Retinol and retinoids: a powerful remedy for any skin problem

Benefits for the face

Carotenes usually enter the body with food - these are carotenes that are converted in the blood into an active vitamin. Penetrating into the skin, retinol has the following effects:

  • Activates capillary blood flow in the epidermis and dermis.
  • Relieves inflammation, including helping to fight acne.
  • Neutralizes harmful and toxic substances.
  • Stimulates skin cell regeneration.
  • Eliminates hyperpigmentation.
  • Has a significant antioxidant effect.
  • Makes the skin more resistant to negative external influences such as ultraviolet radiation, dry air, and negative temperatures.
  • Stimulates the formation of collagen and elastic fibers.

With daily consumption of the required amount of vitamin A, your facial skin will always look beautiful, well-groomed and healthy. With a deficiency of the element, there is a risk of acne and premature wrinkles.

To eliminate hypovitaminosis, it is necessary to normalize your diet and take a course of special medications, which should be selected by a doctor. You can also use creams and serums with retinol to treat problem skin not only from the inside, but also from the outside.

Vitamin A for wrinkles

Retinol eliminates free radicals that cause skin aging. The vitamin also stimulates the penetration of nutrients into the cells of the dermis and epidermis. As a result of these processes, the skin, even in adulthood, becomes more elastic, toned and attractive. Thanks to retinol, you can smooth out even deep wrinkles and get rid of superficial ones completely. However, it should be remembered that skin care must be comprehensive and continuous.

For acne

Vitamin A helps fight acne due to the fact that it normalizes metabolic processes in skin cells, the functioning of the sebaceous glands and eliminates excess sebum secretion. With proper and regular use of products with retinol, you can quickly get rid of acne and forget about them forever.

For lips

When caring for their facial skin, many women forget about their lips, and they also need nutrition and hydration. A balanced diet and the use of balms containing vitamin A help get rid of the feeling of dryness and damage.

If your lips take on an unnatural shade and begin to crack, it means there is a deficiency of retinol in the body that needs to be replenished.

What is vitamin A? A brief history of its discovery

Vitamin A obtained from food goes through a series of biochemical processes that lead to the conversion of beta-carotene into a form available for absorption by the body - retinol. This compound acts as the active form of vitamin A and is recommended for use as a dietary supplement when a deficiency is detected. The vitamin was discovered by the German scientist Stepp in 1909 during an experiment on mice. The research involved observations of young rodents. It turned out that the active growth and development of mice stops if the food they receive is exposed to alcohol and ether. This fact is associated with the fact that under the influence of the compounds used, fats and lipoids dissolve.

In 1913, scientists came to the conclusion that mammals cannot fully develop without lipoids. And in 1914, they studied the chemical structure of products containing these substances and discovered an element that was given the name “growth factor” or “fat-soluble factor A.” In 1916, the discovered substance received its modern name - vitamin A.

Homemade masks with vitamin A

Not everyone has the funds for expensive creams and fortified serums. Often, homemade masks are no less effective than ready-made cosmetic products. Home remedies require inexpensive ingredients and some free time.

Mask with aevit

The substance can be purchased at a pharmacy. In addition to retinol, aevit also contains vitamin E. It should be applied to the skin for 15-20 minutes, and then, if necessary, blotted with a dry cloth. The mask does not require rinsing. A noticeable effect appears after 10-15 days of regular use.

With retinol

This mask is best suited for caring for the skin around the eyes, which is the thinnest and therefore most susceptible to negative influences. To prepare the product you will need one capsule of vitamin and 3 milliliters of glycerin.

The mask must be applied for 10 minutes and then washed off with warm water. The procedure should be repeated 1 to 2 times a week.


To prepare the mask, you will need one teaspoon each of almond and burdock oil, honey and retinol in liquid form. Leave the product on for half an hour and then wash off with water.

Acne mask

Mix half a teaspoon of retinol with a glass of chamomile infusion. Apply the resulting solution to your face twice a day after washing. A noticeable effect is observed already in the first month of using the product.

How to use face cream with retinol

It is better to use a rejuvenating complex with retinol in the autumn-winter period, since at this time the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation decreases. The first attempts to apply the product may be accompanied by slight redness of the face and tingling - this is a temporary reaction of the dermis to vitamin A. Gradually the skin will get used to it and the effect will appear.

There are both day and night creams with retinol. The best effect can be obtained if you use nighttime options - these products contain more vitamin A. In daytime analogues, the concentration of the active component is negligible, but they additionally contain ingredients for UV protection.

Top 6 best creams

  1. Cream Skin Ceuticals “Retinol 0.3”. The percentage of vitamin content is 0.3. Suitable for delicate skin around the eyes.
  2. La-Roche-Posay cream. Similar to the previous option.
  3. Super Retinol 0.5% is a more concentrated and active product.
  4. Skin Ceuticals "Retinol 1.0". This cream should be applied to the face, avoiding the eye area due to the high concentration of vitamin A, to avoid irritation.
  5. Multi-Action Serum.

The benefits of vitamin A for facial skin

Course use of face cream with vitamin A allows you to:

  • accelerate the process of regeneration of the surface layers of the epidermis;
  • stimulate collagen production in the dermis;
  • provide visual correction of skin unevenness;
  • even out the tone and texture of the face;
  • increase the resistance of the upper layers of the skin to ultraviolet radiation;
  • reduce the number and severity of age spots;
  • get rid of acne, blackheads, allergic rashes;
  • improve skin tone.

The complex effect of retinol on fading facial skin susceptible to age-related changes allows you to delay the visible effect of aging. Thus, regular use of cosmetics with vitamin A provides normal skin with the necessary nutrition, with dry epidermis it guarantees high-quality hydration, and in the case of oily dermis, sebum production is corrected.

Why retinoic dermatitis is good

The first and most important thing: - the appearance of skin rawness due to the use of retinol is a welcome good sign for a cosmetologist and in no case should you be afraid of it!

Retinoic dermatitis is evidence of the accumulation of critical, therapeutic, i.e., in the skin. therapeutic dose of retinol.

This stage indicates that retinol has begun its work in the deep layers of the skin, and now you will observe the progression of therapy results.

It is important at this stage to begin titrating the dose of retinol , otherwise the dermatitis will worsen and you will hear a lot of dissatisfaction from the client. It is necessary to take a number of actions in time, which are described below.

All about retinol: why it is popular, how to use it, who is not suitable for it


Lately, everyone has been talking about the miraculous properties of retinol (or its other name, vitamin A): scientists, cosmetologists, beauty bloggers. However, do not rush to follow advice from the Internet and immediately buy a cream with this ingredient. The effects of retinol can be both positive and negative. And this depends not only on the individual characteristics of the skin and body, but also on age, personal care rules, even the combination of retinol with other vitamins and components. Detailed instructions about retinol from the best cosmetologists and doctors in Moscow are in our article!

What is retinol and why is it so popular?

Victoria Goncharuk


– Retinol is the first vitamin discovered by scientists in 1913, which is why it received the name of the first letter of the alphabet. This is a fat-soluble vitamin that easily penetrates the epidermis. Retinol is essential for healthy skin and hair, normal functioning of the immune system, as well as for the growth of new cells and slowing down the aging process.

Signs of vitamin A deficiency include the appearance of peeling skin, increased dryness, conjunctivitis, dandruff, hair loss, decreased visual acuity (especially at night), and increased susceptibility to infections. Large amounts of retinol are found in fish, liver, vegetables and orange and yellow fruits (carrots, pumpkin, apricot). But for retinol to be absorbed in the digestive tract, fats are required.

What effect does retinol have on the skin?

Daria Yakushevich

dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, surgeon, head of the department of facial and body aesthetics X-Clinic

– Retinol is very unstable to the external environment and breaks down easily, so it is used in the form of various compounds - retinol palmitate, retinol acetate and others. You must also remember that it is not retinol itself that works in the skin, but its derivative, retinoic acid. This compound has receptors in skin cells and activates their division and synthetic activity.

Preparations with retinol are especially useful for patients with acne and tan lovers with signs of photoaging. In these cases, all the beneficial properties of this compound are manifested: acceleration of skin renewal, pronounced antioxidant protection, regulation of the sebaceous glands. As a result of using retinol, complexion improves and age spots lighten.

For patients with acne there is no age requirement; all appointments must be according to indications. To prevent chrono- and photoaging, retinol can be used as early as 25–30 years of age. However, when using products with this component, you must follow a number of rules. Otherwise, you can only harm your skin.

How to use retinol creams

Retinol is a complex compound, and before you start using it, you should do an allergy test on an inconspicuous area of ​​skin (usually it is done on the inner surface of the forearm). If the allergy test gives a negative result, then you can introduce this component into your care. But gradually, starting with small quantities and infrequent use.

It is also important to remember that at the beginning of therapy, phenomena such as dry skin and itching are possible, so immediately stock up on good moisturizing serums and creams. In addition, we must not forget that retinol derivatives increase skin sensitivity to solar radiation, which is the reason for the constant use of products with SPF protection. Experience suggests that the vast majority of patients no longer leave home without sunscreen, even in winter, but when using retinoids, control should be strengthened.

Speaking about the interaction of various products, one of the main rules is not to mix retinol with vitamin C in one application. In order to get the effect of each of these components, it is better to use retinol in the evening, and vitamin C in the morning.

Also, when treating acne, you should not combine retinol with benzoyl peroxide (Baziron) to avoid severe irritation and possible burns!

Another important rule

Maya Zhmareva

dermatologist and cosmetologist at the Austrian health center Verba Mayr

– Apply cream with retinol quickly, since upon contact with the skin, the active component begins to work instantly.

In this case, moisturizing creams or serums should be used only an hour after applying retinol. This way you will not dry out your skin and extend the operating time of the component.


Daria Yakushevich

dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, surgeon, head of the department of facial and body aesthetics X-Clinic

– As mentioned earlier, when using retinol, peeling, itching and tightness may occur. If these phenomena cannot be controlled, it is necessary to stop using the drug.

In addition, vitamin A is completely contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and if the patient is going to undergo the retinoic (so-called yellow) peel procedure, he is advised not to plan a pregnancy for several months after the procedure.

How to choose a product with retinol

“The concentration of retinol in the cream should be no less than 0.1% (preventative agents) and no less than 0.4% (therapeutic agents), says dermatologist-cosmetologist Victoria Goncharuk . – If the manufacturer does not indicate the percentage of retinol on the package, then the lower the mention of vitamin A in the list of ingredients, the lower its concentration. It’s better to look for products that list retinol at the top of the ingredient list.”

At the same time, Maya Zhmareva from Verba Mayr advises choosing products with a retinol concentration of 0.2%.

Cream for all skin types Redermic R, 1959 RUR, La Roche-Posay. Whitening cream Skin Lightening Cream Retinol Forte, RUB 4,275, GIGI. Restoring wrinkle cream Eluage Cream Anti-Ageing Restructuring, RUB 2,195, Avene. Night cream Retinol Correxion, Deep Wrinkle Night Cream, about 1047 RUR, RoC

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