How to make thermal water for the face at home? Not that hard

A magical cosmetic bottle refreshes and moisturizes, but how to make thermal water for the face at home?
It would seem that manufacturers have already come up with everything possible, including cleansing, healing, tonic and nourishing products. An ordinary, at first glance, liquid becomes an integral part of the basic caring set. One bottle can easily replace a whole shelf of expensive creams and lotions. It’s convenient to take a small bottle on a trip, which always has a place even in a miniature clutch. The life-giving liquid will be useful both at the ski resort and the sea coast.

How to make thermal water for the face at home? It’s quite simple, you just have to understand what kind of innovation it is. An absolutely natural liquid of natural origin, it is obtained from thermal springs. Like mineral, it is rich in various elements, only they are perceived better by the skin due to their low molecular structure.


The stereotype that Moda water can only be used for cleansing is successfully refuted by this product. It should be used twenty-four hours a day and for completely different purposes:

  • an excellent base for makeup, after a few sprays, you don’t have to wait, as usual, fifteen minutes for the greasy cream to be absorbed, but apply foundation; the properties of water allow you to refresh and moisturize the epidermis in seconds;
  • to restore the same make-up, at work, on business trips, travel, it is difficult to set aside half an hour or carry a bag of cosmetics with you, to edit powder, lipstick, concealer that has floated from the heat and turmoil, with the help of thermal water, it is easy to get yourself in order in just a minute ;
  • for hydration and nutrition, the molecular structure allows it to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, saturating cells with useful substances, improving oxygen respiration, and preventing dehydration and flaking;
  • to create a protective barrier for the skin, throughout the day the delicate thin shell is exposed to stress - air conditioning, computer monitor, dry indoor air, wind, sun, cold, endlessly testing its strength, cosmetic liquid allows you to reduce this influence to a minimum;
  • helps solve aesthetic and therapeutic problems, for aging, aging skin it is an excellent helper to replenish the deficiency of moisture and minerals, for problematic inflamed skin it is useful due to its antiseptic properties, accelerating the healing process.

How to make thermal water yourself

Now this cosmetic product is very easy to buy in any store, but if you wish, you can prepare it yourself. The advantage of a homemade product is that you can be sure of its naturalness and the absence of harmful components.

The easiest way involves using good quality mineral water, for example “Essentuki No. 17”. You need to leave the bottle open overnight so that gas and all harmful substances come out of the liquid. The next morning, it should be poured into a bottle with a spray bottle and used as directed.

If homemade thermal water will be sprayed over makeup, you need to choose a spray bottle with small holes so that the liquid is distributed in the form of wet dust and not droplets.


A safe, hypoallergenic product, depending on the composition it has various characteristics:

  • isotonic
    – universal liquid suitable for any type, including sensitive ones, with manifestations of rosacea;
  • hypertonic
    – contains an increased amount of salts sufficient to cleanse and tone dry skin;
  • hypotonic
    – minerals are presented in a small proportion, which allows you to restore lipid balance, soothes and restores problematic, oily and irritated dermis.

Home cosmetology

. You can create an alternative to branded concentrates with your own hands. All you have to do is find a suitable bottle with a spray nozzle and prepare a magical liquid to fill it with. There are other forms of application. If you freeze it in ice cubes, you can rub it in the morning and evening along the massage lines. This is a wonderful ready-made cleansing, toning and moisturizing lotion. It will enhance the effect of other components as a base for a mask, scrub or peeling.

For oily and combination skin:

Micellar water "Clean Skin" from Garnier

Even oily skin can be sensitive. The Garnier brand took this fact into account and created a special micellar water. It regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, cleanses and soothes.

Eye makeup remover lotion from KORA

Suitable for sensitive and very sensitive eyes, and will also appeal to those who wear lenses. Allantoin and aloe vera soothe and soften the skin around the eyes, cleansing well and delicately of makeup.

Micellar water Ultra from La Roche-Posay

Tenderness itself. The composition contains thermal water and glycerin, which delicately cleanse the skin, do not damage the lipid layer, and protect from environmental influences.

Perfect makeup remover gel "Peony" from L'Occitane

The texture of the gel is confusing. Many people start washing their face with it and do not get the desired effect precisely because the product must be used without water, simply applied to a cotton pad. The gel perfectly cleanses and nourishes the skin.

Bi-phase make-up remover from Water Shock Swiss line

Brazil nut oil, cress extract, alpine melted glacial water - a trio that delicately cleanses and removes the most waterproof makeup, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, strengthens eyelashes, and tones.

Weleda Refreshing Cleanser

Refreshing cleanser Weleda from Eco Home, price: from 805 rub.

The refreshing product is intended for normal and combination skin. Penetrates deeply into pores, cleanses the skin and tones it.


What: refreshing cleanser Where: Eco Home online store Phone Website :

Micellar water Domus Olea

Micellar water Domus Olea from DDar, price: from 1,450 rub.

A universal product: cleanses the skin, removes makeup, tightens pores, reduces inflammation, moisturizes, preventing skin aging.


What: micellar water Where: online store of organic cosmetics DDar Phone Website :

The basis

To prepare it, you can use ordinary mineral water or herbal decoction. The second one is preferable to use due to its properties to refresh and restore the epidermis. Depending on the type, you should pay attention to the following gifts of nature:

  • for dry flowers, preference should be given to linden, jasmine, rose, hop, chamomile, violet, fennel and dill flowers; they contain large amounts of carotene, vitamin C, mineral elements and essential oils;
  • for normal dermis, choose chamomile, lemon balm, string, yarrow, calendula, hawthorn and rose hips;
  • for problematic, oily, with enlarged pores in the T-zone, birch, coltsfoot, wormwood, chicory, St. John's wort, marigold, horsetail are suitable;
  • for sensitive ones - licorice, ginseng, parsley, nettle, hazel (hazelnut) leaves.

If you really don’t have enough time to look for the right mixture, you can use regular green tea, known for its antioxidant and sorbent properties.
It's quite easy to prepare, st. spoon of dry or fresh raw materials, pour 350 ml of water (in the end, after all the manipulations, about 300 will remain), put on low heat. After boiling for another ten minutes after boiling, you can set aside. After cooling and straining, combine with other components of thermal water.

For dry and sensitive skin

Diademine Micellar Cleansing Water

Those with dry and sensitive skin will like it. The micelles in the product cleanse the skin, while panthenol, glycerin, Damask rose flower water, and plant extracts heal and soothe.

Moisturizing milk for makeup removal Soin Veloute Demaquillant Hydratant from Eisenberg

The product fights skin aging and dull complexion. Vitamins C and E, plant extracts, a combination of oils moisturize, stimulate microcirculation and cellular metabolism, enrich with oxygen, heal, soften. The skin becomes silky.

Erborian 7 Herbs Micellar Cleansing Water

A true herbal infusion (tiger grass extract, Japanese knotweed root, green tea leaves, licorice root, rosemary leaves) that cleanses sensitive skin, leaving it moisturized and radiant.

Facemed+ micellar water from Eveline

The castor oil contained in the composition soothes the skin and also stimulates the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows.

Toning water with caviar extract “Skin Radiance” Dazzling Water from Fresh Caviar

Those who are used to pampering themselves with delicacies will love the tonic, which includes caviar extract. It improves complexion, tones the skin, and gives radiance. Delicate formula suitable for sensitive skin.

Micellar makeup remover lotion 3 in 1 Purete Thermal from Vichy

Removes makeup, cleanses, soothes the skin, strengthens eyelashes. Your beauty is protected by vitamin B5, glycerin, panthenol, and Vichy SPA thermal water.

Two-phase makeup remover IPKN NewYork

Two-phase makeup remover IPKN NewYork, price: from 1,260 rub.


What: two-phase makeup remover Where: Koreabutik online store Phone Website :

Liquid for removing makeup from lips and eyes Just make up

Liquid for removing makeup from lips and eyes from Just Make Up, price: from 330 rub.


What: makeup remover Where: online cosmetics store Just Make Up Phone Website :


These include more active components - essential oils and vitamins. For 300 ml of the finished base you will need up to five drops of aromatic product:

  • dry skin responds well to esters of lavender, chamomile, ylang-ylang, sandalwood and geranium; in winter, you can add a few drops of retinol and tocopherol;
  • for oily skin, products with antiseptic and bactericidal properties are suitable - oils of bergamot, orange, ginger, grapefruit, lemon, tea tree, cedar; if there is a lack of nutrition, which usually occurs in the off-season period, add up to eight drops of vegetable oil of pomegranate seeds or wheat germ;
  • for the lucky owners of a normal type, geranium, rosemary, patchouli, rosewood, and neroli esters are suitable;
  • for sensitive dermis, choose calamus, basil, anise, fennel and sweet orange, also add six/seven drops of pantothenic acid, vitamin B5 perfectly soothes irritated skin.

Why do we need mineral water?

Photo by Thiago Matos: Pexels
If men basically drink water internally, then women have long realized that it works wonders on the skin. And while drinking a glass of mineral-rich moisture, she doesn’t forget to spray her face.

Mineral water is an excellent skin care product. It easily replaces expensive sprays and tonics. You can not just spray your face with it, but also prepare masks and lotions, and freeze cubes for cryocosmetics.

How to prepare and apply?

It is very simple and quick to add a few drops of ether and possible selected liquid vitamins into the base. You should not use a whisk or mixer to achieve a homogeneous structure. The liquid will need to be shaken vigorously before each use/spray. It is recommended to use 3-4 times a day, not more often.

You need to spray at a distance of ten/twenty centimeters from the face, while drawing a circle or figure eight. You can also create a thermal cloud and then simply walk into it. After two/three minutes, it is easy to blot away the unabsorbed moisture with a napkin or cosmetic sponge.

For long-lasting makeup, the effect of delicate baby skin or life-giving freshness on a hot day, there should be a treasured bottle in your purse. A few natural ingredients and a life-giving, aromatic liquid are ready for use.

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Anna Avaliani

practicing cosmetologist

Thermal water contains many microelements and mineral salts from underground sources. It's very refreshing in the summer. Therefore, it is most often recommended to use it during this period of the year. Simply spray the product onto your skin. Remains should be blotted with a napkin. You can also massage your face after spraying.

Aisha Baron

plastic surgeon

Thermal water perfectly refreshes, soothes the skin, and removes irritation.
The product moisturizes the skin well, after which serums and creams penetrate better into the skin layers. Thermal water enhances the effect of masks. The product is especially useful in hot weather, because it protects against moisture loss. But remember that thermal water will not help completely moisturize the skin. If your face is too dry, use masks, moisturizers, and go for cosmetic procedures. You should not expect that thermal water will help dry skin or completely rejuvenate your face. But this remedy really brings benefits. It eliminates irritation and refreshes the face, which is especially important during the hot season.

Contraindications and disadvantages of mineral water

There are several disadvantages, but not of water as such, but of specific use:

  • Different water compositions are suitable for different skin types;
  • Don’t expect any effect if you don’t use it regularly;
  • High-quality water from well-known brands is not cheap, but the results are worth it.

Like any product, there are contraindications:

  • Allergic reaction. You won’t believe it, but even such absolute “usefulness” may not be accepted by the body in some people.
  • The presence of severe irritations and open wounds. But this contraindication is temporary, the wounds will heal - and please use it.
  • If the water is carbonated, then the bubbles must be released from it, and only then used externally.

How to choose

You need to know the criteria for evaluating a mineral liquid so as not to be disappointed in your choice later. Previously, we knew all the brands of such water: “Borjomi”, “Narzan”, “Essentuki”. They clearly answered the question: where does the healing moisture come from? Today on the shelves we see names on bottles: “Holy Spring” or “Golden Key” - which do not carry any information in their names.

How not to make a mistake?

  • It is better to purchase the product at a pharmacy; the price will be slightly higher, but the chance of buying a fake is significantly reduced.
  • Try several brands, choose a sample that meets your requirements.
  • Get acquainted with the information about the place of water intake: the bottling point must coincide with the source location.
  • This must be mineral water obtained from protected springs, as indicated on the label. A mineralized copy created by artificially adding salts will be less effective.
  • On average, the salt concentration is about 500 mg/l. In the fight against oily skin, water with a high salt content is recommended. It is better to tone and soften normal and dry skin with a low-mineralized soil liquid.
  • Glass containers are preferable. This type of water is more difficult to counterfeit than that contained in plastic containers.
  • Shelf life is also important: 24 months in glass containers, 6 months in plastic containers.
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