Chin correction: nuances you should know about

The chin and nose are those parts of the face that literally create our appearance. In plastic surgery, rhinoplasty is used to correct the nose, and mentoplasty is used for the chin.

With the help of plastic surgery, you can correct a slanted, small, massive, overly protruding chin, or you can remove the so-called “double chin.” Asymmetrical shape, congenital and acquired defects are also solved with the help of mentoplasty. The result of the operation is a harmonious shape of the entire face as a whole.


♦ Underdeveloped chin from birth ♦ Age-related changes in the face

If the first group of evidence, as a rule, does not raise questions, then the second may provoke confusion. Indeed, with age, the volume of tissue in the lower part of the face increases. Why make this worse?

The fact is that during a facelift we move the soft tissues of the face upward, to their original, youthful position, and then the age-related decrease in the volume of the lower jaw becomes obvious. Many people do not like this emerging disproportion. This is why implant placement often significantly improves the outcome of surgical facial rejuvenation. This improvement is visible when viewed from the front and especially when viewed in profile. Moreover, sometimes if there is insufficient bone support without a chin implant, it is difficult to obtain a lasting good result from neck plastic surgery.

Indications for mentoplasty

Operation Mentoplasty is indicated for patients in cases where:

  • asymmetrical chin shape;
  • deformation of the tissues of the lower third of the face caused by trauma, or a congenital defect of the chin;
  • double chin;
  • violation of facial harmony due to disproportionate chin size;
  • weakness of the chin tissue;
  • a chin that juts sharply forward.

In most cases, patients who do not have pronounced aesthetic defects in the chin come to the plastic surgery clinic. But if this part does not correspond to the overall harmony of the face, which has led to the formation of complexes and psychological problems in the patient, then the plastic surgeon recommends, for example, reduction mentoplasty.

Postoperative period

After installation of a chin implant, the patient experiences discomfort in the surgical area for 2-3 days. Painkillers successfully relieve them. There shouldn't be any severe pain! If you are experiencing severe pain after installing a chin implant, be sure to contact the surgeon who operated on you; perhaps the implant is not positioned correctly.

1-2 weeks after surgery, swelling occurs, associated with surgical trauma and the very fact of insertion of a foreign body. You don’t need to think at this moment that you have had an implant installed that is too large. The swelling will go away without a trace within 2 months.

Getting a chin implant is an operation you don't have to fear. It will not change your appearance radically. Your face will remain absolutely recognizable. The postoperative period proceeds in the same way as after most plastic surgeries, and averages 2 weeks. That is, in just 2 weeks you will enjoy changes for the better in the mirror!

To wash hair1 day
To drive a car1 day
Going to work3-7 days
Removing stitchesnot required
Sex life1 Week
Sunbathe in the sun or in a solarium2 -3 weeks until bruises disappear
Fitness with a gentle load2 weeks
Pool2 weeks
Mandatory follow-up visit to the doctor1 week, 2 months

A visit to a cosmetologist after surgical facial rejuvenation is welcome, but here there are certain restrictions. Before you begin the procedure, inform your cosmetologist that you have had surgery.

Lymphatic drainage facial massage3 days
Microcurrents3 days
Gentle cosmetic care, without mechanical cleaning10 days
Botox or Dysport injections1 Week
Peeling1 month
Face massage1 month
Laser resurfacing1 month
Injections of hyaluronic acid preparations6 months

Types of chin plastic surgery

Surgical correction of the chin can be performed using 2 techniques, each of which allows the plastic surgeon to solve specific aesthetic problems of the patient’s appearance:

  • Augmentation mentoplasty. This type of surgical correction is in demand among men who wish to undergo chin augmentation. Plastic surgery is performed on women if they have a congenital underdeveloped chin. During the operation, the surgeon enlarges the chin by installing an implant or performing lipofilling.
  • Chin reduction. An operation aimed at correcting the size and shape of the chin is indicated for women who have a “heavy” oval face. During mentoplasty, a plastic surgeon can perform a SMAS lift of the lower third of the face, which allows you to smooth out wrinkles, remove sagging in the neck, and remove excess fatty tissue.

How everything goes: main stages

First stage. Surgeon consultation

The appointment begins with finding out exactly what doesn’t suit you about your appearance and what changes you want to achieve in the end.
Often, an abnormal chin shape is not the patient’s only problem and, in addition to mentoplasty, he also requires plastic surgery of the nose, cheekbones or ears. All aesthetic defects are discussed in detail with the doctor. With a professional eye, he will assess the proportions of your face and suggest optimal correction methods. If you want, we will design future changes on the computer. To do this, the surgeon will take several photographs of you from different angles, then use a special program to make the necessary adjustments to them. Computer modeling does not predict the outcome of surgery with 100% accuracy, but sometimes helps the doctor and patient better understand each other.

The initial consultation at our clinic is absolutely free. The cost of subsequent procedures is already included in the price of mentoplasty.

Second phase. Preoperative diagnosis

To minimize all possible risks, you will be given a thorough examination before surgery, including:

  • CT scan of the skull,
  • blood tests for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis,
  • tests for blood group and Rh factor,
  • biochemical and general blood tests, coagulogram,
  • general urine analysis,
  • ECG.

When mentoplasty is combined with nose correction, rhinomanometry is additionally performed. The research results are assessed by a surgeon and an anesthesiologist.

Third stage. Operation

During the operation, the patient is in a state of medicated sleep. The surgeon makes an incision of about 3 cm on the inside of the lower lip or outside under the chin, then inserts the implant through it. To prevent the implant from moving later, it is fixed with special mini-screws. At the end of the operation, the incision is sutured and a fixing bandage is applied to the chin.

You will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different mentoplasty technologies in advance with your doctor. With an external incision, an inconspicuous scar remains on the skin, while with an internal one, it will be hidden from others. The final technique is determined jointly: based on your wishes and the doctor’s recommendations.

Fourth stage. Rehabilitation in the clinic

An operation to enlarge one chin lasts 30-40 minutes, joint correction of several facial structures (usually the nose and chin) lasts 1.5-2 hours.

After the operation, your condition will be monitored by a full-time anesthesiologist-resuscitator for several hours. Patients are accommodated in 1-2-bed comfortable rooms.

For 4-5 days, slight soreness, swelling and numbness will be felt in the chin area, which can be relieved by applying ice and mild analgesics. Due to difficulties in chewing, nutrition will have to be limited to liquid and soft foods.

On the second day you will be examined again and discharged home.

Remove double chin

A double chin is one of the most common complaints of people of any age. It can appear from birth, after weight gain and as a result of age-related changes. To make the chin and neck area attractive, we offer a special complex that will help remove excess skin and fat, tighten sagging skin, and make the cervical-chin angle clear. This result can be achieved by combining liposuction and platysmoplasty.


When planning the operation, a thorough comparative analysis of the facial proportions and a comparison of the right and left profiles is carried out. Such an assessment is necessary to ensure that the face after chin surgery looks natural and beautiful from any angle. Then the necessary tests and studies are carried out, including a lateral teleroentgenogram and an orthopantomogram.

Mentoplasty, the price of which varies depending on the chosen surgical technique, is one of the most effective plastic surgery technologies.

Before and After FACE LIFT Results View now

All chin surgeries are performed under general anesthesia and are therefore painless. When performing chin correction surgery, the incision is made in the mouth, in the crease between the lower jaw and lip, so the scar after the operation will not be visible. Chin correction surgery usually takes about 1 hour, but in complex cases, mentoplasty can take longer. If genioplasty is performed in conjunction with other plastic surgeries, such as a facelift or rhinoplasty, the duration of the operation increases to 2-3 hours.

Preparing for surgery

Before mentoplasty, the surgeon explains to the patient how to properly prepare for the operation and how the procedure will be performed. General recommendations are as follows:

  • minimize the risk of contracting infections;
  • do not take medications and dietary supplements without the approval of a doctor;
  • one month before the intervention, do not carry out salon cosmetic procedures in the chin area;
  • For a few days, eliminate stress, physical activity, sun exposure and other irritants.

If on the day of the operation a person does not feel well, the body temperature is elevated, there are rashes near the mouth or signs of illness, the surgical intervention is postponed to another date.

Cost of mentoplasty

The price list shows the minimum price for chin augmentation. The final cost is calculated by the doctor during consultation, based on the volume and complexity of the surgical intervention. The announced amount will include the entire range of services related to the correction (surgeon consultations, anesthesia, surgery, hospital stay).

In 90% of cases, chin surgery is performed in conjunction with rhinoplasty. The cost of such a service is also determined individually - for two operations at once.

Mentoplasty (chin surgery)from 140,000 rub.

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What causes a double chin

Some people pay attention to its presence, others are unaware that a double chin actually increases apparent age. In fact, most women over 40, or even earlier, need active work in this area if their goal is to look young and fresh.

One of the obvious reasons for this misfortune is excess weight. As soon as we gain 5-7 extra kilos, we shave and the double chin is right there. And when excess weight significantly exceeds the norm, then there is nothing to say, fat cells increase their volume in all areas of the body and face, this is very noticeable on the face and neck.

The second reason, the most common now in my opinion, is posture. In the age of phones and tablets, we slouch a lot. Day after day, with our nose buried in the screen, we do not notice how our face and neck are changing for the worse. And even in everyday affairs (without using gadgets), few people straighten their shoulders, do yoga, regularly go for a general massage, and in general, pay attention to such an important detail as posture. Unnatural head position, muscle spasms, lymphatic congestion - these are the prerequisites for the formation of the problem of a double chin.

And if all the reasons are combined together, and more often than not, this is the case, then a double chin will not take long to appear. It seems logical to hear from a cosmetologist an invitation for lipolytics and thread lifting of this area, but in fact I would still say that first you need to eliminate the causes, and only then work with the procedures.

If you miss the point of weight and posture, then the procedures will most likely have a short-term effect, or they will be required more than they could be. And when work goes on on all fronts, then in the future, a minimum of procedures is required, and the effect will last for as long as possible.

There is another option - genetic predisposition. It can be traced in thin girls who are friends with sports. They have a “double” chin literally from adolescence. This is the so-called fat trap. You lose weight, you work with your posture, it doesn’t change at all... In this case, help from a specialist is possible at any stage, it will be appropriate, it’s just a matter of selecting procedures.

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Chin correction – 1

In this case, there were no obvious problems, the task was to refresh the face. We adjusted the cheekbones a little and slightly stretched the chin with the rest of the product. The chin has not become larger, but it has turned out and in this form makes the face more open and rested.

The procedure is performed with hyaluronic acid filler and takes no more than an hour with consultation and pain relief. It is tolerated comfortably, rehabilitation is 1-7 days, depending on whether bruises occur. Effect 1-1.5 years.

Possible complications

After mentoplasty, the risk of side effects is almost zero. If technical difficulties arise during the operation or the patient is not properly prepared for the procedure, the following complications cannot be excluded:

  • implant displacement;
  • addition of infection;
  • loss of sensation;
  • skin changes (scarring, unevenness, loss of color).

If double chin plastic surgery leads to undesirable consequences, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Chin reduction

Reducing correction is performed for heavy and protruding chins. It is more often considered a “female” procedure that allows you to acquire a delicate facial contour.

When reducing the chin, an osteoplastic transformation is performed, similar to an increasing correction. But the bone flap obtained with a horizontal osteotomy is moved not forward, but backward. This makes the chin more invisible. The fabrics are also fastened with screws or a mini plate. Once the bone has fully fused, the metal parts can be removed and the bone sanded down for a smoother-feeling surface.

If you need to significantly reduce your chin, part of the bone tissue is completely removed. With simultaneous dental implantation, it can be used to build up atrophied areas of the alveolar processes of the jaws (sinus lift).

Reducing correction requires careful modeling and formation of the correct facial contour.

Rehabilitation period

  • At first, you will be concerned about pain, tissue swelling, and numbness of the skin in the area of ​​intervention.
  • If necessary, a special bandage will be applied to secure the site of the procedure.
  • Intraoral access will require food restrictions: at first only liquid food is allowed with careful removal of its remains.
  • It is recommended to reduce physical activity in the first days, limit visits to the gym for a month, and for people involved in martial arts to postpone training for at least 2-3 months.

Recovery period:

Mentoplasty is a low-traumatic operation, but requires care in the postoperative period. During augmentation surgery, it is important to allow a pocket to form that will tightly hold the implant. Therefore, the pressure bandage must be worn for about three weeks. At this time you need to sleep on your back, limit facial movements, and do not go to the sauna. Within three days, the patient may experience pain, especially when chewing, notice hematomas and swelling, which will then go away on their own. If stitches are applied, they are usually removed within 7-10 days. If access was made through the oral mucosa, you need to follow a diet - do not eat hot, very cold, spicy, and in any case avoid solid foods.

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