How to make a nourishing face mask at home

Masks, creams, facial emulsions - all this is necessary to keep the skin in good condition. Without auxiliary products, it would be impossible to stop the early aging of the skin, soothe the sensitive dermis and carry out other procedures necessary to normalize the epidermis. Facial rejuvenation is the most popular area, since aging is inevitable.

Causes of skin aging

There are many reasons why skin begins to age. The list includes both internal and external factors. It is generally accepted that there is a combination of factors influencing it. That is, people's faces change for a variety of reasons. It is necessary to establish the root cause of the deformations; only in this case can the optimal face masks that provide rejuvenating effects be selected. The nourishing product allows you to prolong the youth of the skin. Systematic use is the key to perfect facial skin.

Now let's take a closer look at what exactly causes age-related changes. In the first place is the lack of special proteins of youth. That is, a wrinkle appears on the face due to the fact that the body itself produces a significantly smaller amount of enzymes than before. Because of this, the skin undergoes changes known to many. In this case, a rejuvenating mask with collagen helps.

Alternatively, external factors may be the cause. For example, sunlight causes photoaging. Therefore, anti-aging masks with a high ultraviolet protection factor are needed. Then you can count on prolongation of youth. There are special masks that allow you to withstand poor environmental conditions, which are an extremely important cause of change.

Interestingly, active facial expressions can greatly accelerate the process of the appearance of special wrinkles, which are called facial wrinkles. At the beginning they are very small, but the rate of increase in depth is extremely high.

Indications for use

The main indications for the use of skin nourishing products are:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • periods of hormonal changes (adolescence, pregnancy, lactation, menopause);
  • aggressive influence of weather factors (sun, wind, low temperatures);
  • stress;
  • poor environmental level;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • seasonal vitamin deficiency.

All these factors can lead not only to deterioration of the structure of the skin, but also to disturbances in the functioning of epidermal cells, which result in more serious problems or disease.

Skin types and types of masks

Let's look at the next question. Which face masks are right for you? The bottom line is that skin is individual. However, experts were able to identify several groups united by one characteristic. Therefore, when buying anti-aging masks, you need to pay attention to what type of skin they are intended for:

  • normal;
  • dry;
  • fat;
  • combined.

These are the main 4 representatives. There are also variations such as “sensitive”, “problematic” and so on. But we will focus on four types of faces.

Skin, or rather its type, dictates the rules for care. There are practically no restrictions for the normal type. Nourishing creams are a good choice. The main thing is to adhere to the rule that first comes hydration, followed by toning, hydration, and then nutrition.

Nourishing products are also beneficial for other skin types. But with moisturizing, cleansing and toning solutions, things are different. Dry dermis should not be overdried, like sensitive skin. We choose anti-aging compositions of this type so that they do not contain aggressive media and cannot absorb moisture.

The oily type, on the contrary, requires a little drying. That is, the key condition is narrowing the pores and regulating the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The goal is to ensure that they produce a minimum of sebum.

Combination dermis is something between oily and dry. Roughly speaking, the face is divided into several zones. Each of them has its own shortcomings that need to be addressed. However, there are special products specifically for this type.

Why natural hydration is not enough

Natural hydration in the skin is constant. Rising to the dermis through the capillaries, water combines with hyaluronic acid and turns it into a gel. The remaining evaporates from the surface of the skin. Ideally, this process should provide complete hydration, but in reality this does not happen.

According to research by cosmetic companies, in half of the cases, lack of moisture in the skin is a consequence of improper care, and the main mistake in it is the abuse of cleansers.

Signs of skin dehydration:

  • feeling of tightness;
  • dull color;
  • uneven surface;
  • enlarged pores;
  • peeling;
  • redness.

It is worth considering that all skin types are susceptible to dehydration to one degree or another, therefore, for each of them you need to choose the right moisturizer:

  • normal. Light textures containing a sufficient amount of collagen.
  • fat. Low-fat preparations, high in vitamin E.
  • dry. Fatty creams with a high content of natural oils, elastin, collagen, vitamins A and C.
  • combined. Oil-free mattifying gels.

The main problem for most is determining the skin type, because... A dehydrated person may exhibit symptoms inherent in several. In this case, it is better to entrust the therapy to a specialist. The cosmetologist will conduct the necessary research, prescribe procedures and select the right care.

Anti-aging masks

Based on what was said earlier, to rejuvenate your face you need to follow a few simple rules. We don’t go outside without protection from the sun or cold, we try not to grimace and we carefully take care of our dermis type.

Over time, the skin inevitably loses its elasticity. Therefore, every woman tries to find an effective way to combat these metamorphoses. Rejuvenating nourishing masks are the best solution. The required effect is achieved through collagen, elastin or hyaluronic acid. All this has a positive effect on reversing age-related changes. Let's ask an expert which mask is considered the best.


“You need to understand that everyone’s skin is different. Therefore, anti-aging masks are selected based on the characteristics that the user has. I can offer a choice of five of the most successful products from the 7 days collection:

  • with willow and cocoa beans, a rejuvenating mask will be an excellent end to a long day;
  • with iris and jasmine, this is a toner, lotion and essence in one bottle;
  • with blue agave and lotus, which will allow the skin to experience unforgettable relaxation;
  • yellowvenus especially for the area around the eyes, ideal for removing crow's feet;
  • bluevenus, which is suitable for combating black circles and puffiness.

Choose what you like best. But I recommend evaluating each product, because they are all unique and provide completely different effects. Some positions are more nutritious, and some correct age-related defects.”

Let's add to the expert's words. The listed anti-aging positions are suitable for almost any type of face, which makes them even more attractive.

With collagen

With age, the skin loses its properties, so it is important to maintain it in time. For initial age-related changes, it is enough to use moisturizing masks based on hyaluronic acid; over time, it is necessary to switch to more powerful products. All previous cosmetic options also provide a slowdown in age-related changes, but a more radical approach is needed - a loading dose of collagen and substances that promote its absorption.

As a result of using a moisturizing lifting mask with collagen, rejuvenation occurs, the first wrinkles are smoothed out, and aging is significantly slowed down. Contains:

  • aloe vera – moisturizes, eliminates dehydration, normalizes hydrolipid balance, soothes, eliminates inflammation, heals, accelerates regeneration, provides an anti-aging effect, protects against negative external factors;
  • amino acids – restore and strengthen, regulate moisture levels, increase firmness and elasticity, normalize pH and the action of free radicals;
  • vitamins E and A - moisturize, smooth, tighten, tone, slow down age-related changes, heal wounds, fight pimples and blackheads, age spots, scars;
  • hyaluronic acid – acts at the cellular level, accelerates the regeneration process by promoting the production of its own collagen, saturates the epithelium with moisture;
  • placenta – saturates with collagen and elastin, restores, smoothes wrinkles, slows down aging.

Professional cosmetics take good care of the skin, helping to restore its beauty and velvety.

Nourishing masks

If we talk about nutritional components, then there is an important rule - regular use. Only a systematic approach allows you to get lasting results. And do not forget that the skin must be prepared for the upcoming procedures. Let's find out what nourishing masks experts in the field of female beauty offer for use.


“In fact, any cream will do the job perfectly. But your facial skin will definitely thank you if you choose one of the following items. You can buy a nourishing face mask with blueberry yogurt (macarons) or strawberries and cream (icecream). Also an interesting solution would be a banana with vanilla (cupcake), the smell is simply magnificent! If you are looking for anti-aging effects, then there is nothing better than a combination of bamboo with cucumber or with coconut water and lychee. These are my favorites. You may like something else, but it’s recommended to start with these.”

After intensive nutrition, the skin of the face restores lost elasticity, as if absorbing vital energy. The way it is. The face is transformed, gaining a healthy natural glow. The anti-aging effects are also very noticeable. An even tone and softness always speak of the youth of the dermis. Using the right anti-aging products, you can write off many years of age, which is definitely important for a woman in the prime of her years. The sooner you start proper care, the healthier your appearance will be. So try to find something new.

Benefit and effectiveness

The epidermis is constantly exposed to external factors that negatively affect its condition. To reduce such impacts, it is necessary to protect the dermis from the wrong microclimate in the room, during trips to hot countries, lack of water, stress, and eliminate improper care. Also, after such effects, it is necessary to return the hydrolipid balance to normal.

The effectiveness of the product is ensured if it:

  • gives comfort, eliminates the feeling of tightness and dryness;
  • creates an even tone and relief, the face looks healthier and more radiant;
  • returns lost tone, gives elasticity, firmness, velvety;
  • reduces the number of facial wrinkles and makes deep ones less pronounced;
  • slows down age-related changes;
  • protects the dermis from the negative effects of wind, cold and other factors.

Depending on other purposes, a moisturizing mask can saturate the skin with useful substances (nourishing), cleanse pores (cleansing), exfoliate dead skin particles (film or tar), tone the skin (toning), dissolve the top layer of dead cells (acid peelings). It is also capable of steaming, performing mechanical cleaning, and having other effects - soothing, removing intoxication, reducing irritation, etc. Almost everything has a complex effect, so they can be used to solve several problems at once. Therefore, it is important to choose the right care product so that it has the desired effect, as well as follow a few simple recommendations for use.

Anti-wrinkle face masks

The appearance of the first small folds on the skin is already a tragedy. Even if they were caused by overly active facial expressions. At this moment it is time to use special anti-aging components. But you shouldn’t forget about nourishing masks. It's good when cosmetics can give both effects. Are there such positions for the face?


“Today you can find completely different masks designed to combat skin aging. That is why anti-aging and nutritional components are often combined. They may offer a product such as a “fruit acids” face mask from Vilenta. It allows you to get a lasting lifting effect, noticeable after the first use. I do not recommend making such anti-aging masks often. A couple of times a month will be enough.”

Often the main component in such cosmetic compositions is hyaluronic acid. It literally fills the voids created by the fold. Therefore, wrinkles quickly smooth out and disappear. A light face lift is created. But without the auxiliary components, this procedure would be impossible. A frequent guest of the composition, which really helps the skin, is aloe juice. This is an amazing plant that can nourish the dermis with moisture, relieve inflammation and generally soften the top layer. Grapeseed is also a secret weapon for helping your facial skin. Its amazing properties have been known for many centuries. The grape seed will never lose its relevance in cosmetology.

Nutrition for oily epidermis

Oily skin also needs nutrition. Egg white gives a good result. It contains natural ingredients, enzymes, minerals and vitamins, which allow you to obtain a high aesthetic effect.

Yeast is a special product that is fungal in nature and has regenerative and immunomodulatory properties. Yeast masks regulate the action of the sebaceous glands.

Cottage cheese will help nourish the skin. This product will also eliminate pimples that appear on oily skin.

Protein beauty

Protein masks are recommended for use by women of any age group. Regular application of the mixture helps achieve the following results:

  • deep cleaning;
  • antibacterial effect;
  • lifting effect;
  • elimination of “black spots”;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • disappearance of redness from acne;
  • anti-inflammatory activity;
  • fat correction and mattifying effect.

Protein masks for problem skin should be performed at least 3 times a week, combining them with massage.

Recipe 1. Grate half an apple into fine chips and combine with whipped egg white. Stir potato starch (10 g) into the mixture. At the end of the procedure, wipe the cleansed skin with a piece of ice.

Recipe 2. Mix 2 egg whites with melted honey (30 g) and peach or almond oil (3 ml). Add ground oatmeal (50 g) to the mixture. Remove any residue with a warm compress and then a cold one.

Yeast helpers

The range of uses for yeast-based cosmetic mixtures is quite wide, but most often they are used by those with oily skin. They help eliminate the following cosmetic imperfections:

  • excessive fat content;
  • enlarged pores;
  • unhealthy shine;
  • presence of blackheads and acne.

You should not use yeast formulations in the presence of tumors, acute inflammation, cuts, abrasions on the skin, or if you are individually intolerant to the product.

Recipe. Make a thick mixture of yeast (50 g), 5 tbsp. water and 40-50 g rye flour. You can add an oil solution of vitamins A and E. Cover the mixture and leave until fermentation begins. Apply a thick layer to the skin, rinse with warm water after 20 minutes.

Curd joy

Those with oily dermis can use fermented milk products for cosmetic purposes. The benefits of low-fat cottage cheese for the face are expressed in the following:

  1. Prevents premature aging. This fermented milk product contains substances that resist the action of free radicals.
  2. Saturates with vitamins. Cottage cheese contains vitamins PP, A and B.
  3. Improves turgor. Substances contained in fermented milk products promote the production of collagen. Thanks to this, the oval of the face becomes clearer.

You can add yeast, fruits, honey and eggs to curd masks for oily skin.

Recipe 1. Mix kefir (25 g) with cottage cheese (18 ml), add a little salt.

Recipe 2. Combine cottage cheese, vegetable oil, carrot juice and milk in equal proportions. Apply the mixture to your face in a thick layer.

How to prolong youth

Let us immediately note the fact that it is not necessary to constantly hang around with a cosmetologist in order for the skin to become ideal. Homemade nourishing care is just as beneficial for the face as expensive cosmetic procedures. The main thing is to know the little tricks. Popular cosmetologist Olga will tell us about this.


“The secret of youth has not been a secret for a long time. It is impossible to obtain a high-quality anti-aging effect if the only assistant is a mask. You need to carefully monitor your diet. You are what you eat! Therefore, a chocolate bar eaten at night will definitely remind you of itself with rashes on the skin in the morning. Nourishing cream is your best friend in the fight for youth. Only with a competent and systematic approach will your facial skin be forever young and beautiful. Love yourself!"

Any stress is a new wrinkle on the face. All experiences will be reflected on the skin. Therefore, people who are constantly in stressful situations will need a rejuvenating mask much earlier than expected.

Don't forget to eat right. Fast food will definitely not lead to healthy dermis. Breakfast should be nutritious, enriched with various vitamins. Lunch and dinner must also adhere to these rules.

Facial massage is just as important as special anti-aging or nourishing masks. It can be done at home. It is enough to learn about special points and work only with them. But without fanaticism. Certainly no masks will help with redness and stretch marks. And yet, do not forget that the neck also ages. Give her due attention too.

Nourishment for dry skin

The best way to nourish dry skin is honey. It contains useful vitamins and microelements. The structure of honey allows the components to easily penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis. A homemade honey mask has a lifting effect.

Fruit mixtures are suitable for facial care. You can use both exotic and local fruits. Fruit pulp nourishes and softens the skin. For moisturizing, it is recommended to use vegetable and mineral oils. They penetrate the skin much deeper than the cream and make it smooth.

Honey enrichment

A honey mask is good for nourishing the skin, and often surpasses professional cosmetic products in its results. Honey has the following benefits:

  • forms a film on the surface of the dermis that does not allow moisture to evaporate and does not clog pores;
  • restores elasticity to mature skin.

The honey mask can be used for any skin type.

Recipe 1. Grind the yolk with olive oil (5 ml), lemon juice (6 drops) and liquid honey (12 g). Beat everything until foam forms and add oatmeal (8 g).

Recipe 2. Make a nutritious mixture of honey (30 g), half an yolk, grape seed oil (5 ml), carrot juice (20 ml).

Recipe 3. Pour milk (20 ml) into wheat flour (10 g), add a quail egg. First, carefully make the milk-flour mixture, then add honey (30 g).

A contraindication for the use of this ingredient is individual intolerance. Before using the composition, you need to do a test by dropping a few drops of honey on the inside of your wrist (the reaction time is about 30 minutes).

Fruit mix

Fruit masks will provide nutrition for facial skin at home. Fruits serve as a natural source of vitamins and microelements that stimulate the processes occurring in the skin, promote tissue renewal and cell rejuvenation. Fruits bring great benefits during their ripening season.

A cosmetic fruit mask is considered one of the most affordable products. It can be used on any type of dermis. To moisturize dry skin you should use:

  • pears;
  • peaches;
  • bananas;
  • plums

For preparation, it is necessary to take high-quality and clean fruits. To make a cosmetic mixture, you only need to grind the selected fruit; you can add other ingredients.

Recipe 1. Mix strawberry juice (48 ml) with oatmeal (15 g) and lanolin (8 g) previously melted in a steam bath.

Recipe 2. Make a homogeneous mass from plum and melon pulp, add vegetable oil (from olive, sunflower, corn or other oil-bearing plants).

Recipe 3. Make a mixture of yolk, sweet fruit juice (16 ml), sour cream (9 ml) and vegetable oil (5 ml). You can thicken the composition with barley flour or bread crumb.

Oil treatments

The oil is recommended for use on dry skin during the cold season, when frosty air dehydrates the dermis even more. Fatty acids and antioxidants contained in oils protect cells from negative environmental influences. An oil mask will increase the effect of moisturizer and improve skin condition.

For dry dermis the following oils are used:

  1. Argan. It contains several useful substances: vitamin E, polyphenols, organic and fatty acids. The oil prevents early aging of cells, prolongs youth and preserves beauty, activates the production of collagen and elastin. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, promotes rapid healing of tissues and microcracks in the dermis.
  2. Macadamias. The oil smoothes wrinkles, increases the elasticity and tone of the skin, evens out the relief, nourishes, deeply moisturizes, eliminates flaking, promotes the healing of burns, and provides gentle care for the skin around the eyes.
  3. Shi. It contains unsaponifiable fats that promote collagen production. In addition, the oil has an excellent moisturizing function. This property is useful in winter, when the dermis begins to crack and peel under the influence of frost.
  4. Amaranth. The ester contains Omega-3, squalene, vitamin E, calcium, sterols and phospholipids. The oil rejuvenates and tightens the dermis, smoothes facial and age wrinkles, improves tone, and regulates metabolism.
  5. Sesame. The composition includes vitamin E, sesamol, lecithin, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium. Sesame oil restores the protective functions of the skin, restoring its freshness and beauty. Sesame essential oil can be mixed with other vegetable oils.
  6. Camellias. Contains unsaturated fatty acids, natural collagen, antioxidants. Camellia essential oil moisturizes and nourishes dry dermis, is well absorbed into the skin, and improves elasticity.

Recipe 1. Mix butter (16 ml) with sour cream (25 g). Apply a thick layer to the face.

Recipe 2. Add liquid honey (12 g) to milk (42 ml). Heat this mixture gradually until the honey dissolves. Then add homemade cottage cheese (25 g) and sea buckthorn oil (16 ml).

Recipes for anti-aging masks

In order for your skin to be healthy and beautiful, you do not need to buy anti-aging or nourishing masks. More precisely, it is better to use specialized professional facial cosmetics several times a month. The rest of the time, you can use homemade recipes. Fortunately, you can find many proven ideas on the Internet.

  1. We use aloe. Preparing a rejuvenating mask does not seem difficult even for those who are faced with such DIY for the first time. We put the cut leaves of the plant in the refrigerator for two weeks. After this, knead the leaves, you should get about a tablespoon of freshly squeezed juice. The skin will also need the same amount of olive oil and nourishing cream. Mix all this and distribute it over the face. Leave it on for 10 minutes and get smoothed wrinkles and an even tone.
  2. Honey must be melted to a liquid consistency and cooled. After this, the resulting mass is applied to the face. This will add elasticity and life to the dermis.
  3. Clay is a popular ingredient in many products. Mix two tablespoons of clay with a teaspoon of olive oil and sour cream. Recommended for use on the face and neck. The result is a good rejuvenating effect.
  4. Gelatin contains active collagen particles that promote rejuvenation of the epidermis. To prepare the mask you will need a tablespoon of this ingredient mixed with water. It is necessary to wait until the mixture dries completely on the skin.
  5. Mix kiwi and cottage cheese in a one to one ratio. Apply the composition for 20-30 minutes and rinse with warm water. The effect will not take long to appear. It is best not to use this option more than twice a week.

You can find many more interesting recipes. Here are the most popular solutions for facial skin.

The best cosmetic masks with acids

Acid care is at the peak of popularity today, which is not surprising. After all, it is easy to use and transforms the skin in a short time. Products based on fruit, lactic, mandelic, salicylic and other types of acids stimulate the processes of regeneration and cell renewal, therefore getting rid of wrinkles, enlarged pores, rashes, pigmentation, uneven tone and relief.

After just one use of the acid mask, the skin becomes velvety and filled with radiance. And with regular use, the product will prolong her youth and eliminate any imperfections. The downside of such products is their aggressive effect, which the sensitive epidermis will definitely not appreciate.

Blithe Patting Splash Mask Rejuvenating Purple Berry



editorial assessment


buyers recommend this product

Don't have time for a daily skin care routine for aging skin? Pamper your face with flower and berry syrup from the Asian brand Blithe, and it will thank you with a refreshed look.

A splash mask is a new product format in the form of a liquid concentrate, rich in useful substances, which does not require rinsing. Simply apply the transformative cocktail to your face after cleansing and blot off any remaining residue with a towel after 15 seconds. This time will be enough to start the rejuvenation processes.

The splash mask contains lactic acid, gardenia, strawberry, blueberry and acai extracts, which stimulate the processes of microcirculation, renewal and regeneration of the dermis. When used daily, the product relieves the face of dryness, wrinkles, pigmentation, uneven tone, giving in return tone, elasticity, smoothness and well-groomed radiance.


  • Unusual format;
  • Express effect;
  • Cost-effective;
  • Soft impact;
  • Anti-aging effect;
  • Eliminates pigmentation imperfections.


  • You will have to pay 3300 rubles for 200 ml.

The rejuvenating splash mask from Blithe is especially recommended for active and busy women in the care of dry, atonic skin with rosacea, pigmentation and wrinkles over the age of 35 years.

Andalou Naturals Pumpkin Honey Glycolic Mask



editorial assessment


buyers recommend this product

The Andalou Naturals skin radiance mask is one of the brand’s bestsellers, which is also appreciated by our compatriots. The cheerful orange-colored product is made with pumpkin puree, fruit stem cells, glycolic acid and vitamin C.

This mix gently exfoliates the stratum corneum of the epidermis, cleanses and tightens pores, evens out the tone and texture of the face, smooths out wrinkles and gives the face a sleek glow. The product is applied to clean skin and washed off with water no later than 20 minutes. There may be a slight tingling sensation during use.

Pumpkin Honey Glycolic Mask quickly transforms problematic, aging and dull skin. At the same time, the composition has a more gentle effect compared to other acid-containing products.


  • Good and relatively gentle composition;
  • Renews the epidermis, eliminates imperfections;
  • Gives skin radiance;
  • Anti-aging effect.


  • Due to the delicate effect, it will require longer use.

A mask with glycolic acid from Andalou Naturals is a godsend for lovers of organic cosmetics who have oily, problematic, aging or dull skin.

Nourishing mask recipes

We have already discussed the possibilities of anti-aging home remedies for facial skin. Now it’s worth considering the nutritional composition.

  1. Bananas provide good nutritional, moisturizing, and anti-aging effects. It is best to mix the fruit with honey and egg yolk (a teaspoon each). Leave it on for about 20-30 minutes and wash off with warm water.
  2. Cottage cheese makes an excellent nourishing face mask. It is enough to mix 3 tbsp. spoons of product with chicken egg, tbsp. olive oil, cucumber and a drop of lemon. The effect is simply stunning. It's like you just came from a beauty salon.
  3. The skin is perfectly nourished with the help of black radish. A small piece of vegetable is grated, a little honey and sour cream are added to the mass (it is better to choose a fat content of about 15-20%).
  4. Oatmeal mixed with egg yolk, honey and olive oil is not only a nourishing, but also a rejuvenating and moisturizing mask.
  5. For mature skin, the following recipe is recommended. Take the tuber, boil and mash with a fork. Add sour cream and linseed or olive oil (a tablespoon each) to it, and you should also add egg yolk. Mix the mixture and distribute it over your face. Leave for 20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with warm water.

You can prepare completely different nourishing masks. The basic rule for nutrition is that the base must contain a fatty ingredient. Dairy products, such as cottage cheese or sour cream, are best.

Choosing a mask at different times of the year

At different times of the year, the composition of cosmetic masks changes. Winter time is characterized by dry air, which is caused by low temperatures, so the applications include substances that moisturize the dermis. Wind and cold cause the peeling process, which can be eliminated with natural oils, as well as glycerin. Bee products and chicken eggs are good for winter masks. These substances contain the entire necessary set of vitamins and microelements. These components provide comprehensive protection against low temperatures and cold winds.

You will learn how to make a chocolate mask correctly in this material.

The spring period is characterized by an acute shortage of vitamins, when the body has completely exhausted autumn reserves. The skin of the face looks unhealthy, its tone is reduced, and dark circles often appear under the eyes. In spring and summer, fruits, berries, vegetables and grains become the main components of cosmetic applications. In early spring, you can use young nettle and dandelion greens. Nourishing and vitamin masks (for example, with vitamin C) can be used until late autumn.

Cosmetologist's advice

Anti-aging masks should be used regularly. Most often, the process consists of several courses with short breaks. It is recommended to periodically change the composition. Then the skin of the face will not get used to certain components. Getting used to it somewhat blurs the overall effectiveness.

Read carefully for ingredients that include anti-aging compounds. The list should contain the following components:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • collagen or elastin;
  • grape seeds;
  • glycogel acid.

If they are absent, then you will definitely not get any rejuvenation. Maximum nutritional effects on the skin.

Avoid products that contain alcohol in the first positions. It is extremely harmful to the face. It dries out and only worsens markers of aging such as wrinkles. Let's listen to the expert's opinion.


“You need to clearly understand that a mask will not correct deep wrinkles. Therefore, there is no need to hope for a miracle. Facial folds, light wrinkles, nasolabial folds - yes, masks will reduce them. Also, your facial skin will definitely acquire a pleasant shade, a healthy glow and, in general, a pleasant appearance. Don't have any false illusions. The most important thing is to love yourself. If you can, the effectiveness of the funds will increase significantly.”

Alternate between rejuvenation and nourishing cosmetic products, and also do not forget about such points as cleansing and moisturizing. Without them it is impossible to get a good result.

Nutrition for normal skin

Normal dermis does not require special care, but it needs cleansing, moisturizing and nutrition. You can add essential oils to the mask for normal skin, which well moisturize the epidermis. Fruits have a complex effect on the dermis. Regular use provides a lasting lifting effect and improves skin texture.

Ethereal magic

For normal skin, the following base oils are used:

  • macadamia;
  • jojoba;
  • almond;
  • apricot (from kernels);
  • grape and peach seeds.

Along with the basic ones, you can add essential oils of lavender, geranium, neroli, rose and lemon to the masks.

Fruit Kingdom

The best face masks can be made from fruits. Those with normal dermis can choose any fruit, except those to which allergic reactions occur. Fruit acids have the following beneficial properties:

  • hydration;
  • skin renewal;
  • smoothing wrinkles and relief;
  • restoration of firmness and elasticity;
  • acceleration of update processes.

After the procedure, slight redness may appear on the face. This is normal because the fruit acid has affected the top layer of the epidermis.


Cosmetic products, just like medications, have their own contraindications. Therefore, carefully study the composition of anti-aging and nourishing masks. The most common problem is allergic reactions. Various rashes and general irritability will definitely not bring a positive effect. Just pure negativity, which will definitely affect the skin of the face.

It is best to consult a doctor. This could be a cosmetologist who will definitely recommend good anti-aging masks. Or a dermatologist who can find certain problems on the face that will interfere with obtaining the desired effect from the procedures. It is not uncommon to encounter a specialist who combines these two medical areas. This is the best option.

If the mask does not match the type of epidermis, it may also be a contraindication. For example, using products for oily dermis on dry areas will worsen the situation. At the output, the user receives only deterioration. Therefore, again, the best way out of the situation is to communicate with a specialist. He will be able to quickly determine your skin type.

Age criteria are likewise the most important contraindication. It is extremely unsafe to begin anti-aging procedures without obvious signs of aging. Using formulations, you introduce certain components into the dermis that are produced naturally. Accordingly, if there is an excess of them, independent production slows down. As a result, after stopping the use of anti-aging products, wrinkles will actively begin to appear. Nutrient complexes also have age restrictions. Each range uses different ingredients.

When are moisturizing masks indicated?

Such procedures can be used for any skin type. They help get rid of problems that arise:

  • as a result of the aggressive effects of UV study. After tanning, the skin needs special hydration and nutrition;
  • after visiting a sauna or steam bath, where the skin was exposed to high temperatures;
  • while following a diet and reducing the amount of fluid consumed;
  • in winter;
  • with a lack of vitamins;
  • after regular use of cosmetics.

How to select components

What effect you get from using nourishing homemade cosmetics largely depends on the formulation of the product. As a rule, such masks are multi-component. And it is important to select ingredients, focusing on the individual characteristics of the skin.

Table - Recommendations for choosing ingredients of nutritional mixtures according to skin type

Dermis typeRecommended Products
Dry— Olive oil, linseed oil; - sour cream; - parsley; — lavender oil, apricot, peach, ylang-ylang, avocado, chamomile, sandalwood, wheat germ, jojoba; - Strawberry juice; - butter; - melon, plum, pear, grapes, banana, apple, peach
Fatty- Egg white; - flour; - low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt; - honey; - yeast; - almond, grape seed, peach, apricot, grapefruit, lemon, rosemary, clove oil - whey; - tomato, cucumber, apple, carrot, lemon, orange, tangerine, kiwi, persimmon, blackcurrant
Combined- Yeast; - mashed potatoes; - low-fat cottage cheese; - oil of clove, geranium, Damask rose, lavender, cedar, chamomile, orange, tangerine, grape seed; - honey; - cereals; - cucumber, tomato, zucchini, carrots
Fading- Honey - lavender, grape seed, rose, jojoba, evening primrose, apricot, orange, sandalwood oils; - strawberries, cherries, grapefruit, orange, tangerine; - celery, lettuce, spinach, parsley, zucchini, zucchini; - avocado, kiwi, pears, green apples, bananas
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