“Skin-cap” during pregnancy: composition of the drug, doctor’s prescription and effect on the woman’s body

During pregnancy, many women experience skin problems. Hormonal changes in the body affect the condition of the epidermis. In addition, during pregnancy, chronic pathologies such as psoriasis, seborrhea and dermatitis may worsen in patients. The drug “Skin-cap” helps improve the condition of the skin. It effectively eliminates rashes, inflammation and itching. However, women are often afraid to use this product. Is it permissible to use Skin-Cap during pregnancy? Will this harm the unborn child? Let's try to figure it out.


Aerosol for external use100 g
active substance:
zinc pyrithione activated0.2 g
excipients: isopropyl myristate - 48.37 g; polysorbate 80 - 0.32 g; trolamine - 0.04 g; ethanol - 34 g; water - 0.5 g; propellants (isobutane - 76.2%, propane - 23.29%; butane - 0.51%) - up to 100 g
Cream for external use100 g
active substance:
zinc pyrithione activated0.2 g
excipients: glyceryl mono- and distearate (Tegin M); capryl caprylate (Tegosoft EE); methyldextrose and macrogol 20 ether (Tegosoft E20); isopropyl palmitate (Tegosoft R); methyldextrose polyglyceryl distearate (Tego Care 450); butylated hydroxytoluene; glycerol; propyl parahydroxybenzoate (Nipagin); sucrose and coconut oil fatty acid ester (Tegosoft LSE 65K); stearyl alcohol (Tego Alkanol 18); ethanol; flavoring (citronellol, phenylethanol, geraniol, terpineol, cinnamyl alcohol); cyclomethicone (Abil K4); water
Shampoo100 ml
active substance:
zinc pyrithione activated1 g
excipients: Tego Perli C-96 (sodium lauryl sulfate + coconut oil fatty acid monoethanolamide + ethylene glycol monostearate); Tego Betaine L-7 (propyl betainamide fatty acids of coconut oil); Tego sulfonate 2427 Bondesurf NL 228E (sodium lauryl sulfate); Abil B 88183 (dimethicone, macrogol and polypropylene glycol copolymer); disodium edetate, sodium chloride, levomenthol, ethanol, Antil 141-Liquid (propylene glycol + macrogol-55-propylene glycol oleate); flavor (Binea 10680) (citronellol + phenylethanol + geraniol + terpineol + cinnamyl alcohol); water - up to 100 ml


There are cases when patients combine the use of drugs based on zinc pyrithione with hormonal ointments to enhance the effect. This is reported in reviews of “Skin-cap”. The instructions do not recommend this combination of drugs. Zinc and corticosteroid ointments can only be used alternately, but not together.

As already mentioned, the effect of using “Skin-cap” can be compared with the effect of hormonal ointments. Therefore, there is no need to supplement therapy with corticosteroids. This will not enhance the effect, but will only increase the risk of unwanted symptoms.

If we are talking about using the drug during pregnancy, then applying additional corticosteroid creams is even more undesirable. Hormones can cross the placenta and have harmful effects on the embryo.

For dermatitis, the use of Skin-cap is often combined with the application of antihistamine ointments for itching. This combination of drugs is acceptable. However, during pregnancy, topical antihistamines are prescribed only when absolutely necessary. Their active components can be absorbed into the blood. The use of a safer “Skin-cap” can significantly reduce the dosage of antihistamines.


Activated zinc pyrithione has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal activity. Antifungal activity is especially pronounced against Pityrosporum ovale and Pityrosporum orbiculare, which support inflammation and excessive flaking in dandruff, seborrhea, psoriasis and other skin diseases.

The antibacterial activity of zinc pyrithione is manifested against a number of pathogenic microorganisms (including streptococcus, staphylococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli, Proteus).

Zinc pyrithione reduces the intracellular level of ATP, promotes depolarization of cell membranes and the death of fungi and bacteria.

The mechanism of anti-inflammatory action has not been studied.

Undesirable effects

In the first days of therapy, patients may experience a slight burning sensation after applying the product. The instructions for use of Skin-Cap and reviews of the drug indicate that such manifestations do not require treatment or discontinuation of the medication. In most cases, the discomfort disappears on its own.

The only side effect of the drug may be allergic reactions. But they are also observed extremely rarely. This remedy is considered quite safe.

An overdose of the drug has never been observed, since “Skin-cap” is used only locally and does not penetrate the blood.

Directions for use and doses


Aerosol: spray onto the affected areas of the skin from a distance of 15 cm 2-3 times a day until a clinical effect is achieved. To achieve a lasting effect, it is recommended to continue using the drug for 1 week after the symptoms disappear. To treat the scalp with the drug, a special nozzle is included. The course of treatment for psoriasis is 1-1.5 months, for atopic dermatitis - 3-4 weeks.

The method of administration and dosage for children do not differ from those for adults.

If necessary, you can repeat the course of treatment after 1–1.5 months, after consultation with your doctor.

Cream: after vigorous shaking, apply a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin 2 times a day. The course of treatment for psoriasis is 1-1.5 months, for atopic dermatitis - 3-4 weeks.

The method of administration and dosage for children do not differ from those for adults.

If necessary, you can repeat the course of treatment after 1–1.5 months, after consultation with your doctor.

Shampoo: before use, shake the bottle vigorously, apply a small amount of shampoo to damp hair and massage the scalp, then rinse your hair and reapply shampoo. Leave the shampoo on your hair for 5 minutes and rinse thoroughly with plenty of water. Use 2-3 times a week for the first 2 weeks. The course of treatment for psoriasis is 5 weeks, for seborrhea - 2 weeks.

During the period of remission, shampoo can be used 1-2 times a week as a means of preventing relapses.

Does the drug contain hormones?

Is it possible to use Skin-Cap during pregnancy? To answer this question, you need to understand the composition of this product.

There is a misconception that the drug contains corticosteroids. Repeated independent studies of the chemical composition of the drug have not confirmed the presence of hormones. In 2006, specialists from the Moscow Research Institute of Pediatrics conducted a detailed analysis of the properties of Skin Cap. No traces of corticosteroids were found in this product. It can even be used to treat children from 1 year of age.

The drug contains only one active component - zinc pyrithione. This medicinal substance has the following effects on the skin:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • bactericidal;
  • antifungal;
  • wound healing;
  • antipruritic.

The peculiarity of this drug is that it contains activated zinc pyrithione molecules. This explains the high effectiveness of the drug. In terms of medicinal properties, Skin-Cap is in no way inferior to corticosteroid ointments. This gave rise to rumors about the presence of hormones in its composition.

Can zinc compounds pose a danger to a pregnant woman? If you use the drug in recommended doses, it does not cause any harm. This is a local remedy that does not have a systemic effect on the body. Zinc compounds accumulate only on the surface and in shallow layers of the skin. The active component practically does not enter the blood vessels. Studies have shown that after using Skin-Cap, only traces of the drug remain in the blood. Therefore, when applied topically, excess zinc does not form in the body.

Release form

Aerosol for external use, 0.2%. 35, 70, 140 g of the drug in an aluminum aerosol can, which consists of a valve and a cap. The cylinder along with an additional nozzle is placed in a cardboard box.

35 g of the drug in an aluminum aerosol can, which consists of a valve and a cap (free sample).

Cream for external use, 0.2%. 5 g in a sachet made of laminated foil. 15 and 50 g in a plastic tube. Each tube is placed in a cardboard box

Shampoo, 1%. 50 ml, 150 ml, 400 ml in a plastic bottle. Each bottle is placed in a cardboard pack. 5 g in a sachet made of laminated foil. 5 sachets are placed together in a cardboard pack. 5 g in laminated foil sachets (free sample).


The drug "Skin-cap" has very few contraindications. It should not be used only if you are allergic to zinc compounds and additional ingredients of the medication. The product should also not be used to treat infants under 1 year of age.

Before using Skin Cap aerosol, shampoo or cream during pregnancy, you should perform a skin test. You need to apply a small amount of the drug to your wrist. After 10 minutes, you need to check the reaction of the epidermis. If there is no redness on the skin and no itching, this indicates that there is no allergy to this product.

Negative reviews

The patient's disadvantages include its high cost. The cream and aerosol are used up quite quickly; a small package lasts for a short time.

This product has a pleasant aroma. But at the same time it contains a lot of fragrances and fragrances. In patients with hypersensitivity, the smell can provoke an exacerbation of allergies.

Patients also report that in the first few days after treating the scalp with an aerosol, they felt a burning and tingling sensation. Such side effects accompany the healing of the epidermis. However, soon all the unpleasant sensations disappeared on their own.

Sometimes there are reports of the return of symptoms of dermatitis or psoriasis after completing a course of treatment. The drug helped only during use, and after its discontinuation the itchy rash reappeared. Negative reviews about the Skin-cap cream are associated with this. The instructions state that the product does not contain hormones or antihistamines. Therefore, the drug cannot be addictive. Withdrawal syndrome is usually characteristic of hormonal ointments. Zinc-based creams and aerosols are not addictive.

It is important to remember that dermatological pathologies require an integrated approach to treatment. To get rid of rashes, it is not enough just to apply topical products to the skin. Therapy involves mandatory diet and lifestyle changes. It is possible that the patients did not follow the doctor’s recommendations carefully enough. As a result, a relapse of the pathology occurred, which was mistakenly taken for drug withdrawal syndrome. If you carefully follow all the advice of a dermatologist, then the use of “Skin-cap” will allow you to achieve stable remission.

Positive reviews

Most patients respond positively to the drug "Skin-cap". They note the rapid effect of this remedy. About a day after the first application, skin itching significantly decreased, and after a few days the rashes disappeared. However, the use of the drug must be continued after another 1 week after the skin condition improves. Otherwise, all the unpleasant symptoms may return.

Reviews and instructions for the Skin-Cap cream report its high effectiveness for dermatitis accompanied by increased dry skin. This product softens and moisturizes the epidermis. It prevents peeling and cracking of the skin.

In many cases, patients had previously undergone treatment with hormonal ointments. However, the body quickly got used to such means. After stopping the corticosteroids, all the unpleasant symptoms of skin pathologies returned. And only the use of Skin Cap helped relieve itching and irritation. This drug was often more effective than hormonal creams.

For many patients, doctors prescribed the drug “Skin-cap” during pregnancy. The reviews do not report any negative consequences of using this product. During treatment, women did not experience any side effects. There is no mention of the harmful effects of the drug on the fetus. Pregnant patients who used this remedy subsequently gave birth to healthy children.

Unfortunately, women often interrupt their course of treatment with Skin-Cap during pregnancy due to an erroneous opinion about the hormonal composition of the drug. This should not be done under any circumstances. Premature discontinuation of the medication can only lead to a relapse of the pathology. All rumors about the presence of corticosteroids in the drug are absolutely groundless. This remedy is comparable in effectiveness to hormonal ointments, due to the presence of activated zinc in its composition. If Skin-Cap was prescribed by your attending physician, then there is no reason for concern.

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