“It can’t be!”: is the mistrust of the drug “Skin-cap” justified?

Today, in any pharmacy you can find a large number of medications, the action of which is aimed at eliminating skin problems. Each of them has its own characteristics: it kills bacteria, fungi or relieves inflammation.

Skincup cream for newborns is prescribed if the baby has manifestations and first symptoms of psoriasis, dermatitis, seborrhea, allergies or dandruff. The product contains no hormones. For ease of use, it is available in the form of cream, aerosol, and shampoo.


Aerosol for external use100 g
active substance:
zinc pyrithione activated0.2 g
excipients: isopropyl myristate - 48.37 g; polysorbate 80 - 0.32 g; trolamine - 0.04 g; ethanol - 34 g; water - 0.5 g; propellants (isobutane - 76.2%, propane - 23.29%; butane - 0.51%) - up to 100 g
Cream for external use100 g
active substance:
zinc pyrithione activated0.2 g
excipients: glyceryl mono- and distearate (Tegin M); capryl caprylate (Tegosoft EE); methyldextrose and macrogol 20 ether (Tegosoft E20); isopropyl palmitate (Tegosoft R); methyldextrose polyglyceryl distearate (Tego Care 450); butylated hydroxytoluene; glycerol; propyl parahydroxybenzoate (Nipagin); sucrose and coconut oil fatty acid ester (Tegosoft LSE 65K); stearyl alcohol (Tego Alkanol 18); ethanol; flavoring (citronellol, phenylethanol, geraniol, terpineol, cinnamyl alcohol); cyclomethicone (Abil K4); water
Shampoo100 ml
active substance:
zinc pyrithione activated1 g
excipients: Tego Perli C-96 (sodium lauryl sulfate + coconut oil fatty acid monoethanolamide + ethylene glycol monostearate); Tego Betaine L-7 (propyl betainamide fatty acids of coconut oil); Tego sulfonate 2427 Bondesurf NL 228E (sodium lauryl sulfate); Abil B 88183 (dimethicone, macrogol and polypropylene glycol copolymer); disodium edetate, sodium chloride, levomenthol, ethanol, Antil 141-Liquid (propylene glycol + macrogol-55-propylene glycol oleate); flavor (Binea 10680) (citronellol + phenylethanol + geraniol + terpineol + cinnamyl alcohol); water - up to 100 ml

Features of application

Skin cap is a universal remedy that helps get rid of the unpleasant manifestations of a large number of skin diseases. Regular use minimizes the likelihood of itching, dryness, burning and flaking. Its components not only eliminate symptoms, but also act directly on the source itself. The drug kills a large number of harmful bacteria and fungi. A negative effect on tumors, as well as tissues in a pre-tumor state, was noted. The ointment manufacturer is located in Spain. This pharmaceutical company has a large number of positive reviews.

A good effect can only be noticed if parents strictly follow the instructions.

The drug contains the following components:

  • Activated zinc prevents the proliferation of harmful microbes and fungi. The component is unique because it can penetrate deep into the skin. Positive effects are achieved without damaging the epidermis.
  • Glyceryl is added to deeply moisturize the skin. Thanks to its effect, the likelihood of crack formation is minimized.
  • To ensure maximum nutrition and hydration of the epidermis, capryl caprylate was additionally included in the composition.
  • Isopropyl palmitate is necessary to increase the softness and elasticity of the skin.
  • Essential and fatty acids supply the skin with the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals.
  • The composition also includes a natural antioxidant.


Activated zinc pyrithione has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal activity. Antifungal activity is especially pronounced against Pityrosporum ovale and Pityrosporum orbiculare, which support inflammation and excessive flaking in dandruff, seborrhea, psoriasis and other skin diseases.

The antibacterial activity of zinc pyrithione is manifested against a number of pathogenic microorganisms (including streptococcus, staphylococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli, Proteus).

Zinc pyrithione reduces the intracellular level of ATP, promotes depolarization of cell membranes and the death of fungi and bacteria.

The mechanism of anti-inflammatory action has not been studied.

Contraindications for use

The use of this drug should be avoided if the baby has increased sensitivity to one or more components. Before first use, an allergy test should be performed. To do this, a small amount of the composition is applied to the skin. If redness or itching occurs, further use should be discontinued. In any case, the product will not achieve a positive effect. In this case, the likelihood of complications and side effects increases.

The drug is well tolerated by children. Side effects appear only in rare cases. Children begin to complain of dryness, burning and itching. Parents should immediately stop further treatment. The instructions additionally warn that overuse of the cream can lead to excessive dryness and flaking. An overdose is not dangerous, and the symptoms disappear immediately after stopping the drug. Skincap should not be used if therapeutic measures are already being taken with glucocorticosteroids.

Skincap is also available in spray form

Directions for use and doses


Aerosol: spray onto the affected areas of the skin from a distance of 15 cm 2-3 times a day until a clinical effect is achieved. To achieve a lasting effect, it is recommended to continue using the drug for 1 week after the symptoms disappear. To treat the scalp with the drug, a special nozzle is included. The course of treatment for psoriasis is 1-1.5 months, for atopic dermatitis - 3-4 weeks.

The method of administration and dosage for children do not differ from those for adults.

If necessary, you can repeat the course of treatment after 1–1.5 months, after consultation with your doctor.

Cream: after vigorous shaking, apply a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin 2 times a day. The course of treatment for psoriasis is 1-1.5 months, for atopic dermatitis - 3-4 weeks.

The method of administration and dosage for children do not differ from those for adults.

If necessary, you can repeat the course of treatment after 1–1.5 months, after consultation with your doctor.

Shampoo: before use, shake the bottle vigorously, apply a small amount of shampoo to damp hair and massage the scalp, then rinse your hair and reapply shampoo. Leave the shampoo on your hair for 5 minutes and rinse thoroughly with plenty of water. Use 2-3 times a week for the first 2 weeks. The course of treatment for psoriasis is 5 weeks, for seborrhea - 2 weeks.

During the period of remission, shampoo can be used 1-2 times a week as a means of preventing relapses.

Additional nuances of use

The product can be bought at any pharmacy, because it does not require a prescription from a doctor. However, we should not forget that each remedy has a list of contraindications. That is why you should consult your doctor before using it. Additionally, it should be noted that during the use of shampoo you may notice a change in hair color. It also significantly slows down their growth. If the product accidentally gets into the baby’s stomach, you will need to urgently rinse it or take a laxative.

The cream can be applied to the skin of children who are already one year old. It is prescribed to eliminate the symptoms of dermatitis, which manifests itself in an aggressive form. It is advisable to apply the cream even to those areas that are completely crusted. Skincup eliminates diathesis and the consequences of allergies from the skin of crumbs within a short time. Parents quite often choose this drug, because it does not contain hormones. Children do not experience discomfort when applying it to the skin. He also does not resist the use of shampoo and aerosol.

Release form

Aerosol for external use, 0.2%. 35, 70, 140 g of the drug in an aluminum aerosol can, which consists of a valve and a cap. The cylinder along with an additional nozzle is placed in a cardboard box.

35 g of the drug in an aluminum aerosol can, which consists of a valve and a cap (free sample).

Cream for external use, 0.2%. 5 g in a sachet made of laminated foil. 15 and 50 g in a plastic tube. Each tube is placed in a cardboard box

Shampoo, 1%. 50 ml, 150 ml, 400 ml in a plastic bottle. Each bottle is placed in a cardboard pack. 5 g in a sachet made of laminated foil. 5 sachets are placed together in a cardboard pack. 5 g in laminated foil sachets (free sample).

Features of action and release form of the drug

Today, for the treatment of infants, one of three variants of the drug release form can be used. The cream contains no more than 0.2% of the active substance. It is characterized by a specific color and smell. Parents will be able to choose the packaging that is most suitable in terms of volume. The aerosol is most conveniently sprayed onto the skin. There is a nozzle on it especially for this purpose. This type of drug is produced on the basis of oil, therefore it has a characteristic structure. The largest dosage of the active ingredient is in shampoo. That is why you should be extremely careful when using it.

The main active ingredient is zinc pyrithione. It is necessary for the active fight against viruses and bacteria. Most dangerous skin diseases develop when dangerous microorganisms actively multiply. Thanks to zinc pyrithione, the likelihood of intracellular damage is reduced. It also promotes the death of harmful bacteria and fungi. The drug has unique properties that allow the ingredients to penetrate deep into the layers of the skin. Regular use over several days reduces the number of rashes. A significant reduction in the level of discomfort in children is also achieved. However, it is strictly prohibited to use it for up to a year.

Skincup helps quickly get rid of dermatitis

Skin cap: effectiveness + safety

Even taking into account the facts already indicated, the hype around Skin-cap does not look very plausible: after all, hormonal drugs should cause side effects, while no complications are observed with Skin-cap treatment. Largely thanks to its successful combination - effectiveness + safety - Skin-cap has gained popularity all over the world.

It is known that Skin-Cap has been repeatedly counterfeited in Europe and the USA, releasing supposedly similar products onto the market. Moreover, the counterfeit drugs actually contained hormones. And what is characteristic is that the effect was not comparable to the effect of a real Skin-cap.

Checking the Skin Cap for truth and strength

Repeated consumer complaints led to the fact that in 1997-98, independent laboratories in Germany, Spain, Great Britain, Australia, the Czech Republic, Holland, Russia, the USA and other countries conducted studies of Skin Cap samples. However, no laboratory has detected the presence of hormones in the drug.


In 2006–2007, two unique clinical studies of the properties of Skin-cap were conducted in Russia on the basis of the most authoritative Russian medical centers. The research was carried out by leading experts:

  • Moscow Research Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery,
  • Kazan Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation,
  • Central Research Dermatovenerological Institute,
  • Kazan State Medical University,
  • Ural Research Institute of Dermatovenereology and Immunopathology and a number of other well-known medical institutions in the country.


Veronica, 26 years old My daughter was diagnosed with acute dermatitis. Not a single remedy helped us get rid of it completely. Treatment continued unsuccessfully for the first year of her life. The most unpleasant manifestation was visible on the right hand. At an appointment with a new dermatologist, it was decided to try Skincup. After completing a course of treatment of 1.5 months, the dermatitis receded almost completely.

Alexandra, 19 years old We were diagnosed with allergies at the age of 1.5. It was difficult to identify the allergen, and I had to undergo a large number of tests. Skin cap was prescribed to relieve discomfort. The result was noticeable immediately - after all, Anton began to behave more calmly. He also stopped itching.

Analogues and terms of sale

The cream is sold at any pharmacy. There is no need to provide a prescription from a doctor to purchase it. Additionally, it should be noted that the aerosol retains its properties for five years. While the cream can only be stored for three years.

Skincap has a high price, so not all people can afford it. That is why it is possible to buy cheaper analogues, which contain the same effective component:

  • Zinocap also effectively eliminates bacteria and fungi. The analogue is of Russian origin. Today, it can also be found in the pharmacy in tablet form.
  • Quickly and effectively kills dangerous microorganisms Psoricap. It also retains moisture in the epidermis, so the likelihood of dryness is reduced to zero.
  • Skincap shampoo also has a cheaper analogue - Friederm-Zinc.
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