Zinerit powder for preparing a solution for external use with an applicator, 30 ml

Acne is now occurring on many people's skin, so everyone is looking for the most effective ways to quickly combat it.

But the most susceptible age for the appearance of such a disease is still adolescence .

The most common cause of acne on the face is a complete hormonal change in the human body. In the life of every person, such a period is always manifested by high activity of hormones.

Usually, a hormonal storm actively rages inside the body, and from the outside we only see its consequences - a very rough voice, gradually changing body proportions and acne. Not many people manage to avoid such an unfavorable scourge as teenage acne.

If your process of growing up proceeds in accordance with the norms and your skin is very thin and soft, then it is absolutely impossible to completely bypass such a puberty period without the appearance of more than a single pimple.

Even if only in single quantities, they will still appear .

Composition of Zenerite

Zinerit contains two bottles with a complex of drugs and a solvent, intended for further mixing.
The first bottle of the drug complex includes 1200 mg of erythromycin and 360 mg of micronized zinc acetate dihydrate

– active ingredients.

The second bottle of solvent includes 8.36 ml of diisopropyl sebacate and 21.6 ml of ethanol - additional components.

1 milliliter of prepared lotion consists of 40 mg of erythromycin and 12 mg of micronized zinc acetate dihydrate

, as well as 250 mg of diisopropyl sebacate and 550 mg of ethanol.

Zinerit powder for preparing a solution for external use with an applicator, 30 ml

Registration Certificate Holder

LEO Pharma (Denmark)

Dosage form

Medicine - Zineryt®


Powder for preparing a solution for external use

; the prepared solution is colorless and transparent.

1 fl.
1 ml of ready solution*
erythromycin 1.2 g 40 mg zinc acetate dihydrate micronized 360 mg 12 mg

Solvent (auxiliary components):

diisopropyl sebacate - 7.81 g (8.36 ml), ethanol - 17.1 g (21.6 ml).

Plastic bottles (1) complete with solvent (30 ml bottle 1 pc.) and applicator - cardboard packs.

* auxiliary components in 1 ml of the prepared solution: diisopropyl sebacate - 0.25 g, ethanol - 0.55 g.

The amount of active components, erythromycin and zinc acetate dihydrate, is increased by 3.35% in order to compensate for their concentrations in the preparation of the finished product, the nominal volume of which increases when the active components are mixed with the solvent (every 1000 mg of powder is equivalent to 0.79 ml); amount of active substances taking into account 3.35%: erythromycin - 1.24 g, micronized zinc acetate dihydrate - 372 mg. An additional increase in the amount of active components, erythromycin and zinc acetate dihydrate, by 5% is associated with maintaining the declared concentrations of the finished drug during storage; amount of active substances taking into account 5%: erythromycin - 1.302 g, micronized zinc acetate dihydrate - 389.4 mg.


Acne treatment.

Contraindications for use

Hypersensitivity to erythromycin and other macrolides; hypersensitivity to zinc or other components of the drug.

pharmachologic effect

Erythromycin-zinc complex. It has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and comedolytic effects.

Erythromycin has a bacteriostatic effect on microorganisms that cause acne: Propionibacterium acnes and Streptococcus epidermidis. Zinc reduces the production of sebaceous gland secretions and has an astringent effect.

Dosage regimen

Apply externally.

Side effect

Local reactions:

Sometimes there may be a burning sensation, irritation, dry skin at the site of application of the drug. As a rule, these phenomena are mild and do not require discontinuation of the drug and/or symptomatic therapy.

special instructions

When using, the possibility of cross-resistance to other macrolide antibiotics, lincomycin, clindamycin should be taken into account.

It is necessary to avoid getting the drug in the eyes or on the mucous membrane of the mouth and nose, because this may cause irritation and burns.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Restrictions during pregnancy - No restrictions. Restrictions when breastfeeding - No restrictions.

It has now been established that the use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation is possible according to indications in recommended doses.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Zenerite is an erythromycin-zinc

a complex preparation characterized by
anti-acne effectiveness, which is manifested due to the combined effect of its active ingredients.
Effects of the antibiotic erythromycin

are aimed at suppressing the replication
of microorganisms (bacteriostatic effect) that cause acne
epidermal streptococcus
(Streptococcus epidermidis) and
propionibacterium acne (Propionibacterium acne).
Zinc activity

lies in its
effect and reducing
the secretion of the sebaceous glands

The complex combination of all the ingredients of the drug creates good conditions for their penetration into the skin. The bulk of zinc binds to follicular epithelial cells

and does not penetrate into the systemic circulation.
A small fraction of erythromycin undergoes systemic absorption and is subsequently excreted from the human body.

Zinerite powder for preparing a solution with a solution fl 30 ml

Description of the dosage form

The prepared solution is a colorless transparent liquid.


Erythromycin-zinc complex.

pharmachologic effect

Pharmacological action - anti-inflammatory, comedolytic, antimicrobial.

Erythromycin blocks protein synthesis of microbial cells, causing a bacteriostatic effect. Zinc stabilizes cell membranes, has an astringent, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, and reduces the production of sebaceous gland secretions.

Erythromycin has a bacteriostatic effect on microorganisms that cause acne: Propionibacterium acne and Streptococcus epidermidis. Zinc reduces the production of sebaceous gland secretions and has an astringent effect.

The complex connection of the drug components ensures good penetration of the active substances into the skin. Zinc is primarily bound to the follicular epithelium and is not resorbed into the systemic circulation. A small part of erythromycin undergoes systemic distribution and is subsequently excreted from the body.

Indications for the drug Zinerit®

Acne (treatment).


Hypersensitivity to erythromycin, other macrolides and zinc.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

It has now been established that it is possible to use the drug during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding) according to indications in recommended doses.

Side effects

Local reactions - burning sensation, irritation, dry skin. As a rule, these reactions are mild and do not require discontinuation of the drug and/or symptomatic therapy.


To date, no clinically significant interactions of Zinerit® with other drugs have been established.

Directions for use and doses

Externally. By tilting the bottle with the prepared solution downwards, with light pressure on the applicator, apply a thin layer to the entire affected area of ​​the skin 2 times a day: in the morning (for women - before applying makeup) and in the evening (after washing). The speed of application of the solution is regulated by the force of pressing the applicator on the skin. An approximate single dose is 0.5 ml. After drying, the solution becomes invisible. The course of treatment is 10–12 weeks (improvement is possible after 2 weeks).


Accidental overdose is unlikely due to the nature of the topical use of the drug.

Precautionary measures

The possibility of developing cross-resistance to other macrolides, lincomycin, and clindamycin should be taken into account. Avoid contact with eyes, mucous membranes of the mouth and nose (possible irritation or burns).

Zinerit, instructions for use

To use Zinerit correctly, you should mix the complex preparation

, which are in different bottles to extend the shelf life of the drug. Before mixing both components of the future lotion, you need to make sure that the shelf life of the drug and the integrity of both bottles correspond. Below are recommendations on how to make a Zenerit solution for acne at home, suitable for further direct use.

Preparation of lotion:

· first of all, you need to unscrew the caps (lids) from both bottles and at the same time keep the cap from the bottle with the complex of drugs;

· pour out the solvent

into a bottle of
and screw the lid tightly on;

· immediately and thoroughly shake the mixture (for 60 seconds);

· remove the cap;

· remove the applicator


· insert applicator

into the neck of the lotion bottle and screw on the cap.

The solution prepared in this way is ready for use and can be stored at a temperature of 15-20°C for 5 weeks. To control the expiration date, you can write the date of manufacture on the lotion bottle.

Further instructions for the use of Zinerit involve its external application only. After unscrewing the cap from the bottle with the prepared lotion, you need to attach the applicator

to the affected areas of the skin and apply the drug in a thin layer, lightly pressing on the base of the inclined bottle.
made to previously cleaned areas of the skin with a frequency of 2 times every 24 hours (morning and evening).
The speed of application
depends on the force of pressure on the base of the bottle. The average single dose is 0.5 ml. The duration of the full treatment course can reach 10-12 weeks.

Photos before and after using Zenerit for 10 weeks:

The data on whether Zinerit helps against acne in a shorter period of use is purely individual. In some cases, an improvement in the condition of the patient's skin was observed after only 14 days of using the drug.

What is Zenerit

Zinerit is a medicinal drug whose main function is to actively combat acne inflammation. At the same time, the product can be used to treat all kinds of acne, regardless of severity.

Main components of Zenerite:

  1. Erythromycin. It has a destructive effect on pathogenic organisms that provoke the development of acne. Reduces their reproduction activity. Simply put, erythromycin has bacteriostatic properties.
  2. Zinc. Dries the inflamed area, accelerates healing and tissue regeneration.

IMPORTANT! Zenerit has virtually no contraindications for use. Can be used during pregnancy and lactation. However, an individual reaction in the form of an allergy may occur to the medication. Before treatment, you should definitely visit a doctor and consult on the use of the product.

special instructions

After applying the drug to the skin and completely drying, the lotion becomes invisible.

With long-term use of Zenerit, it is theoretically possible to develop cross-resistance

in relation to other

When carrying out applications

precautions should be taken to prevent application of the drug to
the mucous membranes of the eyes
nose and mouth
, in order to avoid

Conclusion and practical advice

Regular use of Zinerit in many cases causes rapid skin adaptation , so after a few months it is necessary to completely stop using it, or completely replace it with another product.

You can also try alternating different drugs, even in the case of home preparation.

If you first used several vials of added erythromycin clindamycin next time . This way, you can avoid addiction, and the tonic will still prove its effectiveness!

How does Zinerit work?

Zinerit is a drug based on an erythromycin-zinc mixture, aimed at treating acne of various degrees.
Zinerit contains a powerful complex that has a huge range of effects - relieves inflammation, kills pathogenic bacteria, reduces the amount of sebum secretion, and prevents the appearance of comedones.

One of the best folk remedies is celandine for acne.

Find out the composition of the acne mash here.

Badyagi will help with acne: https://medkrasa.com/kozha/litso/l-pryshhi/p-lechenie/primenenie-badyagi-ot-prishei.html

A single ingredient cannot cure acne, but in symbiosis they give excellent results.

  • Erythromycin. This is the strongest antibiotic, which, unlike others, is low-toxic and of natural origin. It is because of the presence of erythromycin in the composition that Zinerit inhibits the growth of bacteria.
  • Zinc acetate. It is also of natural origin. It has an astringent effect, reduces sebum production and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Ethanol. This is a monohydric alcohol that has an antimicrobial effect, but is very drying to the skin.
  • Di-isopropyl sebacate. This is a solvent humectant.

Due to the strong antibiotic contained in Zinerit, a bacteriostatic effect occurs - stopping the proliferation of bacteria and their gradual elimination from the surface of the skin. In this case, the antibiotic plays the role of an assistant that helps maintain the immune system and suppress the growth of bacteria.

Zinerit should be applied to the skin only after consultation with a dermatologist and tests. If tests show that acne appears due to the presence of bacteria Streptococcus epidennidis/Propionibacteri acne , then you can safely use Zinerit.

If acne is caused by other bacteria, then Zinerit, which inhibits the growth of only Streptococcus epidennidis/Propionibacteri acne, will not only not help your skin, but can significantly aggravate the situation: cause acne, dry out the skin, give an allergic reaction and even weaken the skin’s immunity .

Side effects of Zinerit

Absorption of a certain amount of erythromycin into the blood does not harm the body as a whole. The drug does not penetrate into the deepest layers of the epidermis and does not affect their components, concentrating on the surface layers of the skin.

Adverse reactions may occur in the form of dryness and flaking of the skin, irritation and allergic reactions, burning and itching.


After mixing all the components according to the instructions, apply to clean skin with a special dispenser included in the package with the drug.

Can be applied pointwise using a cotton swab or cotton swab.

A single use of the drug should not exceed 0.5 ml. Apply twice a day for 3 months under medical supervision. Combines well with cosmetics, but may form a thin film.

Indications for use of Zinerit

The only indication for use is acne.

Zinerit is prescribed, as a rule, for skin that does not have peeling (after all, the drug can dry out the skin), which is provided with sufficient nutrition from the inside and outside, and has properly selected care.

They also pay attention to the natural immunity of the skin, its functioning and ability to tolerate the medicine. Read detailed instructions for Zinerit here.

Home remedies for acne are no less effective than pharmaceutical ones.

Got a pimple on your forehead? Find out the folk sign by clicking on the link:

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