Pimples on the inner thighs in women: causes

  • Pimples on the inner thigh Causes
  • Blackheads, pimples and acne
  • Large cystic acne on the inner thigh.
  • Pimples on outer thigh
  • Acne cystic between thighs
  • Acne on the inner thighs in women Treatment

The pores of the skin secrete an oily substance called sebum, or sebum. It is necessary so that the skin does not dry out, is enriched with oxygen, and receives beneficial substances from cosmetics. If the skin secretes too much sebum and does not receive proper care, the pores become clogged, become wider, and may acne appears. They can form on any part of the skin.

Sometimes, when acne occurs between the thighs, it can even be difficult to walk, swim or run. They can take the form of either white or red pimples, ulcers or boils, develop into a rash on the buttocks, or can appear as separate white and dark spots between the thighs.

Sweating, tight jeans, viral and infectious diseases, bikinis, shaving, hormones, pregnancy and legs rubbing against each other are just some of the reasons why acne appears in the thigh area, more often in women than in men.

Below you will get more information about the causes, treatments and how to get rid of pimples, blemishes and bumps on the thighs quickly.

Increased sweating

One of the main factors that cause acne to appear on the inner thigh is excessive sweating. Most often, this is caused by incorrectly selected clothing: synthetic fabrics, in contact with hot and damp skin, cause irritation, which quickly turns into small pimples. Often accompanied by itching.

Increased sweating is a constant companion of the hot season. In the summer, in order to prevent irritation, it is enough to replace synthetic clothing with things made from natural materials. Women should opt for loose skirts and dresses: the less the fabric is in contact with the skin, the less likely the appearance of pimples becomes. In this regard, it is somewhat more difficult for men: trousers and shorts come into contact with the skin. Loose clothing made from natural fabric reduces the likelihood of red bumps, which later turn into pimples.

Skin diseases: psoriasis, eczema and folliculitis

Sometimes a rash, initially similar to irritation, appears on the back of the thigh or on the inside of the legs due to the development of quite serious skin diseases. These include:

  1. Psoriasis. Small red pimples, which over time turn into an itchy spot covered with scales, are an undoubted sign of such a disease. Scientists have not yet been able to find out what exactly causes it.
  2. Eczema. Dense formations filled with clear liquid are a sign of eczema. The disease is divided into several types: scaly, wet or dry.
  3. Folliculitis. Infectious damage to the hair follicles is one of the factors in the appearance of rashes. In this case, they take the form of large red pimples, inside of which pus accumulates. Accompanied by pain in the affected areas and itching.

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If you notice obvious symptoms of skin diseases, you should immediately visit a dermatologist. It is quite difficult to get rid of them without consulting a specialist.

Blackheads, pimples and acne

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If you have acne-prone skin, you are more likely to get acne breakouts on your thighs. Although acne is most common on the face and back, it can also form on the inner thighs, on the scrotum in men, and on the buttocks, especially during adolescence. .

Acne on the bikini area can affect both women and men For men, pimples on the scrotum and white spots on the testicles can be part of the symptoms of infectious diseases Dermatologists say that the cause of acne on the thighs, especially white and redheads, is the excessive production of skin lard

Hygiene and use of cosmetics

If acne appears on the lower extremities, and no causes of pathology are found in the body, it is worth thinking about external influences that cause harm to the skin. Red itchy spots and rashes may appear due to cosmetic products. Fatty creams, clogging pores, interfere with normal metabolism, resulting in the appearance of pimples.

Some components included in shower gels can cause imperfections.

Insufficient hygiene is also one of the causes of rashes. Dirt clogs pores and interferes with the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands. The skin signals this in the only possible way.

Allergic reaction

Before looking for signs of serious skin diseases, updating your wardrobe or purchasing new cosmetics, you should make sure that you do not have a food allergy. One of the symptoms of this condition is skin rashes that occur in various parts of the body.

Until the product containing the allergen is eliminated from the diet, the rash on the thighs will not disappear.

Not only that, but acne can quickly spread throughout the body. The only way out is to visit an allergist and get tested to identify the substance that causes the rash.

READ ALSO: How to treat acne on the face - medications, treatment regimen, methods

Hormonal disbalance

Hormonal instability is usually accompanied by the appearance of acne. Inflammations most often occur on the face, but it does not exclude other parts of the body. This phenomenon is a variant of the norm only in adolescents: during puberty, the overwhelming majority of young people and girls become covered with acne and acne.

Adults should sound the alarm when hormone levels destabilize: perhaps the body is sending signals in the form of acne due to the development of a serious pathology.

Clinical picture

Skin rashes (pimples) occur due to blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands. The disease manifests itself as:

  • small scarlet pimples;
  • white dense formations;
  • watery transparent blisters;
  • large seals.

When scratched, the skin at the site of the rash becomes dry, can become inflamed and peel, and scars and ulcers form on its surface. People of any gender and age are susceptible to pathology.

Ignoring symptoms can lead to infection of the inner layers of the epithelium and sepsis.

Preventive measures

Knowing why acne appears, you can take some measures that can prevent such developments. Of course, in the case of serious diseases it is difficult to take care of prevention in advance, but some simple actions will help avoid rashes in less severe cases:

  1. Replace rough items made from synthetic materials with a wardrobe made from natural fabrics.
  2. Eat a healthy diet and eliminate junk foods from your diet.
  3. Consult with an allergist, take tests and find out which foods may cause reactions.
  4. Try to minimize stress.
  5. Maintain good hygiene.

READ ALSO: Hormonal acne on the face - in newborns, in adults, how to treat, zones and diseases

Simple tips will help prevent unsightly rashes on the outer and inner buttocks.

Reasons for appearance

There are many reasons why acne appears on the back, front, inner and outer sides of the thigh. Skin rashes are caused by a variety of factors. They may be:

  • hyperhidrosis (excessive work of sweat glands);
  • inflammatory process occurring in hair follicles;
  • hormonal changes during the period of active sexual development;
  • allergic reaction to the cosmetics used;
  • insufficient adherence to personal hygiene rules, skin contamination;
  • lack of air (poor breathability of clothing);
  • underwear made from non-natural (synthetic) fabrics.

Factors that increase the risk of disease:

  • vitamin deficiency, poor nutrition;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • weakness of the immune system;
  • parasitic and viral infections;
  • drinking water of poor quality;
  • sudden change in climatic conditions.

Increased sweating

Occurs as a response to overheating of the body in the summer under the influence of high temperatures or due to unjustified wrapping of the limbs while in a warm room. This is how the body tends to cool down faster. Frequent washing and selection of loose-fitting trousers and dresses made from natural, breathable fabrics (linen, viscose, cotton, wool) will help reduce sweating in the heat.


Develops as a result of incorrectly performed depilation of the legs. As a result of such manipulation, hairs grow into the skin, the process is accompanied by pain, redness in the problem area, and burning.

Acne or acne

It develops during the active release of sex hormones during the maturation of the body. The area of ​​the face, back, buttocks, thighs, and genitals is often affected.

Cosmetics and household chemicals

Aggressive substances contained in washing powders, shampoos, creams and soaps can lead to an allergic reaction. Allergies can also be caused by the presence of individual intolerance to the constituent components of cosmetics and detergents.

How to get rid of acne on thighs

If acne does appear on the thighs, you should immediately begin to correct the situation. You need to start by consulting a dermatologist, but many manifestations of imperfections can be completely eliminated at home, without resorting to medical help.

Traditional medicine and cosmetology

First of all, you need to start with the selection of cosmetics for comprehensive skin care. Tar soap is suitable for relieving inflammation. It has a pungent odor, but helps quickly dry out areas and reduce redness.

The next step is to moisturize the skin. Baby oil is the most suitable: if it does not harm the delicate skin of babies, then adults definitely should not be afraid of negative consequences. In addition, baby oil is almost completely free of aromatic fragrances and other harmful chemical components.

If cosmetics do not help get rid of the problem, you should pay attention to medications.

You can dry the reddened areas with regular alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. To further get rid of acne, it is recommended to use:

  • Sulfur ointment;
  • Skinoren;
  • Zinc ointment;
  • Baziron AS;
  • other drugs with similar properties.

However, if the rash is caused by any disease, you cannot do without medical help.

Traditional methods

Medicinal plants and preparations based on them can also reduce the number of acne or completely rid the skin of imperfections of this kind. For treatment, tea tree oil or alcohol tincture of calendula is used.

You can also make a special decoction of chamomile, coltsfoot, St. John's wort and calendula. The plants are poured with boiling water and infused. The resulting liquid is soaked into the fabric and applied to the affected areas.

Baths with medicinal plants also have an excellent effect on the skin. Their pleasant aroma only enhances the positive effects of such a procedure.

Getting rid of acne on your thighs is quite possible. The main thing is to correctly establish the cause and carry out appropriate therapy.

News MirTesen

Large cystic acne on the inner thigh.

A large pimple on the inner thigh could be cystic acne. According to clinical studies, cystic acne affects people between the ages of 8 and 50. These bumps are characterized by large red bumps on completely different areas of the skin. They are not as common on the thighs as regular acne, but they are also may occur in severe cases of acne.

Painful pimples in the groin area caused by cystic acne are red, deep bumps and boils. While most small pimples and bumps can go away on their own after some time, cystic boils do not go away as easily or unnoticed as they appear. They may recur or last for years, and may also leave scars on your thighs after you get rid of them.

Pimples on thighs

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