What is facial skin detox – how to carry out the procedure at home 

Detox cosmetics are products that promise to almost instantly cleanse the skin (and in the deeper layers) and restore a healthy glow to the face. But are these beauty products really as good as everyone says they are? We decided to ask Irina Nikolaeva, beauty and health expert, owner and developer of natural cosmeceuticals Irushka .

For reference

The main goal of detox cosmetics is deep cleansing (not to be confused with makeup remover products). To give the same effect, special components are added to the composition of such products, namely:

  • coffee bean extract or oil;
  • glucasamine (it provides gentle exfoliation);
  • derivative of perfluorocarbon and nasturtium extract (so-called beauty oxygen);
  • Swiss apple stem cells (they improve cellular metabolism and slow down the aging process of the skin).

How detox masks and creams work

The body gives you a signal in the form of skin problems that it needs help coping with the aggressive effects of negative factors. It is better to solve this problem comprehensively; cosmetic products must be supplemented with proper nutrition and healthy sleep. Toxins accumulate in skin cells, the more there are, the more difficult it is to remove them, and all the problems appear one after another, masks and creams will come to the rescue.

Photo by Polina Tankilevitch: Pexels

Cosmetics labeled “detox” appeared relatively recently, but have gained enormous popularity among brands. It is a mistake to believe that creams and masks are needed only for aging skin; young girls can solve a number of problems with the help of cosmetics.

Detox ingredients penetrate deep into the pores, literally pull out the “dirt” out and free the cells from accumulated toxins. Oxygen penetrates better into the epidermis, promotes the delivery of beneficial vitamins and elements, which is why masks are often covered with bubbles.

Skin drainage improves, lymph flow ensures cells are filled with fluid. The face is smoothed out, wrinkles disappear. The epidermis divides more actively, the rejuvenation process is further accelerated and premature aging is prevented.

Detox masks and creams restore the skin's protective barrier, pores produce the right amount of sebaceous fat, and rashes go away. The result depends on the cause of the problems; if the unhealthy appearance of the face appeared due to a difficult work week, then it will be easy to restore the pores, just rest enough and apply a couple of cosmetics.

Dull skin, as a result of general fatigue and regular lack of sleep, is “treated” comprehensively, masks and creams are supplemented with proper nutrition and general health improvement of the body. Advanced cases can only be corrected by a doctor, but skincare products with a detox effect will definitely be on the treatment list.


List of popular detox ingredients included in masks and creams:

  • Volcanic ash;
  • Coffee bean oil;
  • Nasturtium extract;
  • Plant stem cells;
  • Substances extracted from the Dead Sea;
  • Oxygen peroxide.

They say: detox cosmetics are just scrubs and foams for washing.

Not certainly in that way. Detox cosmetics include scrubs, peeling masks, creams, serums, and, most importantly, wraps! You can use such products every day or in a course with a clearly thought-out program, which will include both “clean” nutrition and salon procedures.

Remember: detox is cleansing the body of waste and toxins, and the skin is an excretory organ, and it both absorbs and removes harmful substances through sweat. Therefore, during the detox program, it is important to visit the bathhouse and scrub the body so that the skin can breathe freely. But it should be taken into account that peelings and scrubs exfoliate dead skin particles well, trigger regeneration processes and increase blood circulation, but they do not provide a complete detox. Another thing is body wraps (salon and home). They stimulate lymphatic drainage, or simply put, remove water from the body, and with it all the toxins.

What is detox

Photo by Polina Kovaleva: Pexels
Facial skin is a kind of protective barrier between the environment and the body; it is the first to take the blow of negative factors and accumulates toxins and dirt. Mountain air, spring water, lack of dust, ecological products are ideal conditions for the skin, but life in the modern world forces you to plunge into a more aggressive environment.

The skin must cleanse itself, remove the trapped “garbage”, due to the large number of negative factors that the body is not designed for, it is not always possible to cope, detox cosmetics come to the rescue.

Restoration of the epidermis occurs due to improved blood circulation and lymph flow, fluid does not stagnate in the layers of the skin and toxins come out.

Cells are better saturated with oxygen, the division process accelerates. The face becomes smooth, fine wrinkles disappear, dark circles under the eyes and signs of fatigue disappear, the skin acquires a natural color and glows with health.

Metabolism in cells needs stimulation if your lifestyle is stressful. Lack of sleep, poor or unhealthy diet, dirty air, and regular stress deplete not only the skin, but also the body as a whole. The face requires additional care in the form of detox masks and creams; this is a kind of resuscitation and restoration of the beauty and health of the skin. The products in this series act comprehensively and solve several problems at once.

Face masks that really change your skin! And money down the drain

The following problems indicate the need for detox:

  • Unnatural skin color;
  • Acne and allergic rashes;
  • Dark circles and bags under the eyes;
  • The appearance of facial wrinkles at a very young age;
  • Capillary mesh and pigment spots;
  • Reduced skin elasticity.

They say: cosmetics with a detox effect can cleanse our skin and the body as a whole.

Not true. It is impossible to detox with cosmetics alone (they only help make the cleansing program more effective). If you want your face and body to be healthy and remain beautiful and young for a long time, you need to work from the inside with the help of detox diets. And not only juices, but also a balanced diet based on detox products. A healthy and clean intestine is 90% of success.

Skin detoxification protocol

The first procedure in the protocol is the activation of lymphatic drainage and microcirculation. For lymphatic drainage techniques, the drug Hyalual 1.1% is used, since it contains the smallest amount of hyaluronic acid, namely 11 mg/ml, which is known to attract water, which does not contribute to lymphatic drainage. In this case, the concentration of sodium succinate is 1.6%, that is, 16 mg/ml, which is the proven required concentration to ensure physiological function.

The injection technique is micropapular, intradermal injection. This allows you to actively stimulate the lymphatic vessels of the face and neck.

The component composition of the drug normalizes skin hydration and affects fibroblast mitochondria, stimulating metabolism. The procedure is carried out twice every 14 days. This is an excellent preparation for further stimulating hardware procedures, surgical techniques, as well as botulinum therapy to prevent swelling.

There are two proprietary methods of lymphatic drainage technique that take into account the main pathways of lymphatic drainage - the method of S. A. Korytseva (Fig. 2)

and the technique of L.A. Balitskaya
(Fig. 3)

Rice. 2. Lymphatic drainage technique according to the method of S. A. Korytseva.

Rice. 3. Lymphatic drainage technique according to the method of L. A. Balitskaya.

The use of these techniques is the first step in the skin redermalization complex. After detoxing once with Hyalual 1.1%, depending on the morphotype of aging, the following protocols are used.

For tired and deformed types, 14 days after the first procedure, a second procedure is performed using Hyalual 1.1% in the lymphatic drainage or papular technique.

For muscular and finely wrinkled types, a procedure using the drug Hyalual 1.8% in the papular technique is indicated for the purpose of additional tissue hydration and providing an antioxidant effect. The third stage, for a tired and muscular morphotype, shows the use of the drug Hyalual 2.2% in a linear technique to strengthen the dermal matrix and provide a lifting effect.

For deformation and fine wrinkled types, according to individual indications, you can use the drug with a concentration of 1.8% or 2.2% in a linear technique. These protocols will ensure a complete skin detoxification effect.

They say: detox face creams prevent premature aging of the skin.

This is partly true. In particular, creams with antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E (you need to be careful with them, these are strong allergens), green tea, ginkgo biloba, grape seed extract, tamarind and passion fruit, can do this. Such products really protect our cells from harmful radicals. That is why they are so important in the fight for youthful skin.

Choice of drug

When prescribing injection techniques, you should first of all pay attention to the composition of the drug, the components of which can provide the skin with so-called detox therapy. These include sodium succinate, or succinic acid salt. It is an intracellular metabolite, a product of the Krebs cycle.

Sodium succinate provides essential functions:

  • increasing microcirculation in organs and tissues,
  • restoration of acid-base balance,
  • increasing cell resistance to hypoxia,
  • normalization of the level of pro-inflammatory mediators – histamine and serotonin,
  • prevention of inflammatory acidosis,
  • stimulation of energy production (ATP) in order to compensate for the cell’s energy resources.

The capabilities of sodium succinate allow skin cells to reduce the impact of external aggressive factors, providing them with antioxidant protection. Also, the salt of succinic acid works on the extracellular space, restoration and normalization of microcirculation, which helps reduce tissue hypoxia, and also increases lymphotropy and has a detoxifying effect.

They say: there are no detox cosmetics for hair.

This is true. There cannot be detox products for the hair itself, since hair is a dead structure. But it can be a kind of detox for the scalp. The first and most effective remedy is scrub or peeling. They remove dead particles, helping the skin breathe and function properly. The health of your scalp determines how your hair will look. Anyone who is concerned about problems with hair loss and fragility should first of all pay attention to these products. Ampoule serums with peptides to strengthen the bulbs and lotions with plant extracts are also good.

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Symptoms: when the skin needs a detox

  1. Dull gray complexion "smoker's skin".
  2. The manifestation of rosacea in various variations, the presence of edema, pastiness of the face.
  3. The appearance of dyschromia (evidence of tyrosinase hyperactivity).
  4. Visual disruption of skin microrelief.

There are types of aging that require special attention with regard to the condition of blood vessels, subcutaneous fat, swelling and pastiness. These are tired and deformed types that are characteristic of Slavic faces.

Basic body care procedures in a beauty salon for weight loss

So, what body care procedures do modern beauty salons offer? Here are the main ones:

  1. Manual (from Latin manualis - manual) anti-cellulite massage . Carrying out this body care procedure, the specialist pays the greatest attention to problem areas. At the same time, he manually selects the degree of intensity of the load. Manual massage is not recommended for pregnant women.
  1. Massage using an LPG machine . This body care procedure combines mechanized roller and vacuum massage. As a result, the structure of the skin is noticeably improved, fat deposits and cellulite are reduced. This massage can be done by pregnant women, while avoiding the abdominal area.

  1. Vacuum massage . A vacuum is applied to problem areas on the body using specialized plastic jars. As a result of this procedure, fibrous tissue is softened, the “lemon” peel is smoothed and excess fluid is removed from the body.

The procedure does not cause pain, but bruising may appear after it. This massage can be done for pregnant women, excluding the impact on the stomach.

  1. Stone therapy . This is a body massage using heated jadeite stones, which contain more than sixty known chemical elements. It is believed that this body care procedure has a beneficial effect on all organs and tissues of the human body.

The stones come in different sizes, so they can be used on all parts of the body, including the face. A contraindication for this procedure is pregnancy.

Read material on the topic:

Stone massage: description, benefits, methods

  1. Electrolipolysis . To carry out this body care procedure, plates and thin needles are applied to the skin, through which an electric current discharge that is safe for life and health is carried out.

Under pulsed influence, metabolic processes are activated, enzymes that catalyze the breakdown of lipids are synthesized in cells, lymphatic drainage and the permeability of cell membranes are improved, due to which the cells are more actively freed from fat droplets. The rhythmic effect of current on connective tissue cells increases the elasticity of the skin. The procedure is prohibited during pregnancy and menstruation due to electrical exposure.

  1. Computer pressotherapy . To carry out this body care procedure, individual data of each patient is entered into a special program (his height, body weight, gender, age, pulse rate, blood pressure level, presence or absence of varicose veins).

The program analyzes the entered data, as a result of which the course of procedures for a specific client is determined. During pressotherapy, wave-like mechanical pressure is applied to the body tissue, provided by a specialized suit filled with air. This body care procedure stimulates lymph flow, destroys fat deposits, and smoothes out the “lemon” peel. During pregnancy, pressotherapy is contraindicated.

  1. Restorative body therapy (mesotherapy) . This procedure is carried out using a specialized device. The medicinal mixture is injected into the areas of the body affected by lemon peel using microinjection.

During the procedure, large fat molecules are broken down into smaller ones, and then completely broken down and removed from the cell. Mesotherapy is an effective method for reducing body volume, reducing swelling and removing toxins from the body. This procedure also optimizes the functioning of the excretory system.

  1. Ozone therapy . This skin care procedure involves the introduction of an ozone-oxygen mixture into problem parts of the body through injections.

This mixture catalyzes metabolic processes, stimulates the breakdown of fatty deposits and fibrous tissue. As a result, the collagen fibers located around the fat cell lose their mesh structure and become cellular, which changes the skin texture. It is not advisable to carry out the procedure during pregnancy.

  1. Myostimulation . Passive exercise for muscles. Special plates are placed on them, through which an alternating electric current is passed, acting through the nerve endings on the muscle tissue.

As a result, muscle contractions that occur during various physical activities are simulated. This body care procedure improves blood circulation and lymph flow, tones the muscles. And all this without exhausting training! During myostimulation, you may experience discomfort that goes away after the procedure is completed.

  1. Thalassotherapy . Combines wrapping using professional cosmetics and peeling using sea minerals.

It is based on the contrasting effects of high and low temperatures. Thalassotherapy may also include seaweed and paraffin wraps.

The first stage of this body care procedure is called hot. A special product is evenly applied to problem areas of the skin, then wrapped in film and left in place for an hour. After this, the client is covered with a thermal blanket, which gives the effect of a sauna and helps to activate metabolic processes in the treated parts of the body.

At the second, cold, stage of thalassotherapy, menthol is added to the wrapping agent, which causes a feeling of the influence of low temperature. Cold inhibits metabolic processes and provokes spasm of blood and lymphatic vessels.

Alternate warming and cooling tone the skin, make it more elastic, improve blood and lymph circulation through the vessels, and smooth out the “lemon peel”.

  1. Paraffin therapy . This body care procedure is another type of wrap using hot paraffin.

Paraffin therapy works like this: as it cools, the paraffin hardens and wraps the problem parts of the body into a tight capsule. Because of this, the access of air to the skin is stopped, and its temperature becomes higher. The body, trying to return normal body temperature, stimulates the sweat and sebaceous glands, as a result of which a huge amount of waste and toxic substances are released from the skin, and the beneficial components of cosmetic products are more easily absorbed. During pregnancy, this body care procedure is contraindicated.

You can undergo these and other procedures at the Veronica Herba beauty and health center. Our specialists will help you give your face and body attractiveness, and give you self-confidence in the shortest possible time.

At the Center, highly qualified professionals are at your service, ready to talk about any body care procedure. They will also help you create an algorithm for an individual course of combating fat deposits.

There are two such centers in Moscow – near Timiryazevskaya metro station and Otradnoye metro station.

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