Bio-Oil - instructions for use and composition, indications and side effects

Well-groomed skin is an important part of female beauty and charm. And it’s not just about appearance: when a woman looks with pleasure at her silky skin, velvet hands or soft heels, she is filled with a special mood and confidence that makes her more attractive. And dryness or pigmentation on the skin not only looks unsightly, but also causes annoyance and embarrassment. Today, beauty does not require sacrifice, but deserves a thorough approach - that’s why yu-moms took part in testing Bio-Oil cosmetic oil for face and body skin care, and now we are summing up the results of many days of experiments!

Bio-Oil® cosmetic oil is a multifunctional product, it was created for expert skin care for the face and body of women of all ages, as well as pregnant and nursing mothers. The oil helps improve the appearance of skin with scars, stretch marks and uneven skin tone, restore the healthy appearance of aging and dry skin, and remove redness and flaking. The product contains the unique ingredient PurCellin Oil™, which reduces the density of oil. Thanks to this, Bio-Oil® is quickly absorbed, and its main ingredients - vitamins A and E, natural oils of calendula, lavender, rosemary and chamomile - begin to act in a guaranteed and targeted manner. Since its introduction in 2002, Bio-Oil® has gained the trust of consumers and become the number one cosmetic skin care product in 20 countries. Bio-Oil has received 242 awards and awards in the skin care industry.

To test the oil in real life conditions on Yu-mama, 24 girls with different skin problems were carefully selected: dryness, stretch marks, scars, pigmentation, acne marks, age-related changes. Of course, to achieve best results, the oil must be used for at least 3 months. Yu-moms had a more concentrated task: to track the changes that would happen to the skin in just 10 days. It’s a pity that during this period it is difficult to understand the further fate of stretch marks and scars, but we tried!


Bio-Oil is based on ordinary unrefined oils (chamomile, lavender, calendula) and supplemented with vitamins A and E. The exclusivity of this product lies not in its composition, but in the formula, which ensures complete absorption of all ingredients by the layers of the epidermis. However, along with plant components, Bio-Oil contains a mineral product – Paraffinum Liquidum, which is in no way classified as natural.

Ingredient Effect on the body
Chamomile oil Renews the skin, improves microcirculation and promotes rejuvenation.
Calendula oil Has a wound-healing, anti-burn effect.
Lavender oil Cleanses the skin of toxins. Promotes cell regeneration. Has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, healing effect.
Rosemary oil Makes pigment spots, scars, scars less noticeable.
Vitamin A Gives skin elasticity, restoring it and healing wounds.
Vitamin E It has an antioxidant effect, restores the skin after thermal damage, for example, after sunburn.
Bisabol (chamomile extract) Destroys bacteria. Soothes the epidermis.
Purcellin OilTM Softens the dense texture of oils. As a result, the product penetrates deeper into the skin layers, is well absorbed, without leaving a greasy film.

Packaging, appearance, smell

The appearance of the product is an important factor. After all, a jar of oil will stand on your table, you will pick it up every day. Is it convenient to remove the oil from the case, does it fit into a cosmetic bag? Our testers unanimously agreed: Bio-Oil is packaged beautifully and pleasantly, the jar is pleasing to the eye. The next point is the smell - because as soon as we open the jar, we will immediately feel the notes of various essential oils. Most girls liked the smell - natural, pleasant, medium intensity. Some ladies admitted that the smell was harsh for them, although often after several days of using the oil the perception smoothed out and friendship with the smell took place.

“A beautiful box, easy to open, small instructions with pictures. The same is written on the box. The instructions contain all the necessary information in Russian for the consumer."

“When I opened the oil, the first thing I did was smell it. The smell is medium in intensity and there are no artificial notes. Smells like aromatic oils. A clean and fresh aroma of chamomile, a little sweetness from the lavender and just a hint of calendula.”

“Quite convenient and cute packaging, pleasant lavender aroma, light texture. A truly beautifully designed product with a pleasant herbal aroma that is felt with light notes upon application to the skin.”

Advantages and disadvantages of using the product

The disadvantage of the cosmetic product is its high cost. For visible results, a long course of use is required (at least 3 months), which can be expensive from the point of view of the family budget. If you take breaks, the desired effect will not be achieved. Another disadvantage, judging by the reviews, is the inconvenient bottle with a dispenser: when used, liquid flows down the bottle, dirtying it. However, this drug still has more advantages:

  • due to its liquid consistency, it penetrates deep into the skin;
  • makes the skin softer, silkier, has a general healing effect;
  • can be used during pregnancy and lactation;
  • restores the tone of aging, oily, problematic skin;
  • reduces scars, fine wrinkles, post-acne;
  • restores structure, promotes the synthesis of new cells;
  • moisturizes rough and dry areas of the epithelium;
  • removes peeling;
  • relieves inflammation and irritation;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • with regular use, evens out the color of the epidermis;
  • Available in recyclable packaging.

Review of popular Omega manufacturing companies

Let's take a closer look today at the most popular producers of polyunsaturated fatty acids and find out whether any Omega allows you to compensate for the required daily dose.

Triple Omega-3, 950 mg, 30 capsules, Evalar

  • Dietary supplement from a popular Russian brand that has proven itself in the pharmaceutical market for more than 25 years.
  • High content of Omega-3 in one capsule: EPA no less than 550 mg (92%), DHA no less than 230 mg (33%), PUFA 950 mg (48%).
  • The raw materials used are highly purified fish oil from sardines, mackerel and anchovies from BASF, a world-famous supplier (Germany, Norway).
  • Additional components: vitamin E (a mixture of natural tocopherols).
  • The capsule shell is made of gelatin and glycerin.
  • There are no contraindications for use by pregnant and lactating women.
    Does not have a pungent odor More than 2 times cheaper than analogues.Large capsule size

    Triple Omega-3 950 mg, EPA and DCG, 30 capsules, Evalar

    953 ₽

    Dietary supplement NOT A MEDICINE

    Omega-3, 1400 mg 100 capsules, NOW

    • Low Omega-3 content - only 300 mg: EPA - 180 mg and DHA - 120 mg + fish oil concentrate.
    • Raw materials used: fish oil obtained from the whole body of mackerel, anchovies and sardines.
    • Additional components: vitamin E (tocopherol acetate), soy derivatives.
    • Use during pregnancy or lactation is permissible only after consultation with your doctor.
    Gelatin capsules with enteric coating (enteric-soluble), which avoid a fishy aftertaste.Low Omega-3 content per capsule

Norwegian cod liver oil, 100 capsules, Solgar

879 ₽

Dietary supplement NOT A MEDICINE

    Triple Omega-3, 50 capsules, Solgar

    • Premium dietary supplement from an American manufacturer.
    • High Omega-3 content per capsule: EPA 504 mg, DHA 378 mg + marine fish oil concentrate.
    • Raw materials used: muscle tissue of small fish species (anchovies, sardines, mackerel).
    • Additional components: vitamin E (a mixture of natural tocopherols).
    • The capsule shell is made of gelatin and glycerin.
    • Use during pregnancy or lactation is permissible only after consultation with your doctor.
    No pungent odor Shelf life - 3 yearsHigh price Large capsule size Glass, impractical packaging

      Fish oil, 60 capsules, VPLab

      • Quite low Omega-3 content - 260 mg: EPA -160 mg and DHA - 100 mg + saturated fatty acids - 0.3 g, monounsaturated fatty acids - 0.2 g, polyunsaturated fatty acids - 0.4 g.
      • Fish oil 69.4%
      • The manufacturer did not indicate in the available sources what raw materials were used.
      • Additional components: vitamin E (tocopherol extract).
      • Contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.
      No specific smell or aftertaste.Low content of Omega-3 fatty acids No indication of raw materials used

Indications for use

Since the beginning of production, Bio-Oil has been positioned as a drug to combat stretch marks. Later, the range of activities expanded significantly. Currently, it can be used to care for any type of skin. The cosmetic product is applicable for burns, scars, wrinkles, irritation, inflammation. However, you still don’t need to overdo it so as not to cause an allergic reaction.

Bio-Oil for stretch marks

There is no positive answer to whether bio-oil helps with stretch marks. Daily use of a natural product will make your skin fresh, smooth, and give it firmness and elasticity. Small stretch marks will become almost invisible. However, if you have had stretch marks for a long time, then it is unlikely that you will be able to completely get rid of this cosmetic defect using this remedy.

For wrinkles

The desire to prolong youth is characteristic of any woman. In the fight against wrinkles, dehydration and aging of the skin, representatives of the fair sex use any drugs. Some choose proven grandmother's recipes, others choose the latest innovations in the cosmetic industry, and some try to look for combined products. The latter includes the Bio-Oil suspension, which successfully smoothes out wrinkles, including facial wrinkles.

Bio-Oil for scars

Eco-oil is good for treating fresh and minor tissue damage. Although the manufacturer claims that Bio-Oil reduces the visibility of scars, no cosmetic product can cope with deep scars (for example, after surgical sutures). There is only one way out - laser polishing. Bio-Oil is able to even out the tone, but is not able to completely resolve the scar.

Use for pigmentation and acne

Uneven pigmentation causes no less problems for women than stretch marks. The cause of this defect is the irregular production of melanin, which occurs due to external influences. The use of low-quality bleaching products or prolonged exposure to the sun will change skin color. Another reason may be hormonal imbalance, which is typical during pregnancy. Reviews of Bio-Oil oil confirm its effectiveness in combating this deficiency. Bio-Oil can also be used for acne, after consulting a dermatologist.

  • Red dots on the legs in the form of a rash. Causes of red dots and treatment, photos
  • How to grow eyelashes
  • The dangers of pressure 140 over 100 and how to treat it

What are the dangers of coronavirus vaccination?

What we know about COVID-19?

This is an RNA virus of animal origin belonging to the group of coronaviruses. According to WHO, it is transmitted from a sick person through small droplets that are released from the nose and mouth when sneezing and coughing. From the moment of infection until the appearance of the first symptoms, it takes from 1 to 14 days (on average - 7). The carrier of the virus does not yet know about his illness, but in terms of infection he already poses a danger to others. According to coronavirus epidemiology, COVID-19 is 2-3 times more contagious than the flu, but 2-3 times less contagious than measles.

With a mild course of the disease, its symptoms are similar to ARVI and end with recovery after 14 days without any further consequences. In severe cases, COVID lasts up to 8 weeks. Even in the absence of pronounced signs of the disease, immunity is formed in those who have recovered from the disease. But given the infrequent cases of re-infection, it does not last too long. The vaccine has a much greater effect.

How does the vaccine work?

Today, several immunodrugs are used in the world, developed by specialists from different countries and having passed the necessary clinical trials. All of them are designed to form immunity to the pathogen. After their administration, the immune system:

  • easily recognizes the infectious agent;
  • begins to produce antibodies - proteins to fight the disease;
  • “remembers” the pathogen and, if it enters the body again, quickly destroys it, preventing the development of the disease.

A person who has been vaccinated develops lasting immunity to COVID.

Is vaccination dangerous?

Each person reacts to the immunodrug individually. Therefore, even the best quality vaccine can cause side effects. Their appearance for a short time is the only danger.

Why is vaccination against coronavirus dangerous?

  • slight increase in temperature;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • abnormal heart rhythm;
  • skin rashes;
  • weakness.

These unpleasant symptoms disappear within a few days.

Severe conditions after administration of an immunodrug can develop in people who have contraindications. Vaccination should not be carried out if:

  • chronic pathologies of the kidneys, cardiovascular system (CVS), endocrine system;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • severe pathologies of the central nervous system (CNS);
  • allergic reactions to previously administered vaccines.

In these pathologies, vaccination can provoke an exacerbation.

Also a contraindication is age (under 18), a separate vaccine is currently being developed for this population, as well as a recent severe form of coronavirus infection, such patients need to be vaccinated at the end of the 6-month period. However, vaccination is recommended, since immunity requires a high titer of antibodies, and this can only be achieved through vaccination.

During pregnancy, it is better to get vaccinated at the planning stage, but if this was not possible, you need to get vaccinated after the 22nd week of pregnancy, since at this moment the fetus is almost formed.

How to reduce negative manifestations?

Following all doctor’s recommendations will help reduce the development of side effects. To reduce the risk of developing negative symptoms after vaccination, you need to:

  • closely monitor your well-being;
  • at least a week before the intended vaccination, avoid contact with sick people;
  • 2 days before vaccination, undergo an examination and donate blood for antibodies;
  • give up immunomodulators and immunostimulants 10 days before the vaccine;
  • Before administering the vaccine, warn about taking medications that stimulate the immune system.

In the absence of contraindications and compliance with all requirements, the risk of side effects is minimized.

After vaccination against coronavirus, doctors advise following a gentle regimen and drinking at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day. When the temperature rises, it is recommended to take an antipyretic drug. If weakness does not go away within a few days, or allergic reactions occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

When will there be mass vaccination?

Mass vaccination in the USA, Canada and European countries began in December last year. At the same time, it started in Russia. But at the initial stage, the event was held only for a certain category of people - young people and those who, due to the nature of their professional activities, cannot limit the number of contacts. Today you can get vaccinated against Covid in any region of the country.

Each person makes the decision to vaccinate independently. But those who refuse vaccination should know that even a mild form of COVID is a serious blow to the body. Also, do not forget about loss of ability to work for at least 2 weeks, and the likelihood of infection of family members. After vaccination, these risks are significantly reduced. But even vaccinated people need to wear a mask and gloves to protect themselves 100% from contracting COVID-19.


“Vaccination against COVID-19. Answers to frequently asked questions", Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation B2%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%8B_%D0%BF%D0%BE_%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BA%D1%86%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B0% D1%86%D0%B8%D0%B8_COVID_19-19.02.2021-Red.pdf

“Coronavirus - symptoms, signs, general information, answers to questions”, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

“Symptoms of Coronavirus,” US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


The multifunctional product Bio-Oil is positioned by the manufacturer as a drug that has no analogues in the fight against scars and stretch marks. However, judging by the reviews, you can still buy a cheaper remedy for stretch marks or make it yourself at home, for example, a suspension with mummy (dissolve it in water and mix with a nourishing cream). Among the main substitutes are:

  • Re-Gen oil. The composition, appearance of the packaging, smell and consistency are very similar to the oil in question. However the price is much cheaper.
  • Revitol. A product based on powerful natural ingredients.
  • Contractubex. An analogue of domestically produced cosmetic oil.
  • Mama Mio. The components of the cream can reduce the visibility of stretch marks by up to 70%.
  • Body Perfector. A product created on the basis of glacial water and herbs.

What should you pay attention to when choosing the right Omega?

Raw material quality

There are two types of fish raw materials: from the back (carcass) of fish (Fish body oil) or from fish liver (Fish liver oil). It is not recommended to choose fish liver oil as a raw material, since toxic substances can accumulate in the liver that cannot be completely removed by filtration.


  • The percentage of EPA/DHA should be at least 60%.
  • The quantitative ratio of EPA/DHA acids is also important; 2:1 is considered the most effective.
  • According to WHO recommendations, the daily requirement for Omega-3 is from 500 to 1000 mg.

Presented form

Manufacturers produce Omega-3-based drugs in three forms:

  • Natural triglycerides
    are the form that occurs in nature. In our body it undergoes complete and rapid metabolism, that is, it is completely absorbed. The concentration of Omega-3 in them is small, and such fractions do not undergo a thorough degree of purification to remove heavy metal impurities. Omega-3 in liquid form is always, as a rule, represented by triglycerides. TG marking.
  • Ethyl esters
    are a synthesized substance, the result of industrial processing of fish oil with ethyl alcohol in order to obtain a high concentration of Omega-3 in it and remove toxins. This form is safer than TG, but is less absorbed. Marking EE, ethyl esters.
  • Reesterified triglycerides
    . This form is resistant to oxidation. The processed raw materials are quickly digested and retain up to 90% of fatty acids. rTG marking
  • Phospholipids
    . This is by far the most expensive form obtained from krill oil. It has the highest concentration of Omega-3, is quickly metabolized and is almost completely absorbed. Another significant advantage of this form is its content of astaxanthins, powerful antioxidants. Safe for pregnant women, as shellfish do not accumulate mercury. Ph marking

Omega 3-6-9 Super, 45 capsules, Evalar

840 ₽

Dietary supplement NOT A MEDICINE

Degree of purification

Fish tend to accumulate heavy metals in their bodies, and the larger the fish, the more toxins it contains. The pharmaceutical industry has GMP and GOED quality and safety standards that guarantee a high degree of purification.

Bio-Oil price

The manufacturer of Bio Oil is the South African company UNION SWISS ZA. The suspension is available in bottles with a dosage of 60 ml or 125 ml. The cost of the cosmetic product is high compared to similar products. The approximate price for these products in the Moscow region is given in the table below.

Oil name Volume, ml Price, rub
from stretch marks 60 350
cosmetic 60 450
cosmetic 125 570
Bio-Oil cosmetic for scars, stretch marks, uneven tone 60 500

Bio-Oil oil for fine wrinkles

The bulk of the oil's ingredients (Vitamin A, E) are designed to stimulate the production of new collagen. Collagen is a protein that makes up 80% of our skin and the formation of new collagen leads to regeneration and firmness of our skin. Therefore, Bio oil can also be used for fine wrinkles.

I used this oil on my neck and décolleté for 2 months. The skin on the neck has become more hydrated and smooth. The fine mesh of wrinkles and creases in the skin has disappeared. In general, I'm happy with the result! The only thing left, of course, are 3 deep expression wrinkles at the neck flexion level.

Conclusion: Bio oil is effective only for small wrinkles, but does not cope with deep facial wrinkles. Also, I still don’t recommend using it under the eyes for crow’s feet. Since the presence of mineral oil in the composition is very confusing.

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