How effective is the wart remedy Wartner?

Admin Preparations Not so long ago, unaesthetic skin growths - warts, papillomas, etc. could be removed only in a clinic, but now you can deal with this common problem at home.

One of the safe, modern and affordable means for removing skin growths is the drug Wartner. It not only removes the tumor, but also destroys the papilloma virus, which is the causative agent of warts, therefore, relapses of the pathology are unlikely.

In what cases should Wartner cryo not be used?

Before using the drug Wartner, you must read the instructions for use. Wartner should not be used unless it is certain that the growth is truly a wart and not another skin pathology. Therefore, before using the drug, diagnosis and consultation with a doctor is necessary.

The drug is not prescribed to children under 4 years of age, as well as to pregnant women, nursing mothers and patients with diabetes. The product should not be used in the presence of skin irritation, burns, or dermatological diseases.

And also on sensitive skin - face, genitals, armpits, neck. Wartner is not intended for removing age spots and birthmarks. If after 2 courses of treatment of the tumor with Wartner, the tumor remains in place, you should consult a doctor.

Features of application

-Before using the drug, be sure to consult your doctor.

-Use in well-ventilated areas, for external use only, do not swallow or inhale.

-After use, wash your hands, except for the treated area.

-Use Wartner only with the special applicator included in the kit.

-Use each applicator only once: one applicator is for one wart.

-After applying Wartner, to improve local blood circulation, it is recommended to move the arm or leg on which the application was performed for some time.

-During treatment, avoid contact of the applicator with healthy skin around the wart.

-When treating a wart, do not press the applicator too hard against the surface of the skin.

-Treat only the wart, not the healthy skin around it.

-The applicator must be applied to the wart for no more than 20 seconds, during which time the wart and the skin around it will disappear.

-If there are a large number of warts, especially on the hands and fingers, treat only 1 wart in 1 session; Treat each subsequent wart separately with an interval of 2 weeks between treatment sessions.

-Larger and older warts may require more than one treatment session.

-If necessary, repeat treatment after 2 weeks. Do not conduct more than 3 sessions for one wart. If after 3 treatment sessions the wart has not disappeared, consult a doctor.

-The expiration date and batch number are located on the packaging at the bottom of the aerosol can.

— Wartner contains extremely flammable components, therefore use this product in well-ventilated areas, in the absence or, in extreme cases, at a distance of at least 1 meter from fire, flames, heating areas, incandescent lamps, direct sunlight and electrical appliances. Do not smoke or keep a lit cigarette near it. Do not allow the container to heat above 50 ° C. Hold the aerosol can vertically in a free space as far away from you as possible.

— Do not pierce or burn the cylinder even after use.

— Keep in a safe place out of the reach of children.

Description of the drug

Wartner is a remedy for the removal of common and plantar warts. This happens by freezing and necrotizing pathological tissues.

If the instructions are strictly followed, detachment of the tumor can be achieved in a short period of time. The big advantage of using the drug is that after removing the tumor there are no scars, cicatrices or other marks left.


Strains of papilloma virus may have different oncogenicity index. In case of high oncogenicity, the tumor should be removed only by a qualified specialist in a clinical setting.

If the formation has an average oncogenic status, home removal should be carried out only according to the doctor’s instructions; neoplasms of low oncogenic risk can be removed at home if the instructions for use of the drug are strictly followed.

Active substance

Wartner aerosol contains:

  1. Dimethyl ether is a gas classified as an ether. Chemically inert, colorless, but with a sharp specific odor.
  2. Propane is an alkane, a component of natural gas. Odorless, explosive, slightly toxic. The medicinal properties of the drug are based precisely on the interaction of the skin with propane.

The Wartner pen contains trichloroacetic acid concentrate.

Release form

The drug is available in three forms - aerosol, pen applicator, gel.

Wartner applicator pen

The drug is placed in an oblong plastic bottle with a soft tip. This makes it convenient to use for spot application.

Aerosol "Wartner cryo"

The aerosol is in a container. Volume 50 ml. The kit includes the aerosol itself, a plastic holder so that the product does not get on healthy tissue, 12 disposable applicators and a file for removing the stratum corneum of the tumor.


The gel contains trichloroacetic acid. Designed for local spot application.

Mechanism of action on warts

The principle of action of the drug is based on the instant freezing of pathological tissues, which leads to their necrosis. After applying the product to the neoplasm for three days, a bubble forms on it, which has a protective function - it prevents the addition of a secondary infection and accelerates the process of cell regeneration.

After a couple of days, the bubble bursts on its own, and a crust forms in its place. Then, after a little more time, the crust gradually disappears, and healthy skin is restored in its place.

Reference! At first, the treated area has a lighter tone, but over time it blends into the skin tone.

Removal of warts and spines

Amphibians have nothing to do with the appearance of warts on the human body. The human papillomavirus is to blame for this. More than 600 species of this noncellular infectious agent are known. About 40 species cause the formation of benign epithelial tumors, which are called warts, papillomas and condylomas.

Modern medicine is unable to destroy the virus. She struggles with eliminating the consequences of his activities. Special medicines have been created to destroy growths. In addition , neoplasms are eliminated in medical institutions using the following procedures:

  1. Surgical removal.
  2. Chemical cauterization.
  3. Cryodestruction.
  4. Electrocoagulation.
  5. Radio wave removal.
  6. Laser coagulation.

Cryodestruction is the destruction of pathologically altered tissue by exposure to extremely low temperatures. For this, liquid nitrogen is used, the temperature of which is minus 196 degrees. The procedure is painless and does not require anesthesia.

After a correctly performed procedure, the patient is left with no scars. Another advantage of the method is the absence of bleeding. Cryodestruction is effective against vulgar, flat and plantar warts. And also from papillomas, genital warts and fibroepithelial polyps.

Indications for use: do you need a prescription from a doctor?

Despite the fact that the drug is dispensed from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription, this does not eliminate the need for consultation with a specialist.

It is impossible to independently determine the type and nature of a skin growth, and given the fact that the product is repurposed to remove only benign tumors, a visit to a doctor is mandatory.

Indications for use Wartner:

  • common vulgar warts;
  • plantar warts, the diameter of which does not exceed 7 mm.

Destruction of neoplasms of unknown etiology is strictly prohibited.

Wartner Cryo for warts: price

If you believe the reviews of people who used Wartner aerosol to remove warts, then it can be noted that they were all able to achieve a positive result. Many patients are willing to pay the price set by the manufacturer, which is about 650−750 rubles. According to them, the result fully justifies the money they pay for this drug. Considering this amount, the drug can be considered completely affordable, so most consumers do not consider this a disadvantage.

Instructions for using the product

Step-by-step instructions for using Wartner aerosol:

  1. Take the applicator by the blue part and insert the holder rod so that the rod is not visible.
  2. Take the canister vertically and insert the holder with the applicator so that the applicator is not visible. The aerosol can should be held at the bottom with one hand and pressed on the holder with the other until a hiss appears. Hold in this position for 3 seconds.
  3. Remove the holder with the applicator from the bottle opening.
  4. Immediately press the end of the applicator onto the tumor, making sure that the contact is complete. If the size of the tumor is less than 2.5 mm, the duration of exposure is 10 seconds, if the size is 2.5-5 mm - 15 seconds. For larger tumors, the application is applied for 20 seconds, but no more.
  5. After finishing treatment, wait 2-3 minutes, then remove the applicator from the holder and throw it away.

Storage conditions

At room temperature in a safe place out of reach of children. Wartner Cryo contains extremely flammable components. Keep away from heat, hot surfaces, sparks, open flames and other sources of ignition. Do not smoke or hold the device near a lit cigarette. Do not spray near open flames or other sources of ignition. Protect from sunlight and do not allow the cylinder to heat above 50 °C. Do not puncture or set fire to the container, even after complete use. The aerosol can only be disposed of with household waste if it is completely empty. Residues must be disposed of as special waste.

Precautionary measures

Regardless of what exactly is used - gel or aerosol, in order to avoid negative consequences it is necessary to take precautions, namely:

  • use the product only externally;
  • use applicators only once and then throw away;
  • do not touch the applicator filled with the drug;
  • do not remove the applicator after completing the procedure with bare hands - you must use a napkin folded several times;
  • during the procedure, do not use items that were not included in the kit;
  • Avoid contact of the product with healthy areas of the skin.

Contraindications and restrictions

The drug is not used:

  • for children under 4 years of age;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with diabetes mellitus at different stages;
  • in case of circulatory disorders;
  • for sensitive skin or dermatological pathologies;
  • to remove large tumors;
  • on hyperpigmented areas.

Analogues of the drug

Analogues of the drug Wartner are:

  1. Cryopharma – removes warts by freezing.
  2. Papillek is a liquid solution for removing corns, warts, and calluses.
  3. Verrucacid is a solution for removing skin growths based on phenol.
  4. Stefalin is a plant-based product.
  5. Fresol – has a cauterizing and bactericidal effect.
  6. Aldara - has a cytostatic effect, stops the growth of malignant cells.
  7. Vartox is a cream paste that affects the cause of plantar warts.
  8. Solcoderm - causes devitalization and mummification of altered tissues.
  9. Papilight is a natural remedy with high antiviral activity.
  10. Duofilm is a cauterizing solution.
  11. Papilux - prescribed to limit the spread of the virus.
  12. Maxivart – removes tumors by freezing.
  13. Papilok plus is a balm for external use.
  14. Supercleaner - intended for home removal of condylomas, keratomas, papillomas and warts.

Cryopharma or Wartner cryo, which is better?

The mechanism of action of Wartner Cryo and Cryopharma are similar to each other, the main advantages of Wartner Cryo are:

  • 100% guarantee that the growth will disappear within a few weeks;
  • no traces after removing the growth;
  • Possibility of use in childhood;
  • convenience and no need for pain relief;
  • effective even against old warts.

Cryopharm has a slightly different medicinal formula, but in fact, both drugs are analogues.

The positive qualities of Cryopharm are:

  • ease of use;
  • gentle effect;
  • quick removal of skin growths.

After using this product, scars may remain on the skin. However, this is a temporary effect that disappears after a few months.

The cost of these products also does not vary much; depending on the pharmacy chain, you can purchase Wartner and Cryopharm from 550 to 1200 rubles.

Side effect

- It is important to use the product exactly according to these instructions, as if frozen too deeply, it can cause damage to the skin, resulting in scarring, hypo- or hyperpigmentation, or nerve damage.

— It is not recommended to keep the applicator on the wart for more than the time indicated in the table, because freezing the skin too deeply can lead to local tissue damage and hemorrhage.

— The applicator should be on the affected area for at least 10 and no more than 20 seconds. Use the diagram to accurately determine the time.

— As with any freezing method, the skin may become damaged.

-For some people, using the applicator may cause pain.

— In some cases, age spots or small scars appear after using the product.

- After using the drug Wartner, minor skin damage in the area of ​​the wart may occur due to low temperature, as described above.

— If the wart is not completely frozen out, relapses are possible with an increase in the size of the previous neoplasm.

-The use of this method does not guarantee the complete destruction of warts and the absence of recurrence in the future.

— Since the diameter of the applicator is approximately 10 mm, you need to remember that the destruction area will be the same size.

Therefore, if the wart is small, the healthy skin around it will be injured.

Reviews about the product

Kolesnichenko Maria, Syktyvkar.
“Wartner Cryo is a very good and effective product. I removed warts from myself and my 11-year-old daughter - we waited for the results with some concerns, but everything went smoothly, the drug helped from the first use. It’s easy to use and the instructions explain everything in great detail.” Proskurina Elena, Mogilev. “I used this drug to remove an old wart on my leg. Once in childhood I already removed it with liquid nitrogen in the clinic. I remember that it was very painful then, and a large bubble appeared that did not heal for a long time. Wartner's freezing is more gentle, and therefore the procedure is absolutely painless. Efficiency is 100%, I am satisfied and recommend it to everyone.” Sapronova Emma, ​​Bogoroditsk. “There was a small wart on my finger, which was often injured and was very annoying. I’ve wanted to have it removed for a long time, but I never had time to go to the clinic. When Wartner showed up at the pharmacy, I decided to try to remove the wart at home. And I didn’t regret it at all. In just two weeks there was no trace left of the growth. And why didn’t I do this before?” Melnik Svetlana, Ekaterinburg. “Wasted money. I tried to remove a wart on my finger – it was small, about 5.5 mm. Neither the first, nor the second, nor the third time the drug removed the tumor; apparently, you will have to use all 12 applicators, that is, carry out 12 procedures for such a small wart to finally disappear. A friend of mine removed a similar wart in a salon in 1 session, and has already forgotten about this problem.” Preparations for home removal of skin growths are easy to use and quite effective. If you follow all the precautions and instructions for using the product, you can get rid of cosmetic skin defects very quickly.

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