Is it worth removing papillomas on the face and neck and how can this be dangerous?

Moles and papillomas

Moles are commonly called pigmented formations on the skin. Doctors gave them another name - nevi. They are formed from pigment cells. In fact, a mole is a benign tumor. Most often it is located between the epidermis and dermis. Sometimes one or more moles can be found on the mucous membranes. For example, in the mouth or vagina. Nevi can be of different colors: brown, purple, black, blue, red and others. Sometimes moles are colorless. The reasons for their formation are as follows: Some papillomas, in appearance, are similar to colorless moles. Sometimes they grow and resemble cauliflower. These tumors most often form on the face, neck and chest. The cause of such growths is the human papillomavirus. Infection occurs as follows:

  1. Sexually.
  2. Autoinfection. For example: during hair removal or shaving.
  3. Infection of the baby during childbirth.
  4. By everyday means. The virus enters the body through microscopic abrasions or cuts in the skin.

In most cases, the reason for removing moles and papillomas is aesthetics, not health. The patient simply does not like the appearance of the growth or it is too noticeable to others. In some cases, neoplasms are traumatized by clothing or a chain around the neck. This forces the patient to see a doctor to get rid of the growth.

Why remove tumors

Moles and papillomas can pose a real threat to human health and even life. For example, a nevus can degenerate into one of the most aggressive types of cancer - melanoma. Usually the tumor progresses rapidly, since the body’s response is weak or absent altogether. Strong immunity can suppress the development of the papilloma virus. Often, the growths that appear disappear on their own without a trace. If the immune response is insufficient, the tumor will not disappear. It may even increase in size. In place of one papilloma, several appear at once. The growths can become injured and become infected. In addition, papilloma can cause the development of squamous cell carcinoma and other types of cancer. Removal of moles and papillomas can be carried out only after consultation with a doctor.

If there is a suspicion of malignant degeneration of the nevus, it must be eliminated with extreme caution and only in a medical facility. After the procedure, tissues are necessarily sent for histological examination. The same is done with suspicious papilloma. In this case, the optimal way to remove the tumor is surgery. Fortunately, not all nevi and papillomas are dangerous. They rarely develop into melanoma or other types of cancer. Most often, patients remove moles and papillomas for aesthetic reasons.

Asymptomatic carriage of human papillomavirus (HPV)

In reality, many more people are infected with HPV than statistics show. Most of them simply do not know about it, since there are no symptoms of condyloma.

The virus may not manifest itself in any way for a long time, since the human immune system does not allow it to develop to the required extent. However, at any time, with a decrease in both general and local immunity, this can happen, and then papillomas and/or condylomas appear.

1 Laboratory diagnostics

2 Dermatoscopy

3 Extended colposcopy

Laser Application

A dermatologist can offer the patient several ways to remove tumors. Naturally, the patient will give preference to the one that is the least traumatic and painless. Laser removal of papillomas and warts allows you to quickly get rid of the problem.

The microfractional beam evaporates the growth without affecting healthy tissue. To completely remove the tumor, one procedure is sufficient. There are no scars after using the laser. In addition, blood loss is also excluded.

  1. Diabetes.
  2. Blood diseases.
  3. Oncology.
  4. Pregnancy.
  5. Autoimmune diseases.
  6. Tendency to keloid scars.
  7. Epilepsy.

After the procedure, the wound heals within two weeks. Many patients who have chosen this method of treatment leave positive reviews on the Internet. The consequences of laser removal of papillomas and moles are clean and healthy skin. Just a few days after the procedure, the patient completely forgets about the eliminated growths. There are no side effects after using the laser.

Traditional methods of tumor removal: painful, dangerous and ugly


– the doctor, under local anesthesia, excises the formation and sutures the skin. The procedure takes 30 minutes or more. After the stitches are removed, scars and even serious scars remain, which are not always “erased” by skin polishing.

The surgical method of removing tumors is positioned as simple and cheap. But, if you consider the amount that you have to pay to get rid of scars, you can argue with such a statement. After surgical removal of several formations, the costs of eliminating the consequences will be considerable, not counting the time spent on restorative procedures.


- a method of removing formations from the skin and mucous membranes using high voltage current. Electricity is supplied through a metal loop, so the procedure is reminiscent of wood burning.

After local anesthesia, a mole, papilloma or wart is “burned” by electric current, and in its place a scab is formed - a crust, under which tissue healing occurs within 10-14 days.

Although the electrocoagulation method is preferable to the surgical one, it is also not without its drawbacks.

  • Does not allow you to control the depth of current penetration
    , so there is a high risk of cauterizing the tissue too deeply; After the procedure, a whitish scar remains, noticeable against the general background of darker skin. It's difficult to get rid of it.
  • Weak selectivity
    . When cauterized, healthy tissues are damaged. The doctor can “overdo it”, taking too much of the surrounding skin, and a keloid scar remains on the body, and even worse, on the face after healing.

The use of electrical destruction in the treatment of cervical erosion leads to the formation of scar tissue, which interferes with the opening of the cervix during childbirth and provokes ruptures.

Radio wave removal

Radioknife is another effective means for removing moles and papillomas. But it can only be used if the doctor is sure that malignancy of these tumors has not occurred. In addition, the radioknife is contraindicated for pregnant women and people who have a heart rate sensor in their body. High-frequency waves evaporate nevus or papilloma cells. Healthy tissues are not harmed. The operation is painless and lasts no longer than 25 minutes. There is no bleeding, so there is no need for postoperative wound care.


High-frequency current is often used to combat tumors. This method of removing moles and papillomas is quite painful, so the doctor must use anesthesia. During the procedure, the doctor brings a special needle to the head of the growth, which conducts an electric current. A spark occurs between the device and the skin. It burns the neoplasm cells to the very foundation. There is no blister after the procedure. But a scar forms on the surface of the skin, which resolves over time.

In what cases should laser removal of papillomas not be used?


for laser removal of warts and papillomas are:

  • Herpes in the acute stage;
  • Diabetes;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Immunodeficiency conditions;
  • Malignant nature of neoplasms;
  • Any diseases of the skin and blood;
  • Tan obtained 2 weeks (or less) before the procedure.

A liquid nitrogen

Effective methods for removing moles and papillomas include cryodestruction. The procedure uses liquid nitrogen, the temperature of which reaches -196 °C. This substance freezes the liquid in the altered cells, after which they are completely destroyed. The procedure is painless, so there is no need for anesthesia. After using liquid nitrogen, crusts may remain at the site of the growth. They are completely rejected after two weeks. As a rule, there are no scars at the site of removal of a mole or papilloma. Unfortunately, this method cannot be used if a tumor biopsy is required.

HPV types:

  • HPV, which manifests itself as warts (HPV 1-5): warts (calluses) located on the soles of the feet - HPV types 1-4;
  • flat warts - HPV types 3, 10, 28, 49;
  • common warts - HPV type 27.
  • HPV infecting the genitals and respiratory tract - HPV types 6, 11, 13, 16, 18, 31, 33, 35.
  • HPV, manifested by rashes (transitional, precancerous condition) - 39 and other types of HPV .

  • 1
    Diagnosis of papillomavirus infection

    2 Diagnosis of human papillomavirus infection

    3 Diagnosis of human papillomavirus infection

    Surgical intervention

    The safest way is to remove moles and papillomas using a surgeon's scalpel. It is this method that is used if there is a suspicion of malignant degeneration of the growth. The operation is performed using anesthesia, so it is comfortable for the patient. Surgical intervention guarantees complete removal of the tumor, unlike laser or cryodestruction. In addition, the risk of relapse is eliminated. Many patients do not know where to remove papilloma and mole - in a private clinic or a public one. In fact, it all depends on the experience of the surgeon. It is important to find a qualified doctor. As practice shows, most often such specialists work in government agencies.

    There are no contraindications to surgical removal of growths. Sometimes it is necessary to postpone the procedure. The doctor will advise you to undergo surgery in the following cases:

    1. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
    2. Exacerbation of herpes.
    3. Inflammatory process.
    4. Exacerbation of a chronic disease.
    5. Viral or bacterial infection.

    The duration of the operation usually does not exceed 60 minutes. After excision of the tissue, the doctor applies stitches. If necessary, the removed nevus or papilloma is sent for histological examination. The wound is treated with an antiseptic daily. Do not remove the resulting crust yourself. In addition, the affected area must be protected from exposure to sunlight for two to three months. Non-absorbable sutures are removed 10 days after the intervention. A barely noticeable scar remains after the operation. If the neoplasm was located quite deep, a more pronounced mark may remain. You can smooth it out using a special patch or absorbable cream.

    Why is laser removal of papillomas so in demand?

    Before the use of laser removal of papillomas in medicine, warts were cut off using electrical methods, the use of chemical reagents and low-temperature nitrogen. Laser removal of papillomas is an innovative technique that provides painless removal of the tumor.

    Thanks to low intensity radiation, blood circulation in the body is stimulated and healing is accelerated. Along with removing the growth, the laser beam seals the blood vessels, eliminating the occurrence of inflammation and scars.

    Laser removal of papillomas on the face is an extremely precise procedure

    . There is disinfection of the wound and absolute control over the depth of penetration, in which the tissues around the affected area are not exposed.

    Pharmacy preparations for freezing tumors

    A doctor must remove moles. You cannot do this on your own. Otherwise, you can provoke a malignant degeneration of the nevus. You can remove papillomas yourself. Provided that the doctor has previously examined the patient and confirmed the diagnosis. And also approved the method of treatment. To do this, you can purchase a remedy for papillomas at the pharmacy, which freezes tumors. The most effective drugs include:

    • "Wartner Cryo". Removes not only papillomas, but also warts. The active ingredient of the drug has a temperature of minus 40 degrees, this is quite enough to destroy the cells of the growth;
    • "Veruklin". The mixture of gases of this drug has a temperature of minus 50 degrees. The papilloma completely dies off just two weeks after using this remedy;
    • "Cryopharma". Contains propane and dimethyl ether. At the exit from the cylinder, their temperature reaches minus 57 degrees. One package is enough to treat 12 tumors. Within two weeks after the procedure, healthy skin is completely restored.

    How much does laser removal of papillomas cost?


    laser wart removal costs from 500 to 2500 rubles.
    The procedure
    for removing papillomas is carried out both in private medical institutions and in public hospitals. The price will vary depending on the location of the operation, the qualifications of the specialists and the general performance of the clinic. The price for laser removal of papillomas may increase subject to additional tests that must be taken from the patient before the procedure.

    Read material on the topic: Laser facial skin rejuvenation: useful tips and recommendations

    Preparations with a cauterizing effect

    Pharmacological companies create various effective and affordable drugs for removing tumors at home. Cauterizing remedies for papillomas help get rid of growths forever. The following drugs can be purchased at the pharmacy:

    1. “Verrucacid.” It is an oily liquid whose main ingredient is phenol. The substance is quite aggressive. The liquid should be applied with an applicator exclusively to the neoplasm. Care must be taken to ensure that the product does not come into contact with healthy tissue. “Verrukatsid” is applied twice with an interval of five minutes. Usually one procedure is enough. The drug is contraindicated for the treatment of pregnant women and children under the age of seven.
    2. "Ferezol". This drug has a bactericidal and cauterizing effect. The liquid is applied pointwise, several times over the course of an hour. The procedure is repeated after eight days.
    3. "Solcoderm". This medicine contains oxalic, nitric, acetic and lactic acid. It is recommended to use the drug under the supervision of a specialist with higher or secondary medical education. “Solcoderm” is applied several times pointwise until the neoplasm takes on a yellowish or gray-white color.

    What are the stages of laser removal of papillomas?

    Preparations for the laser removal procedure for papillomas must be taken with full responsibility. You should not sunbathe or go to a solarium at least two weeks before surgery. It is also better not to use household chemicals, go on a hypoallergenic diet and lead a healthy lifestyle. All this will help the skin cope with the procedure and survive the recovery process.

    If papillomas are detected anywhere in the body, you must contact a specialist to find out the cause of the infection. Immunodeficiency is quite often the first sign of the appearance of tumors on the skin. Treatment begins after a conversation with a dermatologist and cosmetologist.

    Since papillomas cells consist of 75 percent water, the laser action is based on the evaporation of liquid and the destruction of pathological cells. The fabric is cut off layer by layer until the growth is completely removed. Healthy areas near the tumor are not affected and remain unharmed.

    Laser removal lasts no more than five minutes and occurs in the outpatient room. Let us consider in order what stages are performed during the procedure.

    Stage 1.

    The doctor
    treats the skin with an antiseptic

    Stage 2.

    The doctor
    administers pain relief
    by injecting the patient with a syringe or applying a cream containing an anesthetic such as novocaine or lidocaine to the skin.

    Stage 3.

    pain relief will take effect
    in three to five minutes. We must wait for this time.

    Stage 4.

    Everyone in the room wears
    safety glasses
    to prevent the laser beam from burning the retina.

    Stage 5.

    The doctor takes a laser and
    treats the papilloma
    around the entire perimeter. The burn remaining after removal is treated with fucorcin or any other antiseptic. It is better to apply a dry gauze pad and a bandage.

    During the entire procedure, the patient has no pain at all

    . The recovery period for healing of the skin or mucous membrane takes from six to eight days.

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