Multiple papillomas on the body: should you think about cancer?

The term papilloma defines a benign tumor that forms from skin cells or mucous membranes. The reason for its development is a specific human papillomavirus, which can be transmitted sexually or through household contact. Replication (division) of viruses leads to an increase in the activity of division of infected cells with the formation of characteristic formations (they are also called warts). The main method of treating papillomas is their removal using various modern physical techniques, including cryodestruction, electrocoagulation or laser therapy.

How does the infection develop?

The virus, entering the human body, remains in it forever and most often remains in a state of “hibernation”. When exposed to certain factors, an exacerbation develops and signs of the disease appear - formations on the skin - papillomas.

What can provoke an exacerbation of the disease?

  • Decreased immunity
  • Acute and chronic stress
  • Vitamin and mineral deficiency
  • Skin damage

Why did the papilloma change color?

Answering the question, doctors name three main reasons.

Naturally, it is not so easy to determine them on your own, and you need to consult an experienced dermatologist.

Reasons include:

  1. 1. Tissue death

Many patients, when they begin treatment for papillomavirus, which causes the appearance of tumors, pay attention to the fact that they change color.

This is not surprising, because under the influence of therapy, the death of pathological tissues begins.

If the process is not accompanied by pain, you don’t have to worry about your own health.

  1. 2. Traumatization

A change in color to a darker color may be a consequence of traumatization of the formation.

Moreover, as doctors note, injury can be caused either accidentally or intentionally.

It is strictly not recommended to pick at the tumor in an attempt to get rid of it.

It is also worth remembering that when the papilloma is exposed to some external agents, it may turn black.

  1. 3. Infection

In some patients, papillomas become infected.

This contributes to traumatization.

During infection, tissue necrosis begins, which is accompanied by a change in color.

Patients also usually complain of pain, swelling, and increased size of the lesion.

Routes of infection

In most cases, the cause of infection is unprotected sexual intercourse.

The household method of infection with HPV is not relevant; in rare cases, risks are possible with a pronounced decrease in immunity and severe stress.

Dangers of infection

It may seem that papillomas are purely an aesthetic defect. However, it is not. Unfortunately, a number of HPV strains are a predisposing factor for the development of cervical cancer. These types of infections require careful attention from specialists, comprehensive treatment and observation.

What to do

If the papilloma has gradually dried out and fallen off, then first of all the damaged area should be treated with an antiseptic solution, for example, Chlorhexidine. This is necessary to avoid infection getting into microcracks.

If the papilloma has not completely fallen off and some of it remains on the skin, then under no circumstances should you tear it off; the area should also be treated with an antiseptic and see a specialist as soon as possible.

If the growth has dried and fallen off, but a bleeding wound remains in its place, a bandage or cotton wool with a plaster soaked in hydrogen peroxide should be applied to the damaged area. It is important to keep in mind that in such cases it is not always possible to quickly stop the bleeding.

Tearing off a growth most often does not pose a serious threat to health; the main thing is to immediately disinfect it. But visiting a doctor is a prerequisite for this problem, since only he will be able to determine whether the root of the papilloma remains in the skin and prescribe competent drug treatment.

What are papillomas?

Vulgar warts

The most common variant is vulgar warts, which are located on the palms and soles.

Most often they appear at the site of skin trauma due to decreased immunity, excessive sweating and contact with chemicals.

Externally, the wart has a round shape and a deep root, which provides nutrition and growth of the tumor.

Filiform papillomas

Formations that have a long stalk and are located on thin skin ( chest area, armpits, eyelids, etc.)

Most often they grow in length and appear in older people.

Flat warts

This form of neoplasm consists of small flat plaques that rise above the surface of the skin, located in the area of ​​the labia, scrotum and labia.

Quite often, such papillomas are accompanied by itching, which in turn creates an increased risk of bacterial infection.

Thanks to the deep root, such a formation has good nutrition and quickly increases in size.

Condylomas acuminata

Formations located on the skin and mucous membranes of the groin area. quite often such papillomas are injured, which is accompanied by secondary infection and inflammation.

Outwardly, they look like a single growth, which grows over time and becomes shaped like a cauliflower or a rooster's comb.

Lewandowski-Lutz papillomas

A rare type of papillomas that are located on the feet, palms and face. Such formations have a variety of colors from light pink to brown and uneven edges. In some cases they may have a tendency to become malignant.

Plantar warts

Most often they occur in childhood and adolescence on the feet as a result of trauma to the skin on the soles, wearing tight shoes made of non-natural materials, excessive sweating and decreased immunity.

With this type of disease, small rough spots appear on the soles, growing not only outward, but also deeper. In addition to being an aesthetic defect, such warts cause discomfort and pain while walking.


A dangerous form of papillomas, manifested by the appearance of a large number of formations on the skin and mucous membranes.


Since in many cases, growths form during a period of weakened immunity, when it is restored, the development of the virus stops, and existing warts may dry out and fall off.

Also, adolescents often suffer from papillomatosis due to hormonal changes. In such cases, the skin lesions can be severe, but disappear after puberty.

In addition, papillomatosis occurs during seasonal infections and viruses, so a few months after the illness they can go away on their own. The same situation occurs with severe vitamin deficiency, when a person begins to eat a balanced diet and take a complex of vitamins.

Papillomas often occur in women with gynecological infectious diseases. They also appear during pregnancy, when hormonal levels change. After the body recovers, the growths tend to go away on their own.

What causes papillomas?

Experts identify a wide variety of causes for the appearance of papillomas.

More serious reasons include accidental injury to the papilloma, resulting in the formation of a hemangioma.

When the papilloma falls off on its own, it means that some changes have occurred in the body. In such cases, it is recommended to consult a specialist to find out the exact cause.

How are papillomas removed?

Currently, there are a number of effective methods for removing skin tumors:

  • using a laser - effectively, quickly and accurately, no scars remain.
  • using liquid nitrogen - rapid freezing of tissues causes their necrosis and death, no defects remain, and recovery occurs quite quickly.
  • using current - quickly and effectively, but in some cases, when removing large papillomas, small scars may remain.
  • using a radio knife - the advantages of the method are rapid healing of the skin, absence of scars and pain during the procedure.

Details about methods for removing tumors

After removing the papillomas, the doctor gives recommendations on caring for the wound. When they are performed, healing occurs quickly and without complications.

The papilloma has turned black and hurts

If the papilloma turns black and hurts, the patient usually consults a doctor.

After all, it is the pain, and not the change in color of the tumor, that usually instills the greatest fear in people.

And this is not surprising.

Since pain is inextricably linked in our brain with some extremely negative processes.

There can be quite a few reasons for the appearance of pain when the papilloma turns black.

First of all, it is necessary to exclude the most common trauma.

The patient could deliberately or accidentally pick off the formation, which disrupted the blood flow in it and led to tissue necrosis.

Pain is a common reaction to injury.

They will also exclude infection, which often accompanies trauma.

Pathogenic microorganisms quite easily settle on the affected tissues and begin their uncontrolled reproduction there.

The patient feels pain, burning and other unpleasant symptoms.

When pain occurs, measures must be taken to prevent oncological degeneration.

Often if a benign formation changes to malignant.

This is accompanied by pain, which causes the patient quite a lot of inconvenience.

How to get rid of a scar

If an infection still gets into the wound after removing the papilloma and a scar forms, you should not delay treatment. It is always easier to get rid of fresh scars than old ones. Depending on the type of scar, its size and location, the doctor may prescribe physical therapy or cosmetology. If the scar is young and neat, anti-scar gels can easily deal with it.


In a cosmetologist's office, you can remove a scar in several ways:

  • cryodestruction;
  • laser resurfacing;
  • microdermabrasion;
  • chemical peels;
  • mesotherapy;
  • complex methods combining several types of removal.

For mature hypertrophic and keloid scars, laser resurfacing methods, microdermabrasion, physiotherapy (electrophoresis/phonophoresis) with anti-scar agents, and surgical excision are suitable.

For atrophic, young hypertrophic and undeveloped keloid scars, cryodestruction and chemical peels are prescribed in combination with additional techniques - ozone therapy, hormone therapy, injection biopolymers, mesotherapy and physiotherapy. The application method for correcting scars with special cosmetic and medicinal products is also effective.

Normotrophic scars disappear on their own and do not require any intervention.


Unlike cosmetic procedures, physical therapy can be performed at home; you just need to purchase a portable device. Most often, against scars, in particular from papillomas, a course of electro- or phonophoresis is prescribed in combination with an anti-scar gel or solution.

Under the influence of physical factors, particles of the cosmetic product are transferred to deeper layers of the epidermis than would be possible with a simple application. They accumulate in the body in the form of a medicinal depot and begin to act gradually, due to which the effect of physiotherapy procedures lasts longer compared to cosmetic procedures (up to 36 hours). And due to the more gentle effect and work of medicines from the inside, the skin does not require a rehabilitation period (in cosmetology, the upper stratum corneum of the epidermis is inevitably injured).

Electrophoresis involves exposing the body to direct electric current. Differently charged electrodes are connected to the device, the ends of which are inserted into a gasket moistened with a medicinal solution. It is installed on the damaged area of ​​​​the skin, after which a weak current charge is released.

During the procedure, the patient experiences a pleasant tingling sensation. A course of electrophoresis is prescribed for rehabilitation after colds, injuries, bruises, as a cosmetic against wrinkles and for smooth skin relief with scars.

Phonophoresis works using ultrasound. A thick layer of gel is applied to the scar. The head of the emitter is pressed tightly against the skin, to which an anti-scarring agent has already been applied, and is regularly added as it dries out during the procedure. For an effective phonophoresis procedure, it is necessary to ensure that there are no air obstacles between the skin and the emitter.

This method is also used against acne, facial wrinkles, treatment of joints and elimination of all types of scars.

What not to do after papilloma removal

To avoid the appearance of a scar after papilloma removal, it is necessary to temporarily avoid going to the sauna, swimming pool and solarium: exposure to ultraviolet radiation, rough rubbing with a washcloth and sweating can harm the wound healing process.

If the scab has separated, you cannot tear it off artificially; it is better to carefully cut off the detached part and treat it with a disinfectant.

You cannot self-medicate - if you find any new growths inside the wound, you must immediately consult a doctor.

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