Mesopeeling of the face: technique, results and consequences of use

The famous poetess Anna Akhmatova wrote lines that perfectly express the eternal female fear of aging: “But what should we do with the horror that was once called the passage of time?” Meanwhile, today it is not necessary to listen with trepidation to the sound of the steps of maturity. The development of aesthetic medicine has broken the connection between beauty and biological age. Innovative methods of rejuvenation, one of which is mesopeeling, allow you to look attractive regardless of the number in your passport.

What is mesopeeling and why is it needed?

Any peeling is designed to trigger certain processes in the skin: self-renewal, cleansing, rejuvenation, etc. There are plenty of types of peelings to achieve such goals. They can act at different levels of the skin and still provide a specific effect.

Mesotherapy involves the procedure of introducing various active substances under the dermis using a syringe or mesoscooter. An effective fusion of two procedures (peeling and mesotherapy) is mesopeeling.

Facial mesopeeling is an ideal risk-free procedure for women and men of any age (after 18 years) and skin type. During such a session, glycolic acid with a concentration of 1% is injected under the epidermis. Input occurs in an invasive way (passing through the skin barrier). In addition to this substance, the product may also contain others:

  • lactic acid;
  • salicylic acid;
  • retinoic acid.

Glycolic acid-based cocktails can contain these components in different percentages. The difference in proportions is the actual solution to a specific problem. For example, to get rid of acne and spots from it, mixes with salicylic acid are used, and to solve problems with wrinkles - with lactic acid.

Injection of “beauty cocktails” is simply necessary to achieve the following effects: solving problems with wrinkles, scars, spots of various origins (pigmentation, senile, post-acne). The skin, thanks to the influence of glycolic acid, activates the regenerating processes in it and the problem goes away on its own.

Mesopeeling is classified as a superficial peeling procedure, since the needle penetrates a maximum depth of 2 mm under the skin. In some cases, the introduction of mesopiling acids is carried out as a mid-peeling (with deeper penetration into the layers of the dermis and the introduction of the required amount of the drug there).

A huge advantage of using mesopeeling is that after the session you do not need to get used to minor bruises, swelling, spots or very visible puncture sites, and then peeling, minor rashes. They simply won't exist. And you can do the procedure whenever you want - be it in summer or winter, unlike other chemical peelings.

The result after ordinary “beauty injections”


Instead of a salon procedure, you can make pharmaceutical peeling rolls made in China, Japan and Korea at home. Of course, they are much less effective, but as supporting procedures they may be sufficient.

As part of home mesopeeling, it is also worth abandoning the parallel use of aggressive anti-aging agents. In addition, it is necessary to conduct allergy tests on drug tolerance on a small area of ​​skin.

Probiotic with AHA and BHA acids from MICROLIS

This preparation includes a whole complex of fruit acids (lactic, malic, tartaric, citric, glycolic), as well as salicylic (willow bark extract). The total concentration of acids in the Russian MICROLIS peeling is 3.5%.

The drug is applied to a cleansed face with fingertips for 10 minutes, the last 3 of which (as the manufacturer claims) trigger the mechanisms of hydration and regeneration.

The product is used 1-2 times a week. As a result, spots and freckles lighten, rashes and comedones disappear.

Indications for use

No cosmetic procedures are performed just for show. Each manipulation, like any cosmetic product, is aimed at a specific effect: care, moisturizing, etc. So mesotherapy is designed to solve the following skin problems:

  1. Comedones . You can cleanse the pores of these pollutants using the mesopeeling procedure. Such deep cleansing is possible due to the action of acid: it gently expands the clogged pore, after which the hardened fat and impurities are simply removed. At the same time, the skin softens and smoothes.
  2. Pores. Enlarged pores are not a sign of healthy facial skin. But the bigger problem is the accumulation of contaminants in them, which causes the hated “black dots” to appear. By choosing a cocktail for mesotherapy, you can carefully narrow them and make them invisible for a long time. At the same time, the natural “breathing” of the skin improves, and the sebaceous glands work normally, without excess fat production.
  3. Signs of aging. Deep wrinkles can be smoothed out using a rejuvenation method called mesopeeling. A special cocktail is selected, which will definitely include lactic acid. Medium peeling is recommended here. The procedure is an alternative to deep peeling. This method also allows you to get rid of minor wrinkles that are located around the eyes, lips and nose. Skin elasticity improves and skin restoration occurs.
  4. Dull skin color. This problem can be present in women of different ages. This procedure can get rid of it even in one session of visiting a cosmetologist. In addition to improving complexion, the lipid barrier is also restored.
  5. Scarring. You can cleanse the skin of such skin defects using mechanical peeling, where cleaning is carried out with abrasive particles or by exposing the surface layers of the skin to acids. Mesopeeling allows you to get rid of small scars, scars, traces of chickenpox, reduce rough scars, stretch marks in a couple of sessions.
  6. Stains. Pigment stains on the face may be present for various reasons, but they are not important if the choice was in favor of mesopeeling sessions. This cosmetic procedure will help get rid of spots on the face of any origin in the shortest possible time.

In addition to the main directions of action of glycolic acid, the positive qualities also include the treatment of teenage rashes and acne. The effect of the procedure can last up to a year, and the chemical itself does not cause allergic reactions.

Who is the procedure recommended for?

The innovative technique has a considerable range of indications typical for different age categories. These include:

  • hyperkeratosis;
  • chrono- or photoaging;
  • loss of skin tone;
  • rapid rate of appearance of wrinkles and facial folds on the face;
  • pigmentation, freckles and congestive acne spots;
  • comedones, blackheads;
  • “goose bumps”, enlarged pores;
  • shallow scars, stretch marks and scars;
  • dryness, feeling of tightness;
  • oily sheen, disruption of the sebaceous glands;
  • problematic acne, frequent acne;
  • seborrhea;
  • vitamin deficiency of the skin, unusual grayness and dullness of color.

Mesopeeling is recommended to be used not only purposefully to solve existing skin problems, but also as a preventive measure.


Despite all the positive effects of superficial mesopeeling, the procedure has some contraindications. There are not as many of them as with conventional types of peeling, but they cannot be neglected:

  1. individual intolerance to any component included in the drug;
  2. period of viral and infectious diseases;
  3. any inflammatory reactions in the body;
  4. low blood clotting;
  5. mechanical damage to the skin, wounds, skin diseases.

The procedure is allowed for women preparing to become mothers and breastfeeding. Although it is not recommended for young people under 18 years of age. But in some cases, it is recommended to carry out a course of mesopeeling to improve the condition of young skin. The number of sessions is determined by the cosmetologist.

How many procedures will be required

Mesopeeling is carried out in courses of 3–7 sessions, in some cases their number can be increased to 10. The duration of the course is selected by the cosmetologist solely based on the characteristics of the skin and the degree of defects on the face.

Mesopeeling should be carried out depending on the structure of the skin. It is allowed to perform such procedures once every 7 days for patients with thin and sensitive skin. If your skin is oily, thick or problematic, then sessions are held every 3-4 days.

To increase the effectiveness of manipulations, it is recommended to alternate mesopeeling with classical mesotherapy.

Mesopeeling technology

Women are accustomed to adapting many procedures to carry them out at home. But in this case, it is impossible to carry out mesopeeling at home. The drug must be administered under the skin by a professional under sterile conditions, and even in the right places.

Before the procedure, preparations are made for the session. An allergy test is carried out (it is advisable that this happens a day before the procedure on delicate skin: at the wrist, behind the ear). If everything is in order, the specialist prepares the skin, and then mesopiling acids are introduced:

  1. Cleansing. It can be carried out using any means at the discretion of the cosmetologist, taking into account the condition of the skin. Additionally, you can do scrubbing, masks, facial massage.

  2. Administration of the drug. The drug is injected to a depth of 1 or 2 mm using the thinnest needle of a syringe at the desired angle. Before doing this, a mixture of acids is selected that is suitable for the particular case. The areas of the face where injections need to be made are also determined.

Mesopeeling techniques may vary. It all depends on the technology chosen for the procedure by a specific cosmetologist. Alternatively, after the cleansing stage, the face can be moisturized with cream or serum. And after the procedure, a toning or soothing mask can be made.

After mesopeeling, other mesotherapy procedures can be performed, but with an interval of one week. Combinations of superficial peeling and mesopeeling in one session are also possible. And also, the session can be a preparatory stage for other cosmetic procedures :

  • mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid;
  • Botox injections;
  • filler injections;
  • laser skin resurfacing.

Each of them can be performed in combination with the main mesopeeling procedure in one visit. However, it is not recommended to carry out all of the above types of procedures in one visit to a cosmetologist. It is not recommended to use glycolic acid and salicylic peeling in one session. After such a tandem, visible bruises and minor redness may remain.

Competent complexes, using mesopeeling and other procedures, can show good results and maintain them for a long time. But in addition to visiting a cosmetologist, this also requires home measures to maintain the beauty of the skin.

Video of how mosopilling is done in the clinic.


The new method has absorbed many of the advantages of its predecessors and even enhanced them:

  1. The ingredients mutually enhance their effect, so the result is visible faster;
  2. There is no need to prepare for a session and recover after it for a long time;
  3. There is no ban on scrubbing the skin;
  4. The procedure is universal and allowed at any age, in any season;
  5. There are very few contraindications.

We recommend: Is it possible to do PEELING AFTER BOTOX.
Doctor's opinion The skin still cleanses very deeply, although without peeling.

Fly in the ointment in a barrel of vitamins

To be fair: there are also disadvantages. Small bruises, red spots and allergic itching may appear at the injection sites. Fortunately, in a couple of days these victims of beauty also disappear.

Post-procedure care

When performing several procedures in one session, special skin care may be required. And if only mesopiling acids were introduced, then minimal care is required.

Special preparations, penetrating into the deep layers of the epidermis, provide the skin with complete care and a comprehensive effect on the necessary processes occurring in it. This is enough to not bother with subsequent skin care after the procedure. The following familiar daily rituals are enough:

  • cleansing the face of impurities, including cosmetic products;
  • toning the skin after cleansing;
  • moisturizing (in any convenient way: mask, cream, fluid, serum, hydrosol, etc.).

Since after a visit to a cosmetologist, long-term restoration of the skin is not required, you should not spend money on additional care products that have not been used before. It is better not to experiment with cosmetics during this period. But advance preparation will not hurt. It would be a good idea to purchase basic cosmetics for personal care, especially if they have not been used before.

Restrictions after mesotherapy

Mesotherapy, like any procedure, requires compliance with certain rules. So, on the day of the “beauty session” you cannot carry out other cosmetic procedures.

During the first 24 hours after mesotherapy, do not apply decorative cosmetics and creams to your face. Give your skin time to rest and recover.

After mesotherapy, refrain from visiting the bathhouse, sauna, or solarium for several days. Don't massage your face. Stop playing sports for a while.

Photos before and after the procedure

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