What is a Vidal loop: how to use a tool for mechanical cleaning of leather

Inflammation and uneven skin are the main enemies of health and beauty. They overshadow even impeccable features, nullifying natural beauty. However, today almost any problem can be eliminated by resorting to the professional help of a cosmetologist. In addition to accumulated experience, knowledge and special facial cleansing techniques, specialized tools are used. Using various techniques, the doctor will help you get rid of the annoying problem for a long time and will not leave even the slightest chance of relapse.

Why is cleaning necessary?

The sebaceous glands produce a special lipocontaining secretion - the so-called sebum. Under normal conditions, evenly distributed over the face, it forms a kind of protective film and makes the surface of the skin soft, delicate and elastic. However, not everyone today can boast of healthy skin.

A damaged environment, hormonal imbalances, and other health problems often trigger excessive sebum production. Over time, the sebaceous plugs formed in the pores under the influence of air oxidize and transform into ugly blackheads - comedones. They are usually accompanied by acne, which occurs when pathogenic bacteria enter the pores.

Facial cleansing makes it possible to get rid of sebaceous plugs, restore the skin’s ability to fully breathe, and make cosmetic products and procedures work much more effectively.

Preventive actions

To prevent acne from appearing, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • cleanse the skin daily of impurities and cosmetic residues;
  • after washing, apply nourishing cream to your face;
  • The skin should be treated with an antibacterial composition a couple of times a week;
  • cleanse your face once a week;
  • eat right - reduce the amount of smoked meats, alcohol, pickles, coffee, marinades and spices;
  • promptly treat pathologies of the digestive organs and endocrine system;
  • minimize the effect of stress factors on the body.

How the tool works

The Vidal loop is a stick made of medical steel, one of the ends of which usually ends in a loop, less often in a circle. Sometimes the tool is equipped with two loops - larger and smaller. It is less convenient to treat the cheeks and those areas of the face where there are no overly enlarged pores. The wide ear is convenient to use when cleansing the skin of the forehead, nose, and chin.

There is also a combined instrument, equipped with a needle at one end and a loop at the other. This is the most convenient and optimal option.

The name of the instrument is given in honor of its inventor Fernand Vidal, a French bacteriologist.

Types of devices

Today there are many special devices that help cope with acne. The right pimple popping tool can cleanse your skin and significantly improve your appearance.

It is very important to use such drugs taking into account the main indications and contraindications.

The tool itself for cleansing the face resembles a stick, at the ends of which there are various devices.

The main types of such devices include the following:

  • a loop;
  • strainer;
  • spoon;
  • needle.

The combination of the listed tips varies. You can often find a wand on sale equipped with removable attachments. The choice of a specific device depends on the needs of the patient.

It is important that the handle and tips are made of medical grade steel. This will help ensure effective cleansing of the dermis without harm to health.

Features of the Vidal loop

Manual cleaning is fraught with the appearance of unsightly red spots on the skin; when squeezing out comedones, wounds that take a long time to heal inevitably form.

The tool provides a real opportunity to avoid such problems, significantly reduces cleaning time, and facilitates the procedure. Under the influence of the loop, clogged pores are easily freed from sebum. An indispensable condition for successful treatment is maintaining hygiene before and after the procedure.

Advantages and disadvantages

the instrument is adapted to eliminate the most complex and painful formations, the cause of which is excessive sebum production;

easily removes accumulated pus from acne;

capable of removing the deepest comedones;

quickly returns attractiveness to the face;

available - can be purchased at any pharmacy;

allows use at home.

with incorrect and careless manipulation of the loop, the possibility of aggravating skin problems cannot be ruled out;

with additional use of a needle, the risk of complications increases; the need for mandatory and extremely thorough hygiene procedures before and after cleaning.

Photo: Before and after

Look, types of allergic acne. How to treat a large internal pimple on the face? Find out further.

What are the causes of internal acne on the chin?
The answer is here. With the help of special tools for squeezing pimples, you can achieve excellent results and significantly improve the condition of your skin.
To avoid unwanted health consequences, it is very important to use such devices correctly and disinfect them after each use.

How to use a Vidal loop at home

The simplicity and reliability of the tool allows you to successfully use it even at home. But you need to get down to business only after carefully studying the rules of the procedure. One of the immutable conditions is strict adherence to sanitary rules.

Following all the requirements of the procedure technology minimizes the likelihood of skin damage, infection, post-acne, manifested in enlarged pores, scars, uneven skin texture, persistent redness, loss of normal pigmentation or, conversely, its excessive development.

Preparation for the procedure

The face is carefully freed from cosmetics and various contaminants using mild products without scrub and wiped with an antiseptic. For oily skin, alcohol or alcohol-based lotion is suitable; for dry and sensitive skin, a chlorhexidine solution is more suitable. It’s good to make a cleansing mask that contains white clay. Be sure to disinfect the instrument. This can be done with medical alcohol.

It is advisable to steam the skin: a hot bath or even a shower is suitable for this purpose. And the best option would be a steam bath using medicinal herbs - chamomile, calendula, sage, nettle, coltsfoot, celandine, which are first poured with boiling water and infused for 3-5 minutes. Then tilt your face over a container with hot liquid, cover with a towel and remain in this position for 10 minutes.

After completing the procedure, use a clean napkin to remove moisture from the face and additionally wipe it with chlorhexidine. If the facial capillaries are dilated and brittle (rosacea), it is better to avoid steaming and limit yourself to a warm shower.

Cleaning process

There are many videos on the Internet devoted to the technique of working with the Vidal loop, most of which show the entire process in detail.


  1. A loop of an instrument oriented parallel to the skin is placed on the contaminated pore or pimple so that the center of the affected area is in its middle;
  2. Gently press it onto the affected area until the unwanted contents come out;
  3. If it is necessary to clean the deep layers of the skin, they additionally use a Vidal needle: placing its tip at the mouth of the clogged pore, widen the hole as delicately as possible, and then proceed to standard loop manipulations;
  4. After cleaning each pore, the skin in this place must be disinfected;
  5. Move on to the next area of ​​skin that requires getting rid of comedones and pimples;
  6. Complete the cleansing manipulations with the next use of an antiseptic.

During the procedure, subcutaneous fat, the contents of opened pimples and other bacterial dirt accumulate on the instruments, so they require constant disinfection. Failure to follow this rule can lead to serious infection.

How to care for your skin after cleansing

After the procedure, it is not recommended to go outside or sweat a lot. It is also necessary to avoid skin contact with water, but it is very useful to make a compress using alcohol, vodka or chlorhexidine, miramistin, or any other disinfectant (the choice depends on the skin type). A mask cut from gauze is soaked in the chosen product and kept on the cleansed skin for 15-20 minutes.

Such a compress will speed up the restoration of the skin, eliminate microcracks, and remove oily shine. However, we must not forget about caution: it is necessary to exclude the possibility of alcohol getting on the mucous membranes.

Alcohol tinctures of calendula or chamomile are useful for spot treatment of the skin - they are applied only to pimples for a few hours or even the whole night. Tsindol has a similar effect - it fights inflammation, destroys pathogenic microflora, and prevents the appearance of red spots after the elimination of acne.

The cleaning procedure is best done in the evening. Night sleep has a beneficial effect on skin restoration - redness goes away and microdamages heal. In the morning you can return to your usual washing, after which it is useful to use some kind of antiseptic or lotion again. You can use your usual cream, or even better, medicinal cosmetics recommended by a cosmetologist. It is advisable to give up powder, blush, and foundation for a day or two. The same restriction applies to sports, swimming pools, and saunas.

Contraindications, precautions

For some pathological skin conditions, the use of a Widal loop can aggravate the situation. The instrument is contraindicated when a person has:

  1. eczema, psoriasis and other skin diseases;
  2. pathologies associated with disorders of the regenerative functions of the skin;
  3. allergies, burns;
  4. tendency to peeling and drying of facial skin;
  5. rosacea (rosacea);
  6. infectious lesions of the dermis.

It is worth postponing the procedure if your health worsens. Weakened body tone contributes to complications such as:

  • skin redness;
  • capillary breaks;
  • infection.

You also cannot deviate from the rule: each family member must have an individual Vidal loop - this is the same generally accepted norm as when using toothbrushes. Moreover, you should not use a loop that belongs to strangers.

Sometimes girls try to replace the tool with a regular hair clip, which is always at hand. But intended for completely different purposes, unlike a loop, it cannot boast of an absolutely smooth surface. As a result, the skin can be seriously injured.

How to choose a good tool

Before purchasing, be sure to check what material the loop is made of. High-quality instruments, including their handles, are always made from medical steel, which is 100% safe for the body.

Be sure to pay attention to the fact that the loop does not wobble, but is securely attached to the rod. Otherwise, unpleasant moments cannot be avoided during the procedure. The Widal loop must be perfectly smooth - even the smallest hangnail can cause injury to the skin.


The configuration of the instrument, produced under the Mertz brand, includes a sharp needle at one end and a loop at the opposite. This design is most convenient for removing purulent pimples: after a puncture with a needle, a loop comes in, which quickly and carefully removes the purulent contents before it has time to spread under the skin and cause new foci of inflammation.

Loops of this brand are made exclusively from medical steel, but they are distinguished by their low cost. Tools under the brand are especially popular among professional cosmetologists involved in skin cleansing.


Manufacturers of cosmetic instruments of this brand pay special attention to the variety of shapes and sizes, and design methods. Everyone, whether a specialist in the field of cosmetology or simply wanting to maintain good skin condition at home, can choose the most suitable loop for themselves from a diverse assortment:

  • one-sided;
  • double-sided with a needle and loop;
  • double-sided, equipped with loops of different sizes;
  • with a miniature funnel, etc.

There are especially many adherents of the brand among novice dermatologists.

Differences between a Vidal loop and a Uno spoon

After deciding to cleanse their face themselves, many people have a question: what is better to choose for this - a Uno spoon or a Vidal loop, because both tools are designed for the same purpose? Indeed, both of them squeeze out pustules, pimples, and get rid of sebum that has clogged the pores. But there are differences.

The Vidalia loop is better suited for removing large defects caused by clogged pores. The Uno spoon is more versatile; with its help, the instrumental release of pores is more gentle. It is used for small pimples and in cases where frequent facial cleansing is necessary.

Reviews about the effectiveness of the Vidal loop

Everyone who has ever used a cosmetic loop to cleanse their face unanimously leaves only positive and even enthusiastic reviews. Unlike manual cleansing, it does not cause bruises or indentations on the skin. Its use greatly reduces the likelihood of infection, saves time and money costs that are inevitable when cleaning in the salon.

However, experts are more careful in assessing the merits of the tool when it is used at home. They warn about the difficulty without the appropriate professional skills to accurately calculate the force of pressing an instrument on the skin without the risk of damaging it. Not everyone is able to steam their face to the desired condition and disinfect it properly.

The Vidal loop is a real assistant for anyone who wants to get rid of enlarged pores, blackheads and pimples. But when purchasing an instrument for home use, you must definitely determine your potential in terms of the ability to meticulously and accurately follow all the rules that the facial cleansing procedure imposes on the performer. If these qualities are all right, you can safely buy a loop for cleaning leather and get down to business.

What is a brush

The brush, designed for cleaning the face, is a tool for daily use. The main purpose of such a device is to prevent clogging of pores, as well as to remove contaminants. Thanks to this cleansing, pimples and blackheads do not form on the skin for a long time. In addition, the tool removes dead skin cells and scales well. This is true if the skin is very flaky and dry.

With regular use of such a tool, the number of comedones and pimples is reduced. The skin becomes clearer and takes on a radiant appearance. Before using the brush, apply cleanser to problem areas. Facial cleansing is carried out using gentle circular movements along massage lines.

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