Is it worth removing papillomas on the face and neck and how can this be dangerous?

Symptoms of papillomas of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx

If papillomas are located inside the nasal passages, the disease may manifest itself with the following symptoms:

Stuffy nose

Papillomas can grow, and at some point a person begins to feel nasal congestion.

More about the symptom

Postnasal drip syndrome

Papillomas can cause postnasal drip syndrome. The nasal cavities contain glands that produce mucus. If a person does not have a runny nose, little mucus is produced. It serves to moisturize the nasal passages and binds dust and bacteria that have entered there. Sometimes a person sneezes or blows his nose, thereby removing mucus from the nose. Papillomas can reach significant sizes, blocking the mucus path. In this case, mucus begins to accumulate and then flow down the nasopharynx (this is postnasal drip syndrome). As a rule, an accumulation of mucus in the throat is felt in the morning, after a night's sleep.


When mechanically damaged, papillomas can cause nosebleeds.

Etiology of warts on the face

The main and key cause of the appearance of warts on the nose, as well as in the lips or eyes, is the human papillomavirus, which, once in the blood, can remain latent for a long time without manifesting itself as epidermal growths. For the formation of warts on the face, a combination of infection is necessary, which can occur either through direct contact with a carrier of the virus or through household contact, with certain accompanying conditions:

  • Decreased immunity;
  • Nervous-emotional tension;
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Failure to comply with hygiene rules;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • Acute inflammatory or infectious process.

By provoking the activation of the vital activity of the papilloma virus, all of the above factors can become a trigger for the formation of warts on the lip or other facial areas.

Treatment methods for papillomas of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx

It is advisable to remove papillomas found in the nasal cavity and nasopharynx. Papillomas that have caused at least some concern must be removed.

Removal of papillomas

Removal of papillomas is best done using modern high-tech methods. This is radio wave removal or laser removal. This removal is easily tolerated by the patient. The technology ensures rapid healing, the risk of re-formation of papilloma is minimal.

Removal of papillomas of the nasal cavity with a laser or radio wave scalpel with Surgitr is carried out at JSC “Family Doctor”.

Make an appointment Do not self-medicate. Contact our specialists who will correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment.

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What causes the appearance of an unpleasant cosmetic defect?

Warts are benign epidermal neoplasms, the formation of which occurs as a result of activation of the human papillomavirus, which can remain latent in the patient’s body for a long time.

Warts on the face are primarily an aesthetic problem, since they have a significant impact on the patient’s appearance, depriving him of self-confidence and reducing self-esteem. You should not treat this problem negligently and endure for a long time, accumulating complexes. Let's try to figure out what is the main reason for such an unpleasant localization of skin tumors and how to get rid of warts on the face.

Wen... why on the nose?

Why do wen appear on the nose? There are many sebaceous glands located on it; if they are not working well, a blockage occurs, the fat is not removed out, but accumulates around the gland. This is how the formation of the wen begins.

But there is no exact answer why the glands work poorly and a wen forms. The main reason for the formation is considered to be poor functioning of the metabolic system. Malnutrition, a sedentary lifestyle, infections, and genetic predisposition can lead to disruptions in work. Some experts “blame” certain medications, menopause, pregnancy, and hormonal imbalance for the appearance of formations. The cause is said to be smoking, alcohol abuse and injury. Sometimes it is not possible to find the cause of the appearance of a wen.

Why is it better to remove wen on the nose?

Formations located on the nose, even if small in size, can cause self-doubt, as they become an aesthetic defect in appearance.

Over time, lipomas can increase in size; as they grow, they cause pain and put pressure on surrounding tissues. Larger lesions are more difficult to remove. If the wen is located on the nose, the specialist recommends removing it without waiting for growth.

Make an appointment for laser removal of wen on the nose

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To remove various tumors, surgical, radio wave and laser methods are used. The surgical method is used to remove large fatty deposits.

A laser is used to remove wen on the nose.

This method will allow you to quickly and painlessly get rid of the wen.

  • After it there are no scars left on the skin.
  • The laser acts specifically on the tumor and does not affect healthy tissue, eliminating the possibility of accidental damage.
  • The formation is excised completely, it can be immediately sent for histology.
  • During the procedure, the laser simultaneously coagulates the surrounding tissue, so the intervention is less traumatic.
  • The risks of infection are reduced and the rehabilitation period is shortened.
  • Laser treatment has a very short recovery period.
  • This method almost completely eliminates the occurrence of relapses.

How does laser removal of wen occur?

When removing a tumor on the nose using a laser, local anesthesia is used. A high-precision, small-diameter laser is used.

The operation is quick and takes no more than 15-40 minutes. The duration of the operation depends on the size and location of the tumor.

Usually on the same day the patient returns to his normal routine and does not experience any restrictions.

Photos before and after lipoma removal

Why is it necessary to remove warts?

Plantar wart removal:

Doctor: Grishko R.V.

The spontaneous disappearance of warts is extremely rare. Much more often, the opposite situation is observed - over time (sometimes it takes only a few weeks) they can increase and appear in other places (dissemination).

Warts, while representing a clear aesthetic defect, can also be accompanied by pathological symptoms and lead to various complications. Thus, periungual warts can cause deformation and detachment of the nail, plantar warts can cause severe pain when walking, so the earlier the removal is performed, the easier the procedure is tolerable, the faster the healing, the more aesthetic the result and the cheaper the procedure.

Types of facial warts

Most often, neoplasms on the face appear as single epidermal growths, which, in the absence of rational treatment or removal for a long time, can carry out the process of autoinaculation, spreading to the surrounding healthy skin tissue. As a result, skin defects grow and then merge, which complicates the process of removing warts on the face. In addition, some types of warts on the face can lead to atypical tissue growth, which can result in cancer.

Most often, the following types of warts appear in the facial area:

  • Simple or vulgar . Typically, simple warts are localized on the hands, but situations of their formation on the face are also common. Such growths look like rounded nodules with a dense consistency. The color of vulgar warts on the eyelid and other mucous membranes may match healthy skin or have a pinkish tint.
  • Flat warts . In the vast majority of cases, they affect the patient’s face and are characterized by a smooth, non-convex surface. There are frequent cases of the formation of flat warts on mucous membranes.
  • Filiform warts . Most warts on the eyelid are thread-like formations and have the appearance of soft papules, which often leads to their traumatization.

In order to determine the type of neoplasm on the face and differentiate warts from such phenomena as lichen planus or syphilitic growths, it is necessary to contact a qualified doctor who can make an accurate diagnosis as a result of a thorough examination and examination, as well as by identifying the human papillomavirus in the patient’s blood .

Cryodestruction or removal with liquid nitrogen

Liquid nitrogen is a chemical liquid with a temperature of -196 degrees, used to remove any neoplasm (warts, papillomas, moles, tumors). Removal with liquid nitrogen is almost painless, so there is no need to apply anesthesia for each tumor.

After cryodestruction (removal with liquid nitrogen), the skin can be washed with detergents almost immediately; there is no need to bandage or seal with adhesive tape. Sometimes treatment with potassium permanganate is recommended during the first 3 days. By the 3rd–7th day, the neoplasms dry out after cryodestruction and turn into a crust. By the 10th–14th day, the crusts are rejected without scars, the color of the skin practically does not change.

When removing using this method, the doctor presses a cotton swab soaked in liquid nitrogen onto the tumor. As a rule, the tumor that is removed becomes white, then it turns red and is rejected.


The external characteristics of neoplasms depend on the strain of the virus that infects the body. Only 3 types of pathological rashes can form on the nose:

  1. Simple or vulgar warts. They grow up to 10 mm in height and up to 15 mm in diameter. The color of the formations varies from pale pink to yellow or gray.
  2. Flat . Warts practically do not protrude above the surface of the epidermis. Growths of this type are as close in color as possible to the shades of the skin, in rare cases they have brown or pink tones.
  3. Filiform . The outgrowths are characterized by an elongated shape. Thread-like growths are located in the folds of the nose and are attached to the surface of the epidermis with the help of a thin stalk. For this reason, they are often injured during hygiene procedures or when putting clothes on over their heads.

Radio wave method for removing warts

Radio wave removal is a hardware method in which the growth is exposed to high-frequency waves.

Warts on the nose are also classified according to the type of growth. According to this criterion, neoplasms are divided into:

  1. Expansive - when the formation grows into superficial tissues.
  2. Invasive - when papilloma is localized in the deep layers of the dermis with damage to cartilage and bone structures.
  3. Appositional - when rashes grow into connective tissues.

At first, warts on the nose are not accompanied by discomfort and do not cause inconvenience. With extensive growth, the problem may be characterized by itching and mild burning. Gradually, papillomas block the nasal passage, preventing the normal flow of oxygen into the body.

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It is not difficult to distinguish a wart on the nose from other types of formations. Difficulty in diagnosing the problem arises only when the growth is located in hard-to-reach areas of the organ, for example, on the mucous membranes.

Laser wart removal

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia after the doctor has administered painkillers. Depending on the size of the derivative, laser removal of warts takes up to 15 minutes. After the procedure, a bandage is applied and medications are prescribed to lubricate the wound as it heals.

Laser wart removal

The main advantage of laser wart removal is that just one procedure is enough to make the wart that bothers you disappear forever. In addition, this treatment method is the most common among patients and has the best reviews, since laser warts are removed from:

  • faces;
  • palms and feet;
  • genitals.

Treatment of nasal polyposis

Treatment of chronic inflammation of the sinuses (with or without polyps) is a difficult task that requires complex treatment.

A team of doctors (therapist, allergist-immunologist, otolaryngologist) must participate in the treatment of the disease in order to determine an effective treatment regimen.

The goal of treatment for nasal polyposis is to reduce the size of the polyps or eliminate them. The first step begins with drug therapy. If the effectiveness of drug therapy is low, surgical treatment is resorted to. It does not provide complete recovery, but significantly improves the course of the disease. Therefore, it is necessary to continue conservative treatment in the postoperative period.

Use of medications for nasal polyposis

Treatment begins with drug therapy, which helps to reduce or disappear even large polyps.

Drug treatment usually includes:

  • Nasal corticosteroids

Nasal corticosteroids have a predominantly local anti-inflammatory effect. They are used in the form of nasal sprays (with mometasone, beclomethasone) and help reduce nasal polyps.

  • Systemic corticosteroids

If the administration of nasal medications is not effective, then systemic corticosteroids (dexamethasone, prednisolone, etc.) are prescribed orally or by injection. Because corticosteroids taken by mouth or by injection carry a risk of serious side effects, these drugs are not prescribed for long periods.

  • Other medicines

The doctor may also prescribe other medications that affect inflammation of the mucous membrane. They may include various drugs for the treatment of allergic pathology (leukotriene receptor blockers, antihistamines, cromoglycates), antibacterial drugs for the treatment of prolonged or recurring infections.

Polyp surgery

If drug treatment does not shrink or eliminate polyps, endoscopic surgery may be required to remove them and correct sinus problems.

In the endoscopic technique, the surgeon uses a special optical tube that magnifies and displays an image of the operated area on a screen. Under visual control, the surgeon, using specialized micro-instruments, removes polyps and other obstructions from the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses that interfere with the outflow of fluid from the sinuses.

The surgeon may also enlarge the openings connecting the sinuses to the nasal cavity.

After surgery, it is recommended to use a corticosteroid nasal spray, as well as regular rinsing with prepared saline solutions, to help prevent recurrence of nasal polyposis.

What should I do? To remove or not to remove warts at home?

I understand perfectly well that with this article I cannot prevent the sale of such drugs without a prescription, that is, without a doctor’s examination. In general, I am not against removing warts using these methods, but one extremely important condition must be met.

You can burn a wart with anything, under any conditions, but only after an in-person examination by an oncologist or dermatologist, optimally with dermatoscopy. The fact that you have a wart on your skin, and not melanoma or cancer, must be confirmed by a specialized specialist. If there is the slightest doubt about the diagnosis, the wart should be removed with histological examination.


If a growth appears on the nose, then it cannot be said with 100% certainty that it is a wart. There are a number of other rashes that are similar in appearance to papilloma, but are not associated with HPV entering the patient’s body.

For this reason, diagnosing the problem by a specialist is mandatory. The pathology is treated by a dermatologist, who prescribes a set of diagnostic measures for the patient for a full examination.

In the process of diagnosing a problem, the following occurs:

  • visual examination of the skin with microscopic examination of the affected areas;
  • histological analysis of wart samples;
  • determination of strain ;
  • detection viral DNA chains

After a detailed study of the growth, a competent treatment regimen is prescribed. Home treatment for a wart on the nose is not recommended.

Nasal polyps: causes

What causes nasal polyps is not known. But the main risk factors are allergies and chronic rhinosinusitis.

The nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses have a complex self-cleaning mechanism. The cells of the mucous membrane form a thin film of secretion, into which pathogens (viruses, allergens, dust particles) enter from the inhaled air. As a result, the air entering the lungs is purified and moisturized. The cells contain movable hairs (cilia), which transport secretions from the sinuses continuously to the posterior sections of the nasal cavity, from there to the nasopharynx, pharynx, and eventually this mucus enters the acidic environment of the stomach.

Impaired outflow of mucus from the sinuses.

The paranasal sinuses are connected to the nasal cavity through narrow “channels” of the anastomosis. Deviation of the nasal septum and other anatomical features can lead to a narrowing of these “channels”. As a result, discharge accumulates in the sinus cavity and provides ideal soil for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

Due to frequent infections, the mucous membrane is constantly irritated and swollen - which further aggravates the situation. Polyps may form, which, in turn, further block the outflow from the sinus.

Allergies are a possible precursor to nasal polyps.

Allergies contribute to prolonged irritation and swelling of the mucous membrane in the nasal cavity and sinuses, which can lead to the formation of polyps. Many patients with nasal polyposis simultaneously suffer from various forms of allergies. Even patients without allergies who constantly inhale too dry or polluted air have an increased risk of developing polyps.

Frequent combination: intolerance to analgesics, asthma, polyps (aspirin triad).

People with bronchial asthma are prone to developing nasal polyps, as well as people who cannot tolerate analgesics, specifically non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Patients with such NSAID intolerance suffer from asthma attacks as soon as they take certain medications - for example, acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), ibuprofen, diclofenac, analgin. This is a so-called “pseudo-allergy”; the body does not form specific antibodies against drugs, as with a real allergy.

The combination of NSAID intolerance, nasal polyps and asthma is also called: Samter's triad, Fernand-Vidal triad.

Cystic fibrosis.

Nasal polyps are rare in children—with one exception: About one-third of all children with the congenital metabolic condition cystic fibrosis also develop nasal polyps. With this pathology, the glands secrete an abnormally viscous secretion, which accumulates in the sinuses, which contributes to chronic sinusitis and, consequently, nasal polyps.

A rare cause is primary ciliary dyskinesia.

This is a congenital pathology, which is manifested by underdevelopment of the “cilia” and can manifest itself as frequent respiratory diseases and persistent nasal congestion.

You should be aware that long-term use of vasoconstrictor nasal sprays can affect cilia function in a similar way.


The most effective drug for solving the problem in children and adults is Vifiron. It has an antiviral effect. The ointment has a mild effect on the surface of the skin without causing burns. In addition to local treatment of lesions, measures to strengthen the immune system are required.

Self-medication is dangerous with complications!


Despite the fact that our articles are based on trusted sources and have been tested by practicing doctors, the same symptoms can be signs of different diseases, and the disease may not proceed according to the textbook.

Pros of seeing a doctor:

  • Only a specialist will prescribe suitable medications.
  • Recovery will be easier and faster.
  • The doctor will monitor the course of the disease and help avoid complications.

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Do not try to treat yourself - consult a specialist.

Growths on the nose, like on other parts of the face, require emergency medical attention. Otherwise, warts are dangerous due to a number of complications associated with infection of neighboring tissues.

In the absence of therapeutic measures, benign papillomas often degenerate into cancerous tumors.

Methods for quickly combating the problem

Radical methods for removing warts on the nose include:

  • laser survival;
  • cryodestruction;
  • electric currents;
  • radio waves;
  • traditional surgical removal using a scalpel.

Laser removal is one of the most common and effective methods in combating the problem. Wart removal occurs painlessly and in a short time. The only drawback of the procedure is its high cost. After laser wart survival, there are no scars left on the face.

Cryodestruction is a quick but painful way to remove a tumor on the nose. Sometimes after surgery the problem reappears and will require further intervention to eliminate it.

After eliminating the tumor, the patient feels discomfort in this area for 2-3 days. With careful and timely treatment of the wound after removing the papilloma, there will be no traces left on the nose.

Electrocoagulation is rarely used to treat facial warts. The technique gives a positive result only in the fight against small-sized tumors with shallow roots.

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