sites you can find reviews of pseudo-specialists who write about the possibility of permanently curing psoriasis with the help of this drug. In the meantime, it is known that no radical solution to the problem has yet been developed. All medications and physical therapy methods used are aimed at alleviating the symptoms of the disease. You should not trust reports that the ointment is 100% natural and contains no hormones. As already mentioned, clobetasol, which is part of the drug, is a glucocorticosteroid. The positive point is the small dosage of this component.

Doctors' reviews about Skin King cream

The dermatological community agrees that Chinese ointment is one of the most effective remedies for psoriasis today. They recommend the composition as a means of reducing negative consequences such as itching, roughness, and inflammation. All medications, including Chinese ointment, are drugs whose action is aimed at alleviating symptoms and minimizing areas affected by psoriasis.

A remedy capable of completely curing the disease has not yet been found, and “King of Skin” is not a panacea, but only a temporary remedy that eliminates unpleasant consequences. Experts also recommend keeping in mind that the drug is not 100% natural, since it contains a substance from the group of glucocorticosteroids. The manufacturer does not provide data on the compatibility of the ointment with other drugs, but doctors strongly recommend avoiding the simultaneous use of the cream with hormonal medications. Before starting therapy, you should consult your doctor about the feasibility, safety, and duration of use of this drug.

In what situations is the use of the drug contraindicated?

The use of the product should be avoided while expecting a baby and breastfeeding. The use of the medicine is prohibited in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the medicine.

The drug is contraindicated in the presence of the following contraindications:

  • severe liver pathologies;
  • perioral dermatitis;
  • the patient has herpes simplex, chicken pox, or rosacea.

"Skin King" is not recommended for use in the treatment of infants (under one year of age).

Benefits of the medicine

The main advantages of the drug include:

  • effectiveness, which has been confirmed by a number of clinical studies;
  • the possibility of using the product at any stage of psoriasis;
  • low concentration of the hormone in the product;
  • no greasy marks on clothes after using the medication;
  • the drug is recommended for use by the World Association of Dermatologists.

When to use

Chinese ointment is used for many skin diseases. The product can be used to treat:

  • psoriasis;
  • mycoses of skin and nails;
  • eczema;
  • seborrheic dermatitis;

This ointment can also be used for eczema

  • cutaneous leishmaniasis;
  • fungal sepsis;
  • acne;
  • herpes;
  • mycosis, which is a consequence of disorders in the immune system.

Before applying the drug, you need to familiarize yourself with any possible contraindications. Not everyone can use the medication.

Indications for use

Chinese ointment Skin King is effective against:

  1. Psoriasis of varying severity;
  2. Eczema of various etiologies;
  3. Skin and nail fungal diseases, especially against candidal paronychia, onychomycosis, dermaphytosis, folliculitis and trichophytosis;
  4. Fungal sepsis;
  5. Seborrheic dermatitis;
  6. Cutaneous leishmaniasis;
  7. Acne;
  8. Mycosis, manifested against the background of a weakening of the body’s protective abilities;
  9. Herpes

What undesirable effects are observed when using the medication?

The topical ointment contains a relatively small amount of ketoconazole. The drug does not have a negative effect on hormonal levels. At the same time, “Skin King” should be used with caution when applied to large areas of the body.

If the recommended dosage of the ointment is exceeded, the risk of Cushing's syndrome increases. In rare cases, the following side effects are observed:

  • formation of stretch marks;
  • the appearance of a feeling of dryness;
  • itching;
  • the occurrence of a burning sensation;
  • allergic rash.

Side effects

During the study of the ointment, it was not possible to identify any side effects on the body of the subjects. However, it is necessary to use the composition with special care to people suffering from various allergic reactions. Individual intolerance to a certain plant component may occur. It is necessary to monitor the body's reaction to the substance ketocanazole, especially if large areas of skin are treated with the ointment. The substance is absorbed into the bloodstream, so it can negatively affect the general condition of the body. Psoriasis should be treated carefully and with caution in patients under 12 years of age.

If precautions and instructions for use are not followed, when applying the ointment to large areas of the skin or covering the affected areas with a thick layer of skin, the following negative consequences may occur:

• burning sensation in areas affected by psoriasis; • formation of stretch marks; • telangiectasia; • decrease in local immunity, loss of protective properties of the skin; • increased sensitivity of the body; • death of skin cells; • transformation of psoriasis into the pustular stage; • changes in skin pigmentation, formation of spots.

Release form

The preparation takes place directly in China. After purchase, the medicinal product should be stored in a dry, dark place. The shelf life of the drug is 2 years. The ointment is produced in the form of a homogeneous white cream with a light texture and pleasant odor. The drug goes on sale in a grayish cardboard box, inside the box is a plastic jar of ointment. The jar has a screw-on lid and the neck is covered with a protective layer of foil. Product weight is 7 g, weight with packaging is about 21 g.

How to use

  1. Before applying “Skin King” ointment, the affected area should be rinsed with cool or warm water.

  2. In accordance with the instructions, the product is applied in a thin layer to the skin 1 or 2 times a day.
  3. Wash your hands thoroughly. Do not allow the drug to get into your eyes.

Treatment is continued until the rashes and plaques disappear completely. As a rule, 10-25 days are enough for this. To get the best result, dermatologists recommend continuing to use the cream for another 3-5 days after the symptoms have resolved.

Other effective medications for psoriasis

When treating the disease, drugs that have an antibacterial and disinfectant effect are used. Medicines that contain birch tar and other natural ingredients are popular for psoriasis. They have anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effects.


The drug is used in the complex therapy of pyoderma and fungal dermatological diseases. "Berestin" helps eliminate the symptoms of the diseases listed below:

  • psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • alopecia;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • seborrhea.

The drug is contraindicated in the presence of severe diseases of the kidneys, pancreas, and liver. "Berestin" should not be used in the presence of skin diseases in the acute stage. The use of the medicine should be avoided while expecting a baby and breastfeeding, hypersensitivity to the components of the medicine. Caution should be exercised when using the medicine if there is a pronounced tendency to folliculitis or increased skin sensitivity.

How to increase the effectiveness of the “King of Skin” through proper nutrition?

If you have psoriasis, your diet should include the following foods:

  • cereal dishes;
  • fresh fruits;
  • fermented milk products;
  • honey;
  • boiled or baked vegetables.

It is recommended to exclude citrus fruits, legumes, chocolate products, and baked goods from the diet. A woman should avoid drinking alcohol, strong coffee, and sweet carbonated water.


You should avoid using psoriasis cream in the following cases:

• the presence of sensitivity of the body to the hormonal substance ketocanazole; • hypersensitivity, general intolerance to individual components of the drug; • liver diseases at the acute stage; • acne at the stage of formation and puberty; • perioral type of dermatitis; • infancy, in the first year of life the drug is contraindicated; • pregnancy; • lactation period; • presence of rosacea.

Side effects

Based on reviews from patients who used the “Skin King” ointment, it can be argued that the product does not lead to undesirable consequences.

However, it must be borne in mind that the reaction to Chinese-made drugs is largely determined by the individual characteristics of a person and can have different effects on different organisms.

The content of the hormone ketoconazole in the “Skin King” cream is insignificant, therefore, as a rule, there is no negative effect on hormonal levels. However, experts recommend caution when applying the product to large areas of skin and when treating children under 12 years of age. Ketoconazole negatively affects the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system and increases the likelihood of developing Cushing's syndrome. Large doses of Ketoconazole can also provoke a delay in the child’s growth rate, weight gain, and the formation of stretch marks.

The development of side effects is not excluded in case of non-compliance with instructions, exceeding the duration of therapy, as well as when using counterfeit products. In these cases the following are possible:

  • increased dryness and itching of skin;
  • burning;
  • striae;
  • pigmentation disorder;
  • allergy;
  • skin atrophy;
  • telangiectasia;
  • decreased skin barrier function;
  • development of the pustular type of psoriasis.

Folk remedies used internally

During treatment with “Skin King” ointment, you can also use products intended for internal use.

  1. You need to take sage and chamomile (in equal proportions). 10 grams of medicinal mixture are poured into 200 ml of boiling water. The resulting mixture is infused for 50 minutes and filtered. The finished product is taken 50 ml three times a day. The average duration of the treatment course is 14 days.
  2. You can also prepare an infusion of celandine for internal use. The product contains the following components: 5 grams of celandine herb, 10 grams of mint and blackberry leaves. 10 grams of the medicinal mixture is poured into 250 ml of boiling water. The product is infused for 30 minutes, filtered. Take 10 ml of infusion three times a day. The product should not be used if you are hypersensitive to its components. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should avoid using celandine. The corresponding drugs are contraindicated in the presence of severe pathologies of the heart and lungs.

Several real reviews

Ointment “King of Skin” has earned a lot of positive reviews. The natural ingredients present in the medicine help quickly eliminate irritation, which is especially important for psoriasis.

I used the ointment to treat psoriasis on the scalp. I rubbed the medicine into my hair for 14 days. As a result, the plaques noticeably decreased in size, and I forgot about the painful itching. Now I periodically use “Skin King” to prevent exacerbation of psoriasis.

Anna, 30 years old. Unfortunately, I was not able to verify the beneficial properties of the ointment from my own experience. I ordered the product via the Internet. After the first application, severe irritation appeared on the body. Perhaps they sent me a low quality fake. But I still had a negative impression about the “King of Skin” cream. I'll go to the doctor soon. I hope he will help me choose an effective drug to help get rid of severe itching.

Alla Sergeevna, 52 years old. “Skin King” is used by my father, who suffers from psoriasis. He has a very good opinion of the drug. I recently decided to try Skin King to get rid of my acne. I am very pleased with the drug. After just three days, the number of acne had decreased significantly. So, “King of Skin” is rightfully considered a multifunctional product!


  1. Efficiency has been proven in clinical trials on patients;
  2. Can be used at any stage of psoriasis or other severe skin disease;
  3. Low hormone content;
  4. Does not affect the production of natural human hormones and does not suppress the immune system;
  5. There is no need to comply with special application requirements;
  6. Absorbs quickly and does not damage clothes;
  7. Pleasant smell that has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  8. Has all the necessary certificates;
  9. Recommended by dermatologists in the worldwide association.

Advantages of Chinese psoriasis cream

The list of advantages of the drug is quite long:

1. High effectiveness, which has been proven by clinical studies; 2. High efficiency, confirmed by patient reviews; 3. Safety of use. There was no recorded negative reaction of patients’ bodies to the natural composition of the medicine; 4. No negative impact on the local immune system (skin protective abilities); 5. Low percentage of hormonal substances; 6. The possibility of using ointment to treat any form and stage of the disease; 7. No pungent odor, the composition has a light herbal aroma; 8. The substance is quickly absorbed into the skin and does not stain clothes; 9. Ease of use; 10. Availability of certificates confirming the safety and quality of the drug.

Conditions and shelf life of the product

Before using the ointment, you should check the expiration date of the product. The manufacturer indicates the characteristics and shelf life of the drug on the packaging.

Release form

Chinese ointment comes to the market in bright red plastic jars and tubes. Individual batches are packed in cardboard boxes.

Reviews from doctors and patients about the drug

Dermatologists speak positively about the ointment and even put it in one of the highest places in the ranking of the best remedies for psoriasis. In monotherapy, it cannot cure the disease, but in combination with other drugs it can significantly and quickly reduce skin itching and inflammation, and reduce the number of psoriatic rashes. Among the disadvantages, doctors note that the ointment is still hormonal, but the content of clobetasol in it is very small.

Patients who have tried the “Skin King” product on themselves say that there is a therapeutic effect from the use, but you need to wait a long time for it. One of the disadvantages is the small amount of ointment in one tube.

99% of the composition of the ointment is of natural origin. The only exception is the glucocorticosteroid clobetasol, which makes the drug hormonal. However, the ointment contains very little of it. It can be used on large areas affected by psoriasis due to the absence of chemical additives. The effectiveness of “King of Skin” has been confirmed by years of practice and clinical studies. It is also worth noting that the ointment is certified, so you should not be afraid to use it.

Indications and contraindications for use

This remedy is indicated in the presence of the following diseases:

  • Psoriasis.
  • Neurodermatitis.
  • Scabies.
  • Fungus.
  • Eczema.
  • Other skin diseases.

The drug is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Acute liver diseases.
  • Age category up to 1 year.
  • Pregnancy period.
  • Presence of juvenile acne.
  • Lupus.
  • Course of diseases: chickenpox, herpes, actinomycosis and various skin infections.
  • Hypersensitivity.
  • Skin oncology.
  • Genital itching.
  • Breastfeeding period.
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