Stretch marks in teenagers: causes and solutions

Stretch marks on the back are a fairly common phenomenon that occurs in both adults and adolescents. This is a cosmetic skin defect that is formed due to microscopic tears in the skin. Usually the problem appears in people who have rapidly gained weight or lost weight suddenly. In adolescents, they appear due to intensive growth, which the dermis cannot keep up with. Externally, stretch marks, which are also called striae, look like streaks that give the skin a loose, unaesthetic appearance.

Causes of stretch marks in teenagers

Stretch marks (also called stretch marks) appear when the skin does not keep up with the growth of the rest of the body and does not have enough collagen and other substances to fight the damage that appears. The result is elongated scars that can last a lifetime.

There are many reasons for the appearance of stretch marks in teenagers - here are just the most common ones:

  • Lack of muscle mass. It often happens in weak children with underweight, so the best prevention here is a healthy diet and exercise.
  • Reduced immunity. May be the result of a serious illness.
  • Hormonal imbalance . One of the most common reasons, because it is during adolescence that serious hormonal changes occur.
  • Heredity . There is a genetic predisposition to the appearance of striae. If the parents had them, then it is important to especially carefully monitor the child’s health and physical fitness.
  • Sudden weight gain or loss . Children's skin is much more elastic than adults, and even extreme changes in weight can often pass without a trace. However, with a combination of several factors (for example, losing weight against a background of reduced immunity), stretch marks may appear.

It is not always possible to immediately understand for sure why exactly stretch marks appeared in a teenager. We recommend that you first consult a doctor in any case to find out the cause of their appearance, since stretch marks can also be a sign of serious diseases!

Find out which method of correcting scars and stretch marks is optimal for you!

doctor Svetlana Viktorovna Ogorodnikova.


Temporary phenomenon

So, we found out the reasons for stretch marks on the butt in teenagers. Treatment is usually conservative. This is not a reason for panic or bad mood, since the phenomenon is temporary. The process of new scars will stop as soon as body growth slows down. And a young girl or young man needs to be explained that stretch marks can be treated. Soon they will turn pale and become almost invisible to others.

Can stretch marks be dangerous?

Stretch marks in adolescents do not pose a danger in themselves, but they can signal the presence of serious problems in the body, including:

  • infectious diseases;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • injuries (for example, stretch marks may appear when the vertebrae are displaced);
  • diabetes;
  • Marfan syndrome;
  • Itsenko-Cushing's disease.

In fact, the mechanism is simple - the disease affects immunity, hormonal balance, weight, etc. That is, factors that can cause the appearance of stretch marks. Of course, in this case, you will first need to address the main problem and only then think about aesthetic issues.

Contraindications and precautions

Cosmetological and hardware techniques are not a universal means of getting rid of stretch marks, especially when it comes to teenagers 14-15 years old or people with chronic pathologies. Before taking the course, you must consult your doctor to rule out the possibility of an allergic reaction. The main contraindications are usually:

  • The presence of neoplasms on the body.
  • Oncology of any localization.
  • Blood disorders or serious bleeding disorders.
  • Severe form of diabetes mellitus.
  • Any mental disorders.
  • Pregnancy or lactation period.
  • Infectious diseases in the acute period.
  • Cardiovascular pathologies.

When taking pharmaceutical drugs, you must follow the dosage indicated in the instructions. You should not exceed the recommended amount to enhance the effect, as this can lead to serious poisoning.

Prevention of stretch marks: is it possible to protect your child from this deficiency?

Yes, you can very well try to prevent the appearance of stretch marks through prevention. Of course, this will be quite problematic if you have a genetic predisposition or a concomitant disease, but you will still significantly reduce your chances if you follow the following tips:

  • Monitor your teenager's healthy diet - the diet should be balanced, sufficient, but moderate. Try to avoid excess fat and salt.
  • If there are no contraindications, be sure to ensure that the teenager engages in physical activity. If lessons at school do not inspire enthusiasm, you can send your teenager to a sports section in a field of your choice.
  • Don't disturb your sleep schedule. During hormonal changes, the body is already in a state of stress, help it with a regime.
  • A teenager should receive sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals.
  • Don't forget about fresh air, especially if you live in a metropolis.

Many of the tips may seem quite general, but we ask you to take them as seriously as possible - it is from these foundations that your child’s health is built, brick by brick.

Salon procedures to get rid of stretch marks on the back

Stretch marks that formed more than a year ago on the back are almost impossible to remove. But you can make them less noticeable, but you will need the help of specialists. Salon procedures include:

  1. Microdermbrasion. It is a chemical peeling using aluminum oxide. The dermis is polished, the color is evened out, and stretch marks on the back become less noticeable. To obtain the desired effect, 10 procedures are necessary.
  2. Laser resurfacing removes the surface layer of skin, causing stretch marks to become smaller. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. The result will become noticeable after a month.
  3. Deep peeling, in which acids are used to burn the upper layer of the dermis. Unnecessary coverings disappear, stretch marks become invisible.

Each procedure has contraindications, especially for children. You can’t thoughtlessly take a teenager to the salon. You should first consult a doctor.

How to remove stretch marks from a teenager? The main ways to combat stretch marks

There are a lot of ways to remove stretch marks from the skin, but to effectively combat the deficiency, it is important to take into account many factors - from possible contraindications to the age of the stretch marks.

Salon treatments

Among the procedures offered in beauty salons, the following are common and allowed for teenagers today:

  • Wrap. Suitable for very fresh and small stretch marks. One of the most pleasant procedures - it does not cause discomfort and can give pleasure from aromas. To combat stretch marks on the skin of teenagers, wrappings with kelp, honey, chocolate, cocoa and grapes are used.
  • Peeling using fruit acids. Most effective for fresh stretch marks. As for the old ones, the effect is achieved by a large number of procedures or a combination of different procedures.
  • Mechanical peeling. It is considered one of the most effective types of peeling and can help in the fight against old stretch marks.

Pros : Salon procedures are performed by specialists, eliminating the risks of improper use of products. In addition, they not only fight stretch marks, but also have a generally beneficial effect on the skin.

Cons : The most effective procedures may be contraindicated for your child due to increased trauma or due to an allergy to the components. In addition, such services are not cheap, and you may need several sessions.


Traditional medicine provides answers to almost any questions related to health and beauty. To remove stretch marks on the body in teenagers, it is recommended:

  • Homemade wrap. Laminaria leaves, mumiyo, cocoa, essential oils and much more are used. You can easily find recipes online.
  • Rubbing with natural oils. Anise and sandalwood oils are used, as well as cinnamon, patchouli, rosemary, fennel, bergamot, lavender, lemon, ginger, grapefruit and orange oils.
  • Peeling with exfoliating agents. The most famous and affordable peeling is a product based on ground coffee. Recipes are quite easy to find; all the ingredients for any peeling will be very affordable.

Pros: First of all, cost-effectiveness. Most products can be easily found in the nearest store, and you perform the procedures yourself, without the involvement of specialists.

Cons: Some of the recipes are very dubious; their effectiveness has not actually been proven. And procedures such as peeling should only be undertaken if you are confident in your skills - otherwise, you are more likely to harm the teenager than help.


Experts say that the following types of massage are effective for getting rid of stretch marks on the skin of teenagers:

  • plucked with oils;
  • honey massage;
  • hardware massage;
  • vacuum cupping massage.

Pros : Just like salon procedures, massage can have a beneficial effect on the skin and even the figure of a teenager.

Cons : You should not try massage yourself unless you are a professional. But a massage from a specialist can be quite expensive, especially since one procedure is never enough.

Gels and creams

Gels, creams and ointments for stretch marks can be very effective if you choose the right product. The fact is that there are several main types of funds:

  • Means for prevention. Such gels and ointments are not at all intended to combat stretch marks; they are aimed only at increasing the skin’s resistance to damage through nutrients.
  • Remedies to combat fresh stretch marks. They help get rid of stretch marks that are not yet a year old. Such scars still have a reddish tint.
  • Means for combating chronic stretch marks. They are aimed at correcting even old scars that are several years old. Such stretch marks look like light stripes on the skin.

Pros : You get rid of stretch marks at home, no need to go anywhere. Significantly more economical than salon procedures. Moreover, unlike traditional medicine, these are tested, reliable remedies, many of which are sold in pharmacies.

Cons : The effect does not occur very quickly, the use of physiotherapy devices may be required.

We have outlined the pros and cons of each approach, so evaluate the condition of the skin, budget options, and the wishes of the teenager and draw conclusions. The least traumatic, safe, but at the same time effective means are gels, creams and ointments. We invite you to pay attention to products from.

Clinical manifestations

Striae in pregnant women usually occur in the abdomen and mammary glands ( Fig. 1 ). In bodybuilders and other athletes, they usually appear in the armpits and thighs ( Fig. 2 ). In adolescents and obese people - on the back, stomach, legs and other areas, depending on which area of ​​the body increased in size faster than others.

With intensive growth in boys, stretch marks often appear on the outer thighs and in the lumbosacral region. On the back they can be confused with marks from blows ( Fig. 3 ), so if such stretch marks are detected, the doctor should carefully question the patient. In teenage girls, stretch marks usually form on the buttocks and breasts.

Immediately after the appearance of striae, they are flat pinkish or reddish skin defects of short length - they are called striae rubra (red stretch marks). Gradually, the defects mature and turn into white wrinkled scars - striae alba (white stretch marks).

Typical striae alba have a length of up to several tens of centimeters and a width of 1 to 10 millimeters. They are a scar with a high density of connective tissue fibers and poor extensibility. If the white striae occupy a large area, they can rupture under intense mechanical stress - for example, from a strong blow.

Some striae rubra do not develop into striae alba over time - instead they take on the shade of surrounding healthy skin and become virtually invisible. This most often occurs in teenagers as they grow older.

Clinical classification of striae:

  • Stage I - fresh, inflamed, usually purple stripes.
  • Stage II-a - white superficial grooves without gradation and without noticeable depression on the surface of the skin.
  • Stage II-b - white superficial furrows without gradation, but with noticeable depression on the surface of the skin.
  • Stage III-a - white atrophic furrows with steps, less than 1 cm wide, without deep dyschromia.
  • Stage III-b - white atrophic furrows with steps, less than 1 cm wide, with deep dyschromia.
  • Stage IV - white atrophic furrows with steps, more than 1 cm wide, with or without deep dyschromia.

Striae that occur when taking steroids are longer and wider. They can cover large areas of the body, sometimes extending to the patient's face. When topical steroids are used, stretch marks appear under occlusive dressings. Most often they affect the bends (elbow, knee) and can completely disappear if such treatment is canceled in a timely manner.

Rice. 1. Typical localization of stretch marks on the abdomen in the last weeks of pregnancy (

Rice. 2. Striae in the axillary region of an athlete (Danish national service on dermato - venereology)

Rice. 3. Striae on the back of a teenager may resemble traces of beatings, which requires careful study and detailed questioning of the patient (Danish national service on dermato - venereology)

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