Stimulating cell regeneration: the most effective ways

  • — Stages of damage regeneration
  • — What to consider when choosing a product
  • - Criterias of choice
  • - What types of healing agents are there?
  • — Forms of local drugs
  • — The best regenerating ointments for wound healing
  • — The best ointments for skin regeneration after a burn
  • — Ointments for healing purulent wounds
  • — Which regenerating ointment is better to choose?

Everyone periodically gets abrasions and cuts, which can take a long time to heal and cause discomfort.
To prevent infection or to make the regeneration process faster, they must be treated with the best skin regeneration products. Depending on the degree of damage or inflammation of the skin, certain medications are selected. The purpose of any healing drug is the revival of tissue through the components. There are several stages of healing:

  • elementary

    – is inflammatory in nature;

  • intermediate

    – formation of granulation tissue on the surface;

  • last phase

    – with scar formation.

When choosing the best regenerating ointment, certain criteria


  1. Skin type

    . The choice of processing agent depends on this. For example, if you have a dry type, it is better not to use salicylic acid, as it has a drying effect. And for oily skin, it is better not to use ointments, as this will lead to clogged pores.

  2. Cause of damage

    . If the injury is the result of a knife cut in nature, or an insect bite, then first of all you should consult a doctor to avoid complications.

  3. Damage area

    . To restore a large area, it is better to take an aerosol; for a smaller area, you can use ointments or creams.

  4. Damage area

    . Most drugs are not recommended for application to the mucous membrane. Therefore, if damage has formed on the mucous membrane, then this factor must be taken into account and selected with the appropriate composition.

  5. Possible complications

    . If there are already inflammatory reactions, then you should choose products that contain analgesics, heparin or antibiotics. If there is a purulent formation, bactericidal drugs are used that protect the injury from microbes due to the formation of a film.

  6. Allergic reaction

    . If a person is prone to allergies, then there is a possibility of an undesirable reaction to the components in the ointment. Therefore, before use, it is better to carefully study the composition and instructions.

  7. Healing stage

    . There are two stages: inflammation and healing. The first stage is accompanied by pain and bleeding. At this point, it is better to use antiseptics, antibiotics and, if necessary, ointments that draw out the pus. During the healing stage, epithelializing ointments are used to restore the skin.

  8. Age and condition of the person

    . During pregnancy, breastfeeding and children, drugs based on hormones, antibiotics or allergens should not be used.

When choosing the best cream for skin regeneration, the following criteria are taken into account:

  • cost of the drug;
  • complexity of injury, stage of recovery;
  • date of manufacture and expiration date;
  • composition of the drug;
  • specialist recommendations;
  • intolerance to certain components in the composition;
  • contraindications;
  • product storage conditions.

It is important to pay attention to the appearance of the packaging. It should be complete and easy to use.

Before deciding on a purchase, it is important to understand the consistency of what product is intended for what, and what functions it performs:

  1. For disinfection

    . Designed to protect the body from infection. Disinfects cracks, cuts, abrasions and scratches.

  2. Presence of antibiotics in creams

    . Needed for the treatment of purulent inflammations, ulcers, wounds that bleed, burns, erosions or sutures after surgery.

  3. Regenerating

    . With them, open injuries, abrasions or frostbite heal faster.

  4. For drying

    . Relevant for the treatment of injuries in the mouth, purulent inflammations on the body or weeping injuries.

Today, all forms of topical medications are available on the market.

Each has its own pros and cons. You need to know them in order to choose the right medicine for yourself.

The peculiarity of ointments is that they penetrate deep into the tissue and have a long-lasting effect.

The disadvantages include their long absorption time, they can leave marks on clothes, and they are not suitable for oily skin types.

Gels are less often used as healing preparations. Their advantage is fast absorption, without leaving stains on clothes. Can be regularly applied to oily and problematic skin. But creams for oily skin will not be very relevant

. And they are not suitable for application in the summer. The benefits of regenerating body cream include protective properties and a positive effect on inflammation and restoration of skin that needs nutrition.

In order to choose the right product, taking into account the injury, its source and side effects, a rating of the best ointments for skin regeneration was compiled. It was compiled based on the recommendations of pharmacists and doctors.

NameRatingPrice, Ꝑ
Regenerating ointments for wound healing
1. Bepanten plus 30 g No. 19,8/10500
2. Unitpro Derm Soft KPE3029,7/10210
3. Baneocin9,5/10500
4. Norman derm Normal KPE2019,3/10156
5. Actovegin9/10140
Ointments for skin regeneration after burns
1. Panthenol9,7/10400
2. GGAO Apollo Hydrogel9,5/10350
3. Unitro Derm Aqua hydrophobic KPE3049,1/10190
4. Vulnuzan8,9/10200
5. Konner KPE4068,7/10240
Ointments for healing purulent wounds
1. Methyluracil 10% 25 g No. 19,8/1070
2. Dioxidine 5% 30 g9,6/10370
3. Hyposol 57 g9,5/10250
4. Naftaderm liniment 10% 35 g9,1/10420
5. Streptocidal ointment 10% 25 g8,9/1060

5. Actovegin

The drug has a broad spectrum of action. Its main purpose is to improve tissue regeneration and kill bacteria. Release form: tablets, injection solution and ointment. The composition contains the active substance derotinized hemoderivative from the blood of calves. Thanks to the natural component, the concentration of amino acids in the body increases. The medicine helps at any stage of treatment, even for injuries that have not healed for a long time.



  • economical to use;
  • effective for injuries that take a long time to heal;
  • acceptable for use at any stage of regeneration;
  • affordable price per unit of goods.



  • has many side effects.

Correct form

The selection of the form of the healing agent is no less important than the choice of the active substance. Let's repeat the basic rules.

  1. Fat-based ointments are contraindicated in the first stage of the wound process - they create a film and prevent adequate outflow of exudate and cleansing of the wound.
  2. The drug used in the early stages must have a hydrophilic base and retain moisture for a long time. Dosage forms that meet such requirements include solutions, gels, aerosols and creams on a hydrophilic basis.
  3. Aerosols are convenient for treating burns when any touch to the wound is extremely painful.
  4. As granulations grow during the second phase of the wound process, more and more of the wound surface must be treated with ointment. And when the wound becomes dry and significantly reduced in size, it is necessary to completely switch to ointment forms. By creating a fatty film on the surface of epithelialization areas, the ointment will protect young sensitive skin cells from drying out and provide them with greater resistance to environmental factors.

Norman derm Normal KPE201

The product is intended for application to any area of ​​the skin. Designed to relieve inflammation, soften the damaged area, as well as retain moisture and restore the epidermal barrier. Due to the absence of dyes or parabens, the product does not cause allergies. Apply the cream to dry skin before bed so that it is better absorbed. This will prevent redness and moisturize the skin well.



  • low cost;
  • does not contain dyes or silicones;
  • relieves inflammation, moisturizes and regenerates the skin;
  • the product is intended for any skin type (even very sensitive);
  • acceptable for any part of the body;
  • does not cause allergic reactions.



  • when applied in large quantities, it may not have time to be absorbed and will leave marks on clothing.


Options from different manufacturers may differ in their effects due to how the ingredients are used in production. However, they all have the same direction, which allows us to note a number of effects that can definitely be obtained by using this type of care.

  1. General care.
  2. Nutrition.
  3. Saturation with vitamins.
  4. Humidification, moisture retention.
  5. Eliminate fine wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones.
  6. Normalization of metabolism.
  7. Increasing the rate of epidermal renewal.
  8. Healing injuries.
  9. Slowing down the aging process.
  10. Gives skin elasticity.
  11. Oxygen saturation.

These are just the basic steps. Depending on the cost of the balm, you can get some additional properties that will help you look even better and provide deeper care.

The Cetaphil product line can be found here.

3. Baneocin

A universal drug with antiseptic and healing effect. Available in two forms: ointment (better for regeneration and scarring) and powder (can be applied immediately after injury). In addition to restoring inflamed lesions, Baneocin is recommended for lacerated and pustular rashes. A special feature of the drug is that it can be used in diabetes mellitus. It copes well with umbilical infection in newborns and does not harm them.

Baneocin contains two antibiotics – neomycin and bacitracin. They are what make the drug potent. It is not permissible to use it on mucous membranes or on large areas; it cannot be used with other antibiotics or with renal failure.



  • can be used by people with diabetes;
  • acceptable in the treatment of umbilical infection in newborns;
  • relieves inflammation and promotes regeneration;
  • quickly penetrates tissue and creates a barrier effect.



  • high price;
  • cannot be applied to the mucous membrane;
  • many contraindications.

Stage 3. Epithelization (final healing)

There is no discharge in the wound, the wound is dry. Discharge can occur if the wound is injured, as well as when an infection occurs. Most often, epithelization begins at the edges of the wound or from the area of ​​the so-called islands of epithelization. In this case, the rest of the wound may be in the proliferation stage.

If at any stage of the wound process an infection occurs, the discharge becomes larger, and it takes on the appearance, color and smell characteristic of a certain type of microorganism.

We should also not forget that the healing time of wounds largely depends on the general condition of the body, age, immunity, chronic diseases and much more. Conditions that can significantly slow down skin regeneration:

  • diabetes;
  • anemia;
  • obesity;
  • dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis;
  • liver and kidney failure;
  • exhaustion of the body (including exhaustion caused by diets);
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • smoking;
  • oncological diseases.

The speed of wound healing is also affected by:

  • Regularity of dressings. Sufficient for timely cleansing of the wound from necrotic tissue and exudate and at the same time not excessive, so as not to damage the resulting delicate foci of granulation, for uncomplicated wounds - 1 time per day
  • Regular treatment of the skin around the wound (to prevent infection).
  • Sterility of dressing materials.

Unitpro Derm Soft KPE302

Professional cream. With its help, the protective functions of the skin on the hands are enhanced, dehydration is prevented, and redness goes away. As a complement, Unitro Derm Soft softens dry skin. The components in the composition are not capable of causing an allergic reaction. Thanks to the presence of vitamin A, the active components penetrate the epidermis faster and deeper, thereby accelerating the regeneration process.

Unitro Derm Soft is applied in a thin layer (up to 1 ml) to previously cleansed skin. If necessary, it can be applied to the face.



  • does not cause an allergic reaction;
  • low price per unit of goods;
  • does not leave stains on clothes;
  • quickly absorbed into the epidermis;
  • according to reviews of the regenerating cream, it is also suitable for the face;
  • restores the balance of the microflora of the skin.



  • Some components in the composition may cause allergies.

Indications and contraindications for use

The key indications for use include the following:

  • signs of aging that are noticeable to others (presence of wrinkles, age spots);
  • sensitivity of the epidermis.

Contraindications to use include individual characteristics of the body, which are expressed in the form of allergic reactions.

Before using the regenerating agent for the first time, you should carefully study possible contraindications.

Bepanten plus 30 g No. 1

The drug has a broad spectrum of action: heals minor abrasions, sun damage and mosquito bites. The release form is ointment, cream or lotion; they differ only in texture. The main active component in the composition is dexpanthenol. This is vitamin B, which is able to regenerate damaged cells and is not addictive. It also contains chlorhexidine, an antiseptic that prevents bacteria from developing further.

Bepanthen is indispensable for dry skin, various types of damage to the skin, as well as for preventive purposes. It is prescribed to babies for diaper rash, and to nursing mothers to treat cracked nipples.



  • can be used by pregnant and lactating women;
  • the composition contains an antiseptic;
  • small cracks and injuries heal quickly;
  • no toxic compounds;
  • does not allow the inflammatory process to develop;
  • quickly copes with dry skin;
  • Available in the form of a spray, ointment or cream.



  • high cost of Bepanten;
  • causes a burning sensation upon contact with the mucous membrane.

Ointments for the treatment of dermatoses

Preparations of this action are non-hormonal healing agents for facial skin. They can be used for a long time to treat dermatoses and other skin lesions not only in adult patients, but also in children. They are not harmful to health and do not affect hormonal balance. The disadvantage is that with long-term use they can cause allergies and do not have the desired effect.

This group of medicines includes preparations based on Panthenol, containing zinc, and also based on natural substances.

Preparations containing Panthenol

Products with Panthenol have a restorative effect on cuts, burns and chemical damage. Stimulate the production of collagen fibers and accelerate scar formation, eliminate pain and swelling, and relieve minor inflammation.

Examples of medicines with Panthenol:

  • Eplan;
  • D-Panthenol;
  • Astroderm;
  • Bepanten and others.


This remedy has a quick effect and allows you to heal damage in a short time. The cream helps well in the treatment of household injuries, burns, frostbite, abrasions and scratches.

It has no contraindications and can be used even for children. D-panthenol must be applied to damaged areas several times a day.


The active component of the ointment is dexpanthenol. It accelerates regeneration and stimulates metabolic reactions.

The drug relieves inflammation and strengthens local immunity. Bepanten can also be used as a prophylactic agent. Analogues are Panthenol and Dexpanthenol ointments.


This effective and safe drug has a natural composition and contains panthenol as an active substance. The product can be used to treat large lesions of the epidermis, as it protects against infection.

Astroderm can be used as a prophylactic against the negative effects of the environment on the skin. Thanks to the panthenol included in the composition, the ointment has an analgesic effect.

Zinc based

Preparations of this type contain zinc compounds. They should be used to treat dermatoses, heal abrasions and ulcers. They destroy pathogenic microflora, have a drying effect, promote rapid wound healing, and do not affect hormonal levels. After application, such products create a protective film on the surface of the wound.

An example of a drug with zinc compounds is Agrosulfan.


This ointment contains silver and zinc ions and has an antibacterial effect on the affected area. Active components slow down the growth and division of bacterial cells and eliminate infection, relieve pain and promote rapid healing.

Argosulfan can be used to treat a variety of burns, frostbite, household injuries, dermatitis, purulent and trophic ulcers, including diabetes. The cream quickly restores damaged areas, eliminates itching and pain. It can be applied under a bandage or rubbed into the skin.

Natural based ointments

The composition of such preparations includes natural plant extracts. They can help heal not only dermatoses and open wounds, but also hematomas that form after a bruise. Due to their natural composition, such ointments do not have a negative effect on hormonal levels and have virtually no contraindications for use.

Examples of natural ointments are:

  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • Get better;
  • Cycaderma;
  • Doctor;
  • Ichthyol ointment;

Other means:

  • Rescuer is a drug in the form of an ointment, used to treat wounds, abrasions, burns, dermatoses, hematomas and other skin injuries;
  • The drug Ai-bolit in the form of a cream based on plant extracts is used to eliminate dermatoses, heal wounds, burns, abrasions and other skin damage.

Vishnevsky ointment

The main active ingredients of this drug are tar, xeroform and castor oil, which free the wound from infiltration. Vishnevsky ointment draws out pus and helps purulent formations break through.

Thanks to the use of this remedy, wounds heal quickly. It is recommended to use the ointment to treat old or newly formed lesions with traces of pus, signs of infection and inflammation.

Get better

This cream is recommended for use to accelerate the healing of wounds, bruises and abrasions in children. But it is not suitable for treating serious dermatological damage.

The composition includes natural vegetable oils and vitamins. The cream relieves pain, has a nourishing and moisturizing effect. It has no contraindications other than individual intolerance.


This drug contains plant extracts as active substances. Therefore, it can be used without fear even for treating children.

Cikaderma ointment is a homeopathic remedy. It has a restorative effect and promotes regeneration of damaged areas.


This product is available in the form of a cream, which is recommended for the treatment of minor damage, peeling and microcracks. It contains plant extracts, including aloe.

Cream Healer can be used not only for treatment, but also to prevent the formation of dermatological lesions. Has an effective nourishing, moisturizing and softening effect.

Ichthyol ointment

This product has a disinfectant effect. The active substance in the composition is the natural substance ichthyol. As auxiliary components - plant extracts, glycerin and paraffin. The drug has a good anti-inflammatory effect and accelerates the healing of various skin lesions.

It is recommended to apply the product several times a day until the damage heals. Individual intolerance is considered a contraindication.

The best ointments for skin regeneration after a burn

Anti-burn products must be kept in your home first aid kit. As a rule, pharmaceutical drugs are intended to eliminate stage I and II lesions. This is an injury that is characterized by redness, blistering and burning at the site of injury. To choose the best ointment for skin regeneration after a burn, you should familiarize yourself with all the characteristics of each proposed medicine. To quickly restore the skin and avoid the appearance of scars, such products are applied for 5 days three times a day.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

This group includes drugs containing antibiotics, as well as hormonal ointments. The latest medications include corticosteroid hormones. They are used to heal allergic lesions, relieve inflammation, and also treat autoimmune lesions.

Examples of hormonal ointments:

  • Prednisolone;
  • Lorinden S;
  • Lokoid.

Antibiotic drugs

Such drugs are used to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms. They help prevent purulent infection, remove microorganisms that have entered the wound and ensure healing without a scar. Products containing antibiotics, although they do not contain hormones, should be used only as prescribed by a doctor.

The following ointments have a good effect:

  • Levomekol;
  • Baneocin.

Tetracycline is used to treat dermatitis, purulent wounds, abscesses, trophic ulcers and other damage to the skin accompanied by an inflammatory process.


The drug contains antibiotics that eliminate bacterial infections. The main indications for Baneocin include purulent inflammatory processes, infections, dermatitis and postoperative sutures.

The product must be applied 2-3 times a day, covered with a bandage. The duration of the course is no more than 10 days.


This drug is disinfectant and has an antibacterial effect on the wound, preventing suppuration. It is recommended to use Levomekol for the treatment of scratches, small wounds, abrasions, cracks on the hands, against pathogens of purulent discharge.

For healing, a small amount of the product should be applied to the surface of the wound and left until it is completely absorbed. If there is suppuration, the ointment should be injected using a syringe directly into the site of inflammation. Levomekol should be used until the damage is completely healed.

Konner KPE406

The main purpose of the drug is protection against sun damage. It is intended for people who work outdoors for a long time in the sun in an industrial environment. With its help, harmful UV radiation (A, B and C types) will not penetrate the human body. The active component of the drug is the probiotic Pro Renew Complex CLR™. It strengthens the epidermal barrier, making the skin more resistant to damage and stress.

In addition, the composition contains chestnut extract, which soothes the damaged area and relieves inflammation. The action of arginine is aimed at skin regeneration.



  • Can be used on the face;
  • affordable price;
  • reliable protection against UV radiation;
  • does not dry the skin;
  • does not cause allergic reactions.



  • narrow spectrum of protection;
  • Overpriced considering the features.

Types of cell regeneration

The human body has a unique ability to launch two types of regeneration: for every day and for emergencies.

Regeneration processes that occur daily are physiological and continuous.

In this way, the cells of the epidermis, mucous membranes, blood, bone marrow, and cornea of ​​the eyes are renewed. An example is the continuous regrowth of hair and nail plates. This is a process that does not stop throughout a person’s life. However, not all renewal reactions occur in different parts of the body at the same pace. If tissue regeneration in the intestinal sections takes two days, then the skin will be fully renewed only after a month. Liver and kidney cells renew much more slowly, while nerve cells do not divide at all. Hence the common belief that nerve cells cannot be restored.

Reparative regeneration is a process that is considered salvation in emergency situations. This is how human tissues recover from wounds. Regardless of the size of the damage, regeneration proceeds the same way both with a small wound on the little finger and with more significant violations of tissue integrity (for example, as a result of operations). A similar process can be observed when a new tail grows in lizards.

Physiological regeneration consists of two phases: the formation of new cells and the breakdown of old ones. It must be said that the first stage is destruction, which sometimes occurs much more intensely than restoration. According to scientists' research, cell death provokes the beginning of the production of new ones (to replace old ones).

Hormones and peptides are important for stimulating cell regeneration. It is thanks to these elements that information is transmitted from cell to cell. In this way, cells endowed with the ability to restore receive information about the required number of new ones. As time passes, the number of peptides decreases. In addition, these substances may not always convey the necessary information. As a result, regeneration processes proceed much more slowly.

4. Vulnuzan

The Bulgarian product is highly effective, copes well with superficial damage and burns. Designed to relieve inflammation, fight harmful bacteria, accelerate tissue regeneration. The peculiarity of Vulnuzan is the presence of only natural ingredients in the composition. The main active substance is extracted in pharmacological laboratories through the mother liquor of Lake Pomerania. Also, there is castor oil, which accelerates skin renewal.



  • contains only natural ingredients;
  • copes with suppuration, if it occurs;
  • not allergenic;
  • use on mucous surfaces is permissible;
  • affordable price;
  • promotes rapid regeneration;
  • does not cause discomfort when applied.



  • cannot be used by pregnant women and women during lactation;
  • leaves marks on clothes.

The best pharmacy cosmetics from La Roche-Posay

Caring for capricious sensitive skin is not an easy task, which dermatological pharmaceutical products will help simplify. If dryness, irritation, flaking, and itching of the skin are your constant companions, you should try La Roche Posay corrective care. The main active component of all products for sensitive skin is thermal water

from the source of La Roche-Posay. Below is a rating of the best pharmacy cosmetics brand by type of product

Thermal water

Thermal water La Roche Posay

enriched with selenium (a natural antioxidant), which increases the ability of cells to fight free radicals and regenerate. Reduces discomfort from irritation and itching, quickly soothes, moisturizes and softens the skin, has wound-healing, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory effects, and slows down the aging process of cells.


Thermal water for all skin types

Instantly moisturizes and softens the skin, reduces redness.

399 rub. more details

Pharmacy cosmetics against acne

To effectively combat acne, it is necessary to use pharmaceutical cosmetics containing salicylic acid and lipo-hydroxy acid. These components provide a micro-exfoliating effect without damaging the skin. Skin with imperfections needs comprehensive care, which consists of delicate cleansing, exfoliation of dead skin, moisturizing, nourishing and correcting rashes. All these products can be found here


Effaclar micro-exfoliating cleansing gel is especially popular among users.

. According to clinical studies (52 participants used the product for 4 weeks), systematic use of the gel eliminates up to 51% of severe imperfections and eliminates acne marks by 57%. In addition to reducing pronounced imperfections, the product prevents the appearance of new rashes and post-acne.

  1. Corrective cream-gel for problematic facial skin Effaclar Duo(+) spf30/ppd10

    Rating: 98% of 100

    (44) Read reviews

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  2. A micro-exfoliating cleansing gel for skin with severe imperfections. Effaclar Micro-exfoliating cleansing gel


    Rating: 94% of 100

    (421) Read reviews

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  3. A micro-exfoliating cleansing gel for skin with imperfections. Effaclar A micro-exfoliating cleansing gel for face and body


    Rating: 93% of 100

    (25) Read reviews

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Pharmacy face creams

Face creams are one of the most common forms of pharmaceutical cosmetics. They are used for night and day skin care, to correct wrinkles, to correct signs of fatigue and to moisturize the skin around the eyes. In the La Roche-Posay assortment you will find a large number of face creams for various skin types.

One of the most popular La Roche-Posay creams is the Toleriane Sensitive light cream.

. The product instantly moisturizes and soothes the skin. Ceramides in the cream strengthen the skin's natural protective barrier. Regular use of the product protects the skin from the negative effects of environmental factors. Toleriane Sensitive consists of 74% thermal water, making it ideal for sensitive skin (both adults and babies).

  1. Intensive moisturizing care for dehydrated normal to dry skin types Hydraphase ha Rich cream

    Rating: 98% of 100

    (242) Read reviews

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  2. Corrective cream-gel for problematic facial skin Effaclar Duo(+) spf30/ppd10


    Rating: 98% of 100

    (44) Read reviews

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  3. Intensive concentrated gel-cream for the correction of wrinkles and skin texture Redermic Retinol


    Rating: 98% of 100

    (51) Read reviews

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Pharmacy balms

Facial balms can be used to cleanse, heal, moisturize the skin and more. The La Roche-Posay range of balms includes products for restoring the skin's protective barrier, soothing products for irritated skin and balms for atopic skin.

One of the bestsellers is Lipikar Baume AP+M triple action balm

. It is suitable for both body and face. Effectively soothes irritated skin and helps reduce itching. The new complex of ingredients in the product effectively regulates the skin microbiome. Most effective in combination with La Roche-Posay thermal water.

  1. Soothing and restorative Cicaplast balm b5 spf50

    Rating: 91% of 100

    (143) Read reviews

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  2. Soothing multi-regenerating balm Cicaplast Baume b5


    Rating: 96% of 100

    (37) Read reviews

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  3. Revitalizing lip barrier balm for children and adults Cicaplast lips


    Rating: 94% of 100

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Facial serums are a real find for women of any age. The high concentration of active components makes the serum an ideal assistant in the fight against age-related skin changes.

Pure Vitamin C10 Anti-Aging Antioxidant Serum

contains a high concentration of Vitamin C. The serum visually reduces not only small superficial wrinkles, but also deep age wrinkles. In addition, regular use of the product significantly evens out the surface and tone of the skin.

  1. Hydrating concentrated anti-wrinkle serum Hyalu b5 Serum


    Rating: 94% of 100

    (864) Read reviews

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  2. An intensely soothing serum that activates the skin's protective function for the face and eye area. Tolerian Ultra dermallergo


    Rating: 92% of 100

    (162) Read reviews

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  3. Antioxidant serum for skin renewal Vitamin c10 serum


    Rating: 89% of 100

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A pharmaceutical mask successfully selected for your skin type can replace a full trip to a cosmetologist. Face masks moisturize the skin, cleanse it of surface impurities, mattify the skin and reduce the appearance of imperfections (pimples, blackheads, rashes).

Particularly popular is the moisturizing, soothing mask Hydraphase Intense Masque

. It has a gel-cream texture and is suitable for all skin types (including sensitive ones). The product contains fragmented hyaluronic acid, which helps retain moisture in the skin. Shea butter in the composition helps strengthen the skin's protective barrier and intensively nourishes the skin.

  1. Purifying mattifying mask for oily problem skin Effaclar Mask

    Rating: 97% of 100

    (359) Read reviews

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Facial gel is a must-have in your pharmacy cosmetics arsenal. It gently cleanses the skin of strong secretions and dirty particles, restores the skin barrier and protects it from harmful environmental influences. Gels cleanse the skin more gently compared to scrubs or soaps.

Toleriane Caring Wash Cleansing Gel

designed specifically for sensitive skin. Thanks to niacinamide, the gel soothes irritated skin and reduces discomfort. Panthenol restores and softens the skin, while ceramides help retain moisture in the skin.

  1. Face and body cleansing gel for babies, children and adults Cicaplast lavant b5 cleansing gel


    Rating: 98% of 100

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    Not available

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  2. A micro-exfoliating cleansing gel for skin with severe imperfections. Effaclar Micro-exfoliating cleansing gel


    Rating: 94% of 100

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  3. A micro-exfoliating cleansing gel for skin with imperfections. Effaclar A micro-exfoliating cleansing gel for face and body


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Micellar water

Micellar water is visually similar to ordinary water, but contains special particles - micelles (particles of surfactants). These particles help remove the smallest dirt, grease particles, makeup residues, dust and other contaminants from the surface.

Micellar water La Roche-Posay

– one of the brightest representatives of pharmaceutical facial cosmetics. It delicately moisturizes and cleanses the skin and at the same time has a physiological pH level. The product is suitable for all skin types (including allergy-prone and sensitive skin).


Micellar water

Thoroughly cleanses the skin of impurities and reduces oily shine.

RUB 1,092 more details

Unitro Derm Aqua hydrophobic KPE304

The medicine is intended as protection against water-soluble harmful substances. This includes solutions of alkalis, acids from salts, cement mortar, lime and other water-based substances. The active components in the composition allow you to quickly relieve inflammation and irritation, and perform a softening and moisturizing function.

Unitro Derm Aqua quickly and deeply penetrates the layers of the epidermis, thereby accelerating the regeneration process. The drug is applied to clean skin before work, the procedure is repeated after each hand washing. When applying, special attention should be paid to the area around the nails and between the fingers.



  • does not contain artificial dyes or other harmful components;
  • absorbs quickly and leaves no marks on clothes;
  • does not tighten the skin after application;
  • water repellency;
  • does not cause an allergic reaction;
  • low cost.



  • not detected.

What affects cell regeneration

Peptides alone are not enough to ensure the regeneration process. Cells will not appear without building materials: water, air, food. One of the most important building blocks is the amino acid, which has the ability to produce peptides and proteins. Therefore, to ensure a normal recovery process, food must have enough proteins and peptides. There are other necessary substances that are responsible for restoring the body’s life support systems, such as lipids, mononucleins, trace elements, polysaccharides and others.

In addition to the insufficient content of peptides in the body, the reason for slowing down the regeneration process can be poor nutrition, unfavorable environmental conditions, stress, and poor circulation. The presence of inflammation in tissues also adversely affects reparative regeneration.

To maintain the normal process of cellular regeneration, scientists recommend the use of supplements in the form of peptides and immunomodulators. In addition, to prevent the negative consequences of poor nutrition, you should consume vitamins and mineral complexes. However, the effect of hormones on the body has not been fully studied. Therefore, advertised hormonal and steroid complexes should be taken very carefully, since doctors are not responsible for undesirable consequences. The best results in stimulating cellular regeneration can be achieved by combining the intake of peptides, proper rest and sleep, and a balanced diet.

GGAO Apollo Hydrogel

Such a lifesaver should be in any home first aid kit. It copes well with burns from household contact with hot objects, in the sun, and also in contact with electricity. The base contains iodovidone and anilocaine, which work effectively for first degree burns. A special feature of the product is its cooling effect upon application, which reduces pain.

If the Hydrogel is applied in the first hour and a half after injury, then infection of the site and the formation of blisters can be avoided. It should be applied for 7 days up to 4 times a day.



  • affordable price;
  • has disinfecting properties;
  • a cooling effect is provided;
  • promotes rapid restoration of the skin;
  • relieves inflammation and pain;
  • universal product.



  • does not help with second degree burns.

Stimulating cell regeneration: the most effective ways

Currently, research concerning the ability of stem cells to continuously divide is gaining increasing popularity. It is believed that epidermal stem cells are located in the hair follicle area. This fact was proven experimentally - scientists grew a small piece of skin from a hair follicle.

Cells in the basal layer of skin can also actively divide. Moreover, a more intense process occurs in the deep layers of the epidermis. The rate of skin tissue renewal is influenced by the rate of cell division of the basal layer. However, this relationship is not direct, since the pace here is much higher than necessary. The explanation for this property of the cells of the basal layer is the need to form a reserve for skin restoration in case of damage, when urgent regeneration is required.

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The optimal thickness of the stratum corneum is maintained by the epidermis due to the production of kelons, which inhibit the process of cell division. When an unusual situation occurs, when the integrity of the skin is compromised, the rate of reproduction of basal cells increases. If the damage covers a small area, the skin on it thickens locally (for example, a callus forms on the foot). Violations of the integrity of large areas cause acanthosis, in which a general thickening of the epidermal layer occurs (for example, the skin becomes rougher and denser after excessive sun exposure).

One of the effective ways to stimulate the skin to regenerate is peeling. This method, widely used in cosmetology, is based on the ability to respond to damage to the epidermis by intensive division of basal cells.

Active cell proliferation can be induced by using cytokines and retinoids.

Cytokines are mediators of protein origin. They take part in intercellular signaling, coordination of the process of proliferation and cell differentiation. Retinoids have the ability to provide direct stimulation of epidermal cells to active division and differentiation. In addition, these substances affect the cells of the stratum corneum, weakening their bonds, thereby promoting exfoliation.

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Phytoestrogens also stimulate cellular regeneration of epidermal tissue. In case of lack of hormonal influence (due to which division slows down), these substances help cells renew themselves faster. Thanks to stimulation of renewal, fibroblasts of epidermal tissues are activated, provoking increased synthesis of collagen and elastin.

The following substances found in cosmetics are stimulants that accelerate cellular regeneration and fight certain types of wrinkles:

  • N-acetyl-L-cysteine ​​(sulfur-containing amino acid);
  • gamma-aminobutyric acid;
  • unsaponifiable fractions of avocado oil, soybean oil;
  • yeast wall polysaccharides;
  • purified aloe gel polysaccharides;
  • L-ascorbic acid.

It is recommended to select one or another means and method for regeneration for the purpose of general rejuvenation or treatment (in case of damage or UV irradiation), focusing on the following factors:

  • degree of severity of signs of skin aging;
  • nature of damage;
  • the ability of the epidermis to respond to stimulating events.

Let us consider in more detail the means of regenerating action.

1. Panthenol

The product is available in three forms: ointment, cream and light spray. It works as follows: when applied to the skin, a cool film is created. It provides pain relief from burns. Recommended for large area damage.

The active component is dexpanthenol (vitamin B). Pantothenic acid, which is formed immediately when the drug is applied to the damaged area, is responsible for the process of repairing damage.



  • performs an additional moisturizing function;
  • acceptable for breastfeeding, pregnant women and children;
  • application is painless and does not cause discomfort;
  • gives a quick effect;
  • can be used on large areas of damage.



  • The price is too high, but it is justified by its active ingredients.

Rules of application

Any cream with a restoring and regenerating effect is applied in the same way as any other hand product. Before applying, wash your hands well and dry with a towel. Expert cosmetologists recommend starting to apply the cream from the back of your hands. After squeezing a small amount of product out of the tube, first rub it into the skin of one hand with gentle, smooth movements, then repeat the procedure with the second. Usually the cream is quickly absorbed and does not leave any excess on the skin, but if you have gone too far with the amount, the residue should be removed with a napkin or cotton pad.

Streptocide ointment 10% 25 g

A unique tool in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms. When applied, the drug penetrates inside, into the blood and continues its work inside. body. Available in two forms - ointment and powder. They have a wide range of applications. It works as follows: when applied to harmful cells, the synthesis of nucleic acids is disrupted, as a result of which they die.



  • economical consumption;
  • affordable price;
  • can be used on the face for boils and purulent acne;
  • destroys pathogenic microorganisms.



  • many contraindications;
  • cannot be used during pregnancy or lactation.

After what procedures is it necessary to restore the lipid layer of the skin?

The effects of ultraviolet radiation, radiation and other negative environmental factors can lead to the formation of free radicals in the skin, as well as lipid peroxidation.

Causes of lipid layer disorders:

  1. Using low-quality soap or products for washing, or washing with hot water.
  2. Abuse of sunbathing and solarium.
  3. Temperature changes (for example, frequent transition from a frosty street to a very warm room).
  4. Physiological stress (excessively drying the face with a towel after washing can disrupt the process of lipid formation).

Naftaderm liniment 10% 35 g

The composition contains naftalan oil, which disinfects, relieves itching and inflammation. The product is intended for the treatment of infected skin. If the edges are swollen or the patient has a fever, you should immediately contact a specialist for help. When using, it is important to strictly adhere to the instructions, observe the dosage and duration of treatment.



  • effective for injuries that heal poorly;
  • not capable of causing addiction;
  • contains no hormones;
  • relieves allergic reaction.



  • can be used from 12 years of age;
  • overpriced;
  • can cause dry skin.

Benefits of La Roche-Posay pharmacy cosmetics

La Roche-Posay pharmacy brand products are professional cosmetics for home care for reactive skin of various types, approved by dermatologists and developed taking into account innovative achievements in cosmetology and pharmaceuticals.

The effectiveness of the patented formulas of La Roche-Posay skin care ranges has been proven by independent clinical studies and is designed to solve the problem of skin imperfections at the cellular level. Unlike cosmeceuticals, conventional creams mask the external manifestation of skin imperfections without eradicating the problem.

Hyposol 57 g

The presence of sea buckthorn oil in the composition helps relieve inflammation and allows damage to heal faster. When the drug is applied to an area, a foam forms on it, which penetrates deep into the epidermis and destroys bacteria. To make it convenient to apply, the package includes a long nozzle. Relevant for the treatment of festering injuries that do not heal for a long time. Also acceptable for burns.



  • can be used during breastfeeding and pregnant women
  • relieves pain;
  • acceptable for treatment on mucous membranes;
  • can be used with oral antibacterial drugs.



  • may cause an allergic reaction.

Possible causes of bad facial skin

Sometimes the skin loses its ability to heal normally and restore short-lived epithelial cells. The main reason is insufficient or poor nutrition (for example, when trying to lose extreme weight), when the diet lacks the main “building material” for the skin - protein. Other negative factors leading to problem skin are:

  • reduced immunity and, as a result, high susceptibility to diseases;
  • increased physical or mental stress;
  • general long-term fatigue;
  • psychological factors, especially stress;
  • chronic diseases of the digestive system and endocrine system;
  • infectious, bacterial and fungal types of damage to the epidermis, incl. chicken pox and herpes;
  • oncological diseases (for example, basal cell carcinoma, which quite often appears on the face);
  • parasitic lesions - for example, demodicosis - a skin disease caused by the demodex mite;
  • non-inflammatory skin diseases associated with impaired keratinization of the skin (keratosis), some of the symptoms are peeling and horny layers;
  • physical inactivity, bad habits (especially smoking);
  • hormonal transformation during different periods of life (adolescence, pregnancy and lactation, aging);
  • use of incorrect skin care products, self-medication;
  • poor air and drinking water quality.

Dioxidin 5% 30 g

Relevant for severely advanced injuries to bedridden patients, for weeping post-burn wounds, for suppuration of internal organs. The active substance is an antibiotic. It relieves inflammation and destroys a wide range of harmful bacteria. Before use, the affected area is cleaned of pus, fluid and dead tissue.



  • long shelf life;
  • acceptable for use with other medications;
  • effective against resistant bacteria;
  • copes with stagnant damage.



  • can only be purchased with a prescription;
  • Suitable for use from 18 years of age.

Assortment of pharmaceutical cosmetics La Roche-Posay

You can buy La Roche-Posay dermatocosmetics in city pharmacies or order delivery from the manufacturer’s online store. The range is presented in several ranges for different types and needs of facial and body skin.

Below are the most popular La Roche-Posay ranges according to customer reviews for 2022:

    – cosmetics for oily and problem skin;
    – cosmetics for dry atopic skin;
    – care for sensitive and allergic skin;
    – soothing multi-regenerating cosmetics for face and body;
  • HYALU B5
    – moisturizing anti-aging care;
    – care for reactive skin prone to redness;
    – sun protection.

The prices for active cosmetics also differ from the cost of store-bought cosmetic products. Often, medical cosmetics are more expensive, which is explained by patented production technologies, highly concentrated formulas and independent clinical studies confirming the high effectiveness of the products.

1. Methyluracil 10% 25 g No. 1

This is the best regenerating cream for the treatment of purulent and weeping wounds. The active component is a non-steroidal antiseptic, thanks to which collagen is produced, the skin is restored, and inflammation is relieved. If the ointment does not produce results with prolonged treatment, you should consult a doctor.

Apply the cream to a clean injury. Purulent formations and dead tissue are first removed from it.



  • a budget option;
  • intended for the treatment of deep wounds;
  • when used additionally with other antibiotics, the result will be visible faster;
  • acceptable for use from birth.



  • wasteful consumption of contents.

From what age should I use it?

There is no need to use anti-aging products until the age of 30-35. Until this time, all processes in the body function practically without problems, skin cells have time to renew themselves, and no unpleasant damage occurs. But then all processes become dull, renewal does not work so well, the body is no longer able to deliver a sufficient amount of nutrients and cannot promptly cleanse the skin of dead cells.

You will learn how to use Bepanten correctly in this material.

If symptoms appear, then you should think about using a regenerating cream.

This is only relevant when it comes to healthy skin without pathologies. In cases where the use of such balms is necessary in the course of treatment, you need to rely on the doctor’s recommendations, or on the age at which the manufacturer recommends using the product.

Which regenerating ointment is better to choose?

To understand which regenerating ointments are the best for wound healing, you need to take into account your general condition of the body, the type of wound for which they will be used, and also carefully study the compositions.

Any medicine contains antibiotics in a certain dose. If a person is allergic to it, then even a small dose of the medicine can give a negative result. Therefore, when choosing a drug, you should first consult your doctor.

This will minimize the occurrence of adverse reactions and increase the rate of damage regeneration.

Some of the leading manufacturing companies, according to reviews from satisfied customers, are:

  1. Merz

    . This is a German organization that has been developing and producing over-the-counter drugs around the world for more than 100 years.

  2. Bayer

    . Another well-known company that has been operating on the market for over a hundred years. They test their drugs in their own laboratories. They are engaged in the production of fertilizers, food additives and medicines.

  3. Nizhpharm

    . The pharmaceutical company has also been operating for more than 100 years. For 17 years now, it has been part of a German company that produces medical products.

Pharmacies offer a wide variety of regenerating creams that can cope with injuries of varying severity. Which one is best suited and will be more effective depends on the specific case.

But every wound requires attention.
After all, even minor damage can lead to purulent inflammation. Therefore, it is necessary to treat immediately and keep medications for all types of wounds in your home medicine cabinet. This rating is for informational purposes only and does not provide any commercial benefit.

Main manifestations of wounds


In this case, pain occurs due to damage to the nerve endings that were located at the site of the injury. Over time, swelling may increase, which also leads to increased pain. The severity and degree of manifestation of pain depends on factors such as:

  • location of the defect, concomitant damage to large nerve trunks;
  • type of weapon or conditions of damage (asphalt, garden, bicycle, sharp object, etc.);
  • psychological state of the child.

In essence, pain is an adaptive defense reaction of the body.


Any damage to the skin or mucous membranes is in one way or another accompanied by damage to blood vessels (capillaries, arteries, veins). The nature and degree of bleeding depends on the type of damaged vessel. The larger the vessel and the higher the pressure in it, the more massive the bleeding, and vice versa. It is worth highlighting those places on the body that are accompanied by more heavy bleeding: face, head, neck, hands . In these places, the tissues are better supplied with blood. The condition of the blood coagulation system plays an important role. If a child has a minor abrasion or scratch, which is accompanied by prolonged and heavy bleeding, then it is necessary to consult a pediatrician and pediatric hematologist in order to exclude a disease of the blood coagulation system. This may also be indicated by the appearance of a large number of bruises for no reason.

If a small abrasion is accompanied by prolonged and heavy bleeding, then it is necessary to consult a hematologist.


This phenomenon is associated with a reduction in the elastic fibers of the skin. As a result, the skin edges of the lesion diverge. Many surgeons know what Langer's lines are. They indicate the course and direction of the fibrous structures of the skin. For this purpose, incisions are made along these lines, which leads to rapid healing of the incisions and reduction of gaping. Accordingly, when a defect appears perpendicular to these lines, a wide divergence of the edges of the defect develops.

Advice from experienced doctors and cosmetologists

Dermatologists and cosmetologists recommend using an integrated approach to facial skin restoration, which includes both serious cosmetic procedures (botulinum therapy, hyaluronic fillers) and home care using bio-creams and peeling masks, allowing rejuvenated skin to look fresh and natural.

Peeling mask from Vichy

To maintain skin elasticity and its constant regeneration, doctors recommend enriching your diet with vitamins (especially A and E) by eating fish, dairy products, nuts, pomegranates, and carrots.

To prevent problems with facial skin, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • use warm, not hot water for washing;
  • Be sure to remove makeup before going to bed;
  • In the morning, wash your face with fruit gel and use moisturizers;
  • To narrow the pores, use a toner.

Over the years, the skin on the face withers and loses its freshness. To prevent this, it is necessary to restore it in a timely manner using salon procedures and home methods.

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