Cold laser lipolysis. Indications, contraindications, methods.

In this article, we will look at the laser lipolysis procedure, talk about why it is needed, how effective it is, and what contraindications there are. It should be immediately clear that we do not recommend this procedure to everyone who reads the article. We only provide information about it, and a specialist must decide whether to use lipolysis or not in each specific case. The Doctor Bormenthal clinic uses its own patented method of losing weight and maintaining results, with the help of which more than half a million people have already lost weight. You can learn more about the methodology here -.

Laser lipolysis - what is this procedure?

The procedure involves the impact of low-intensity laser beams on adipose tissue. This effect leads to the breakdown of subcutaneous fat, after which it is simply excreted from the body. By destroying the fat cell membrane, the laser releases its constituent substances. These are fatty acids, water, glycerin. All constituent substances first enter the intercellular space and are then excreted through the organs of the excretory system, but some remain and are used in the synthesis of new tissues. The cell itself remains, but without its contents it becomes smaller in size, as a result the entire fat layer becomes smaller.

Experts who practice lipolysis note that the main advantage of this procedure is the effect of the laser on fat cells with no effect on the skin, blood vessels, or peripheral nerve endings. That is, the fat is broken down, but the surrounding tissues and organs remain intact. In addition, cosmetologists point to the high effectiveness of lipolysis, claiming that clear results are visible after the first session.

Using lipolysis, you can correct almost all areas of the body and face:

  • buttocks;
  • shins;
  • chest area;
  • hips;
  • back;
  • waist;
  • stomach;
  • forearms;
  • chin;
  • neck;
  • cheeks.

Fat removed from problem areas can grow again. To prevent this from happening, you need to adhere to proper nutrition, calculate your daily calorie intake, and exercise.

Indications for the use of cold lipolysis:

The defining moment contained in the advantages of the method allows you to achieve changes in the contours of the body in the shortest possible time - a vacation or a significant special event, as well as its application is possible for such areas as:

  • inner surface of the hand,
  • neck,
  • cheeks and chin area,
  • posterior surface of the chest,

where other traditional methods fail. You can also reduce volume and at the same time improve body contour in areas such as:

  • stomach,
  • hips and knees,
  • "breeches" area and buttocks.

Laser lipolysis - description of the method

Before starting the procedure, a person must undergo an initial examination and obtain a doctor’s permission. During the examination, the individual characteristics of the client are determined, based on which the number of sessions and the frequency of laser radiation are assigned. The most responsible salons send their clients for tests, and based on the results, they prescribe lipolysis.

If no contraindications are found, the client is referred for the first procedure. The master first applies markings to the area he will work with. After this, the marked areas are disinfected. Next, a numbing agent is applied, usually in the form of lidocaine gel or solution. After about 20 minutes, the anesthetic has the desired effect, and you can begin the procedure.

The procedure is carried out using thin threads with a laser head pulled under the skin. To place the threads under the skin, punctures are made with thin needles. Another option is to apply plates with diodes to the treated area. They emit cold laser beams at the desired frequency.

The next step is to configure and launch the equipment. At the end of the allotted time, the equipment is turned off, the pads or threads are removed, and an antiseptic and sedative are applied to the treated area.

Laser lipolysis of the chin

When a person begins to gain excess weight, he develops a so-called double chin. This fat deposit grows as you gain weight and greatly changes your facial features. To remove a double chin, many people turn to cosmetic procedures. Lipolysis is considered one of the most effective methods for eliminating fat deposits in the lower part of the face.

The popularity of chin lipolysis is explained by the fact that it is quite difficult to remove it with massages or facial gymnastics. The only rational way is to lose weight not in a separate part of the body, but in general. If you don’t change your eating habits and add physical activity, the fat under your chin will very quickly reappear.

Laser lipolysis of cheeks

This procedure is used not only for fat removal, but also for face lifting. Experts in modern cosmetology say that lipolysis of the cheeks and the entire face is an excellent non-invasive alternative to liposuction. However, one must remember that the principle of performing these procedures is fundamentally different, and also that fat deposits after lipolysis easily return.

Laser lipolysis of the abdomen

This lipolysis option is also considered an alternative to liposuction. The advertisement for the procedure states that in addition to removing fatty tissue, the client who undergoes the procedure also receives a tightening and rejuvenating effect.

Laser lipolysis of the neck

Fat deposits form in the neck area due to severe obesity. But even with slight excess weight, a thick fold of fat may appear above the seventh cervical vertebra. People call it “widow’s hump” and it occurs due to a sedentary lifestyle. A fold in the neck distorts a woman's silhouette and makes her stoop. In addition, it causes severe discomfort and impedes blood circulation. To get rid of it, massages and exercises are traditionally used. Nowadays, cosmetic procedures are increasingly used to solve this problem.

Modern cosmetology offers various methods of care. One of them is laser lipolysis. Using the device, you can get rid of excess fat in certain areas of the body.

To get into ideal shape if you are overweight, you can lose pounds through diet and exercise.

The second method, which does not require strict discipline, is liposuction. This is a rather serious surgical operation, which has a lot of contraindications, and recovery takes several weeks.

A more gentle hardware procedure is laser lipolysis. It consists of treating subcutaneous adipose tissue cells (adipocytes) with a low-intensity laser beam, followed by their destruction.

The mechanism of action is as follows: the laser beam stimulates the breakdown of the membranes of fat cells. The breakdown products captured by the lymph are then metabolized in the liver. The fat layer is noticeably reduced.

The positive thing is that the laser only affects fat cells. The skin, blood vessels, and nerve endings are not affected, so the effect does not cause pain and does not require long-term rehabilitation.

The laser lipolysis procedure is suitable for different areas of the body. With its help, fat is removed from the abdomen, sides, thighs, and arms. Suitable for removing the “widow’s hump” at the withers and double chin, and improving the condition of the skin with severe cellulite.

The technique is effective: with its help it is possible to remove up to 10 cm in volume, and the effect is noticeable after 1-2 sessions.

Laser lipolysis is not a panacea. If your body weight is over 100 kg, then the procedure will not help you become slim.

Main indications:

  • patient dissatisfaction with minor fat deposits;
  • cellulite;
  • lumpy skin after liposuction;
  • pseudogynecomastia in men (a pathology when, due to the accumulation of adipose tissue, breasts that resemble a woman’s are formed).

Laser lipolysis is also suitable in cases where you urgently need to correct your figure or face.

Depending on the depth to which laser beams penetrate and how the remains of dead fat cells are removed, several types of lipolysis are distinguished.

According to this criterion, two varieties are distinguished:

  • cold method - so-called laser cavitation;
  • internal (invasive) lipolysis.

Cold laser lipolysis is a non-traumatic procedure. Exposure to the device does not damage the skin. The laser acts as an activator of biochemical processes leading to the breakdown of fat cells. This non-injection, completely painless method is suitable only for minor imperfections in the figure.

If internal lipolysis is chosen, the effect occurs through tiny punctures in the skin. The laser is applied directly to the fatty tissue to provide a targeted effect. This method is chosen if the volume of adipose tissue is large.

After the destruction of fat cells, their components are released into the intercellular space.

There are two methods for removing waste products from the body:

  • The natural way. Slow and ineffective. Lymph and blood capture the remaining cells and redirect them to the liver.
  • Artificial. Selected when performing internal lipolysis. Using punctures and installed cannulas, the emulsified liquid is removed using a vacuum method.

The first method has a drawback: it creates additional stress on the liver. Artificial removal of fat cell breakdown products is more effective and gentle.

Currently, clinics use lipo lasers from several brands:

  • iLipo. Combined diode device with vacuum massage and radio wave exposure. The functions can be used individually or together.
  • Edaxis. Equipment for laser and ultrasound lipolysis. Equipped with a vacuum massage function.
  • Lipobeltlaser. Device for cold lipolysis. Suitable for body or face correction. The device automatically determines the optimal oscillation frequency, taking into account the volume of adipose tissue and the client’s phototype.

It is possible to use equipment from other certified brands. Most clinics use combined equipment that allows several procedures to be performed at once.

Despite the fact that the laser lipomodeling procedure is safe, you should start preparing by visiting the clinic:

  • take general urine and blood tests;
  • undergo fluorography;
  • do a cardiogram;
  • visit a therapist to get an opinion on whether laser lipolysis can be done.

A few days before the scheduled procedure, switch to a dairy-vegetable diet, reducing the amount of meat as much as possible. You can leave fish in your diet.

Avoid alcohol completely, and it is advisable to quit smoking. Do not visit the solarium, do not sunbathe in summer.

If possible, stop taking your medications. If the course of treatment cannot be interrupted, inform the cosmetologist who will perform the procedure.

Laser lipoplasty is performed in stages. Cosmetologist:

  1. Cleanses the skin on the treated area.
  2. Installs the plates of the device and secures them with elastic straps.
  3. Adjusts the laser to the required parameters (they are selected individually, depending on the indications).
  4. Turns on the device.

The laser exposure time ranges from half an hour to several hours.

Next, the doctor performs a special massage to speed up the removal of fat cell breakdown products from the body.

The method not only removes excess fat on the cheeks, but also improves the condition of the skin. After treatment, it tightens and a lifting effect is noted. Facial liposculpture improves the oval shape and makes contours clearer.

In this area, a cold version of the procedure is used, in which the skin is not damaged. The process is completely painless. There are no marks left on the face, so no recovery time is required.

Laser lipolysis of the chin removes fat deposits. Unsightly folds also go away. In practice, it is impossible to get rid of a double chin with diets or special gymnastics for the face. After lipolysis, the problem is solved quickly and effectively.

If the double chin is pronounced, you will have to undergo several sessions. Then the result will be long-lasting.

Removing fat deposits from the neck is only possible through surgery or cosmetic procedures. Typically, lipolytic injections and laser lipolysis are used. It is very difficult to remove the fat hump that forms at the back of the lower neck using other methods. Exercises to solve this problem will not help.

Diode lipolysis is the most successful method, as it does not involve damage to the skin. The procedure is completely painless and gives a pronounced effect. After the sessions, not only fat deposits disappear, but also the tone of the dermal integument increases. The skin is tightened, wrinkles are smoothed out.

To eliminate the “widow's hump”, about 10 procedures are required with breaks of 2-3 days. If you take longer intervals between sessions, it will be more difficult to achieve the desired result.

To get rid of fat deposits around the waist, internal laser lipolysis of the abdomen is performed. The procedure takes place under local anesthesia in an inpatient cosmetology clinic.

After determining the sites of exposure and treating the skin, the doctor inserts a thin needle with a cannula (diameter 1 mm). Through this puncture, the laser beam enters the subcutaneous tissue. By moving the needle, the adipose tissue is destroyed in the targeted area. Constant monitoring of the process is required in order to influence the designated areas without damaging surrounding tissues.

The duration of the procedure is about 1 hour. The cosmetologist determines the exact time individually, depending on the area of ​​the area that needs to be treated. When irradiating a small fragment of tissue, products removed from fat cells do not need to be pumped out. Everything is eliminated naturally through metabolism in the liver.

Strip patches are applied to the needle insertion sites, which promote rapid healing of mini-damages.

You may feel some soreness as the anesthesia wears off. But the discomfort is not severe; patients usually do without painkillers.

Indications for the procedure:

  • voluminous deposits on the inner or outer sides of the thighs;
  • skin injuries on the inner thighs caused by friction when walking;
  • patient's dissatisfaction with the volume of the buttocks.

It is possible to get rid of these shortcomings with the help of a diet, but it will take a lot of time and effort. Laser processing solves the problem much faster. But with a high degree of obesity, it is useless to resort to lipolysis: the laser will not cope with a significant volume of adipose tissue.

The procedure is carried out in the same way as abdominal lipolysis, that is, with the introduction of thin needles. After completing the work, apply a tight bandage to the affected areas.

No special rehabilitation is required after cold lipolysis.

If punctures were performed, care must be taken for 2 weeks.


  • Wear compression garments prescribed by your doctor. This will eliminate swelling. Internal tissues will heal faster and the skin will tighten.
  • Treat puncture sites with antiseptics to prevent infection.
  • Drink more clean water, reduce the amount of salt and try to eat light foods. This is necessary to quickly remove the breakdown products of adipose tissue.
  • Wash only in the shower. Avoid baths, baths and saunas until the end of the recovery period.
  • Avoid excessive stress, do not lift heavy objects.
  • Do not go to the beach, solarium or swimming pool.
  • Do not drink alcohol.
  • Reduce, or better yet completely eliminate, smoking.
  • Beware of colds, avoid exacerbation of chronic diseases, as deterioration of health will interfere with healing.

If the treatment area is large, the doctor may recommend antibiotic therapy to prevent inflammation. It is imperative to complete the prescribed course, even if you feel good.

To achieve the best result, 5-10 sessions are performed. The number of sessions is determined by the doctor, taking into account the task at hand.

Depending on the type of procedure performed, you can expect:

  • facial rejuvenation, contour improvement;
  • elimination of double chin and fatty deposits on the neck;
  • stopping friction on the inner thighs when walking;
  • tummy tuck;
  • eliminating the effect of riding breeches on the outer side of the thigh;
  • improvement of figure contours.

The effect will be noticeable after the first use of the laser. But the final result can be expected after 2-3 weeks, when the natural removal of the remnants of the split fat tissue is completed.

Laser lipolysis is a low-traumatic and safe procedure, so negative consequences rarely occur. Minor side effects in the first 2-3 days after the procedure should not bother you. But if the unpleasant sensations do not go away, their manifestations become more intense, you need to seek medical help.

Side effects of the procedure:

  • slight nausea, signs of intoxication (arise due to the entry into the blood of a large amount of breakdown products of adipose tissue);
  • redness and irritation of the skin;
  • slight numbness in the treated area;
  • slight pain at the puncture sites;
  • swelling.

Complications arise when the procedure technique or subsequent care rules are not followed.

Possible negative manifestations:

  • infection (due to poor hygiene);
  • formation of bumps and irregularities on the skin;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • allergic reactions.

Like any other hardware effect, lipolysis can provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

There are few prohibitions on lipolysis, but they exist. The procedure cannot be done:

  • for autoimmune diseases associated with connective tissue damage: SLE, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.;
  • pathologies of the liver, gall bladder, pancreas;
  • diseases of blood vessels and heart;
  • acute infections;
  • diabetes requiring insulin;
  • skin lesions;
  • HIV;
  • any types of cancer;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • psychoemotional disorders;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • obesity above the 3rd degree.

There are contraindications to certain types of procedures. Abdominal lipolysis is not done for uterine fibroids. Do not apply during menstruation or if you are prone to uterine bleeding.

The effect of correctly performed laser lipolysis is comparable to the result of plastic surgery. Fat deposits are significantly reduced, the skin becomes smooth and toned. But, unlike surgical intervention, laser exposure has much fewer contraindications and extremely rarely causes complications.

The main difference is that laser lipolysis is a low-traumatic but effective procedure. The combination of these two qualities makes her unique.

Liposuction is an extensive and traumatic procedure. The more fat you plan to remove, the more difficult the operation. It is performed under general anesthesia, and anesthesia is an additional burden on the body.

The essence of the operation:

  1. Small incisions are made in the skin and a cannula is inserted (the needle used is much thicker than for lipolysis).
  2. The outer edge of the cannula is connected to a vacuum apparatus.
  3. The needle is moved in the fat layer in a fan-shaped and progressive manner.

Liposuction cannot remove fat from all parts of the body. The front of the thighs, upper back, neck and legs cannot be treated this way.

This procedure is similar in appearance to laser lipolysis, but the effect on adipose tissue is performed not by a laser, but by ultrasound. Under the influence of ultrasonic frequencies, an air bubble forms inside the cell, which grows in size and finally breaks the membrane.

The procedure is painless, has few contraindications and virtually no complications. But laser exposure is more effective.

The essence of the procedure is the introduction of lipolytics - substances that break down fat. Injections of special drugs are given into the problem area.

The injection method is quite painful. Afterwards, rehabilitation will be required. Redness and swelling will form at the injection site. Other complications are also possible, which are practically excluded when using laser techniques.

Laser lipolysis is recommended to be combined with procedures that accelerate the flow of lymph and promote the rapid removal of residual fat cells.

Work well in combination with a laser:

  • myostimulation or electrolipolysis - the effect of electric current pulses on muscle fibers;
  • RF lipolysis is a method based on the use of radio waves;
  • vacuum massage;
  • mesotherapy – injection of a cocktail of vitamins and enzymes;
  • Pressotherapy is the application of pressure to certain areas of the body in order to accelerate the flow of lymph.

The combination of procedures speeds up obtaining the desired result.

The price depends on the location of treatment and the area of ​​the site. One session can cost from 1000 to 7000 rubles. The cost is affected by the level of the salon and the number of procedures. You can get a discount if you pay for the full course at once.

You can lead a normal life between sessions. But there are a number of restrictions and recommendations, compliance with which will improve the effectiveness of the procedures and reduce the risk of complications.

Try to drink more clean water and limit the amount of salt. This way, the breakdown products of fat cells will leave the body faster.

For the same purpose, moderate physical activity is recommended, but without overload. A complete cessation of smoking and alcohol is desirable. If you like coffee, reduce the amount to a minimum: this drink has a bad effect on lymph flow.

Reviews about laser lipolysis are mostly positive.

Alina, 34 years old:

I did cold lipolysis (I had a double chin) and was very pleased. I had 5 sessions, but after the first I saw results. The method is excellent, the face tightened, the oval became clear.

Olga, 38 years old:

After the birth of similar children, my figure deteriorated. I lost weight, but still my body remained somehow blurred and loose. I decided to undergo internal laser lipolysis of the abdomen and thighs. And I didn’t regret it. The doctor recommended that I combine it with a vacuum massage. Just 6 sessions - and my figure returned to its previous shape.

Laser lipolysis cannot cope with significant fat deposits. Therefore, you should not count on a magical transformation. If there is little adipose tissue, you should opt for this effective and gentle technique.

The effectiveness of laser lipolysis

If lipolysis is used as part of a whole range of measures to restore the body, then of course there will be an effect. It will become especially noticeable if, during the procedure, a person plays sports and refuses junk food. The procedures are an addition to the main weight loss program. By themselves, they will not give a stunning effect. The condition of the skin will simply improve, swelling will go away, and blood circulation will improve.

As part of a weight loss program, lipolysis is useful in that it improves the results achieved, helps correct those parts of the body from which fat does not leave, and can start the process of weight loss if for some reason it has stopped.

Lipolysis is indispensable for people who are not overweight, but suffer from problem areas. For example, a person may have a genetic predisposition to deposits in the thighs or cheeks, despite the fact that the overall body weight is normal.

Cosmetologists claim that the effect of the procedure, provided about 10 sessions lasting from 30 minutes to 4 hours, will be noticeable in 2-3 weeks. When deciding on lipolysis, you need to remember that its effectiveness has not been scientifically proven. In this you can only rely on reviews from salon clients. On the other hand, the safety of such procedures is scientifically proven. They definitely can't do any harm.

What are the contraindications?

The procedure is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. It is not prescribed to patients with oncology, people prone to the formation of keloid scars and allergic reactions. In all these cases, lipolysis can negatively affect the client’s general condition, cause an exacerbation of a chronic disease, and provoke undesirable consequences.

Such procedures are contraindicated in case of inflammatory and acute respiratory diseases, as well as in the presence of herpes rashes and papillomas in the injection area. A person with a pacemaker will be denied the procedure. A responsible salon will not perform lipolysis on a person with cardiovascular problems. A contraindication is any chronic disease in the acute stage. Since anti-cellulite products contain choleretic components, the procedure is not prescribed to clients with gallstone disease.

Myth 7. After the procedure, ingrown hairs and scarring on the skin are possible.

A complication is observed after electrolysis due to the insertion of a needle into the skin during the procedure. The laser acts specifically only on the follicle, without causing damage to soft tissues. Therefore, the appearance of scars after laser hair removal is excluded. Also, the correction does not cause ingrown hairs. The procedure, on the contrary, is recommended for people whose problem appears after sugar or wax depilation.

Rehabilitation period

After lipolysis using an external technique, using overhead ray-emitting elements, complete recovery is achieved in 6 hours. With internal lipolysis performed with punctures, recovery takes 2 or 3 days.

To reduce the risk of negative consequences, it is recommended not to sunbathe during the procedures and during recovery, not to go to the bathhouse or sauna, and to generally exclude any options for overheating the body. Keep salty and sweet foods to a minimum. Do not drink alcohol or carbonated drinks. Try to quit smoking. Switch to proper nutrition, do not wet the treated areas of the body unnecessarily, drink more water (up to 3 liters).

What are the main differences between Ulfit therapy and other methods of getting rid of excess fat?

Ulfit therapy is carried out without any radical intervention in the body.

It has a minimum of contraindications and restrictions.

  • Held at any time of the year.
  • Suitable for patients of all ages and with varying degrees of body fat.
  • Helps remove fat where needed.
  • The procedure is completely painless, is performed under topical anesthesia, and does not require a rehabilitation period. That is, immediately after the procedure you can do the necessary things.

You don't have to wait weeks or months for results to appear. On the day of the procedure, you can easily wear your favorite dress or tight jeans. Further, the process of fat reduction will continue to increase.

Side effects of using lipolaser

The procedures may cause various side effects. These include allergic reactions, the appearance of irregularities on the treated surface, and the occurrence of swelling in the affected areas. In addition, sometimes clients report a general malaise, in some cases with nausea and vomiting. There may be a decrease in skin sensitivity at the treatment site. Infection may occur with punctures. Redness, irritation, and inflammation may occur on the skin at the sites of exposure.

Some side effects are eliminated due to the professional approach of the specialist and strict adherence to all instructions. But it is difficult to predict the body’s reaction to the procedure. If side effects occur during the procedures, they are canceled immediately.

What methods are used in both procedures?

A) Laser lipolysis

In laser liposuction, laser energy is passed through the skin into the fatty tissue. It melts the fat, which is then removed using a suction device. Attached to a surgical instrument called a cannula. At the same time, the laser stimulates collagen production. This helps tighten tissue and skin. Because the laser cauterizes the blood vessels as it operates, bleeding or bruising is minimal. It is ideal for the belly, chest, chin, hips, knees, neck and thighs.

Side effects of laser liposuction

Common side effects after treatment often include bruising and soreness in the treated area. Scarring, infection, or irritation may also occur, but these are less common. After the procedure, it may take several days of recovery and several weeks. Before you can return to vigorous activities such as exercise.


B) Cryogenic lipolysis or cold modeling

The method used in Cryolipolyis freezes fat cells to kill them. The body then naturally flushes out the destroyed fat cells within one or two months. Doctors cover the skin with a gel pad. The skin is then pulled between two cooling plates where the fat cells are frozen and destroyed. You don't feel pain. You simply feel a cold sensation on the affected areas. Cryolipolis is ideal for the stomach, back and riding breeches.

Side effects of cryogenic lipolysis

There are fewer complications and side effects than with more invasive procedures such as liposuction. The most common complication was less sensation in the treated area than before. Other complications may include swelling, bruising, tenderness, redness of the skin, and localized pain.

Other side effects and risks of treatment

Expect some swelling, bruising, or soreness for a few days or longer. In rare cases, infection and hematoma (a collection of blood under the skin) may occur after treatment. Asymmetrical (one-sided) results and small scars may be long-term risks associated with laser lipolysis.

Injection lipolysis

There are several alternatives to laser lipolysis. One of them is injection lipolysis. It is carried out by administering a special drug containing phosphatidylcholine using syringes. Phosphatidylcholine is essentially soy lecithin. Its advantage is that a similar substance is produced naturally by the human body. It is involved in the process of fat metabolism. When administered through injections of phosphatidylcholine, metabolic processes are accelerated, cholesterol levels are reduced, and the burning of adipose tissue is started.

What risks are possible with lipolysis?

In fact, the liposis procedure is in many ways similar to the natural process of fat burning in the body, so the risks are minimal, but they still exist. Since destroyed cells are excreted through the liver, the load on it increases significantly. Before prescribing lipolysis, a good specialist will make sure that the patient’s liver is in order and its reaction to the frantic regime will be adequate. With caution and only after consultation with a doctor, laser lipolysis can be performed for people with poor blood clotting.

Ultrasonic lipolysis

In this case, the effect is achieved due to the fact that ultrasound accelerates the movement of fat molecules. Low frequency ultrasound is used. Proponents of ultrasonic lipolysis believe that ultrasound can affect the deep layers of subcutaneous fat. To carry out the procedure, pads are installed on problem areas, through which an impulse is applied with a variable frequency. As a result, something like a micromassage of cells occurs. It promotes rapid fat loss. The procedure is not accompanied by pain or discomfort. Before its appointment, the client must be examined by a doctor.

Expert opinion

To lose weight, a person needs to eat right, not overeat, give up bad habits and play sports. In the process of losing weight, problems may arise in certain areas of the body where subcutaneous fat is especially difficult to lose. In such cases, the situation can be corrected with the help of cosmetic procedures. Which ones you need to decide individually together with a specialist. But lipolysis does not work as an independent method of losing weight. Therefore, before undergoing it, clients are advised to switch to a healthy diet and adhere to strict rules. All the impressive “before and after” photos of lipolysis are either pure advertising fakes or the result of a person’s comprehensive work on his body.

How soon will you see great results?

Patients can usually completely transform their body after 3 treatments, but it is important to maintain realistic expectations. Wait a full 4 months after the procedure before administering a second or third treatment. Cool Sculpting relies on your own body's ability to rid your body of fat cells. Therefore, it may take time to see results. Therefore, it is important not to get frustrated by the wait and be patient. If 4 months have passed since the procedure and you still do not see the desired results. You may consider re-treatment.


Cool procedure better than laser lipo?

Cool Sculpting is designed to treat focal fat deposits. For patients who are looking for a non-surgical method to reduce fat in a specific area. For example, on the arms or outer thighs, Cool Sculpting may be a suitable treatment. However, for patients who want to get rid of excess fat over a larger area of ​​the body. Or for patients wanting more dramatic changes to their body contour, liposuction may be a more appropriate choice. Ultimately, the most appropriate treatment option is the one. Which corresponds to the aesthetic goals and individual preferences of the patient. Lipolysis in terms of calories in weight loss method of losing weight.

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