Preparing a face wash with chloramphenicol at home

Every girl dreams of beautiful and well-groomed skin. However, nowadays many people are faced with the formation of acne .

To cope with this problem, it is very important to provide high-quality skin care.

In such a situation, Streptocide for acne would be an excellent option . This product can be purchased at every pharmacy and used to make various cosmetics.

Pros and cons of chatterbox

Both homemade and pharmacy mash have both advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of this tool include the following:

  • Low price. The medicines that make up the mash are cheap. Basically, the finished mixture costs no more than 100 rubles.
  • Easy to prepare. You can prepare the product in a few minutes; you just need to mix all the medications according to the recipe.
  • Easy to use. It is easy to use the mash; you just need to apply the mixture to the affected areas of the skin that have been previously cleansed with soap.
  • Helps quickly and effectively get rid of acne and superficial inflammatory processes. The effect, although not great, will be visible after the first use.
  • Several drugs can be added to the mixture, which will be most effective when interacting with each other.

The talker also has the following disadvantages:

  • It is not stored for a long time; generally, the shelf life of the finished mixture is 1 day. If the product is purchased at a pharmacy, the pharmacist prepares the dosage form before dispensing it to the buyer.
  • The mash does not penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis; it acts only on the surface layer of the skin.
  • If there are inflammatory processes of moderate or greater severity, then this suspension will not have an effect; it must be used in combination with drug therapy.
  • It is necessary to use the product for an average of 2 weeks, the skin is treated 2 times daily. Some users note that using the mixture for such a long time causes inconvenience.
  • If the drugs in the suspension are chosen incorrectly, then there is a risk of a negative reaction; there will be no effect from such a mixture.
  • If a person has a dry skin type, then this product is not recommended due to the fact that some medications contained in the suspension dry out the skin.
  • The existing disadvantages are mainly associated with the incorrect selection of drugs for the suspension. Therefore, it is recommended to strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions.

Therapeutic effect

You can find out whether Streptocide helps with acne by familiarizing yourself with its medicinal properties. The local medication has the following effects on the skin:

  • bacteriostatic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • regenerating.

Due to its bacteriostatic effect, sulfonamide inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria. Pathogenic microflora are not able to show resistance to the substance, so it can be used for acne for a long time. At the same time, the use of a bacteriostatic has a positive effect on mild to moderate acne. In severe forms of the disease, such an effect on the skin is most often not enough, so the use of additional antiseptic or bactericidal agents is required.

Due to the anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect of the product, existing rashes and traces of them go away much faster.

Simple and effective recipes

Recipe 1. To dry out purulent pimples, prevent the appearance of new ones, cleanse pores, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands:

  • 1% salicylic acid solution (40 ml bottle);
  • boric acid solution (25 ml bottle);
  • chloramphenicol – 10 tablets.

Add the crushed tablets to the mixed solutions, shake the bottle vigorously and let it brew for a couple of days. Use the resulting lotion in the evening after washing your face.

Recipe 2. Against teenage pimples or rashes during the premenstrual period:

  • 50 ml medical alcohol;
  • 40 ml of 2% salicylic acid solution;
  • 50 ml boric acid;
  • chloramphenicol plate (10 tablets).

Chloramphenicol powder and all solutions are thoroughly mixed. Can be used immediately. It is recommended to apply this product only during periods of exacerbation, avoid contact with healthy areas.

Recipe 3. For persistent rashes. Cleanses and refreshes the skin, dries out acne and comedones well:

  • a bottle of 1% alcohol solution of chloramphenicol;
  • 30 ml of chamomile infusion;
  • 2-3 drops of tea tree oil.

Mix the ingredients and use as a lotion. Thanks to its non-aggressive composition, it can be applied several times during the day.

Recipe 4. Regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, helps reduce pores and eliminate post-acne:

  • 50 ml calendula tincture;
  • 50 ml of clean water;
  • 3 tablets of chloramphenicol;
  • 2 aspirin tablets.

Crush the tablets, add water to the calendula tincture and mix the dry and liquid components. Leave for 3 days in a dark place. Use once a day on problem areas.

Recipe 5. Effective against blackheads, narrows enlarged pores:

  • 1 tablet of chloramphenicol;
  • 1 tablet of activated carbon;
  • 50 ml of clean water.

Pour water into the bottle and add crushed tablets. Leave for 24 hours, wipe your face daily as with lotion.

Recipes for making mash at home

Most often, dermatologists prescribe the following recipes:

With chloramphenicol and salicylic acid

Eliminates acne and inflammation.


  • salicylic acid – 40 ml;
  • streptocide – 2 g;
  • chloramphenicol – 5 tablets.

Streptocide and chloramphenicol are added to the bottle with salicylic acid. All components are thoroughly mixed until the tablets dissolve.


Fights blackheads, pimples and inflammation.


  • zinc oxide – 4 g;
  • salicylic acid – 50 ml;
  • boric acid – 50 ml.

With trichopolum

Relieves inflammation and dries out pustules.


  • medical alcohol – 250 ml;
  • Trichopolum – 4 tablets.

Crush the tablets and add alcohol. Infuse the product for three days in a warm place. After this, the drug is ready for use.


Prevents the proliferation of bacteria, dries and relieves inflammation.


  • aspirin – 4 tablets;
  • medical alcohol – 50 ml;
  • boric acid – 50 ml.

Mix alcohol and acid, add crushed tablets, shake the solution thoroughly.

With calendula

Prevents the appearance of stagnant spots and acne scars, dries and disinfects inflamed areas.


  • calendula infusion – 50 ml;
  • aspirin – 5 tablets;
  • chloramphenicol – 5 tablets;
  • salicylic acid 2% – 30 ml;

Crush the tablets and dissolve in the tincture. Before use, it is recommended to dilute the product in half with water.


Dries and disinfects problem areas.


  • camphor alcohol – 50 ml;
  • medical alcohol – 50 ml;
  • water – 30 ml;
  • salicylic acid 2% – 20 ml;
  • tar soap – 20 gr.

Mix all ingredients, dilute with water and shake thoroughly.

Medicinal properties of Streptocide

Streptocide is recommended for the treatment of:

  • acne vulgaris;
  • acne;
  • boils.

Attention! The medicinal properties of the drug make it possible to fight various pathogenic microorganisms.

Streptocide contains the antibiotic sulfonamide as an active substance and auxiliary components. The drug inhibits the cellular metabolism of the following representatives of the flora:

  • streptococci;
  • gonococci;
  • meningococci.

Thus, the ability of microorganisms to reproduce and subsequently survive is blocked. The severity of inflammation decreases, acne gradually regresses. The absence of new purulent elements is essential.

Salicylic acid is the “gold standard” for acne treatment

Treatment of acne widely relies on topical agents applied topically and topically. These are ointments and creams with salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, and resorcinol. They produce lotions and gels with the listed components, and make so-called chatterboxes (suspensions).

Consumers give salicylic acid and lotions based on it a rating of 9 out of 10. They are called “good” and “excellent” products that can clear up rashes and improve the appearance of the skin. Pharmacy salicylic acid for acne receives different reviews, mostly positive and neutral. For many who have used this solution, the humorous phrase “Cheap, but cheerful” comes to mind.

Effect of salicylic acid on the skin:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • comedolytic;
  • sebum regulating;
  • keratolytic;
  • antiseptic;
  • drying.

At the pharmacy, the price of a bottle of salicylic acid 2% is 10–25 rubles. If it is mentioned that salicylic alcohol is used for acne, then it is the same drug. The acid is used in cosmetics, for example, it is included in the “Stopproblem” salicylic lotion (price 146 rubles). The more popular the brand, the higher the price for such cosmetics.

The invention of a method for producing synthetic salicylic acid and the creation of aspirin based on it literally changed the world. About 190 years ago, salicin was first obtained from willow bark in Germany. Then in Italy a method was found for processing salicin into salicylic acid. For some time, the raw material was waste from the production of willow baskets.

Later, acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) was manufactured at Bayer. For more than 100 years, the drug has remained the most popular antipyretic drug. The use of acetylsalicylic acid for acne is based on its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. This drug is most readily available in the form of aspirin tablets, which must be crushed into powder before use to treat acne.

How to use the product correctly

When using for the first time, be sure to test the mash on a small area of ​​skin in case of possible allergic reactions.

Before use, the product must be shaken (hence the name of the shaker) so that the small particles in the solution are evenly distributed and the drug becomes homogeneous in structure. After this, you need to apply the suspension to a cotton pad and wipe the rash areas. In most cases, washing after this is not required.

It is recommended to use the mash twice a day on clean and dry skin. Alcohol-based formulations are best applied once a day before bed. After using them, you should definitely use a moisturizer, since alcohol solutions have a strong drying effect and can irritate the skin.

Most products prepared at the pharmacy have a short shelf life, so it is better to store them in the refrigerator. Your doctor or pharmacy pharmacist will give you precise recommendations on this matter.

When treating acne with talkatives, it is recommended to follow the following diet:

  • exclude sweets, flour, smoked, fatty, fried foods;
  • eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as foods rich in fiber and B vitamins;
  • drink more water.

Proper nutrition is one of the important components in the treatment of acne.

Medicine Tsindol

Tsindol contains zinc oxide, which allows it to be used to treat various types of rashes. The effects that can be achieved when using the medicine include:

  • reducing the severity of skin inflammatory processes;
  • drying out acne;
  • acne therapy;
  • treatment of purulent formations, etc.

Chatterbox Propeller

This particular drug is an effective method for treating rashes and inflammation on problem skin. The composition is sold in a small bottle of 25 milliliters. This mash contains the following ingredients:

  • salicylate is a concentrate of willow water combined with salicylic acid, due to which the drug is highly effective in treating rashes due to microbial or bacterial infection;
  • lactulose is an organic product that improves skin barrier functions and prevents acne;
  • zinc – has a high drying effect, copes well with inflammation and rashes of various kinds.

Of course, the fastest and most effective method with the naked eye is mechanical, but if this is done incorrectly, there is a risk of complications in the form of acne and subcutaneous inflammation. After all, having cleaned the pore, it remains completely open and accessible to various bacteria. It is better to entrust such a procedure to professional cosmetologists.

So how can you restore your pores to their former purity without spending green bills? Where to start and how to do it right?

How to use Streptocide for acne

Liniment is applied locally to clean and dry skin 1-2 times a day. Can be applied under a bandage. The duration of use depends on the severity of the dermatological disease. However, it is not recommended to use a bacteriostatic agent for more than 2 weeks in a row. A 10-day break is required, after which you can continue to use the drug.

When using tablets or powder, they are first diluted with a small amount of water, then applied pointwise to the inflamed areas. Additionally, the drug helps dry out rashes. The use of such forms of release is not recommended for sensitive and dry skin types.

Pros and cons of using chloramphenicol talker

The undoubted advantage of the talker is not only its high efficiency in the fight against acne, but also its low cost.

In addition, when you prepare it yourself at home, mash is even cheaper, since purchasing all the components separately is much more profitable.

The mash has a tonic effect on the skin, but it should not be applied to the entire surface.

The disadvantages include a strong drying effect, making the skin very sensitive and susceptible to bacteria. Therefore, it would not be superfluous to use a moisturizer after chatter.

Long-term use of mash, which contains antibiotics, can weaken the skin's immunity.

In this regard, before using the talker, it is necessary to carefully evaluate all its advantages and disadvantages so as not to cause harm.

Talkers also have side effects, but they usually arise from incorrect use.

Some do not understand why there is little effect when used correctly and strictly following the recipe.

This may be due to the fact that after applying the mash, you exposed your skin to sunlight, dust, cosmetics and other environmental factors.

During treatment you should refrain from using cosmetics. Foundation and powder clog pores and reduce the fight against acne to nothing. It is better to combine treatment with the use of a moisturizer for sensitive skin. Creams containing dexpanthenol or just baby cream are perfect.

It's better to consult a dermatologist first..

After going to the doctor, you can order mash at the pharmacy. It will be performed according to a prescription written by a dermatologist. The good thing about getting a prescription is that the dermatologist selects the composition based on the characteristics of your skin.

On the other hand, having the composition on hand, you can buy the ingredients at the pharmacy and mix them at home.

And finally, you can use one of the common recipes for making mash.

Acne is evil! They spoil the worldview, mood and skin on the face and body. But the aesthetic side of acne is not so bad.

Acne on the face can be a symptom of various pathological processes in the body, ranging from a lack of microelements, in particular zinc, to hormonal imbalance and infectious skin diseases.

The best choice in this case is a visit to a cosmetologist. Your doctor will examine your skin and offer acne treatment options. It is advisable for girls to undergo an examination by a gynecologist, since the appearance of acne may be a symptom of an imbalance of reproductive hormones.

Description and purpose of the drug

The active ingredient of chloramphenicol is chloramphenicol, an antibiotic obtained by synthesis. It has the appearance of white crystals, sometimes with a greenish-yellowish tint. Easily dissolves in alcohol, very slightly in water.

The drug acts on bacteria that are the causative agents of many diseases, including purulent infections. This is why chloramphenicol is so effective against acne. After all, it is bacteria that cause their appearance; if you get rid of germs, you eliminate acne.

Before you start using products with this medicine, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications to its use:

  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • skin diseases: candidiasis, eczema, psoriasis;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • age up to two years.

Perhaps some of the contraindications are not related to the use of chloramphenicol specifically for acne on the face, but there is no point in taking risks. It is quite possible to find other, safe, means.

The medicine is toxic and may cause adverse reactions. If a rash, swelling, headache, visual and hearing impairment, nausea, vomiting, or other unusual symptoms appear, you should immediately stop using the drug in any way.

For medical purposes, it is used internally, externally, and in the form of injections. Therefore, there are different forms of release of the drug.

  1. Tablets are available as regular or coated tablets. Most often, one tablet contains 250 mg of chloramphenicol; these are the ones used to prepare the acne solutions and remedies described below.
  2. Alcohol solution - three percent and one percent are more common, but you can buy them with a concentration of 0.25% or 5%. Used for disinfection and treatment of skin diseases.
  3. Eye drops are sold in special dropper bottles with a capacity of 5 or 10 ml. The drops contain only a quarter of a percent of chloramphenicol.
  4. Many pharmacies sell the powdered drug. These are whole packages weighing 5 – 20 kg. Of course, no one buys five kilograms of medicine to take home. Typically, such volumes are purchased by hospitals and prepared solutions for injections.

Ointments with chloramphenicol were originally intended to get rid of acne. The instructions for many of them - for example, Levomekol, syntomycin ointment - directly indicate acne as an indication for use.

There are simpler remedies based on this drug - masks, talkers, alcohol solutions. They can be prepared at home, and the ingredients can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Chatterbox - composition

This drug has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. This effect is achieved due to the fact that a face wash for acne, purchased at a pharmacy or made with your own hands, may contain the following components:

  • medical (ammonia or camphor) alcohol, which disinfects the skin;
  • boric acid, which is an antiseptic;
  • sulfur is a substance with an antimicrobial effect that helps cope with subcutaneous mites;
  • salicylic acid – a disinfectant that promotes wound healing;
  • tincture of medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage, calendula) - a component that has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Dimexide is a conductor of active components.

Anti-acne face wash

There is no single universal recipe. Dermatologists offer several options for this remedy. The composition of the face wash is selected individually.

The following factors are taken into account:

  • the cause of the rash;
  • skin type.

More often, the face wash contains alcohol, metronidazole, boron solution or sulfur. This suspension provides the following effect:

  1. Suppresses the work of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Stops the inflammatory process.
  3. Cleanses the skin.
  4. Removes skin irritation and redness.

Before purchasing a ready-made product or making the drug yourself, it is important to make sure that there are no contraindications to its use. Such a suspension is prohibited in the following cases:

  • fungal skin infection;
  • allergic rashes;
  • eczema and other skin diseases;
  • individual intolerance to one of the components;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period.

Chatter for subcutaneous mites on the face

This drug effectively copes with harmful microorganisms. More often, a mash with Levomycetin is used for this. In addition, the composition may contain other components, for example, salicylic alcohol, boric acid or sulfur. Tick ​​spray on the face can only be used after consultation with a doctor. The specialist will recommend the most effective composition and tell you how to apply the suspension correctly and how long to perform such procedures.

If such a face skin mash is used incorrectly, it will lead to the following consequences:

  • the dryness of the cover will increase;
  • redness will occur;
  • the skin will begin to peel.

Pigment for age spots on the face

To eliminate this cosmetic defect, store-bought and homemade products can be used. The former often contain the following acids:

  • lemon;
  • salicylic;
  • wine;
  • dairy;
  • glycolic.

Among pharmaceutical products with a whitening effect, the following are especially popular:

  • Tsindol;
  • Lekker-Antipigment.

You can make salicylic talker yourself. It is applied pointwise and has the following effects on the skin:

  1. Softens the top layer of the epidermis, making the exfoliation process easier.
  2. Stimulates the formation of new cells.
  3. Destroys harmful bacteria that cause skin inflammation.
  4. Reduces the production of subcutaneous sebum, thereby providing a drying effect.

Composition and release forms

Streptocide for acne on the face is used due to the substance sulfonamide contained in its composition. It is a short-acting antibiotic with a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity.

Streptocide has the following release forms:

  • liniment;
  • ointment;
  • powder;
  • pills.

Liniment contains 5% of the main active substance – sulfanilamide. Additionally, the composition includes glycerin. The product has bacteriostatic properties, and due to glycerin it prevents drying and irritation of the skin. That is why it can be used for dry and sensitive skin types.

The ointment contains 10 percent sulfonamide and petroleum jelly. Due to the content of the last component, Streptocide ointment for acne is not used for people with oily skin types, as it contributes to even greater clogging of pores.

The powder is packaged in paper bags, each of which contains the active substance sulfanilamide in a dosage of 2 g. For the face with acne, it is most often used as part of medicinal masks and talkers. Not suitable for sensitive skin types in its pure form, as it can dry out the skin, cause irritation and peeling.

In addition to the antibiotic, the tablets contain an additional component - paraffin. The drug can be used externally in the treatment of acne, both in pure form and as part of medicinal mixtures. Streptocide also successfully treats boils and folliculitis.

Properties of the drug

Levomycetin is an antibiotic with the active ingredient chloramphenicol.

For a long time it was used in the treatment of various diseases of the body, but due to the emergence of an increasing number of microbes resistant to it, it lost its popularity.

The antibiotic is produced in the form of:

Levomycetin is used in the treatment of acne caused by bacteria and infections. The action of the antibiotic is aimed at disrupting metabolism in microbial cells.

Treating acne with an antibiotic is a fairly serious procedure that should be prescribed by a specialist. The average course of treatment is 10 days.

Properties of Levomycetin in the treatment of acne:

  • antibacterial;
  • drying;
  • cleansing;
  • disinfectant.

Levomycetin can be used not only externally, but also internally, but there must be indications for this. and only a doctor can prescribe a treatment regimen.

When using Levomycetin externally, you should know that bacteria become resistant to the antibiotic, and the medicine loses its former effectiveness.

Levomycetin can lead to dry skin and allergic reactions. It is not uncommon for the skin to peel after using it. To prevent this from happening, be sure to use a moisturizer suitable for your skin type after using the drug.

You should not use the product if the number of rashes has not decreased after seven days of use.

In this case, it is necessary to choose another remedy and treatment regimen. It is necessary to stop treatment if allergic reactions to the medication occur.

Surely, every person suffering from acne has heard about special talkers prescribed by a dermatologist or cosmetologist. There are many recipes for chatterboxes - and some of them include Levomycetin. Let's look at some of them.

With salicylic acid

  • 10 tablets of Levomycetin;
  • 40 ml salicylic acid;
  • 10 Metronidazole tablets;
  • 10 ml boric acid.
  1. Grind Levomycetin and Metronidazole tablets.
  2. Take a glass container with a lid and mix the acids in it, then add the crushed tablets.
  3. Shake the mixture thoroughly, allowing it to mix well.
  4. Apply directly to inflammation once a day - before bed. The course of treatment is two weeks.

You can learn how to use Panthenol cream for acne from our article.

With boric acid

  • 50 ml boric acid;
  • 50 ml medical alcohol;
  • 2 g salicylic acid;
  • 10 tablets of Levomycetin.
  1. Grind the tablets and mix them with acids in a glass container.
  2. Mix thoroughly and be sure to shake the composition before use.
  3. Apply the product to cleansed facial skin once a day, avoiding the area around the eyes.

This mash is ideal for treating teenage acne.

With alcohol

  • 10 tablets of Levomycetin;
  • 50 ml boric acid;
  • 50 ml medical alcohol;
  • 5 Aspirin tablets.
  1. Grind Aspirin and Levomycetin and mix with acids, as well as medical 90% alcohol.
  2. Shake the alcohol solution thoroughly and store in a dark place.
  3. Apply exclusively to pimples and blackheads for 14 days.

With calendula tincture

  • 40 ml calendula tincture;
  • 4 Aspirin tablets;
  • 4 tablets of Levomycetin.
  1. Grind the tablets and mix them with alcohol tincture of calendula.
  2. Shake and let the mixture sit for a day.
  3. Use no more than once a day, applying to rashes.

After using the product, it is recommended to use a moisturizer.

With streptocide

  • 10 tablets of Streptocide or 5 mg powder;
  • 5 tablets of Levomycetin;
  • 80 ml camphor alcohol;
  • 30 ml salicylic acid.
  1. We crush Levomycetin and Streptocide tablets, mix them with acids and alcohol.
  2. Shake the composition and use once a day, applying to clean skin, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips. The course of treatment is 14 days.
  • 10 tablets of Levomycetin;
  • 7 g sulfur powder;
  • 50 ml boric acid;
  • 50 ml salicylic acid.
  1. Grind Levomycetin tablets and mix them with precipitated sulfur powder. Add acids and let it brew for several days.
  2. It must be applied once a day to problem areas.

Do not overuse this product, as this will lead to dryness and irritation of the skin.

Precautionary measures

Since Streptocide, used for acne, contains an antibacterial component, it is recommended to use the drug after a doctor’s prescription. During therapy, the following safety rules must be observed:

  • Use only in the absence of individual intolerance. Ignoring hypersensitivity reactions can lead to urticaria and dermatitis. To exclude intolerance to the antibacterial component, you need to conduct a test. The product is applied to the inside of the wrist or to the bend of the elbow. The product can be used if no redness or rash occurs after an hour.
  • If intense burning, irritation or redness occurs, rinse off the acne remedy with a significant amount of water. If symptoms increase, you should immediately seek qualified help.
  • The course of therapy is up to 2 weeks. If acne reappears, Streptocide can be used after 2 weeks.

Attention! To achieve the desired result, it is recommended to use Streptocide 2 times a day (at equal time intervals). Therapy also includes proper skin care, exclusion of unhealthy foods, and adherence to a drinking regime.

Useful tips

Recommendations from experts will help you avoid mistakes during acne treatment.

Photo: the use of low-quality decorative cosmetics can lead to the formation of comedones

It is highly undesirable to use decorative cosmetics during this period.

The fats and oils they contain can re-clog pores, leading to new breakouts.

It is important to protect the skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, otherwise after the acne heals, pigment spots will remain on it. For the face, a sunscreen with SPF of 50 or more is suitable.

If there is severe inflammation or purulent rashes, you should not use scrubs and peels.

Even microscopic injuries to the epithelium can cause infection.

Your daily menu should include plant foods and fermented milk. Avoid sugar, chocolate, fatty, salty and spicy foods. Clean water will help remove toxins if you drink 2–2.5 liters per day. It is highly advisable to limit your consumption of alcoholic beverages and quit smoking.

Photo: Drinking enough drinking water will help remove toxins from the body

Does Streptocide help against acne?

The development of acne occurs in accordance with the following mechanism:

  • Production of a significant amount of secretion (sebum) by the sebaceous glands.
  • The formation of plugs in the area of ​​the excretory ducts of the pores due to the thickening of sebum.
  • Concomitant hyperkeratosis, implying increased keratinization in the upper layer of the epidermis.
  • Blocking of pores with unexfoliated cells mixed with dust and particles of decorative cosmetics.

Normally, on the surface of the skin there is a wide variety of microbes, some of which can cause inflammatory processes. When microorganisms penetrate the clogged ducts to remove sebum, they begin to actively multiply. Thus, an inflammatory process occurs, leading to the appearance of purulent acne:

  • with a white head;
  • internal subcutaneous elements.

The following reasons lead to disruption of the sebaceous glands:

  • hereditary predisposition, which causes a tendency to oily skin;
  • fluctuations in hormonal levels during pregnancy, menopause, and puberty;
  • diseases of the endocrine and genitourinary systems, gastrointestinal tract;
  • a significant number of microorganisms on the skin due to insufficient care;
  • reaction to certain medications;
  • inadequate selection of cosmetics;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • frequent touching of the face;
  • increased activity of demodex (subcutaneous mite);
  • incorrect eating habits, for example, a passion for sweet or fatty foods;
  • long-term use of COCs and steroid medications that affect the production of androgens and sebum production;
  • negative psycho-emotional background;
  • lack of vitamins, minerals;
  • dysfunction of the immune system.

To get rid of pimples and acne, you need to determine the cause of the rash and, if possible, eliminate it. As part of complex treatment, Streptocide is often prescribed for external use. The drug affects microorganisms living on the skin, inhibiting their growth. A course of therapy can reduce the severity of the inflammatory process and prevent the appearance of new rashes.

Attention! Streptocide is effective if acne is caused by a bacterial infection. In case of hormonal changes or metabolic disorders, treatment should be aimed at eliminating these pathologies.

Preparation and storage rules

The main condition for high-quality preparation of mash is maintaining the proportions of active substances in the composition. This will ensure the effectiveness and safety of the drug

In this case, the rule “the more the better” does not work, but only harms.

It is also very important to grind all the dry ingredients into a fine powder. This will help the components dissolve quickly and ensure a uniform texture of the liquid: large particles of tablets can damage and scratch the skin.

Before cooking, containers, tools and your hands must be absolutely clean

To avoid drying out your hand skin, wear rubber gloves.

It is best to store the mash in a transparent glass bottle, tightly closed with a cap. Under no circumstances should the container be kept in direct sunlight. It is best to choose a dark, cool place - a closet or refrigerator.

Before using the mash bottle, shake the bottle thoroughly to remove sediment from the bottom.

Compliance with these rules will help preserve the beneficial properties of the mash for a long period of time.

Advantages and disadvantages of Levomycetin

The popularity of using Levomycetin in the fight against acne and acne is based on a number of its advantages. However, the drug has its drawbacks. All the pros and cons must be weighed before using the product.

They are summarized in the table:

Relatively low price compared to other acne treatmentsIt has a very bitter taste and is not recommended for use on the lips.
Tested and proven effective, results can be seen after the first useIt may lose effectiveness over time, since harmful microflora, after prolonged use, get used to the active substance and develop immunity to it
Has a more gentle effect on the skin - other products dry it out even moreHas a number of contraindications for use

Attention! If you learn to use Levomycetin correctly and promptly alternate it with other drugs, then the shortcomings will disappear

Operating principle

The active ingredient of any form of Streptocide is an antibacterial component - sulfonamide . It affects the metabolic processes of streptococci, gonococci and meningococci.

As a result, they are unable to multiply and act on the skin. Thanks to the use of the product it is possible to:

  • speed up the wound healing process,
  • eliminate bacterial microorganisms,
  • prevent the formation of scars and marks after acne,
  • cope with purulent skin lesions.

After using this drug, it is possible to cope with inflammation, reduce the number of rashes and achieve wound healing. In this case, acne does not subsequently appear on the face.

Streptocide is especially effective in the formation of purulent acne , which appears under the influence of pathogenic bacteria.

In the presence of hormonal imbalance and other abnormalities, this substance does not bring the desired results.

Acne mash recipe to improve skin condition from a dermatologist

The most reliable and correct way to cure a disease such as acne with the help of a chatterbox is a prescription received from a specialist.

Important! There are cases when the causative agent of the disease is mites that cause demodicosis. The external symptoms of this disease are very similar to the symptoms of acne, and only scrapings taken from the skin show the exact picture.

Their results help to identify the type of tick-borne pathogen. Depending on this, a treatment regimen is prescribed.

But the vast majority of diagnoses are still acne. Based on experience in treating this disease, dermatologists have developed a specific list of compounds recommended in such situations. Several composition options are offered.

With streptocide and sulfur

It is most effective for skin lesions with large purple comedones or rashes containing pus.

This option requires the following components:

  • salicylic acid – 50 ml;
  • streptocide – 7 g;
  • sulfur – 7 g;
  • boric alcohol – 50 ml.

With erythromycin and zinc oxide

Required components:

  • erythromycin – 4 g;
  • zinc oxide – 4 g;
  • boric acid solution – 50 ml;
  • salicylic acid solution – 50 ml.

Mix the liquid ingredients in a glass container, then add the required amount of the rest. For good mixing of all components, you should periodically vigorously shake the contents of the vessel.

With chloramphenicol and aspirin

For this composition you will need:

  • chloramphenicol – 5 tablets;
  • aspirin – 5 tablets;
  • tincture of calendula.

Pour well-crushed tablets into a vessel with tincture and shake for a long time until they are completely dissolved. This lotion is used to treat and prevent acne.

Attention! The components of this composition can be quite aggressive. If a skin reaction occurs, the product can be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.

With camphor alcohol

Ingredients needed:

  • camphor alcohol – 80 ml;
  • salicylic acid – 30 ml;
  • streptocide – 10 tablets;
  • chloramphenicol – 4 tablets.

With clindamycin and aspirin

You need to take:

  • clindamycin – 4 tablets;
  • aspirin – 4 tablets;
  • medical alcohol – 50 ml;
  • boric alcohol – 50 ml.

Mix the liquid ingredients in a vessel, add crushed tablets, shake thoroughly. Use before bed, remembering to apply moisturizers.

With calendula

For preparation you will need:

  • calendula tincture – 1 part;
  • water – 1 part;
  • aspirin – 5 tablets;
  • chloramphenicol – 5 tablets.

To avoid an allergic effect, it is better to dilute calendula tincture with clean boiled water (in a 1:1 ratio).

Mix aspirin and chloramphenicol tablets, ground to a powder, with an aqueous solution of calendula. The mash should sit in a dark place for at least three days, and after that it can be used.

It is possible to use a mash of calendula in a targeted manner - only directly on the pimple. In this case, the tincture is not diluted with water, and the number of tablets increases. A significant advantage of this option is that the skin of the face does not dry out.

With trichopolum

Required ingredients:

  • Trichopolum – 4 tablets;
  • medical alcohol – 250 ml.

The tablet of the drug is ground to a powder and added to medical alcohol. After three days of infusion in a warm place, the composition is ready for use.

With dimexide

To prepare such a mash you need:

  • dimexide – 2 parts;
  • water – 5 parts;
  • tincture of chlorophyllipt (1%) – 1 part.

You must first prepare an aqueous solution of dimexide in a ratio of 2:5 (5 parts water and 2 parts dimexide). 1 part of chlorophyllipt is added to the prepared mixture, and the entire contents are shaken well.

To avoid an unwanted skin reaction, it is recommended to conduct a test application of the mash on the back of the hand or on the bend of the elbow. If after 30 minutes there is no allergic reaction, then you can apply it to your face.

Recipes for masks from Streptocide for acne

The use of masks should not be daily, so as not to cause dry skin. For oily skin types, it is recommended to carry out up to 3 procedures per week. If the skin is prone to peeling, the products can only be used spot-on.

With baby powder

This mask is suitable for oily skin types and includes:

  • Streptocide in powder dosage form;
  • baby powder;
  • hydrogen peroxide (3%).

The ingredients are taken in equal proportions. When mixing them, the mass should have the consistency of liquid sour cream. The mixture is applied to the face in a thin layer and washed off after 20 minutes. The mask should be used before bedtime.

With tooth powder and starch

This mask helps tighten pores, which are usually enlarged due to excess oily skin and acne. To prepare the composition, you need to use:

  • tooth powder and Streptocide (15 g each);
  • potato starch (3 g).

The components are mixed by adding water. The mask is a viscous mass, which is applied for 15 minutes and washed off with running cool water.

With zinc oxide

The composition is suitable for severe acne:

  • zinc oxide, Streptocide powder (30 g);
  • salicylic and sulfur ointment (20 g);
  • birch tar (a few drops);
  • essential oils of tea tree or bergamot (2 drops);
  • vitamin A (5 drops).

The duration of exposure to the soothing mask is no more than 20 minutes.

With aloe juice

The mask has a pronounced regenerating effect. To prepare a mask, only fresh juice of a medicinal plant is suitable, to which you need to add Streptocide powder. The mask is applied pointwise to the rash and washed off after 15 minutes.


Levomycetin, like any other medicine, has its contraindications. Tablets of the drug are prohibited for:

  • eczema, psoriasis,
  • fungal diseases,
  • renal and liver failure,
  • hypersensitivity,
  • intolerance to the components included in the drug,
  • under 12 years of age,
  • pregnancy,
  • breastfeeding.

Use is strictly prohibited if there is any contraindication. If there is intolerance to the components of the drug or hypersensitivity of the skin, an allergy occurs, a rash and swelling appear.

The ointment should not be taken if there is any contraindication. Prohibited in the presence of acute porphyria. If you use it despite contraindications, anemia, angioedema, and thrombocytopenia will occur.

Among the reasons for refusing alcohol tincture of chloramphenicol are radiation therapy. All people who have undergone this procedure are prohibited from using any form of the drug.

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