Mesoscooter - what is it, how to choose and how to use

A woman puts a lot of effort into looking beautiful, young and well-groomed. Cosmetology is confidently moving forward and inventing new means for effective results in improving the health of the skin of the face and body. Most products are used in salons and clinics under the strict guidance of cosmetologists and dermatologists. But there are also remedies that are easy to use at home and have visible effects. One of them is a mesoscooter. The article will tell you everything you need to know about such a product, what methods are used in the technique, rules for using it at home and the opinions of cosmetologists.


General idea of ​​the mesoscooter

A mesoscooter, or dermaroller, is a device for the skin, the essence of which is to create microcracks and stimulate important processes. The therapy is a type of mesotherapy and involves stimulation of the upper layer of skin. The device consists of a plastic handle with a rotating roller in which needles are installed. Sharp and thin needles have a certain size and angle, approximately 500 pieces, made of metal with a length of up to 2 mm, and also come in an alloy with gold, silver and titanium for longer service life.

Important ! The length, diameter and number of needles may vary depending on the application.

The number of needles on a mesoscooter may vary

Principle of operation

The technique of the dermaroller is to touch the epidermis with needles, due to which micro-tension appears, or, in simple terms, microcracks. There are main functions of the device:

  • resumption and improvement of the efficiency of the skin regeneration process;
  • penetration of nutrients directly into the skin.

A mesoscooter is convenient for delivering medications to the deep layers of the skin.

Studies confirm that when using a massager, 86% of nutrients enter the skin, while regular application allows only 3% of the product to be absorbed.

Important ! The principle of operation is that although the punctures heal within two hours, the treatment continues to work in the inner layer of the skin.

Results from using the device on the face:

  • due to the resumption of regeneration processes and the production of collagen and elastin, the skin is renewed, the tone, flexibility and elasticity of the dermis increases, the aging process is stopped, age-related changes in the form of wrinkles, pigmentation and sagging are eliminated;
  • stimulation with acupuncture improves blood circulation, which returns the lost healthy appearance of the face;
  • Thanks to the working technique, the pores are narrowed.

The face takes on a fresher appearance

For the body, the mesoscooter is used to obtain the following effects:

  • elimination of changes in the subcutaneous layer in the form of cellulite;
  • removes skin damage in the form of scars, scars, stretch marks;
  • stimulation starts the process of tightening problem areas (sides, abdomen);
  • The device reduces the fat layer in problem areas.

The body becomes slimmer thanks to the use of this product

When does the effect occur after using a mesoscooter?

The effect of using a dermoroller comes very quickly if it is used correctly and all rules are followed. In some cases, the effect is evident after the first procedure.

After several sessions, the body’s immunity and resistance to external negative factors increases, the skin on the neck and face becomes more elastic, blood circulation is normalized, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, facial contours are tightened and take on clearer outlines.

After 7 sessions, expression lines and deep wrinkles are smoothed out, the area of ​​acne is reduced, large pimples disappear, the depth of acne pits and other defects is reduced, pores are narrowed, and the oval of the face becomes more toned.

For women with acne, freckles and age spots, improvements occur after one course of procedures. It lasts eight weeks, with one session per week.

Why is a mesoscooter used in dermatology and cosmetology?

A mesoscooter for medical and cosmetic purposes is used with needles from 0.5 to 2.5 mm long, using local anesthesia. A device with this type of needle can only be used by experienced specialists, as there is a high probability of damaging the basement membrane if used incorrectly.

Scars on the skin

Using a dermaroller allows you to eliminate mechanical damage to the skin and acne scars. The device is suitable for all types and types of dermis and has advantages compared to other cosmetic products due to its low price, availability and ease of use. A mesoscooter with small needles can be used even in the area around the eyes where peeling and laser cannot be used.

Important ! The device eliminates all possible manifestations of photosensitivity and changes in skin color.

Scars are removed with a mesoscooter

Revitalization (rejuvenation)

The device is often used for anti-aging therapy due to its minimization of skin damage, low cost and lack of rehabilitation. The process consists of reducing wrinkles in problem areas: around the eyes, décolleté, and hands. The effect of skin tightening appears, a clear oval of the face is acquired, pores are narrowed and pigmentation is eliminated.

Important ! Due to the microcracks produced by the mesoscooter, maximum permeability of the products to eliminate signs of aging occurs, which increases the effectiveness of their action.

With this device you can achieve the launch of the revitalization process in the body

Hair restoration

Stimulation of the top layer of the scalp improves blood circulation, which helps reduce pathological hair loss and helps start the process of new hair growth. Used together with drugs to improve the vital activity of the scalp to guarantee quick results.

Tissue lifting and cellulite removal

Through needle therapy, the massager stretches the skin, removing cellulite, stretch marks, and removing toxins. The process allows you to activate the production of collagen, which triggers the effect of eliminating damage in the subcutaneous layer.

Mesoscooter fights cellulite


Indications for skin treatment with a mesoscooter:

  • postoperative scars;
  • acne scars;
  • age-related sagging skin;
  • crow's feet around the eyes;
  • spots on the skin - age or from the sun;
  • dryness and flaking;
  • dullness of complexion.


Tatiana Kuznetsova

The device is not suitable for getting rid of cellulite and treating acne.

Rules for choosing a mesoscooter

In order for the effect to be obvious and not to accidentally damage the skin, you need to adhere to the rules for choosing equipment.

  1. Needle length. To use the device for the face, select the minimum needle size - up to 0.5 mm. For the body – 1-2.5 mm.
  2. Number of needles Maximum use for facial skin is no more than 200 pcs., for body – 500 pcs.
  3. Needle material. Ideal metals for a mesoscooter are steel or titanium. An alloy with precious metals will be more expensive, but will increase the service life. The use of sprayed needles will lead to oxidation due to the use of medicinal products, which guarantees rapid failure of the device.
  4. Easy to disassemble. The device requires mandatory cleaning with disinfectants before and after each use, so choose a device that is easy to disassemble.
  5. Selection of cosmetics. Purchase certified drugs from specialized stores to avoid the possibility of harm to the skin. When working with the device, you need to purchase a set of products: to cleanse the dermis, preparations for the device, soothing and moisturizing creams or serums, and cleaning products for the mesoscooter.

You need to take everything into account when choosing a suitable mesoscooter

How to use a mesoscooter at home -

The duration of the procedure will be from 10 to 15 minutes, which will depend on the area of ​​the skin surface being treated. You will get the best results from the procedure if, a month before you start using the mesoscooter, you apply products with retinol and/or vitamin C to the skin of this area (example of products - see the links below). Retinol affects approximately 500 different genes that control the proliferation and differentiation of all skin cells, including fibroblasts, and vitamin C is essential for the production of normal collagen.

→ Skin products with retinol → Skin products with vitamin C

Procedure - if you use 0.5 mm needles, the procedure is usually painless or slightly painful. The longer the needles, the stronger the discomfort will be. Therefore, you may need local anesthesia of the skin, which is carried out using various creams or gels containing lidocaine. Such products are applied to the skin for 20-25 minutes under a film, after which they need to be washed off and the skin treated with an antiseptic solution. It is best to use a three-time treatment of the area: first with a cotton pad moistened with a 0.05% chlorhexidine solution, then with a cotton pad slightly moistened with medical alcohol, then again with a chlorhexidine solution. Or use professional medical antiseptics to disinfect the skin.

Next, you can apply the mesopreparation in the form of a gel or serum to the skin of the treated area. Serums and gels for fractional mesotherapy consist of low molecular weight components, for example, low molecular weight hyaluronic acid (HA). Of course, micropunctures increase the permeability of low-molecular active components, but still do not allow increasing the permeability of high-molecular ones. For example, molecules of low molecular weight HA, after entering tissue, are destroyed by macrophages in just 24 hours (i.e., the effect is very short-lived), and secondly, they do not retain moisture well and practically do not moisturize the dermis. Therefore, there is no point in spending money on expensive serums and gels. We will tell you more about mesopreparations below.

If necessary, the skin of the treated area can be tightened using one hand. With the other hand, squeezing the mesoscooter, you roll it out 7 times, first horizontally, then vertically and then diagonally (without much pressure). There will be a small amount of pinpoint bleeding from each point where the needle is inserted. If you used gel or serum during the procedure, you must wait until they dry. After this, if necessary, you can wipe the skin with cotton pads soaked in chlorhexidine solution to wash off the ichor. If necessary, ice packs wrapped in a towel can be used to cool the area and reduce discomfort. Before going to bed, treat your skin with chlorhexidine solution again.

An example of professional use of a mesoscooter in a clinic:

In the video below you can see how the mesoscooter drum should be rolled over the skin. We specifically posted a video where the procedure for using a mesoscooter is carried out by a professional specialist in a clinic (and not amateur videos shot by bloggers) so that you can immediately see how it is done correctly.

Important: do not expect quick results, do not reduce the intervals between sessions. You will see the first results only after 1.5-2 months, because the increase in collagen volume does not occur immediately. The process of collagen volume growth occurs even within 3-6 months after cessation of treatment, i.e. last procedure. The intervals between treatments depend on the length of the microneedles - usually 2 to 6 weeks (see article above for more information on intervals), and you will need 4-6 treatments to achieve the desired effect.

What to do after the procedure -

Patients tolerate the procedure well, and there are usually no complications afterward, except for mild redness and swelling that last 2-4 days. Don’t believe it if the seller’s website says that you won’t see any marks in the morning (this is only possible for mesoscooters with needles 0.5 mm long, but skin redness will happen in any case). In addition, the skin may be very dry in the first days. You cannot apply any cosmetics or mineral makeup on the day of the procedure, but you can use Traumeel gel or ointment to prevent hemorrhages and speed up healing.

Traumeel Cosmo Gel: photo

And starting from the next day, you must definitely start using sunscreen (at least SPF 50), and also use other sun protection products in bright sunshine, for example, glasses, a Panama hat or a cap. And under no circumstances should you sunbathe in the sun for the next 2-3 weeks.

Using a dermaroller on the face and body at home

When using the device yourself, you should keep in mind important information. The mesoscooter is an item for personal use; be sure to follow the rules of hygiene and sterility.

Before using the device, please read the instructions for use and follow the steps listed below.

  1. Clean the dermaroller using antiseptic disinfectants, for example, chlorhexidine, alcohol, miramistin.
  2. Prepare the area of ​​use. Cleanse your skin of other everyday products.
  3. Apply a cocktail of nutrients and active substances to your skin. Cocktails are selected individually depending on the skin problem.

    You need to choose the right meso cocktail

  4. Divide the area of ​​application into equal parts and carry out the processing process 10 times in three directions: horizontally, vertically and diagonally. Do not press too hard on the device and try to treat the areas with equal force.
  5. Therapeutic agents are reapplied. After absorption, treat the skin with soothing creams, then with healing agents.
  6. After finishing the massage, clean the mesoscooter.

After each procedure, the mesoscooter should be cleaned

Procedures should occur once a week for 1.5 months. Be sure to do a follow-up procedure after the skin has completely healed.

Important ! For problem areas on the body, the operating rules are practically the same, only the frequency of procedures increases - 12 sessions with an interval of four days.

After a set of procedures on the body, a month later you can start a new course again; before that, treat other parts of the problem areas of the body.

After a month, you can start a new course of body skin therapy


Ask us a question about mesoscooters, cosmetics, home cosmetic procedures -

and we will be happy to answer you!


. 05/31/2016 Full text of the question: Good mood and hello everyone) I bought a 1mm mesoscooter for the face and 0.25 for the eye area. The cosmetologist said that you need to roll until there is blood dew, is that true? Is it possible to apply anesthesia (lidocaine) to the face before the procedure? And what kind of soothing mask can be done immediately after? Chamomile compresses? Thanks in advance) Answer: Victoria, hello! Thank you for your questions! Before blood dew, as a rule, cosmetologists use the Mesoscooter in an office setting. It is not recommended to do this at home, primarily for reasons of sterility. If you use a 1mm needle, there will be no blood dew as such (if you have normal, not too thin skin), only a few droplets may appear, which need to be removed with a cotton swab dipped in chlorhexidine. Anesthesia should only be used as a last resort. Try to do the first procedure without it, simply adjusting the pressure on the roller. Start with light strokes, gradually increasing the pressure. There is no need to press hard on the roller, especially if the roller has 192 or 200 needles. The fact is that anesthesia interferes with the normal recovery processes in the skin, which is necessary for the procedure to be effective. After the procedure, you can apply an alginate mask; it soothes the skin well. But we recommend doing this for the first few procedures. Masks are usually applied by cosmetologists so that after the procedure you can go home with a normal complexion. At home, it is better to make the mask once or twice so that the skin can more easily endure the initial “stress” of the procedure, and not to use it in the future, allowing regeneration to take place in a physiologically normal manner. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Answer: Hello, Anna! After opening, liposome complexes can be stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks, after closing the open ampoule with rolled cotton wool. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________


Answer: Elena, thank you for your question.

Unfortunately, you did not indicate the manufacturers (trade names) of these drugs. Not all drugs on the market are suitable for Mesoscooter (for transdermal therapy), mainly due to additional ballast substances that can cause various forms of allergies when introduced into the deep layers of the skin.

Therefore, what we can advise in this case is to find out (in the instructions or on the manufacturer’s website) whether the named drugs are suitable for transdermal therapy or hardware techniques.

If you plan to use the Mesoscooter on your face at home, then the length of the needle should not be more than 1 mm. This is more than enough to pierce the epidermis (its thickness is 0.3-0.5 mm) and reach the dermis.



Answer: Hello! Thank you for your question. The mesoscooter can be used in areas where Botox is applied, but at least a month after the Botox injection procedure! Botox is injected subcutaneously or intramuscularly, and the Mesoscooter perforates only the top layer of skin - the epidermis (if the needle length is 0.5 mm), and partially the dermis (if the needle length is 1.0 mm). If Botox allows you to get rid of wrinkles, then Mesoscooter, when used with Botox, mainly solves the problem of skin quality.



Answer: Olga, hello! Applying any creams and products (including honey) when using a mesoscooter to the abdomen and hips is possible at least 24 hours after the procedure, and if redness as a natural reaction after treatment with a mesoscooter lasts more than a day, then you need to wait until the skin has completely calmed down .



Answer: Irina, some cosmetologists work on a combination of peelings and microneedling in one procedure. But there are many nuances here, so we recommend doing such procedures at the same time only with a cosmetologist.




Answer: Irina, we recommend combining microneedling and facial massage to increase performance: The mesoscooter works to improve the quality of the skin, and facial massage works to strengthen the facial muscles and increase their tone (prevention of “sagging”, lifting).

The only note is that massage and microneedling do not need to be performed on the same day. It is better to distribute the procedures evenly, one per week, for example: massage on Tuesday, microneedling on Friday.




Answer: Maria, we do not recommend using the Mesoscooter in your case. To give indications for the procedure, you need to know what kind of cyst, the reasons for its occurrence, the condition of your body and other medical aspects.

The fact is that the Mesoscooter, after all, injures the skin, it is forced to regenerate, and the body puts a lot of effort into this. If a person has a weak immune system or has any serious illness, the body may not be able to cope with this task. Therefore, do not overload it, cure the disease first, or make sure that the cyst does not pose any danger, and only then proceed with the microneedling procedure.

Health to you!




Full text of the question: Hello. I want to buy a mesoscooter plus mesotherapy products. I am 48 years old. The corresponding problems are flabby sagging facial skin, swelling under the eyes, enlarged pores, rosacea. What do you advise? Best regards, Olga.

Answer: Olga, hello. Based on the data you provided and your age, we can advise you to take a closer look at the following tools:

- thickening fluid with Edelweiss stem cells with Hyaluronic acid complex and matrikines.

For accelerated restoration of skin density and elasticity, from 45 years of age, reduction of wrinkles, indicated for rosacea.

If you want to work with the problem of pigmentation, even out the tone of your face, then look at:

— Regenerating fluid with Plantain stem cells with Hyaluronic acid complex and matrikines.

There is a good remedy for the eyes:

— Rejuvenating fluid for eyelids with Edelweiss stem cells with a tightening complex.

Reduces swelling, reduces wrinkles, good lifting effect.

In principle, the manufacturer +Active makes all its products according to age ranges, and you can even choose a product for yourself based on your age and problem.

In your case, it is better to choose a mesoscooter with a needle length of 1 mm. to get visible results. (if you have very thin or very sensitive skin - then 0.5 mm.)

The mesoscooter model is selected at your discretion.

Ideally, you need an integrated approach: care with a mesoscooter and serum (fluid) to improve skin condition and facial massage to improve muscle tone.




Full text of the question: Hello! Please advise which mesololer is better to buy for hair specifically? It already seems clear that titanium is better, and depending on the sensitivity of the skin, 0.5 or 1 mm. But do I understand correctly that you can just buy any one that has these characteristics and use it on your scalp? Best regards, Evdokia.

Answer: Evdokia, good afternoon! Thank you for your interest.

For the scalp, it is better to use a Mesoscooter with 192 (or 200) needles, and use it not in the usual “star” pattern, but in one direction. This is all necessary to prevent your hair from getting tangled.

The needle length is selected as follows:

If you have thin, sparse hair from birth (!), this means that your scalp is thin and it is better to use a 0.5 mm needle.

If you have good thick hair from birth (and at the moment it may be different), then you can take a 1mm needle.

The Mesoscooter model is not particularly important, but we recommend not taking a roller from the STT model range, since they have the largest needle in diameter, and this will affect the sensations during the procedure.

We remain at your disposal for any further information!




Answer: Thank you for your question! In the world market of mesoscooters, needles can only be made of surgical steel or titanium alloy (or sputtering of titanium alloy). Gold/silver plating is a marketing ploy by the seller, nothing more. To make sure of this, ask the seller for permitting documentation for the circulation of precious metals in the Russian Federation.

We know of only one manufacturer in the world that makes Mesoscooters entirely from metal, including the roller drum itself, the handle, and with a completely gold coating on the entire body; it is located in Switzerland and the cost of such a roller is 200 euros.




Full text of the question: Hello. I need a mesoscooter to eliminate sagging skin in the oval area of ​​the face and neck, nasolabial folds and partial alopecia (bald patches). What can you recommend? Maybe there are universal ones, or with removable drums? What product should I use during the procedure? Thank you.

Answer: Elena, hello!

Thank you for your interest in our products.

To work with the problems you described, taking into account your age, the length of the Mesoscooter needle is 1.0 mm

(But if you have hypersensitive thin skin, then 0.5 mm)

We recommend choosing products from the manufacturer +Active, firstly, they are designed specifically for the mesoscooter, and secondly, they are convenient to select according to age, the manufacturer produces products for several age intervals, including the most necessary elements for this age.

In your case, we recommend using “Thickening Concentrate for Mature Skin” (50 years or more) in combination with “Hyaluronic Acid with Lipofilling Complex”

If you use both products, then the procedure should be carried out 2 times a week (1 time with one product, 2 times with the other). The course is 2-3 months.

But you need to start the course - using a mesoscooter - once a week, about a month, this will ensure a gentle treatment of the skin and its adaptation to the new procedure.

If you use one product, the procedure must be carried out once a week, for a course of 3-6 months.

With the help of the above products, our clients receive noticeably good results in reducing skin sagging, tightening it and reducing wrinkles around the lips and eyes.

As for nasolabial folds, it is more difficult to achieve their reduction; for a better effect, they need to be treated more carefully, spreading them so that the roller needles can reach the “bottom” of the fold and, perhaps, more courses will be required.

The consumption of funds for the face + neck area is 1 ml per procedure (this is 20 drops, the products have a special dispenser that dispenses one drop of product with a volume of 0.05 ml per press)

Thus, the Compacting Concentrate will be enough for 12 full procedures, and the Lipofilling Complex will be enough for 20.

Both our mesoscooters and medications come with detailed instructions.

We hope for fruitful cooperation!

We remain at your disposal for any further information.




Full text of the question: Please tell me, if I don’t have special cocktails for use with a mesoscooter, how long should it take after the procedure and before applying my usual facial care? (Julia)

Answer: Julia, thank you for your question! Typically, microneedling is performed overnight. After it, you don’t need to apply any of your usual care to your face (with the exception of soothing alginate or fabric masks, but this is not necessary). And in the morning you can apply your usual skincare products.




Answer: After opening, the ampoules can be stored in the refrigerator, having previously covered them with rolled cotton wool. This way you will ensure the safety of the product for several procedures. To remove the product from the ampoule, it is better to use a syringe.




Answer: An alginate sachet mask (25g) is used 2 times. It is necessary to dilute it with cool boiled water, stir very quickly (it should be the consistency of thick sour cream, about 40 ml of water per half sachet), apply to a cleansed face, or after the procedure with a mesoscooter, in a fairly thick layer, preferably including the eye area. Ideally, the mask is applied while lying down so that it does not pull the skin down. The mask dries very quickly, so you need to apply it without delay. After 20 minutes, the mask can be easily removed from bottom to top.




Answer: Hello! All special active serum preparations are usually applied before the procedure. After microneedling, you can apply a soothing mask; a mask with Aloe works very well, or an alginate mask, which not only soothes the skin, but also has a lifting effect. It is strictly forbidden to apply conventional skin care creams either before or immediately after the procedure, in order to avoid allergic skin reactions. If you use a mesoscooter on the body (cellulite, stretch marks) without a special product, then nothing is applied after the procedure, but if it seems to you that the skin reacts with excessive hyperemia (redness), then Bepanten cream can be applied.


02/24/2015 Full text of the question: And another question: After the procedure, can I use, for example, the Alganika restorative serum instead of a soothing mask? (or do you have anti-aging Anti-Age on sale).... And you wrote about alginant masks, I understood this correctly - for example ALGOMASK with bot effect - apply after the procedure? and the volume is 25 g - is this for one time use? Thank you.

Answer: Irina, if we talk about the manufacturer Alganik, then alginate biomasks No. will be suitable after the procedure. These masks are washable. This is perhaps their only small disadvantage when used with the Mesoscooter. They also work great without it.

The new line of professional products from Alganika “8 algae” - where the rejuvenating serum you wrote about is presented - are independent products that cannot be used with a mesoscooter. Soon on our website they will be highlighted in a separate branch in the catalog so as not to mislead visitors. Alginate masks Algomask - like any other - are suitable after the microneedling procedure, 25g sachet. used twice, sometimes three times.

All alginate dry masks, such as Algomask, have two features, which is why they are considered difficult to use at home: 1) quick drying. After dilution, apply it very quickly to the face and/or neck. 2) it is better to apply the mask while lying down to enhance the lifting effect. Since the mask itself is quite heavy, when applied while standing, it can, albeit slightly, pull the skin down.

The stages of the procedure are as follows: 1. Makeup removal, cleansing the skin 2. Treatment with a skin antiseptic 3. Application of the active substance: concentrate, serum 4. Treatment with a mesoscooter 5. Soothing mask (if necessary) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

02/24/2015 Full text of the question: Hello. I want to buy a mesoscooter from the Glamor series. I’ve never used it before..I have a question: will any calming face mask work (after the procedure)? I just really like the pharmacy brand Bioderma; their soothing mask removes redness well. Or do I need to buy some special product from you?..And the second question: what should I take as a means for the mesoscooter? I am 34 years old, my skin needs tone and hydration..Thank you.

Answer: Irina, hello! Thank you for your question. 1. If it is possible to use soothing masks after a microneedling procedure, there are two approaches: empirical - indicates the need for its use; cosmetologists include it in a set of procedures precisely in order to relieve redness and soothe the client’s skin; and scientific - leading Western scientists who study and introduce microneedling into dermatology and cosmetology say that, since through the Mesoscooter we cause reasonable, controlled damage to the skin in order to regenerate it, enhance the synthesis of collagen and elastin, it is undesirable to soothe the skin after the procedure, because .To. we inhibit these processes. In this connection, we recommend using the mask for the first 2-3 procedures, and when the skin “gets used” to the mesoscooter, not using it at all.

But in any case, everything is individual. If you feel an urgent need to use soothing masks, of course, you should include them in the procedure as part of your home care. You should approach the choice of a mask carefully and carefully study its composition. It should not contain ballast substances. Remember that it is one thing when we simply apply a mask to the skin, and quite another when we apply a mask to perforated skin with many micro-punctures. Try applying your mask to a small area of ​​skin after treatment with the Mesoscooter and evaluate its reaction. If it is positive, you can use it in the future. Usually, to relieve redness and soothe the skin, we recommend either professional alginate masks (they also give a good lifting effect) or fabric masks with aloe. In any case, the mask must be INWASHABLE.

2. For your skin, the best option would be a product from the +Active series - a concentrate of hyaluronic acid with elastin. It is recommended for use after 30 years, when the skin needs not only hydration, but also elasticity and tone. A volume of 25 ml is enough for 25 procedures on the face and neck, or 50 procedures on the face.


01/10/2015 Full text of the question: Hello! Can you tell me what length of mesoscooter needles is preferable to use for hair? A friend purchased a mesoscooter for the face from your company with a needle length of 0.5. She likes using it on her face. I tried it on my head out of curiosity, she said that she practically didn’t feel the needles, that is, they almost didn’t penetrate, and advised me to buy 1.5-2mm long needles for my hair. What is your opinion?

Answer: Hello! Thanks for the question. It’s a pity, but in the question you did not indicate for what specific purpose you want to use the mesoscooter on the scalp. Unfortunately, we cannot assess the condition of your hair and scalp in absentia. Therefore, if we assume that you need to strengthen your hair and provide it with intensive nutrition, you should use a mesoscooter with a needle no larger than 1 mm. 1 mm is a sufficient depth of penetration of active substances into the scalp.

But if you have more serious problems with your hair, then you should use a mesoscooter only after the recommendation of a trichologist. Your friend is wrong that 0.5 mm needles do not penetrate the scalp, because... she doesn't feel them. This is due to the different sensitivity of the facial skin and scalp. Many of our clients successfully use a 0.5 mm needle to strengthen their hair, and get good results. The principle: “the worse the hair, the longer the needle is needed” does not work here, because Often thin and sparse hair is a consequence of the thin human scalp, and the needle for home self-use here can be no more than 0.5 mm.

Try to assess the condition of your hair, analyze this condition over time, and if you initially have thin, thin hair, then more than 0.5 mm. We do not recommend taking a needle. And if you think that your hair has deteriorated as a result of any manipulation or exposure to external/internal factors, then the needle can be taken 1 mm, but in no case more.


01/08/2015 Answer: For rosacea, the mesoscooter can be used both as part of professional skin care and to reduce its symptoms - restoring the tone of the skin capillaries and restoring normal regulation of vascular tone. To do this, we recommend using the active substance - hyaluronic acid with ceramides and provitamin D. It is important to determine the condition of your skin. If it is dry, sensitive or rosacea is severe, then the recommended needle length should not exceed 0.3 mm. If you assess your skin as normal or prone to oily skin, then the length of the needle can be up to 0.5 mm inclusive. The task of the Mesoscooter in this case is to pierce only the keratinized layer of skin cells - the epidermis, without touching the dermis itself, in which the blood vessels are located. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Answer: As a rule, 3.5% hyaluronic acid is diluted with organic silicon at a rate of 1:1. Used once every 2 weeks. Technique – injection mesotherapy.

With biorevitalization, a “soft” effect is obtained, i.e. short-lived.

Injectable hyaluronic acid 3.5% and organic silicon are present in our assortment; we will be happy to provide prices upon request.

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Answer: Very interesting question, thank you for it!

Firstly, if you use vitamin solutions in microneedling, then only ampoule solutions intended for injection.

Secondly, vitamins with mesoroller are usually used on the scalp to nourish the hair roots. As for the face, the use of vitamins separately, in our opinion, does not have much practical significance, because, as you know, vitamins must enter the body in certain doses, and the use of one vitamin can lead to the consequences that occur from an excess of one vitamin against the background of a lack of others;

Further, some of them have an unpleasant odor (for example, when using them on the scalp, it is not recommended to wash your hair for up to 5 days, and not everyone follows this rule precisely because of the accompanying odor), and for example, vitamin C in monotype causes burning sensation.

To summarize all this, we can say that the strength of the unpleasant side effects clearly outweighs the benefits of using vitamins in microneedling, especially for the face. But this applies to vitamins as single preparations, of course.

We recommend using special cocktails where optimal dosages and ratios of vitamins are selected and where they are enclosed in special shells - liposomes or nanosomes - to eliminate interaction with each other and reduce side effects, such as burning.


Answer: Under the mesoscooter it is necessary to use products intended for mesotherapy or transdermal therapy (hardware techniques). If the manufacturer claims this is the purpose of the product, it can be used in combination with a mesoscooter.


Answer: Yes, that's right. In no case can moles be treated with a Mesoscooter, and during the procedure they must be bypassed.


Answer: We do not recommend doing this. Since by means of a mesoscooter you inject the drug under the epidermis, right down to the deep layers of the skin, and it can cause allergic reactions due to ballast substances, mineral oils, etc., even if you have previously used it superficially and you have not experienced any reactions . Therefore, we strongly recommend choosing active substances whose manufacturer claims the possibility of their use in transdermal therapy, or mesotherapy.

Please note that the preparations we offer are created specifically for mesorollers (“+ Active” - all preparations, “Dermclar” - a special line for transdermal therapy, “Hyaluron” - all preparations), they are more concentrated than preparations for mesotherapy to ensure the best effect when used with a mesoscooter.


Answer: True, but partly. As a rule, when used at home, the mesoscooter is used 1-2 times a week, when solving problems of age-related changes, cellulite, acne, pigmentation, stretch marks, baldness, or in combination with daily care.

Salon use of a mesorolator - therapy - occurs as prescribed by a doctor (cosmetologist, dermatologist) and under his supervision. Here the mesoscooter can be used according to other schemes.


Answer: Yes. You can use a mesoscooter in the summer. But you need to understand that additional skin protection from sunlight is required, at least two days after the procedure. To do this, use face sunscreen (with SPF factors) before going outside. It is also better to exclude swimming pools, baths, lakes, etc. for two days.


Answer: Yes. This is not a contraindication. It is necessary to start using a mesoscooter not immediately after the procedures, but approximately 2 months after injection mesotherapy as maintenance therapy (or for a problem) and after Botox has shown its maximum effect, approximately 1 month after injections.


Answer: If you want to use it and see a need for it, then of course you can. But with caution, in case of any skin reaction (except for natural redness after the procedure, which subsides after a few hours), you must stop using it.


Answer: Moles, warts and other skin growths should never be treated with a mesoscooter. You can do the procedure if you carefully avoid them during processing.


Answer: Let’s immediately say that with a mesoscooter you can successfully overcome small, shallow wrinkles. Deep wrinkles, creases, etc. can also be treated, and in combination with special cocktails you can achieve their significant reduction, but not disappearance.


Answer: It is generally accepted that the use of special products - serums and cocktails for mesoscooters - is not necessary, but desirable, because it enhances the effect on the problem that you would like to get rid of with the help of a mesoscooter. If we do not use cocktails and serums, but use a mesoscooter, we also force the skin to produce its own elastin and collagen, which leads to an improvement in its quality.


Answer: We recommend numbing the skin before the procedure as a last resort, or if you have a low sensitivity threshold. When using the Mesoscooter on the skin and subcutaneous muscles of the face, it is important that the muscles are relaxed. During anesthesia, the pain signal in the nervous system is blocked and the muscle spasms, which leads to a slowdown in metabolic processes and prevents rapid natural recovery after microneedling therapy.


Answer: Needles longer than 1 mm penetrate deeper layers of the skin and cause more severe trauma. As a rule, when using such needles, blood dew appears, which in principle is normal. Therefore, we strongly recommend using needles longer than 1 mm after consulting a cosmetologist, or under his supervision.


Answer: No way! All conventional creams are designed for surface application. They may contain fragrances, dyes, preservatives and other elements undesirable for intradermal administration - ballast substances, which can cause an allergic reaction. Only special serums and cocktails for mesoscooters in combination with the microneedling procedure (using a mesoscooter) will provide the necessary effective effect on the problem area.


Answer: In principle, this is permissible. But you need to understand that injection mesotherapy products are less concentrated than special products for mesorollers. Consequently, the effect of the procedure will depend on this.


Answer: When treating the skin with a Mesoscooter, the release of blood dew is acceptable, but in very small quantities in the form of small droplets and not in all treated areas. In this case, the droplets can be removed with a cotton swab dipped in a skin antiseptic, for example, chlorhexidine. When using Mesoscooter at home, there should normally not be a lot of bloody dew. If you experience a lot of bloody droplets over the entire surface being treated, then you should replace the needle length used with a shorter one.

Medicinal products for mesotherapy

There are a lot of means for mesotherapy using a mesoscooter. Creating a cocktail will eliminate different types of damage to the dermis. Next, we propose to consider the main components and what effect they produce:

  • hyaluronic acid is the main anti-aging agent, helps smooth out wrinkles, increase skin elasticity, accelerates metabolism;
  • collagen – promotes rejuvenation, smoothing, increases skin elasticity and firmness, and evens out skin tone;
  • artichoke (chofitol) – used to eliminate cellulite, as it eliminates tissue swelling;
  • aloe vera – suitable for all skin types due to its moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties;
  • chamomile extract – helps improve the condition of problem skin due to its soothing, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties;
  • ascorbic acid – returns a healthy complexion, brightens and eliminates pigmentation due to its antioxidant and restorative properties.

Each ingredient has its own benefits

Contraindications and possible complications

It is strictly prohibited to use a mesoscooter if you have:

  • moles or nevi that are easily damaged;
  • skin infections in the form of boils and folliculitis;
  • skin diseases, psoriasis, eczema and other similar pathologies;
  • herpes;
  • keloids;
  • burns, deep skin damage and inflammation.
  • high body temperature;
  • chronic diseases;
  • pregnancy.

Contraindications should be taken into account

After the procedure, patients experience redness and swelling with a predominance of pain.

Important ! In practice, all symptoms disappear within two hours after use.

Is it possible or not?

Cuperosis is a skin disease associated with impaired blood microcirculation and dilation of blood vessels, causing them to become less elastic and more permeable. The lesion manifests itself in the form of local redness of the skin on the face and the formation of certain “spider veins”.

One of the main actions of the mesoscooter is the restoration of blood microcirculation. Accordingly, the technique will help you restore vascular health by eliminating the external manifestations of the disease.

However, keep in mind that to restore the elasticity and strength of blood vessels, using only a mesoscooter is not enough. A problem arises when there is a lack of nutrients in the dermis, so it is important to first pay attention to choosing a high-quality meso-cocktail.

Recommendations to avoid possible complications

Experts offer recommendations that will allow you to get the full effect without the risk of complications and damage to the skin.

  1. Dermaroller storage rules. Use a special case for the device that will protect it from mechanical impacts on the needles. Avoid dropping the device. It is strictly forbidden to use a damaged massager.
  2. Be sure to carry out thorough antiseptic treatment with disinfectants before and after the procedure. If treated poorly, there is a possibility of infection entering the skin and, accordingly, the blood.
  3. Choose the period of use of the device according to the time of sleep and proper rest.

    You should choose the right time for the procedure

  4. Contraindications after procedures include visits to baths, saunas, solariums and water treatments. Be sure to treat your skin with sunscreen for three days.
  5. The number of procedures is strictly individual. If obvious redness and “non-healing” of the skin are observed, it is better to postpone the process for several days.
  6. The selection of meso-cocktails should take place in specialized stores with a focus on the type of dermis. Conventional cosmetics that are used in everyday life can cause great damage to the skin.
  7. Follow a strictly prescribed course of therapy with a mesoscooter. Do not overuse the frequency of use and monitor the condition of the dermis. The maximum number of procedures should not exceed 20 times; the course can be repeated after 6 months.

It is necessary to strictly follow the course of therapy

How does a mesoscooter work?

Rotation of a standard mesoscooter with 192 needles over the surface of the skin 15 times leads to the formation of about 250 holes per cm2. Microneedles cause microtraumas to the skin, the depth of which will depend on the length of the mesoscooter needles. Microtraumas lead to minimal superficial bleeding from the injection sites and trigger the process of skin regeneration, accompanied by the release of a large number of different growth factors. For example, platelet-derived growth factor (PGF), TGF-α and TGF-β factors, and connective tissue and fibroblast growth factor (FGF).

Treatment of the skin with needles leads to focal destruction of connective tissue fibers and the intercellular matrix, which causes the migration of fibroblasts to areas of damage, their proliferation (division), the processes of laying the intercellular matrix, the process of formation of new vessels, as well as neocollagenogenesis - the process of formation of new collagen (1, 3 and 7 types). The fibronectin matrix is ​​formed approximately 5 days after injury, and ensures the attachment of newly formed collagen fibers to the extracellular matrix. Histological examination of skin treated with a mesoscooter 4 times with an interval of 1 month showed a significant increase in collagen deposition even 6 months after the end of the last procedure (source).

When treating scars and scars, the mesoscooter needles first destroy the fibers of dense fibrous connective tissue, triggering revascularization processes in them, i.e. formation of blood vessels. The emerging bundles of collagen fibers already have a normal lattice pattern, and do not represent parallel bundles (as is typical for scar tissue fibers). But there are other interesting effects ( For example, trauma to the dermal matrix leads to the release of enzymes - matrix metalloproteinases, which reduces skin hyperpigmentation.

Advantages and disadvantages of a mesoscooter

The device copes with its functions perfectly; it is one of the best devices for use at home. The positive and negative aspects of the mesoscooter are highlighted.


  • an effective product that gives visible results after the first use;
  • completely safe when used independently at home;
  • a health procedure is performed without damaging the inner layer of skin;
  • low price;
  • easy use and storage of the device;
  • there is practically no pain;
  • due to the compactness of the device, it can be used anywhere;
  • produces peeling of the dermis.

Mesoscooter has many advantages


  • individual intolerance to cosmetics used in the mesoscooter;
  • There may be discomfort during the procedure.

Cosmetics used with the mesoscooter

Mesoscooters are used at home with certain medications; they are selected taking into account:

  • Skin type;
  • Nature of the problem;
  • Contraindications.

Mesotherapy products are divided into concentrates and specially formulated cocktails.

Concentrates usually consist of one component and therefore actively eliminate only one or two defects.

The group of concentrates includes:

  • Hyaluronic acid. The concentrate moisturizes the epidermis, helps eliminate fine wrinkles;

  • Ascorbic acid. The main effect is lightening the epidermis;
  • Elastin and collagen hydrolyzate. Under their influence, skin elasticity increases and the growth of new cells is activated;
  • Aloe extract. The concentrate is used when it is necessary to moisturize the skin, remove inflammation and relieve irritation;
  • Chamomile concentrate. It is used when it is necessary to remove traces left from allergic reactions and reduce irritation on the skin.

Mesotherapy products may contain extracts of plants such as gingko biloba, centella asiatica, and seaweed.

Medicinal cocktails are divided into two types. Ready-made products from this group contain about 50 components and can be purchased in pharmacies and online stores.

The second type of cocktail is a self-prepared solution consisting of three or four components.

Only a specialist can professionally create a cocktail suitable for the skin type, taking into account defects, features of the epidermis, and the age of the client.

Popular products used in conjunction with a facial mesoscooter include:

  • Gel with hyaluronic acid “Anti-aging serum Gel Serum de jeunesse avec l'acide Hyaluronique”;
  • Hyaluronic acids: Professional, Mumiton with mumiyo, FYTODON with sweet clover, Herbamine with Celandine and Collagen, Gold Elite, Luxury;
  • Facial serum Laura Mesoeffect;
  • Concentrate with dexpanthenol.

When choosing products, cosmetologists advise giving preference to ready-made formulations. They are sterile and do not have foreign inclusions.

Important information when purchasing a device

Marketing today states that it is the penetration of nutrients that stimulate important processes for eliminating wrinkles and smoothing scars to achieve proper results from using the device. Moreover, this is supposedly only possible if there are needles up to 0.5 mm.

Not all needles are useful - some, due to their short length, simply will not reach the desired layer of skin

Important ! In practice, most cosmetologists note that having a needle length of 1 mm or more, when using a mesoscooter, the skin produces a small amount of blood, provides the most effective modification of the dermis, in turn, a shorter length gives mediocre results even with long-term use.


Mesoscooters are usually divided into three types, these are:

  • DEVICE FOR HOME USE. The length of the needles on the roller of such a dermaroller ranges from 0.2 to 0.5 mm. A homemade mesoscooter helps well in eliminating fine wrinkles and sagging skin, evens out facial tone, and reduces the visibility of enlarged pores. This device is also useful for excessive hair loss. Its use is safe - the short length of the needles does not injure the skin.

  • COSMETIC MESOROLLER. The main difference is the length of the needles, it is more than 0.5 mm. This type of device should be used in beauty salons; without professional skills, there is a risk of damage to the basement membrane. The use of a cosmetic mesoscooter is necessary when there are defects on the face in the form of deep scars, pronounced wrinkles, hyperpigmented spots, and ptosis.

  • MEDICAL. The rollers of this device have the longest length - from 1 to 2.5 - 3 mm. Thin needles pierce the skin deeply, affecting the nerve endings and causing pain. Therefore, a medical facial roller is usually used after anesthesia of the skin with local agents. It helps well in eliminating deep scars, pronounced cellulite and stretch marks. Only a cosmetologist with a higher education and a certificate corresponding to his activities can use such a device.

Mesoscooters also differ in the composition of the alloy used to make the needles. The most common analogues are those with titanium needles. Devices with surgical steel needles have a longer service life.

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Dermarollers coated with silver and gold should only be purchased if an allergic reaction occurs to ordinary metals.

When choosing a device, you need to pay attention to the number of needles; the more there are, the higher the effect and the less painful sensations.

In addition to the mesoscooter for the face, analogues are also produced for other parts of the body.

Devices for the eyelids are distinguished by the shortest needle length and narrow roller, which allows you to easily treat the delicate skin around the eyes.

Mesoscooters for the body have a wide roller, providing a large area of ​​coverage of the torso during the procedure.

In case of excessive hair loss, you should pay attention to special devices for treating the scalp.

You can also purchase sets of mesoscooters; they may include two or three devices designed to eliminate defects from individual areas of the body.

A variation of ordinary mesoscooters is a background device. Such devices have a built-in photon emitter, which allows the treated area of ​​the body to be subjected to light therapy.

The combination of mesotherapy and light therapy increases the effectiveness of the procedures.

Why can’t you use professional equipment yourself?

A mesoscooter is a truly effective cosmetic tool in the hands of specialists. For home use, you need to purchase a device that is easier to use and will definitely not harm the skin. Moreover, it is almost impossible to buy a professional mesoscooter; this requires medical education and relevant diplomas. In the age of information technology, you can buy such a device without special skills, but no one can guarantee that the buyer will not only make things worse for his body. Improper use of such devices can lead to irreversible consequences. The dermaroller penetrates the skin; under unsanitary conditions, there is a high probability of causing an infection, which can cause various diseases.

Important ! The advice of cosmetologists and dermatologists is that if the patient wants to achieve good results, it is better to go to a clinic or beauty salon, or use a device specially designed for home use.

It’s better to trust a specialist than to try to use professional equipment yourself.

Duration of use

A course of home mesotherapy consists of 6-10 procedures performed once a week.

It is recommended to throw away the highest quality mesoscooters after about 10 procedures. The thing is that their needles become dull, become deformed and therefore do not perform their intended function.

When repeating a course of mesotherapy, it is recommended to purchase a new device.

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What do cosmetologists say?

After conducting research and collecting all the information about reviews from cosmetologists, we can draw the following conclusion.

Beauty experts have a mixed attitude towards dermarollers. Some people often use this device at work, advertising it even more. Others, on the contrary, rarely offer this service to patients or completely exclude the device from their work, offering instead other effective methods and devices, arguing for high efficiency and long-term experience in use.

Important ! Although the mesoscooter is a more affordable means of eliminating many skin-related problems.

Not all experts recommend dermaroller

In any case, each method of combating age-related changes, healing and eliminating damage to the dermis can have different effects on human skin. After all, each organism and all its reactions are purely individual, and the same problem, when using the same devices and medications, will cause an allergic reaction in some, while in others it will produce a better effect in a short time. Therefore, before starting to use the mesoscooter, it is recommended to consult with dermatologists to identify contraindications and possible complications.

Important ! After confirming the harmlessness of use by a dermatologist, you should contact a cosmetologist who will recommend the type and type of device, as well as the best meso-cocktail.

You should first consult with a dermatologist if you want to use a mesoscooter.

Who is contraindicated from using a mesoscooter?

The mesoscooter has a fairly gentle effect on sensitive skin, preventing it from irritation. However, despite this, the technique has some contraindications:

  • Pregnancy, lactation;
  • Diabetes;
  • Poor blood clotting rate;
  • Inflammatory processes in the body;
  • Fungal diseases;
  • Dermatological diseases;
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the composition.

If contraindications to the technique are not followed, you risk not only reducing the effectiveness of the manipulations, but also getting negative consequences that affect your health.

Reviews about the procedure

Inna, Tolyatti

“I’ve been using the mesoscooter at home for a long time, I like the effect. Of course, it is difficult to achieve the same result as from injection mesotherapy in the clinic, but there is still an effect - wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin looks more fresh. Before using it, I consulted with a doctor about how to do everything correctly and what products to use, so I’m not worried. I recommend!”

Ekaterina, Tobolsk

“A cosmetologist recommended a mesoscooter to me and said that I could fix many problems myself with it. At first there was no effect, I was upset, I thought it was all nonsense. Then it turned out that I was simply using the mesoscooter incorrectly. I also chose the wrong remedy. The doctor explained everything to me, after a week of use I began to notice the effect. I found no side effects. I will try further."

How to use a roller and gua sha correctly?

Two main and simple rules.

First: before you start self-massage, you need to apply a product to ensure glide. This could be a special massage gel or your favorite day cream. The expert does not recommend using oils - most often they clog pores.


Second: all actions - both with a roller and Guasha stones - are performed along massage lines, should start from the center of the face to the periphery, and be quite fast and confident.

Important Tips

The article exhaustively talks about the miracle device - the mesoscooter. If you decide to purchase a device, choose the length of the needles and its intended purpose, adhere to the rules, since improper operation without knowledge of safety precautions leads to irreversible consequences.

  1. The main rule is that the device is strictly individual in use; under no circumstances should it be allowed to be used by other people. A mesoscooter is considered a personal item, just like a towel or toothbrush.
  2. When using at home, use only high-quality and certified meso-cocktails. The use of conventional cosmetics, which contain chemical compounds, fragrances and dyes, during such a procedure can cause irritation, allergic reactions and cause significant harm to any skin type. Cosmetic preparations for everyday use are intended for the upper layer of the skin and are not suitable for mesotherapy.

    It is important to use the right products

  3. Before starting the treatment process, be sure to clean the area of ​​application, get rid of makeup, shampoo, hairspray or gel from the scalp, and take a shower without products containing harmful substances. The mesoscooter creates microcracks, and all the components located on the surface of the body get into the smaller wounds.
  4. Do not abuse the device. Strictly follow the course of using the dermaroller. The recommendations of experts describe that the course is no more than 10 procedures with an interval of at least 4 days. Mesotherapy does not like frequent use, since the skin does not have time to rest and heal the wounds.
  5. The frequency of courses of procedures is twice a year. Otherwise, the skin ceases to independently produce the necessary nutrients and regenerate, since the mesoscooter only helps and does not replace the work of the skin.
  6. Pressing firmly with the device only worsens the effect of the procedure.
  7. After all procedures and before them, be sure to disinfect the device. Also, when processing, do not allow disinfectants to accumulate, since when they come into contact with the walls of blood vessels, the process of dulling the needles occurs.

It is important to follow the rules of the procedure

Popular models with the possibility of independent use

Gold Skin Roller

The needles of the Gold Skin Roller mesoscooter are made of heavy-duty medical steel and are dusted with gold on top.

The thickness of durable, conical needles is minimal and amounts to 0.25 mm, the length reaches 1 mm.

The device is positioned as a highly durable device that does not cause allergic reactions and, thanks to the finest needles, acts on those layers of the epidermis where collagen production occurs.

The Gold Skin Roller costs about $180.


Mesoscooters of this brand have different numbers of needles and different lengths. Devices with 192 or 540 needles 0.5-1 mm long and 0.09 mm in diameter are suitable for facial rejuvenation.

Titanium needles are coated with gold plating, which prevents them from oxidizing upon contact with the skin.

Bioroll 360/0.5

The Korean-made mesoscooter is made of a biocompatible polymer, which eliminates the deformation of needles, ensures hypoallergenicity and extends the service life of the device.

The number of needles in the device is 360, their length is 0.5 mm. The safety and effectiveness of the device is confirmed by international certificates.

Bioroll 360/0.5 is suitable for home use and for procedures in beauty salons.


The device is equipped with a non-removable roller, the number of needles on which reaches 200.

The needles are made of titanium using acupuncture techniques, which reduces the pain of the procedure.

Applying gold plating to needles minimizes the risk of proliferation of pathogenic flora and reduces the likelihood of deformation when using disinfectant solutions.

The ZGTS GOLD mesoscooter is manufactured in different versions - the length of the needles of the devices can be 0.5, 0.3, 1 and 1.5 mm. The device is available in a tube, which allows you to maintain its sterility.

DSS in a tube

The device under the DSS brand is of high quality. The length of the needles is 0.3 mm, their number in the device is 540.

The device effectively copes with fine wrinkles, improves the penetration of restorative agents, and can be used to activate the work of hair follicles on the head.

The mesoscooter comes with a tube, which allows you to store the device in sterile conditions and, if necessary, take it with you.

Photos before and after the procedure

Photos before and after using a mesoscooter at home No. 1

Photos before and after using a mesoscooter at home No. 2

Photos before and after using a mesoscooter at home No. 3

Let's sum it up

In conclusion, we present all the effects that the mesoscooter has when used correctly:

  • smoothing wrinkles, moisturizing and lifting the skin. Also, thanks to stimulation by the device, the independent production of collagen and elastin occurs, which are responsible for youthful skin;
  • mesotherapy restores skin tone, thereby curing the occurrence of rosacea;
  • dermis tightening after sudden weight loss with complete recovery;
  • the device allows you to remove cellulite and smooth the dermis;
  • The microneedling process eliminates stretch marks and softens scars.

The main thing is to follow all the recommendations, and the effect will not be long in coming!

Stages of the disease

Cuperosis is one of the signs of skin photoaging. It is associated with a gradual slowdown of natural metabolic processes, as well as a decrease in the elasticity of the entire skin.

A mesoscooter for rosacea is not always effective. To find out whether technology will help you restore tissue tone, you should decide what stage you are at:

  1. Initial. The disease begins to originate in the dermis - blood microcirculation is gradually disrupted, which is why the skin of the face may experience itching, tingling, and it will become more sensitive.
  2. Active. Locally, spider veins, numerous redness, and pinpoint capillaries appear on the skin. Every day the disease becomes more pronounced and prominent, the redness does not subside.
  3. Chronic. Inflammatory processes intensify, the skin becomes more red and sensitive, and blood vessels and capillaries become more visible. Abscesses often occur.

A mesoscooter for rosacea on the face can be used only in the first or second stage of the disease, since chronic inflammation can only be treated with medical intervention.

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