Stimulating cell regeneration: the most effective ways

From this article you will learn:

  • Types of cell regeneration
  • Affects cell regeneration
  • Stimulating cell regeneration: the most effective ways
  • Medicines to stimulate cell regeneration

Stimulating cell regeneration is the key to long youth. During the functioning of the human body, various life-supporting processes occur unnoticed by the person himself. Division, self-renewal and replacement of aged cells with new ones are among the most important. It is cell regeneration that promotes growth, maturation, healing of wounds on the body, and the very existence of a person. As soon as the regeneration processes slow down, physiological old age gradually sets in. If regeneration stops completely for any reason, this will lead to inevitable death.

To achieve longevity, it is important to pay special attention to the regeneration of the body and be able to take care of yourself.

Types of cell regeneration

The human body has a unique ability to launch two types of regeneration: for every day and for emergencies.

Regeneration processes that occur daily are physiological and continuous.

In this way, the cells of the epidermis, mucous membranes, blood, bone marrow, and cornea of ​​the eyes are renewed. An example is the continuous regrowth of hair and nail plates. This is a process that does not stop throughout a person’s life. However, not all renewal reactions occur in different parts of the body at the same pace. If tissue regeneration in the intestinal sections takes two days, then the skin will be fully renewed only after a month. Liver and kidney cells renew much more slowly, while nerve cells do not divide at all. Hence the common belief that nerve cells cannot be restored.

Reparative regeneration is a process that is considered salvation in emergency situations. This is how human tissues recover from wounds. Regardless of the size of the damage, regeneration proceeds the same way both with a small wound on the little finger and with more significant violations of tissue integrity (for example, as a result of operations). A similar process can be observed when a new tail grows in lizards.

Physiological regeneration consists of two phases: the formation of new cells and the breakdown of old ones. It must be said that the first stage is destruction, which sometimes occurs much more intensely than restoration. According to scientists' research, cell death provokes the beginning of the production of new ones (to replace old ones).

Hormones and peptides are important for stimulating cell regeneration. It is thanks to these elements that information is transmitted from cell to cell. In this way, cells endowed with the ability to restore receive information about the required number of new ones. As time passes, the number of peptides decreases. In addition, these substances may not always convey the necessary information. As a result, regeneration processes proceed much more slowly.

Stages of healing

The wound healing process goes through three main stages: inflammation, regeneration, and restoration of the epithelium.

The inflammation phase begins immediately after injury and in an uncomplicated state lasts for 4–5 days. During the hemostasis stage, platelets attach to sites of injury and cause a chemical reaction that activates fibrin, which forms a matrix network and binds platelets to each other. This is how blood clots form, blocking damaged blood vessels and stopping bleeding.

At the stage of proliferation and regeneration, the process of angiogenesis, collagen deposition, and the formation of granulation tissue (young connective tissue formed in places of defects) occurs. The regeneration stage can last 2–4 weeks depending on the size of the defect.

The final stage is the formation of the epithelium. Depending on the severity of the injury, the process can last from several weeks to a year or more.

What affects cell regeneration

Peptides alone are not enough to ensure the regeneration process. Cells will not appear without building materials: water, air, food. One of the most important building blocks is the amino acid, which has the ability to produce peptides and proteins. Therefore, to ensure a normal recovery process, food must have enough proteins and peptides. There are other necessary substances that are responsible for restoring the body’s life support systems, such as lipids, mononucleins, trace elements, polysaccharides and others.

In addition to the insufficient content of peptides in the body, the reason for slowing down the regeneration process can be poor nutrition, unfavorable environmental conditions, stress, and poor circulation. The presence of inflammation in tissues also adversely affects reparative regeneration.

To maintain the normal process of cellular regeneration, scientists recommend the use of supplements in the form of peptides and immunomodulators. In addition, to prevent the negative consequences of poor nutrition, you should consume vitamins and mineral complexes. However, the effect of hormones on the body has not been fully studied. Therefore, advertised hormonal and steroid complexes should be taken very carefully, since doctors are not responsible for undesirable consequences. The best results in stimulating cellular regeneration can be achieved by combining the intake of peptides, proper rest and sleep, and a balanced diet.

How to speed up healing

The speed of wound healing varies. It depends on the nature of the injury and the individual characteristics of the patient, such as age, nutrition, and medications taken.

To speed up healing, it is necessary to provide optimal conditions for tissue regeneration at each stage. This role is fulfilled by therapeutic dressings designed for each stage of healing.

The method of hydrotherapy has a positive effect. Its essence consists in the sequential use of two dressings HydroClean and HydroTac. Using the first, the wound is cleaned, and then a second is applied, creating optimal conditions for granulation and epithelization.

Stimulating cell regeneration: the most effective ways

Currently, research concerning the ability of stem cells to continuously divide is gaining increasing popularity. It is believed that epidermal stem cells are located in the hair follicle area. This fact was proven experimentally - scientists grew a small piece of skin from a hair follicle.

Cells in the basal layer of skin can also actively divide. Moreover, a more intense process occurs in the deep layers of the epidermis. The rate of skin tissue renewal is influenced by the rate of cell division of the basal layer. However, this relationship is not direct, since the pace here is much higher than necessary. The explanation for this property of the cells of the basal layer is the need to form a reserve for skin restoration in case of damage, when urgent regeneration is required.

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The optimal thickness of the stratum corneum is maintained by the epidermis due to the production of kelons, which inhibit the process of cell division. When an unusual situation occurs, when the integrity of the skin is compromised, the rate of reproduction of basal cells increases. If the damage covers a small area, the skin on it thickens locally (for example, a callus forms on the foot). Violations of the integrity of large areas cause acanthosis, in which a general thickening of the epidermal layer occurs (for example, the skin becomes rougher and denser after excessive sun exposure).

One of the effective ways to stimulate the skin to regenerate is peeling. This method, widely used in cosmetology, is based on the ability to respond to damage to the epidermis by intensive division of basal cells.

Active cell proliferation can be induced by using cytokines and retinoids.

Cytokines are mediators of protein origin. They take part in intercellular signaling, coordination of the process of proliferation and cell differentiation. Retinoids have the ability to provide direct stimulation of epidermal cells to active division and differentiation. In addition, these substances affect the cells of the stratum corneum, weakening their bonds, thereby promoting exfoliation.

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Phytoestrogens also stimulate cellular regeneration of epidermal tissue. In case of lack of hormonal influence (due to which division slows down), these substances help cells renew themselves faster. Thanks to stimulation of renewal, fibroblasts of epidermal tissues are activated, provoking increased synthesis of collagen and elastin.

The following substances found in cosmetics are stimulants that accelerate cellular regeneration and fight certain types of wrinkles:

  • N-acetyl-L-cysteine ​​(sulfur-containing amino acid);
  • gamma-aminobutyric acid;
  • unsaponifiable fractions of avocado oil, soybean oil;
  • yeast wall polysaccharides;
  • purified aloe gel polysaccharides;
  • L-ascorbic acid.

It is recommended to select one or another means and method for regeneration for the purpose of general rejuvenation or treatment (in case of damage or UV irradiation), focusing on the following factors:

  • degree of severity of signs of skin aging;
  • nature of damage;
  • the ability of the epidermis to respond to stimulating events.

Let us consider in more detail the means of regenerating action.

Types of wound healing

According to the classification of I.V. Davydkovsky, the following types of wound healing are distinguished:

  • closing the defect of the epithelial cover, which occurs when the upper epithelial layer is damaged;
  • healing under a scab, or healing without a scar. Observed on mucous membranes in case of minor defects.
  • healing by primary intention, or healing without suppuration. Characteristic of wounds with damage to the skin and tissue underneath.
  • healing by secondary intention, or healing through suppuration and granulation. Occurs with extensive wounds, accompanied by foreign objects entering the wound, tissue necrosis, microbes and infections.

Medicines to stimulate cell regeneration

There are several groups of drugs that have the property of stimulating regeneration:

  1. Vitamin complexes. Particularly important for anabolism, or plastic metabolism, are preparations with folic acid, vitamins B1, B6, B12, C, A, U, etc.
  2. Anabolic drugs of the steroid group, such as Methandrostenolone, Phenobolin, etc.
  3. Anabolic drugs of the non-steroidal group: “Riboxin”, “Potassium Orotate”, “Sodium Nucleinate”, “Methyluracil”, etc.
  4. Biogenic action stimulants: aloe, “FiBS”, “Humizol”, “Peloidin”, “Khonsurid” and others.
  5. Preparations of immunomodulatory action with levamisole, thymus extract (Taktivin, Thimalin), polysaccharides (Prodigiozan, Pyrogenal, etc.).
  6. Nonspecific stimulants of plant or animal origin. Preparations with sea buckthorn and rose hip oil, betacarotene, fir oil, royal jelly, propolis, beebread, as well as Krumalon, Cerebrolysin, Actovegin, Solcoseryl, etc. are widely used.

Non-steroidal anabolic drugs include drugs whose action is aimed at activating the biosynthesis reaction of nucleic acids (substrate activation). The substances are precursors of purine or pyrimidine bases or products obtained after the reaction of incomplete hydrolysis of nucleic acids. The difference between these drugs and the group of anabolic steroids is their lack of hormonal activity, as well as reduced toxicity.

Inosine (“Riboxin”) is considered a precursor of adenyl and guanyl nucleotides, and “Potassium Orotate” is a precursor of pyrimidine bases. The drugs are used for diseases of the liver and myocardium.

In many cases, sodium deoxyribonucleate (sodium nucleinate) and Methyluracil (Methacyl) are prescribed.

Due to the ability to stimulate metabolic processes, synthesize nucleic acids and protein metabolism, anabolic drugs help:

  • accelerate the processes of cell reproduction and growth;
  • restore normal weight and function of affected tissues and organs;
  • activate leukogenesis;
  • increase the level of leukocyte activity;
  • form antibodies, lysozymes, complements, properdin and interferon;
  • have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Thus, thanks to anabolic drugs, the rate of regeneration not only accelerates, but also its quality improves, which in turn contributes to faster healing of wounds and ulcers. Scars become elastic, tissue properties are restored.

Biogenic stimulants , which include drugs of animal or plant origin, also have an effect that enhances regeneration and accelerates reparative processes. These products contain components whose nature is unknown. It is believed that the formation of these microelements occurs in the layers of surviving and isolated tissues in order to launch the process of adaptation to unfavorable conditions.

The regeneration mechanism is perfectly stimulated by sea buckthorn oil and rosehip oil . These products are rich in unsaturated and saturated fatty acids, carotenoids, tocopherols, vitamins B, C, P and other useful organic substances. Oils applied topically in the form of applications help to quickly heal wounds, burns, ulcers, cracks and other damage to the skin. If you have a stomach ulcer, sea buckthorn and rosehip oil is taken orally. Cancer patients take these medications to strengthen the body after chemotherapy and radiation.


Healing of a granulating wound occurs through scarring and epithelization. At the final stage of healing, collagen fibers appear among the cells of the granulating tissue, the number of granules decreases, and the number of fibers increases. Ultimately, the fibrous substance passes into the connective tissue and forms a scar.

When wounds heal by primary intention, delicate scar tissue is formed, which tends to resolve.

In case of healing by secondary intention, a rough scar is formed, which will not be easy to get rid of.

Home first aid kit

However, if we are talking about a universal remedy, which is better to have in a home medicine cabinet and which is suitable for all family members, then preference should be given to dexpanthenol preparations, which are approved for use in children from the first days of life, in pregnant women and women during lactation. Since at each stage of the wound process different forms of release of this drug are recommended, it would be optimal to have an ointment and a cream or gel combined with an antiseptic in the first aid kit.


  1. Abaev Yu. K. Biology of acute and chronic wound healing // Medical news. - 2003. - T. 6. - P. 3–10.
  2. Afanasyev V.V. // Solcoseryl: results and prospects. Collection of scientific and practical works. articles. St. Petersburg - 1997. - pp. 4–9.
  3. Butko Ya. A., Drogovoz S. M., Deeva T. V., Lyapunov N. A. Study of the reparative properties of creams with dexpanthenol and ceramides // Scientific bulletins of BelSU. Series: Medicine. Pharmacy. - 2013. - No. 18 (161).
  4. Zhilyakova E. T., Ivashchenkova A. O. Analysis of the Russian pharmaceutical market of drugs for the treatment of thermal burns // Young scientist. - 2022. - No. 39 (8).

5. Actovegin

The drug has a broad spectrum of action. Its main purpose is to improve tissue regeneration and kill bacteria. Release form: tablets, injection solution and ointment. The composition contains the active substance derotinized hemoderivative from the blood of calves. Thanks to the natural component, the concentration of amino acids in the body increases. The medicine helps at any stage of treatment, even for injuries that have not healed for a long time.



  • economical to use;
  • effective for injuries that take a long time to heal;
  • acceptable for use at any stage of regeneration;
  • affordable price per unit of goods.



  • has many side effects.

Norman derm Normal KPE201

The product is intended for application to any area of ​​the skin. Designed to relieve inflammation, soften the damaged area, as well as retain moisture and restore the epidermal barrier. Due to the absence of dyes or parabens, the product does not cause allergies. Apply the cream to dry skin before bed so that it is better absorbed. This will prevent redness and moisturize the skin well.



  • low cost;
  • does not contain dyes or silicones;
  • relieves inflammation, moisturizes and regenerates the skin;
  • the product is intended for any skin type (even very sensitive);
  • acceptable for any part of the body;
  • does not cause allergic reactions.



  • when applied in large quantities, it may not have time to be absorbed and will leave marks on clothing.

Dioxidin 5% 30 g

Relevant for severely advanced injuries to bedridden patients, for weeping post-burn wounds, for suppuration of internal organs. The active substance is an antibiotic. It relieves inflammation and destroys a wide range of harmful bacteria. Before use, the affected area is cleaned of pus, fluid and dead tissue.



  • long shelf life;
  • acceptable for use with other medications;
  • effective against resistant bacteria;
  • copes with stagnant damage.



  • can only be purchased with a prescription;
  • Suitable for use from 18 years of age.

1. Methyluracil 10% 25 g No. 1

This is the best regenerating cream for the treatment of purulent and weeping wounds. The active component is a non-steroidal antiseptic, thanks to which collagen is produced, the skin is restored, and inflammation is relieved. If the ointment does not produce results with prolonged treatment, you should consult a doctor.

Apply the cream to a clean injury. Purulent formations and dead tissue are first removed from it.



  • a budget option;
  • intended for the treatment of deep wounds;
  • when used additionally with other antibiotics, the result will be visible faster;
  • acceptable for use from birth.



  • wasteful consumption of contents.

Correct form

The selection of the form of the healing agent is no less important than the choice of the active substance. Let's repeat the basic rules.

  1. Fat-based ointments are contraindicated in the first stage of the wound process - they create a film and prevent adequate outflow of exudate and cleansing of the wound.
  2. The drug used in the early stages must have a hydrophilic base and retain moisture for a long time. Dosage forms that meet such requirements include solutions, gels, aerosols and creams on a hydrophilic basis.
  3. Aerosols are convenient for treating burns when any touch to the wound is extremely painful.
  4. As granulations grow during the second phase of the wound process, more and more of the wound surface must be treated with ointment. And when the wound becomes dry and significantly reduced in size, it is necessary to completely switch to ointment forms. By creating a fatty film on the surface of epithelialization areas, the ointment will protect young sensitive skin cells from drying out and provide them with greater resistance to environmental factors.

Unitpro Derm Soft KPE302

Professional cream. With its help, the protective functions of the skin on the hands are enhanced, dehydration is prevented, and redness goes away. As a complement, Unitro Derm Soft softens dry skin. The components in the composition are not capable of causing an allergic reaction. Thanks to the presence of vitamin A, the active components penetrate the epidermis faster and deeper, thereby accelerating the regeneration process.

Unitro Derm Soft is applied in a thin layer (up to 1 ml) to previously cleansed skin. If necessary, it can be applied to the face.



  • does not cause an allergic reaction;
  • low price per unit of goods;
  • does not leave stains on clothes;
  • quickly absorbed into the epidermis;
  • according to reviews of the regenerating cream, it is also suitable for the face;
  • restores the balance of the microflora of the skin.



  • Some components in the composition may cause allergies.

Unitro Derm Aqua hydrophobic KPE304

The medicine is intended as protection against water-soluble harmful substances. This includes solutions of alkalis, acids from salts, cement mortar, lime and other water-based substances. The active components in the composition allow you to quickly relieve inflammation and irritation, and perform a softening and moisturizing function.

Unitro Derm Aqua quickly and deeply penetrates the layers of the epidermis, thereby accelerating the regeneration process. The drug is applied to clean skin before work, the procedure is repeated after each hand washing. When applying, special attention should be paid to the area around the nails and between the fingers.



  • does not contain artificial dyes or other harmful components;
  • absorbs quickly and leaves no marks on clothes;
  • does not tighten the skin after application;
  • water repellency;
  • does not cause an allergic reaction;
  • low cost.



  • not detected.

Doctor's consultation: when is it necessary?

It is recommended to see a doctor, even if the wound does not seem serious. In addition, there are a number of cases when you cannot do without the help of a specialist. Such cases include:

  • continued bleeding from the wound - it may be necessary to stop it by ligating the vessel, applying a suture, or using a hemostatic sponge;
  • foreign bodies remaining in the wound, contamination;
  • wounds caused by heavily contaminated, rusty, painted, grease-coated objects;
  • wounds with signs of inflammation;
  • wounds caused by animals;
  • suspicion of a fracture, dislocation, ligament rupture.

In addition, it is not recommended to try to use certain medications on your own. The doctor prescribes an ointment for wound epithelization.

Daily skin care

Daily care is required at any age, and is the same for everyone, but the composition of the products used is already different.

Basic order of facial hygiene (sequence is required):

  1. Cleansing (makeup removal) – foam or micellar water.
  2. Tonic - moisturizing.
  3. Serum – additional vitamins and extracts.
  4. Cream for the eye area.
  5. Day/night cream.

If you plan to do light peeling at home, this procedure should be carried out after applying tonic. Follow the time instructions, longer is not always better. After the peeling procedure, be sure to use sunscreen to prevent unnecessary pigmentation. And most importantly, do not steam your face before peeling!

How to care for facial skin after 40 will help you find out the advice of professionals on choosing a cosmetic product. To begin with, we should dwell in more detail on the composition of cosmetics for those aged 40+.

Recommended composition:

  1. Plant stem cells will have an antioxidant effect and increase collagen synthesis.
  2. Peptides – these include half of all hormones and most enzymes, so an additional source of such substances is required.
  3. Matrixyl peptides will tighten and tighten sagging skin around the eyes.
  4. Argireline peptides will block the formation of wrinkles.
  5. Retinoids are substances derived from natural vitamin A. They provide control of cell growth and differentiation of mature tissues, and help suppress the secretion of the sebaceous glands. Actively used for acne and photoaging of the skin.
  6. Hyaluronic acid helps retain moisture and protect intercellular substances from dehydration, slowing down the aging process.
  7. Allantoin is snail mucus or an extract from the comfrey plant. Affects the renewal of the epidermis, neutralizes harmful substances.
  8. Shea butter has a combination of complex compounds that eliminates inflammation, removes age spots, toxins and helps fight dry skin.

Recommendations from cosmetologists for daily skin care will help keep a woman fresh and youthful for a longer time. You just need to carefully study the composition and select the necessary product.

Streptocide ointment 10% 25 g

A unique tool in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms. When applied, the drug penetrates inside, into the blood and continues its work inside. body. Available in two forms - ointment and powder. They have a wide range of applications. It works as follows: when applied to harmful cells, the synthesis of nucleic acids is disrupted, as a result of which they die.



  • economical consumption;
  • affordable price;
  • can be used on the face for boils and purulent acne;
  • destroys pathogenic microorganisms.



  • many contraindications;
  • cannot be used during pregnancy or lactation.

Konner KPE406

The main purpose of the drug is protection against sun damage. It is intended for people who work outdoors for a long time in the sun in an industrial environment. With its help, harmful UV radiation (A, B and C types) will not penetrate the human body. The active component of the drug is the probiotic Pro Renew Complex CLR™. It strengthens the epidermal barrier, making the skin more resistant to damage and stress.

In addition, the composition contains chestnut extract, which soothes the damaged area and relieves inflammation. The action of arginine is aimed at skin regeneration.



  • Can be used on the face;
  • affordable price;
  • reliable protection against UV radiation;
  • does not dry the skin;
  • does not cause allergic reactions.



  • narrow spectrum of protection;
  • Overpriced considering the features.
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