Stay with your nose: all the nuances of injection rhinoplasty

Prevention of age-related changes, minimally invasive aesthetic procedures, short rehabilitation period and quick results - these are the current trends in the aesthetic medicine industry. Let's consider the methods that correspond to them.

You should not think that a good aesthetic result can only be achieved after traumatic hardware or plastic surgery. In the field of aesthetic medicine and cosmetology, there are new methods that, with suitable indications and proper execution, act as delicately, quickly and, most importantly, can significantly prolong the youth of the skin, as well as effectively combat its imperfections.

Photorejuvenation BBL

This is a procedure using a machine that generates high-impulse broadband light. This effect allows you to quickly and successfully correct various skin problems: vascular pathologies (for example, rosacea and rosacea), pigment spots, and also fight age-related changes. At the same time, the BBL device does not damage tissue, so rehabilitation is not required after the procedures. The skin becomes fresher, its tone is evened out. BBL is a more modern, improved method of skin photorejuvenation, which, even with increased power (when it is necessary to more intensively act on the problem), does not lead to damage or burns.

Course of procedures:

from 5 sessions, interval of at least a week.


Let's start with the simplest method - makeup. Of course, it will not change the shape of the nose, but it can visually hide some defects. To make your nose smaller, you will need a sculptor and a highlighter. To distract the eye from a large nose, you need to shade the shadows diagonally to the tips of the eyebrows. Thus, the face in general and the nose in particular will be slightly longer.

Sculpting the nose with makeup. Photos from open sources

RF lifting

The long-known and very effective radiofrequency procedure is constantly being improved and implemented in new devices. RF lifting is a radio wave heating of deep tissues, due to which the processes of collagen synthesis, which is responsible for elasticity and firmness, are activated in them, and has a pronounced rejuvenating effect. Modern devices offer gentle heating, which works not to destroy and subsequently regenerate, but to stimulate skin renewal. For example, Genius from Lutronic

has a patented intelligent rejuvenation technology. Artificial intelligence helps to strictly adhere to exactly the power of influence that the doctor selected in each specific case. And for greater efficiency, radio wave energy is delivered through a variety of attachments with microneedles (for the face, the area around the eyes, working with scars, for the body, delicate areas). Rehabilitation after such exposure is minimal: 3-4 days.

Course of procedures:

2-3 with an interval of at least two weeks.

Find out what modern body modeling technologies exist

Crooked nose after rhinoplasty

Most often, patients with congenital defects of this part of the face come to surgeons to correct a crooked nose; there are also those whose nose was damaged after a fracture or injury . But especially difficult cases are patients who have already undergone rhinoplasty and were not satisfied with the results. In this case, the surgeon during the consultation determines how serious the damage to the nose is and whether the patient’s dissatisfaction is caused by misconceptions about the result of the operation. Earlier than six months later, repeated surgery on the nose cannot be performed - all tissues must heal, all scars must form and turn white. Then a plan is drawn up on how to correct a crooked nose in a girl or guy: the operations are identical, but the healing processes proceed differently.

A guy’s crooked nose after rhinoplasty is normal. He will accept the look that the surgeon planned only 6 months after the operation. Therefore, patients are warned that the nose will immediately look swollen, with bruises and bruises.

Additional materials:

Swelling after rhinoplasty Bloodless rhinoplasty


The thread implantation procedure is one of the most popular among minimally invasive methods for correcting age-related changes. Modern threads and methods of their installation allow you to work on both the face and body and get noticeable results with a minimum rehabilitation period. For example, innovative threads with hyaluronic acid Excellence Visage HA from Aptos

moisturize tissues, have anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects. Polylactic acid (from which the threads are made) stimulates the production of elastin and collagen, which forms a strong frame in the injection area and provides tissue lifting.

Course of procedures:

a single installation gives an effect of up to 2 years.

Cause of a hump on the nose

A hump on the nose is a defect in which there is an unevenness on the back of the nose associated with a congenital structural feature or a deformity acquired as a result of injury. It is customary to identify several reasons for the appearance of a hump.

  • Ethnic trait.
    For representatives of some nationalities, a hump is a common external feature of the structure of osteochondral tissue, and therefore is not a defect as such. The desire to change the shape of the nose and remove the hump in this case may be due to a psychological factor and the desire to Europeanize facial features.
  • Using heavy glasses.
    A hump on the nose is a popular defect among patients who are forced to constantly wear glasses with heavy frames and lenses. Deformation of the osteochondral tissue is quite natural with frequent and strong pressure on the nose.
  • Post-traumatic complications.
    Once the tissues of the nose are damaged, they may not heal properly, which can lead to the formation of a defect such as a hump.

Advantages of the nasal hump correction method without surgery

Despite the fact that a non-surgical technique that corrects the shape of the nose provides only a temporary effect that lasts approximately 8-12 months, it has many advantages over rhinoplasty:

  • No need for general anesthesia.
    Now you can remove the defect and form a beautiful nose shape under local anesthesia.
  • Fast procedure.
    A cosmetologist only needs 10-20 minutes to perform all the necessary manipulations, while a surgical operation requires about an hour or more.
  • Minimal risks of complications.
    Unlike rhinoplasty techniques, non-surgical nose correction almost never causes significant swelling, pain, bruising or bleeding.
  • Instant recovery.
    Rehabilitation takes only 1 day, and the patient has the opportunity to return to their normal rhythm of life almost immediately.
  • The ability to understand whether surgery is needed in the future.
    Sometimes non-surgical correction of the shape of the nose allows you to clearly see how the general features of the face change.

How is the nose correction procedure performed without surgery?

To carry out non-surgical correction of the shape of the nose, special cosmetic fillers based on hyaluronic acid or collagen are used. In our clinic, the cosmetologist most often uses the well-known drugs Surgiderm, Restylane, Perlane, the effectiveness and safety of which have been confirmed by numerous clinical studies.

The drug is injected along the entire length of the bridge of the nose and, thus, allows you to create more correct proportions, leveling out the hump and other existing irregularities. Fillers fill in the depressions, correcting the contours of the nose, making them more accurate and smooth. Today, this minimally invasive method is very popular among patients who do not want to sign up for rhinoplasty.

Effect after removing a hump on the nose without surgery

The non-surgical method of nose correction allows not only to remove the hump, but also to slightly change the shape and eliminate other mild defects:

  • smoothing out the dimple on the bridge of the nose;
  • slight change in the tip of the nose;
  • elimination of asymmetry;
  • alignment of the nasal bridge;
  • smoothing the sharp corners of the bridge of the nose.

The procedure is suitable not only for patients who are not satisfied with a hump nose, but also for those who would like to slightly lift the tip of the nose and achieve a rejuvenation effect in this area. The resulting effect cannot last a lifetime, because after 8-12 months the injected filler is gradually removed from the body, which leads to a complete restoration of the original shape of the nose.


The procedure is not performed if the patient has contraindications to it:

  • diabetes;
  • acute inflammatory diseases;
  • individual intolerance to the drug used for shape correction;
  • pregnancy and lactation in women;
  • herpes in the acute stage;
  • elevated temperature;
  • recent surgeries affecting the nose or other organs;
  • severe runny nose;
  • infectious diseases.


Attention to your appearance (when it does not take on obsessive forms) is an important detail in maintaining youth. You can correct wrinkles in a timely manner by resorting to botulinum therapy, carry out skin-renewing peelings, moisturize the skin with courses of mesotherapy or biorevitalization, and undergo beauty programs with professional cosmetics. Cosmetologists have long been saying that preventing age-related changes, like timely prevention of diseases, works.

Anti-aging procedures are selected individually in each case. On average, mesotherapy and biorevitalization are carried out twice a year. Superficial acid peels 1-2 times every six months. Botulinum therapy - once every six months.

Non-surgical nose correction

To reduce the size of the nose, injections of a lipolytic drug are used. This is a painless procedure that allows you to achieve a visible reduction in the size of your nose. The drug breaks down and removes fatty acids from cells, as a result of which fat cells decrease in size and become flatter. In addition, the lipolytic has a drainage effect, it enhances microcirculation, removes excess interstitial fluid and soft tissues decrease in size, the fleshiness of the nose “goes away”, the nose becomes sleeker and neater.

Of course, if you have a hump, then lipolytics will not help here, since they do not work with bone structures. Also, lipolytics will not help with a crooked nose or a desire to shorten it. In such cases, they resort to fillers and thread techniques, or to a plastic surgeon.

When to do non-surgical rhinoplasty

Nose contouring is recommended for minor defects that do not require surgical correction:

  • hump;
  • back too narrow;
  • irregular shape of the tip of the nose;
  • snub nose;
  • sharp corners of the bridge of the nose;
  • asymmetry;
  • pits and other defects.

Non-surgical rhinoplasty at the BL cosmetology and dermatology clinic helps correct all these shortcomings, make facial proportions more perfect, and make your appearance beautiful.

A few words about the important things. Preparing for surgery

Before undergoing rhinoplasty, you need to undergo preparation. You will need to consult a plastic surgeon to discuss the desired changes. The surgeon examines the nose and explains the reality of obtaining the desired result. During the consultation, questions about limitations, the operation, features of its preparation, rehabilitation after it, as well as possible complications are discussed.

Before the operation, the patient needs to be examined to ensure that there are no contraindications and undergo the following tests:

  • blood for HIV infection and hepatitis C and B;
  • clinical blood test;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • laboratory urine analysis;
  • prothrombin index analysis;
  • fluorography;
  • electrocardiography;
  • tumor marker test;
  • radiograph.

The patient also needs to listen to the doctor’s recommendations and adhere to them. Avoid drinking alcohol for a week before surgery, stop smoking, do not take blood thinners, and do not drink water or eat food for five hours before the procedure. It is important to refrain from active pastime and walking under the scorching sun a couple of days before rhinoplasty.

About the progress of the operation and its main stages

The first stage of the operation is anesthesia.

Rhinoplasty is performed under general or local anesthesia. The choice of type of anesthesia depends both on the wishes of the client and the specifics of the operation, and on the method that the plastic surgeon will use when performing it. The patient can always share his wishes regarding anesthesia, but the final decision is made by the doctor. The process and quality of rehabilitation after rhinoplasty also depends on the choice of type of anesthesia.

Local anesthesia is used for minor nose corrections using hormonal injections, fillers or threads. These correction methods do not cause severe pain, so general anesthesia is not required in most cases. But this type of anesthesia is practically not used during rhinoplasty, when the surgeon needs to touch the bones of the nose or eyes.

General anesthesia is used by the surgeon in most cases. This type of anesthesia allows you to completely avoid pain during the operation and the patient will not have any memories of the operation.

The operation lasts 1–2 hours. After anesthesia, the surgeon makes an incision in the skin or mucous membrane. Depending on the wishes of the patient and the specific case, the doctor selects an open or closed method for performing the operation.

During rhinoplasty, the doctor separates the soft tissue of the nose from the bone and cartilage tissue in the nasal cavity. Then he moves the cartilage and bone fragments and models a new shape of the nose. After the manipulations, the plastic surgeon applies absorbable sutures to the skin or mucous membrane, depending on where the incision was made. The next stage is packing the nasal passages with large gauze swabs. The final stage of the operation is the application of a fixing plaster bandage.

The type of incision is selected by the surgeon depending on the structure of the nose, the complexity of the procedure and the surgeon’s preferences in the work. The incision can be axial, perpendicular, oval or made at an angle.

Rhinoplasty itself is performed by three main methods: open, closed and combined. The features of each method are described in the “types of operation” paragraph.

The choice of plastic surgery method is presented to the patient directly, but doctors recommend choosing methods with the lowest level of injury. Surgeons claim that the least traumatic methods are closed and combined, since when they are used the incision is small and recovery after surgery is faster.

Wearing a splint

This type of correction is mainly applicable to correcting the back and tip of the nose. The structure is made of plaster and plastic, and requires a fairly long period of use. There are several contraindications to wearing a rhinocorrector:

  • deviated nasal septum;
  • sinusitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • rhinitis.

This option for nose correction will be effective if a long period of correction is observed.

Indications and contraindications

Nose contouring is a cosmetic procedure; there are no medical indications for it. Injections help eliminate cosmetic defects:


  • Asymmetry;
  • Humps;
  • Lack of volume;
  • Curvatures.

Contraindications are the same as for other types of contour plastic surgery:

  • Autoimmune and oncological diseases;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases, acute diseases;
  • Rashes, dermatological diseases in the treatment area;
  • Pregnancy, lactation;
  • Tendency to form keloids;
  • Blood clotting disorders.

Important: before the procedure, you should not drink alcohol or drugs that affect blood clotting.

Indications for injection rhinoplasty

Correction of the nose with injections is advisable if it is necessary to eliminate certain defects of the nose, such as:

  • asymmetrical nose;
  • presence of unevenness or failures;
  • snub nose;
  • drooping or thin tip;
  • crook in the nose;
  • flat bridge of the nose;
  • correction after an unsuccessful operation;
  • nose correction after injury;
  • laxity of soft tissues.

Surgeon's recommendations in the postoperative period. How to prevent complications

Rehabilitation after surgery averages 20 to 25 days. If rhinoplasty was performed under general anesthesia, the patient must also remain in the hospital for 24 hours after surgery.

For three days after surgery, gauze or cotton swabs should be placed in the nasal cavity to ensure immobility of the new forms and to prevent swelling. On days 5–8 (depending on the speed of healing), the suture material is removed after plastic surgery. After a week or 10 days, the patient’s plaster cast is removed, the hematomas and swelling begin to gradually subside.

Doctor's recommendations during the postoperative period:

  1. Sleep on your back and be sure to use a high pillow.
  2. To reduce the level of discomfort associated with dry mouth (as one of the possible consequences of the procedure), use special softening solutions or pastes.
  3. Do not abuse alcohol and smoking.
  4. Avoid going to baths, solariums, and saunas.
  5. Don't wear glasses.
  6. It is forbidden to overload yourself with physical activity.
  7. Temporarily avoid hot food and drinks.
  8. Do not touch, knead or feel your nose.

Possible complications

Complications after rhinoplasty occur in rare cases. Some of them appear immediately after correction, while others occur in later stages of healing. Natural complications include swelling and hematomas. External signs of swelling disappear within a week after plastic surgery, deep swelling disappears after six months. Difficulty breathing disappears on its own 10 days after surgery.

In order to protect yourself as much as possible from possible complications, it is important to carefully select a specialist, clinic and provide complete information about your state of health, injuries or diseases, if any. The final result of the operation also depends on strict adherence to the doctor’s recommendations during the rehabilitation period.

How is surgery to correct a nasal septum performed?

Various methods are used to correct the nasal septum, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Classic septoplasty

The operation is performed under local or general anesthesia in the ENT department. I place the patient in the hospital several days before the procedure; in the evening before septoplasty, it is forbidden to eat; you can drink a little water. The cost of the operation is influenced by many factors - the level of the clinic, the complexity of the operation, the length of stay in the hospital, the average price is 30-45 thousand rubles.

Progress of the operation:

  1. Anesthesia of the nasal cavity, mucous membrane with an anesthetic based on lidocaine or another substance.
  2. The surgeon uses a scalpel to make an incision on the side where the curvature is most pronounced.
  3. The mucous membrane and perichondrium tissue are removed in thin layers, and additional painkillers are administered as necessary.
  4. The cartilage is removed and the ridge that caused the curvature is knocked down with a small chisel.
  5. To prevent the cartilage from moving, it is reinforced with a special mesh, which dissolves on its own within a year.
  6. The incision is stitched, sterile gauze tampons are inserted into the nostrils - they fix the septum in the desired position and help stop bleeding.

The average duration of the operation is 60–90 minutes, it all depends on the complexity, anatomical features of the structure of the noma, and the type of anesthesia.

There are several types of classical septoplasty - circular resection, sparing, they differ in the amount of cartilage tissue that remains after surgery.

Laser septum straightening

Excision of tissue with a laser is considered one of the most gentle types of surgical intervention, since there is no risk of bleeding, infection, no discomfort, and recovery requires a minimum of time. The average cost of the operation is 80–100 thousand rubles.

Types of laser correction:

  • Knee braces
  1. Chondroseptoplasty - the operation is performed in a clinic, it is bloodless, low-traumatic, but is only suitable for correcting curvatures in the cartilaginous part of the nose. Under the influence of high temperatures, the nasal cartilage softens, acquires plasticity, it is fixed in the correct position, secured with tampons. The procedure lasts no more than half an hour and is performed under local anesthesia.
  2. Laser septoplasty - the stages of the operation do not differ from the classical correction, but instead of a scalpel, a laser is used, which reduces the risk of infection, scarring, and reduces the amount of blood loss. The procedure lasts about 45 minutes.

When performing laser septoplasty, a special surgical laser is used instead of a scalpel.

Additionally, during laser correction, an endoscope can be used - the device allows you to examine in detail even the deep parts of the nasal cavity; it is inserted through several small incisions in the mucous membrane. Endoscopic straightening is necessary if, in addition to correcting the septum, the patient needs to undergo plastic surgery of the outer part of the nose, remove polyps, foreign bodies, and overgrown tissues in hypertrophied rhinitis. The average price of such an intervention is 55–85 thousand rubles.

Correction by radio waves, ultrasound

Radiosurgery involves the use of a radioknife - this is a modern replacement not only for a scalpel, but also for a laser. During the operation, small incisions are made, through which the septum is removed, defects are corrected, and the cartilage is reimplanted into place. The operation lasts about an hour and costs approximately 80–90 thousand rubles.

Radio knife - a modern alternative to a scalpel and laser

Ultrasound is a quick, painless way to correct the nasal septum. An ultrasonic knife cuts through mucous membranes, coagulates blood vessels, destroys thorns and growths. The operation is completely bloodless, lasts 30–40 minutes, and costs 50–65 thousand rubles.

Important!Septal correction is often combined with sinusotomy - the operation helps eliminate chronic foci of inflammation in the sinuses.


The achieved result is visible immediately. There is slight swelling on the nose, which will last for a few more days, but changes in shape are already obvious. Already on the first day, it is clear that the asymmetry has gone away, the tip of the nose has risen, and minor defects have disappeared.

There is no rehabilitation period as such. After a few hours, when the swelling decreases, you can return to work. Therefore, it is advisable to do the procedure on Friday evening, before the weekend. During the recovery period, you should avoid visiting a bathhouse, swimming pool, active sunlight, and also refrain from drinking alcohol and massage treatments.

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