Acne* due to hormonal imbalance: how hormones affect the skin


It is rightly called the hormone of beauty and femininity. Maintaining adequate estrogen levels is important because it provides the following134:

  • stimulation of hyaluronic acid production, maintaining a sufficient level of skin moisture;
  • elasticity, beauty and strength of nails and hair;
  • active regeneration processes;
  • collagen synthesis;
  • maintaining skin metabolism.

If there is a lack of estrogen in the body, hormone replacement therapy may be prescribed.


It is an antagonist of sex hormones. When acne appears due to hormonal imbalance in women, progesterone levels are checked. If it is low, this explains the rash. But too high its concentration in the body also leads to negative consequences134:

  • swelling due to fluid retention in the body;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • decreased firmness and elasticity of the skin.

To normalize progesterone levels in the body, in addition to hormonal therapy, you may also need to adjust your diet. The diet should be rich in foods rich in magnesium, vitamin B6, zinc, and ascorbic acid.

Is there any harm from contraceptives?

What do birth control pills contain?

One of the most common and reliable methods of contraception are birth control pills, which do not pose a threat to the female body and solve many women’s problems. The harm of birth control pills is not as great as many women think.

Modern birth control pills contain a small amount of hormones with an almost 100 percent guarantee of protection against pregnancy. Estrogen and progestogen are the two main components of birth control pills. Their dosage and combinations in different chemical contraceptives are different. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly select the dose, as well as the time and frequency of use, so that the harm of birth control pills is minimal.

How do birth control pills work?

Combined birth control pills, firstly, prevent ovulation, and secondly, they make it difficult for sperm to enter the uterus, and also prevent the fertilized egg from attaching to the walls of the uterus.

There are monophasic and triphasic birth control pills. Monophasic drugs have the same composition regardless of the day of the cycle, while triphasic drugs have different hormone contents. Of course, the harm of these two classes of birth control pills is different. A special type of birth control pill is the mini-pill. They do not contain estrogen.

What harm can birth control pills cause?

Despite their positive effects, many women are afraid to take chemical contraceptives due to persistent myths about the harm birth control pills can cause.

There are several common myths about birth control pills that have no clear basis.

"Birth control pills cause rapid weight gain"

This myth is the most popular. The estrogen contained in birth control pills leads to the accumulation of fluids in the tissues, which increases body weight by 1-2 kg. However, these are not fatty deposits, but simply fluid in the tissues. As a result, cellulite may appear. This is the only possible harm of birth control pills in this situation.

“The use of birth control pills leads to cancer.”

In fact, many birth control pills prevent ovulation, which, on the contrary, reduces the risk of inflammatory processes.

"Birth control pills will cause acne"

Getting used to chemical contraceptives can lead to excessive oiliness on the face. This is a small harm in this case. If this does not go away, then you need to consult your doctor and change the drug. In addition, chemical contraceptives contain drospirenone, which eliminates skin problems. Usually, birth control pills have a positive effect on the skin, and pimples and acne go away.

“Long-term use of birth control pills can lead to infertility.”

Contraception does not affect a woman's ability to have children. It’s just that after finishing taking the drug, the woman’s body undergoes adaptation for several months.

“When taking birth control pills continuously, breaks are necessary.”

There is no need to pause. A break, on the contrary, can lead to an unwanted pregnancy, and the established cycle will be disrupted. Birth control pills can be taken for several years, even ten years, without any breaks.

  • When taking chemical contraceptives, you must pay attention to the following:
  • During the first three months of taking birth control pills, you may experience some discharge between periods.
  • If you suddenly forget to take the drug, then take it as soon as you remember. Even if it turns out that you took 2 birth control pills a day. If you miss more than one day, there is a risk of getting pregnant. You still need to finish the package to the end, even if your period has already begun.
  • Using antibiotics may reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills.
  • If diarrhea begins within a few hours of taking the drug, you need to take another birth control pill.
  • Birth control pills do not affect the health and development of the child.

Women over 35 years of age who also smoke are not recommended to take chemical contraceptives. There is a risk of blood clots, and in this case the harm of contraceptives can be fully manifested.


Most often, when mentioning cases of acne on the face due to hormonal imbalance, we are talking about hyperandrogenism. Androgens are called male sex hormones or sex steroids. Testosterone (one of the androgens) is present in both male and female bodies. This hormone is responsible for the following134:

  • skin density;
  • stimulation of collagen synthesis, responsible for skin elasticity;
  • accelerating the process of cell renewal;
  • activation of sebum production, increasing skin oiliness;

When testosterone levels are high, hair growth occurs on the body and face. The concentration of androgens increases towards the end of the menstrual cycle, so it is on these days that acne may worsen.

Hormonal acne


Hormonal acne is a form of acne . It primarily affects adult women. The disease is associated with the functioning of the endocrine system and periodic changes in hormone . Hormonal acne can be treated with medications and natural methods

Acne is primarily associated with a temporary problem during adolescence, when the concentration of sex hormones in the body changes. Unfortunately, more and more cases of this skin disease are being found in adults, especially women between the ages of 25 and 35. This type of condition is known as hormonal acne . His treatment is carried out by a dermatologist and endocrinologist . Specialized therapy is supported by home and natural methods.

Hormones and acne

Various types of dysfunction of the endocrine system , consisting of an increase or decrease in the concentration of certain hormones , contribute to increased work of the sebaceous glands and hyperproduction of sebum. As a result, the ducts that carry secretions out are blocked, and painful pustules, papules and nodules appear on the skin of the face , neck , back and décolleté. These symptoms are known as hormonal acne or adult acne

The hormones that cause acne are primarily androgens (male sex hormones ) - testosterone, dihydrotestosterone and androstenediol. However, sometimes it is the increase in the concentration of estrogens ( female sex hormones ) that causes skin changes to appear. Their rapid concentration occurs before menstruation or during menopause . For this reason, women over 25 years of age are most often affected. Hormonal acne in men is rare.

It should be noted that endocrine , excess sebum production and hormonal acne in adults: genetic predisposition, long-term stress, improper skin care, stimulants and diet .

Symptoms of hormonal acne

Symptoms of endocrine acne largely depend on which hormones contribute to the onset of the disease. Androgens cause large and painful bumps and blackheads on the skin of the face (forehead, chin, jawline), neck and back . The complexion is also oily and shiny, skin lesions rarely become inflamed. When estrogen is responsible for acne , rashes appear nose They appear as burning or itchy spots and bumps. Their occurrence is preceded by redness of the central part of the face as a result of vasodilation .

Hormonal tests for acne

Hormonal tests for acne should be taken before starting treatment. The order is issued by the attending physician - a dermatologist or endocrinologist . They are carried out in the morning in the laboratory . For women, the day of the menstrual cycle is important. The test involves taking a blood . Test results are usually available the next business day.

The following tests are usually prescribed for adults:

  • total testosterone;
  • without testosterone;
  • dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA);
  • thyroid hormones ;
  • prolactin;
  • follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH);
  • luteotropic hormone (LH);
  • insulin.

How to treat hormonal acne?

Hormonal treatment for acne is selected individually for each patient. Therapy is long-term - usually several months. Most often it involves the use of oral medications and local pharmacological agents in the form of creams and ointments.

Acne can be treated with antibiotics or retinoids (vitamin A derivatives). Both drugs are very strong and should only be taken under medical . Sometimes the decision is made to add birth control pills. Acne hormones balance the endocrine system .

Hormonal treatment for acne is ineffective if the skin is not properly cared for at the same time. People suffering from this condition should use ethanol-free cosmetics designed for acne -prone skin. The face should be cleansed and then moisturized. Regular removal of excess sebum and exfoliated epidermis improves skin condition and prevents the formation of new changes.

Diet for hormonal acne

Diet can have a significant impact on the appearance of your skin. The diet for hormonal acne should be rich in vitamins and nutrients that support the regenerative processes of the epidermis. The menu must include foods high in vitamins A, E, C and B, as well as zinc and selenium. It is not recommended to eat processed foods, fast food, hot spices and foods with a high glycemic index.

Published in Dermatology Premium Clinic


It will be news to many that vitamin D is both a vitamin and a steroid hormone134. It is mainly synthesized under the influence of UV radiation. Maintaining normal vitamin D levels contributes to the following134:

  • epidermis regeneration;
  • healing damaged skin;
  • production of proteins, elastin, collagen.

A deficiency of vitamin D can be compensated for by eating foods rich in vitamin D and taking medications prescribed by a doctor.

Causes of irregular bleeding:

  • skipping a pill;
  • taking pills daily at different times;
  • vomiting or diarrhea;
  • taking anticonvulsants, rifampicin.

What to do?

  • take your pills at the same time every day;
  • have on hand the “rule of forgotten pills”, which are in every package of contraceptives. Including after vomiting or diarrhea, take another tablet;
  • If spotting persists for more than 3 months, the contraceptive should be changed.

How to treat acne* due to hormonal imbalance?

Acne should be treated by a dermatologist. If a hormonal imbalance is suspected, he may refer the patient to an endocrinologist. The specialist decides what to do in this case, for example, prescribes hormone replacement therapy.

The main therapy for acne is prescribed by a dermatologist. For mild to moderate acne, the doctor may recommend the use of topical antibiotics, for example, Clindovit® gel6,18. It must be applied to cleansed, dry skin6.

Clindovit® gel is recommended for use in combination with benzoyl peroxide or azelaic acid (for example, Azelik® gel) to reduce the risk of developing antibiotic resistance28.


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