6 types of sores on the lip with photos: what they are and why they occur

October 14, 2020

When carefully examining themselves in the mirror, some people notice that a white sore has appeared under the lip, or it is localized directly on the lip. Sometimes a cause for concern is not only the external defect, but also other manifestations: pain, itching, tightness and flaking of the skin. Naturally, questions immediately arise: what is it, is it dangerous, what is the cause of the pathology and, finally, what to do? Read the article by the editors of the portal UltraSmile.ru, where we talk about the most common types of pathologies.

Variety No. 1: herpes

If a white sore appears under or on your lip, as in the photo below, then you may have herpes. By the way, this is the most common and common pathology of all possible (about 90% of the world's population is susceptible to it), because the herpes virus lives dormant in any organism.

The photo shows herpes

What activates the herpes virus? Weakened immunity, hypothermia (it’s not for nothing that herpes is often called a “cold”), stress, infectious diseases, vitamin deficiency, physical and emotional overload, hormonal changes. Elderly people, pregnant and lactating women are very susceptible to the problem. Some researchers have also found that the disease can be triggered by microtraumas of the skin and mucous membranes of the lips, including those received during dental procedures1.

By the way, the pathology is contagious. It is likely that you simply “picked up” her from a close circle of friends through the use of shared towels, cutlery and dishes, through kisses.

Main symptoms: in appearance, the neoplasm resembles a bubble (or several of them, and they then merge with each other) filled with liquid. After a few days, the blister bursts, becomes crusty, gradually dries out, and normally after 7-10 days only a pink spot remains on the skin, which gradually fades.

The herpes virus can make itself felt through sores in the mouth and lip up to 1-2 times a year, which is considered quite normal. But if pathology bothers you more often, then you should sound the alarm and go for examination to doctors, since internal diseases of the body, against the background of which the immune system is greatly weakened, may be to blame.

Usually, before a herpes sore appears under the lip, a person experiences itching and redness of the skin. And once these symptoms are detected, it is worth taking action, namely, starting to apply antiviral drugs like Acyclovir and Docosanol to the skin. It will also be useful to start taking vitamin and mineral complexes to strengthen the immune system.

“Almost every year I get this ugly herpetic lesion in my mouth under my lower lip. Do not smear it with creams, it still goes through all its stages from redness to the appearance of a bubble, and then a crust. Even though I take my vitamins every year, and I watch my diet, and I try not to stress too much, I still can’t get rid of this problem... At the same time, I even had an examination with a therapist, and they didn’t reveal any health problems for me...”

Marina K, review from 32top.ru

What to do first if herpes appears

First of all, you need to carefully monitor your personal hygiene - constantly wash your hands with soap or other means. Also, do not put your hands near your eyes, much less touch the cornea. Insert lenses only after first washing your hands or wearing sterile medical gloves. The fact is that the virus can spread to the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Also, you should not touch the swellings themselves or touch them with your fingers. You can use lipstick and other products, but only without sharing them with other people. You should not remove blisters or crusts yourself - then the virus can spread to other areas of the skin. During the period of illness, you should avoid oral sex.

Important! If a young mother has herpes, she should take care of the safety of the child. Before picking him up or feeding him, you must wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

Type No. 2: aphthous stomatitis

This pathology is usually indicated not only by a sore under and on the lip, but also by ulcers or aphthae localized in the mouth (on the inside of the cheeks, tongue, palate). As a rule, new growths are white in color, and there is a red border around them. In this case, ulcers can appear and burst gradually, that is, first one pops up and goes away, but then another one forms in another place. The disease is accompanied by other symptoms: itching and soreness of the inflamed areas, general weakness, putrid odor from the mouth. Possible increase in body temperature, loss of appetite.

Aphthous stomatitis is a very common pathology. However, if you have ulcers that hurt and itch, which are localized not only under the lip or on it, but also in the mouth, on the mucous membrane, then other types of stomatitis may be to blame - read more about each of them in the feature article on website.

There are many reasons for aphthous stomatitis, and, as a rule, not one, but several of the following: damage to the integument by viruses (herpes), fungi (for example, Candida) and infections, injuries to the skin and mucous membranes of the oral cavity (mechanical, thermal, chemical) , weakened immunity and chronic diseases, allergies, poor oral hygiene, the presence of advanced dental diseases.

The photo shows aphthous stomatitis

Variety No. 3: cheilitis

What it is? This is an inflammatory process that affects the mucous membrane and skin of the lips. It does not occur in the mouth, but on the lip. Therefore, if you have a white spot there that hurts, then it is very likely that the problem is cheilitis.

In this case, a characteristic symptom does not appear immediately and, as a rule, already indicates that the process is neglected. In the first stages of pathology, a person usually experiences swelling, redness and peeling of the lips. And only later do small blisters, bleeding and purulent ulcers appear on them, and severe pain occurs both in a calm state and when trying to speak, chew food, or open the mouth.

This is what cheilitis looks like

There are many reasons for the pathology: allergies, Candida fungus, hypothermia or, conversely, overheating of the body and prolonged exposure to the sun, hereditary factors, thyroid dysfunction, injuries, poor hygiene. Some types of cheilitis can be contracted by using other people's cosmetics (for example, lipstick).

It should also be emphasized that doctors distinguish different types of cheilitis (true and symptomatic), and the treatment plan depends on the type of disease. So, in combination, antibiotics, physiotherapy, various applications and lotions, vitamins, corticosteroid ointments and even surgical removal of the affected areas can be prescribed (for example, with plasma cell cheilitis, when tumor-like plaques form on the tissues).

Variety No. 4: lipoma or wen

If a white spot of soft consistency appears on the lip, which does not hurt, but mainly causes aesthetic problems, then we can talk about a normal benign neoplasm, inside of which epithelial cells and fat have accumulated.

The main reasons for the appearance of wen are metabolic disorders, hormonal changes, unbalanced nutrition, and the use of low-quality cosmetics.

This is what a wen looks like

As a rule, wen grow and develop very slowly. It may take more than one year until the problem begins to seriously spoil the aesthetics of your smile. What to do in this case? Do not try to squeeze out the lipoma yourself, as you can introduce an infection inside and also leave deep scars and scars on the delicate skin after the wound heals.

The most correct decision is to consult a doctor who will select the most effective and minimally invasive method of treatment. In some cases, a specialist may prescribe compresses with ointments, for example, “Vitaon”, “Videtim”. If drug treatment for lipomas does not bring results, then a procedure is prescribed to remove them using a laser or piezo knife.

Variety No. 5: cyst

You may have a cyst on your lip, like in the photo. As a rule, pathology appears on the lower lip (from the inside, that is, in the mouth, or from the outside). It grows very slowly and is not prone to degeneration into an oncological tumor. At first, a ball with transparent contents forms on the soft tissues, but as it grows it thickens and becomes whitish.

The photo shows a cyst

The cyst is usually painless. However, if a cyst under your lip hurts, this indicates that you have injured it, or it has become inflamed due to bacteria getting inside, which again can occur due to damage to the skin and the appearance of microcracks on them.

In medical practice, a lip cyst is also called “retention”, “mucous” or “mucocele”. The appearance of the pathology is associated with blockage of the salivary glands and various injuries to delicate tissues (burns, scratches, biting). If the sore is localized in the mouth under the lip (on the inside), then systematic damage to the tissues by poorly manufactured and installed orthopedic and orthodontic structures, chipped teeth, and malocclusion could contribute to its appearance. It can also occur in those who have pierced themselves.

Should I consult a doctor about this problem or not? Experts say that such cysts have a tendency to resolve on their own. However, if this does not happen, or the sore under the lower lip begins to hurt, has greatly increased in size, causes serious concern, and spoils the aesthetics of your smile, then be sure to make an appointment with a doctor. Usually, if a cyst has formed on the lip, then all treatment consists of surgical excision. The safest, atraumatic and painless option is using a laser.


Conservative therapy

The list of therapeutic measures is determined taking into account the characteristics of the pathology that causes pain in the lip:

  • Cheilitis
    . Provoking factors (dental pathologies, meteorological influences, contact with cosmetics) are excluded or minimized, and neurotic disorders are treated. Anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, antiallergic ointments (including hormonal ones), protective creams, immunocorrectors, and general antiviral agents are used.
  • Herpes
    . The tendency to relapse necessitates complex therapy aimed at restoring immunity. Antiviral drugs are used in the first 5-7 days of illness, subsequently immunomodulators and recombinant alpha-interferons are prescribed. After 1-2 months it is recommended to vaccinate.
  • Lichen planus
    . To eliminate inflammation and pain in ulcerative defects, topical corticosteroids, pain relief with local anesthetics, and medications to stimulate regeneration are indicated. To prevent fungal infections during treatment with steroids, antifungal agents are prescribed orally. For neurotic disorders, sedative therapy is required, for allergic predisposition - hyposensitizing therapy, for immunodeficiencies - immunomodulatory therapy.
  • Injuries
    . Patients with chronic damage require treatment of carious teeth to eliminate the traumatic factor. In other cases, in the absence of wounds requiring surgical treatment, a gentle diet, cold to reduce swelling, then dry heat to accelerate resorption are advised.
  • Trigeminal neuralgia
    . Therapy is carried out using anticonvulsants, antispasmodics, and antihistamines. Therapeutic blockades with glucocorticoids and physiotherapeutic procedures are effective: ultraphonophoresis with hydrocortisone, galvanization with novocaine.
  • Lip cancer
    . In stage 1, in some cases, radiotherapy is used as the main treatment method. For patients with advanced stages, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are prescribed in the pre- and postoperative period or carried out as part of palliative treatment.


Surgical techniques for pain in the lip are rarely used. Exceptions are open injuries and cancer. For fresh wounds, PSO of the wound of the maxillofacial area is necessary. Neoplasms are excised, and according to indications, a Vanach operation, a Kreill operation, and other interventions involving the removal of regional lymph nodes are performed. For patients with damage to the branches of the trigeminal nerve and persistent neuralgia, methods of stereotactic radiosurgery and percutaneous radiofrequency destruction may be recommended.

Variety No. 6: boil, or boil

A white sore under or above the lip, which is filled with pus and hurts, is a boil, that is, purulent-necrotic inflammation of the sebaceous or hair gland and the surrounding connective tissue. Of course, the formation does not immediately become purulent. At first, only swelling and redness of the tissues are noted, later a painful abscess appears.

The main causes of the problem: injuries and bacteria entering wounds due to non-compliance with personal hygiene rules.

This is what a boil on the lip looks like

If immunity is good, then the boil forms within 4-5 days, after which it opens spontaneously. Pus and blood come out of it, and all you have to do is carefully treat the wound with Miramistin or Chlorhexidine until complete healing, and also take vitamin and mineral complexes to strengthen the immune system. To speed up the spontaneous rupture of the boil, you can make applications with ichthyol ointment.

If the immune system is weak due to chronic diseases, and also if you have tried to squeeze out the pus on your own ahead of time, the boil can be complicated by an abscess, phlegmon and even sepsis.

In general, often sores on the lip are a completely harmless phenomenon. They may simply be the result of an allergy to some food product or hygiene product. In this case, it will be enough to eliminate the irritating factor and take an antihistamine like Erius, Suprastin, Zodak. But sometimes they indicate serious problems in the body that require contacting a specialist.

In any case, be attentive to your health. If wounds and abrasions appear on the lips, or if there are injuries, do not forget to treat the tissue with antiseptics. If you find a formation that does not go away for a long time, grows and causes concern, then it is better not to delay contacting a doctor.


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  1. Kazantseva I.A. The effectiveness of acyclovir in the prevention of recurrent herpes of the lips after dental treatment // Bulletin of the Russian Peoples' Friendship University (Series: Medicine). – 2008.

Expert “Do not try to cure aphthous stomatitis on your own, because the set of medications will directly depend on the factor that caused the disease. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis. So, for fungal infections, antifungal drugs are prescribed, for viral infections, antiviral drugs. With such a problem, it is better to seek advice from a dentist or general practitioner.” Dentist-therapist Elena Vladimirovna Orlova

Reasons why lip diseases develop

Human lips are very vulnerable, which often leads to redness, irritation, dryness, and even the formation of wounds and crusts. Most often, cheilitis develops under the influence of external factors.

: low temperature, wind, sun rays. Under their influence, the skin around the mouth dries out, which in itself is unpleasant. If you don't do anything about it, the problem will only get worse.

The second factor that causes lip diseases is various allergens. The culprit of the pathological reaction can be both food and cosmetics. Problems in the functioning of the internal systems of the body can also affect the face.

Most often, the delicate skin around the mouth suffers due to hormonal imbalances, fungal and viral infections. Vitamin deficiency, indigestion and general deterioration of immunity can aggravate the situation.

There are also less common causes of lip disease. They usually lead to certain types of cheilitis.


Painful cracks appeared not on my lip itself, but in the corners of my mouth. This is the first time... What could it be?

Anna (10/27/2020 at 4:02 pm) Reply to comment

    Dear Anna, perhaps you are dealing with a disease such as angulitis. The pathology is also popularly called “jam”. Various viruses, fungi and bacteria can cause this problem. Often the disease occurs against a background of weakened immunity, allergies, advanced dental diseases, and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. For examination, identification of the form of angulitis and prescription of treatment measures, it is better to contact a dentist, dermatologist or therapist.

    Editorial staff of the portal UltraSmile.ru (02.11.2020 at 09:26) Reply to comment

What vitamins should you take to prevent your immune system from weakening? My herpes may appear once a year, or it may not appear at all for a long time. It happened completely differently, one year without signs, and another up to 2 times, but besides this, he doesn’t come out alone. This is fine?

Yuri (11/20/2020 at 4:18 pm) Reply to comment

Hello! I often get herpes. I've had this problem since school. Sometimes, it remains at the initial stage of burning and redness, and goes away on its own if left undisturbed. And sometimes it develops and goes through all stages. I just can’t understand in what cases it can be avoided?

Kamila (11/20/2020 at 6:52 pm) Reply to comment

Good evening! Please tell me, can the above diseases be transmitted through the saliva of pets? Mostly interested in herpes. Is it the dentist who deals with these problems, or can I see another doctor?

Anna Novikova (11/20/2020 at 07:59 pm) Reply to comment

I thought that it was only herpes or that they cracked and became slightly inflamed due to frost. Prevention of all these diseases, first of all, personal hygiene or even a lack of vitamins can work?

Olga (11/20/2020 at 8:31 pm) Reply to comment

Good afternoon There was a small spot on the edge of my lip that looked like a body like a camera. What could it be?

Elena (06/03/2021 at 09:27) Reply to comment

Sorry, red body

Elena (06/03/2021 at 09:31) Reply to comment

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The cause of the symptom is determined by a dentist or maxillofacial surgeon. If the pain is neuropathic, a consultation with a neurologist is required; if malignant neoplasia is suspected, an examination by an oncologist is required. For cheilitis, herpes simplex and traumatic injuries, the basis of diagnosis is complaints and examination data; additional studies are not prescribed or are carried out to a minimum extent. Neuralgia is confirmed based on the clinical picture and the results of palpation of trigger points. Taking into account the nature of the disease, the examination plan includes:

  • Cytological or histological examination.
    It is a basic way to verify the diagnosis of lip cancer and lichen planus. For patients with cheilitis, according to indications, it is performed for differentiation from other pathologies. For herpes simplex, it is carried out if it is necessary to identify the virus.
  • Other laboratory tests.
    Patients with cheilitis are prescribed a biochemical blood test to identify metabolic disorders and possible precipitating diseases. For herpes, PCR, RIF, and ELISA are performed. In patients with lichen planus, accumulation of immunoglobulin M is detected by direct immunofluorescence.
  • Visualization techniques
    . The presence of lichen is indicated by a yellowish-orange glow when examining fingerprint smears under a Wood's lamp. Patients with cancer are shown an ultrasound of the lip and radiography of the lower jaw. If there are signs of metastasis, an extensive examination is carried out, including ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, chest X-rays.

Visual inspection of lips

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