Why do holes and marks appear on the skin after acne**?

Acne on the face is a problem for many. Fortunately, modern cosmetology can cope with them. But how to remove old uneven skin after inflammation?

Elena Vasyukova

Cosmetologist with more than 5 years of experience

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It is unlikely that you will be able to remove acne pits on your own; you should turn to professional methods.

Experienced cosmetologists successfully treat acne pits on the face using the following procedures:

  • TCA peeling;
  • fractional laser.

Types of pits on the skin

Often teenagers are bothered by dimples on the face after acne. Let's look at how to get rid of them below. First we should consider their classification.

There are several types of pits, which are also called atrophic scars:

  • Chipped. These are often shallow pits on the face with converging walls. If left untreated, they enlarge and turn into an incurable form of scarring - fibrotic, characterized by non-converging walls.
  • Rectangular. Those who unsuccessfully squeezed out pimples suffer from such pits.
  • Rounded. Defects that are soft to the touch and smoothly transition into healthy epidermis.
  • Hypertrophic. They are formed due to the active proliferation of connective tissue. It is very important to correctly determine the type of scars, since treatment depends on this.

Using the Dermapen device or mesoscooter –

Dermapen works great where there is “minus tissue”, i.e. with atrophic scars. This is a fractional device that, using the mechanical movements of a nozzle with needles, causes microdamage to the skin. And the skin naturally reacts to damage by regeneration, i.e. collagen synthesis is stimulated. Depending on the number, depth and type of atrophic scars, the course of treatment may require from 3 to 6-8 procedures.

Dermapen device –

The first results can be seen 6-8 weeks after the first procedure, and the final result can be assessed only 3 months after the last procedure. The same applies to any other methods (for example, laser resurfacing). This is due to the fact that stimulation of collagen production in response to skin damage is delayed in time and increases gradually. You, of course, can purchase such a device and try to do the procedures yourself, but it will be more effective if the procedures are performed by a specialist.

Dermapen: before and after photos

The mesoscooter is a cheaper alternative to the Dermapen device. It works on the same principle - it leaves microdamages in the skin, but the damage is no longer applied strictly vertically, but at a changing angle (since the mesoscooter drum with needles rotates). This is not very good and can lead to roughening of the skin due to the production of abnormal scar collagen. Below you can see photos before and after 3 procedures performed at an interval of 4 weeks.

Mesoscooter: before and after photos

How to increase the effectiveness of these methods -

The effectiveness of using a dermapen or mesoscooter can be increased if you undergo special training. Clinical studies have shown that if the patient used topical retinoids for at least 1 month (optimally 2-3 months), the effectiveness of the method increased significantly. As retinoids you can use: products with pure retinol (at least 0.3-0.4% and up to 1%), as well as tretinoin 0.025%.

Products with the L-form of ascorbic acid with a concentration of 15% (instead of retinoids) can also be used, because they also stimulate collagen production in the skin. Another preparation option is injection mesotherapy in a cosmetologist’s office. In this case, several procedures are first carried out using nucleotides (DNA-RNA complexes) - an excellent Italian drug for this is “Plinest”. After this, several injection procedures with complexes containing matrikin peptides (they stimulate collagen production).

After such an injection preparation of 4-6 procedures, we move on to the dermapen or mesoscooter itself. We hope that our article: How to get rid of acne spots, acne scars and chickenpox was useful to you!


1. Higher medical education of the author of the article, 2. Textbook on dermatology “Fitzpatrick's Dermatology” (8th edition), 3. American Academy of Dermatology (USA), 4. National Library of Medicine (USA), 5. “Cosmetic dermatology” (Bauman L.). 6. Clinical studies published at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/.

Features of treatment

Let's look at how to get rid of acne pits on the face in each specific case:

  1. Small incisions are used to treat deep, rounded scars. After such manipulation, damaged tissues will be replaced with new ones. Salons often offer to fill the wound site with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid.
  2. Medium-sized rounded scars are treated with laser or surgical methods.
  3. Rectangular acne pits on the face are removed through chemical reconstruction. Trichloroacetic acids are used for the procedure.
  4. To get rid of chipped deep pits, collagen injections are used. Fat from the patient's body is also used for injections. In some cases, acids help cope with the deficiency.
  5. Some people mistake enlarged pores for pits. However, such a cosmetic defect can be treated quite simply - with peeling or dermabrasion. In advanced cases, the dermatologist recommends laser resurfacing to the patient.

People suffering from acne often develop several types of scars on their facial skin. Therefore, it is very important to consult a specialist before treatment. This will allow you to deal with the problem faster and not make it worse.

Fractional RF lifting –

At the beginning of the article, we already said that such devices are effective against red spots after acne. But at the same time they are very effective against atrophic scars after acne or chickenpox. We recommend 2 devices for this. Firstly, the Venus Viva device (made in Canada/Israel), which must be equipped with a NanoFractional RF tip. Secondly, eTwo™ and Elos Plus™ devices from , which must be equipped with a Sublative RF fractional tip.

The fractional tips of these devices are supplied with disposable applicators with microneedles (electrodes up to 1 mm in size), with the help of which thermal damage is produced in the epidermis and dermis. The damage is fractional in nature, i.e. they are surrounded by intact tissue for rapid re-epithelialization of damage. Damage to the epidermis is microscopic and not noticeable; the main effect is realized in the dermis.

Thus, this is an ablative technique (with damage to the stratum corneum of the epidermis), but unlike laser resurfacing procedures, fractional radiofrequency lifting has a very short rehabilitation period and no side effects. The method is effective not only for atrophic scars, but also for the treatment of post-inflammatory erythema and hyperpigmentation. Below you can see photos before and after a course of 3 fractional RF lifting procedures.

Pit prevention

To avoid the formation of scars on problem skin, you need to follow some recommendations from experts:

  1. Consume vitamins A and E. These substances are found in carrots, cereals, beans, and soy.
  2. Protect your skin from damage and inflammation.
  3. Use gentle cleansers with an antibacterial effect, cleansing tonics, lotions that contain salicylic or other acids. This type of care will help keep your skin in perfect condition.
  4. Do not delay treating acne, do not crush it. This will prevent the appearance of dimples on the face.

Pathogenesis of renal edema

The mechanism of formation of renal edema is associated with the following phenomena in nephrological patients:

  • massive loss of protein in urine;
  • decrease in plasma albumin concentration;
  • hyperlimidemia;
  • increased movement of fluid from the intravascular space.

Patients have a high ratio of sodium and potassium in the urine, which indicates an imbalance of water and electrolyte balance.

The mechanism for the appearance of such a symptom is still not fully understood, but the characteristic picture indicates to the doctor pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis. Filtration and excretion of urine are also impaired with kidney cysts, benign or malignant neoplasms.

Laser resurfacing with erbium laser

The device produces a beam whose wavelength is 2940 nm. This device evaporates water from the epidermal tissue. It has very high accuracy. After exposure, a thin layer of dried cells forms on the skin.

After some time, the keratinized area is easily removed. The erbium laser beam not only eliminates the treated layer of skin, it also promotes the production of your own collagen. As a result, the scar is leveled out, the color of the scar changes, it becomes almost the same shade as healthy areas of the epidermis.

Laser resurfacing allows you to smooth out the scar by 90% and make it almost invisible.

How to get rid of red spots after acne -

We have already said above that such red spots after acne are more correctly called post-inflammatory erythema. Its formation at the site of resolved acne is associated with a persistent expansion of blood capillaries at the site of inflammation. Accordingly, how to remove red spots from acne lies solely in the use of methods that allow you to destroy dilated capillaries.

First of all, we are talking about the use of 2 types of special devices: pulsed lasers using liquid dyes, as well as IPL devices. They work in a similar way: light pulses penetrate to a shallow depth through the surface layers of the skin and are absorbed by hemoglobin in the blood. This leads to the release of a large amount of thermal energy in the dilated capillaries, which leads to their coagulation. As a result, the skin color at the site of erythema is gradually restored to normal.

Below we will look at examples of effective devices for erythema after acne.

Pulsed dye lasers –

Pulsed dye laser is considered the gold standard treatment for post-inflammatory erythema. These lasers most often operate at a wavelength of 585 nm, although long-pulse dye lasers (with wavelengths between 595 and 600 nm) also exist. The latter includes the Vbeam Perfecta laser, which is very effective for the treatment of erythema after acne, and we would put it in 1st place - in comparison with all other devices listed below.

An example of one of the studies (“Acne erythema improvement by long-pulsed 595-nm pulsed-dye laser treatment: a pilot study” Lee, Kim, Park, 2008). This study shows that 2 sessions of long-pulse dye laser (4 weeks apart) lead to lasting improvement in 90% of patients. Moreover, the number of lesions after the 1st session decreased by approximately 24.9%, and after the 2nd session - by another 57.6% (in some cases, the erythema persisted, but the size of the spots in any case became smaller).

This laser also helps reduce atrophic scars. Therefore, if you not only need to remove acne scars in the form of red spots, but also have the goal of getting rid of acne scars, this laser may be a good option.

Potassium titanyl phosphate (KTP) laser –

KTP lasers operate at a wavelength of 532 nm (an example is the Compact laser). These lasers work well in reducing post-inflammatory erythema, but are still slightly inferior to pulsed dye lasers. This type of laser has virtually no effect on the production of collagen in the dermis, so if you also have acne scars, this laser will not be able to help reduce them.

However, in addition to the treatment of post-inflammatory erythema, KTP lasers can also be used to treat papulopustular acne (pimples). The fact is that the wavelength of 532 nm is absorbed by the porphyrins of the bacteria P.acnes, which leads to the destruction of their bacterial walls. Thus, if, in addition to post-inflammatory erythema, you also have active foci of inflammation, then the use of a KTP laser may be preferable (24stoma.ru).

Devices for IPL therapy –

Intense pulsed light (IPL) is an option for treating post-inflammatory erythema in patients with acne. IPL devices differ from lasers in that they do not operate at any one wavelength, but simultaneously in the range from approximately 400 to 1200 nm. For the treatment of post-inflammatory erythema, the FDA has approved the use of the IPL module of the Lumenis M22 device. Moreover, the clinic must have special “vascular” light filters for the IPL module (530-650 and 900-1200 nm).

In general, IPL devices are quite effective for treating red acne marks, but they are still inferior to pulsed dye lasers. For example, a pulsed dye laser may require only 2 sessions, while persistent erythema on an IPL device may require 3 to 5 sessions. In addition, IPL devices can also be used to treat active inflammatory foci of acne, but for this, a different light filter (400-600 nm) is used, designed specifically for acne therapy.

Nd:YAG lasers –

Post-inflammatory erythema following acne is associated more with superficial blood vessels, but this laser penetrates deeper than is usually necessary. Therefore, Nd:YAG lasers are not very effective for common post-inflammatory erythema. The only exception would be the treatment of erythema, which was caused by the expansion of blood capillaries in the deep layers of the dermis. An example of such a laser would be the Cutera Genesis, which operates at a wavelength of 1064 nm.

Nd: YAG lasers such as "Cutera Genesis" for acne patients are more interesting because they are able to destroy the sebaceous glands using heat, which will significantly reduce oily skin and acne symptoms. In addition, this type of laser will also be effective for treating atrophic acne scars, because its effect stimulates collagen synthesis in the dermis.

Fractional RF devices –

Such devices are a novelty in modern hardware cosmetology. Devices for fractional radio wave lifting (fractional RF lifting) are also very effective for treating red spots after acne. One of the best devices can be called the “Venus Viva” device (made in Canada/Israel). The fractional effect in this device is provided by a special NanoFractional RF applicator. With its help, you can effectively treat not only red spots after acne, but also hyperpigmented spots associated with melanin deposition.

In addition, fractional exposure to the skin simultaneously stimulates collagen synthesis in the skin, which will not only increase its elasticity and smooth out wrinkles, but also significantly reduce the depth of atrophic scars after acne. In addition to Venus Viva, there are several other manufacturers of fractional RF devices. For example, there is a fractional “Sublative RF” handpiece that comes with the eTwo™ and Elos Plus™ devices.

Important: There are many acne spot treatment products advertised now that you can buy at the pharmacy. Such skin lightening products (based on retinoids, azelaic acid, tyrosinase blockers, etc.) only help with brown age spots. In addition, for post-inflammatory erythema, you should not do chemical peels, because you will get the opposite effect.

Fractional laser resurfacing

The procedure activates skin restoration processes. After exposure to the beam, microchannels remain on the skin, the depth of which ranges from 50 to 1500 microns. Healthy tissues are not affected during the procedure. The synthesis of elastin and collagen makes the fossa tissue softer and more elastic. After manipulation, the color of the scar changes and becomes less pronounced.

Laser treatment takes no more than two hours. The procedure is painless. Patients with good immunity can expect scar healing after just two weeks.

How to remove acne marks on the face?46

Specialists have many ways to correct post-acne. At the same time, there is the possibility of targeted selective influence. Modern cosmetologists can offer patients with acne:

  • phototherapy;
  • mesotherapy;
  • ultrasonic influence;
  • chemical peeling;
  • biorevitalization and other methods.

Collagen injections

Collagen is a completely natural product. This is a structural protein that is produced by epidermal cells.

Young skin synthesizes this substance in sufficient quantities. It looks elastic and smooth, wrinkles are completely absent. Over time, the production of your own collagen decreases. This is what leads to the formation of scars, pits, scars, and changes in body contours. This gives people aesthetic discomfort.

The introduction of collagen filler rejuvenates and smoothes out skin irregularities. Injections relieve post-acne and restore the natural beauty of the face.

After the procedure, slight swelling may form at the site of drug exposure. Allergic reactions in the form of irritation rarely occur. After the injection, slight pain may occur. Within a day, the discomfort disappears. You will be able to enjoy the results within a week, when the swelling of your face completely disappears.

Gel "Kvotlan"

How to remove pits on the face? Use Kvotlan gel. This Russian cosmetic product is widely popular among those with problem skin. It not only helps eliminate inflammation, but also perfectly fights post-acne.

It contains the following substances:

  • glycolan - promotes rapid restoration of the epidermis;
  • ethylcarbitol - prevents re-formation of rashes;
  • glycerin - softens and soothes.

“Kvotlan” has a powerful antiseptic, softening and protective effect. It can be used by those with hypersensitive skin, since it does not contain hormones, antibiotics, alcohol or other allergens.

The gel promotes rapid healing of wounds and burns and helps restore problem areas as effectively as possible. With regular use, you can even out the skin's texture, making it smoother and more uniform.

The duration of treatment depends on the degree of damage to the epidermis.

The cost of the gel for facial pits is 490 rubles for 20 ml.

Gel "Kontraktubeks"

The drug was developed by specialists from the German company Merz Pharma GmbH and Co. KGaA". The product is indicated for external use and has powerful regenerating properties. It has proven itself in the fight against various dermatological problems, including scars.

“Contractubex” is often prescribed to patients who, after acne treatment, have left marks in the form of pits and cyanosis. The drug also copes well with keloid scars, and when used as a preventive measure, prevents their formation.

The composition of the drug Contractubex contains the following components:

  • onion extract - minimizes the risks of scar tissue growth;
  • allantoin - retains moisture in the damaged area, due to which restoration and smoothing of the surface of the epidermis occurs faster;
  • heparin - improves blood circulation and tissue restoration, relieves the feeling of tightness;
  • sodium salt - brightens unevenness and makes them less noticeable.

The cost of the gel for pitting on the face after acne is 630 rubles for 20 g.

Badyaga for uneven skin texture

Those who know how to get rid of dimples on the face often recommend using badyagu. This is a plant sponge that lives in clean freshwater bodies. It is processed into powder and packaged. In this form, the badyaga ends up on the market.

The product has a greenish tint and a specific smell. As a result of its use, you can get rid of various skin imperfections.

Badyagu is used to treat post-acne, shallow scars, and age spots. Microscopic needles and valuable components in the product provide gentle peeling of the skin, increase blood circulation in the tissues, cleanse clogged pores, and remove the stratum corneum.

The dermis begins to “breathe” and receive more oxygen and world elements. Active substances applied to the skin after badyagi penetrate deeper into the skin and accelerate its healing.

What is a defect?

Sustained changes in the epidermis that occur after prolonged acne as a result of its squeezing, unprofessional treatment or its complete absence are called post-acne syndrome.

This problem occurs after a long inflammatory process with purulent contents and the subsequent addition of microbes and bacteria. As a result, the skin turns on a self-recovery mechanism when the connective tissue begins to grow and thus tries to close the resulting depressions in the epidermis. Most often, the edges of such depressions are tightened, but the depressions remain, forming peculiar pits on the skin.

How to use badyagu correctly?

A small amount of powder must be diluted in water until a mushy mass is obtained. The mixture should have a consistency that is convenient for application to the skin.

Features of using the mask are as follows:

  • Before the procedure, you should take a steam bath.
  • It is better to avoid manipulating the badyaga if there are fresh inflammations on the skin.
  • Do not keep the mask on your face for more than 20 minutes.
  • To get rid of scars and pits, one procedure will not be enough. You should complete a course of 10 sessions - once every 3 days.

You need to wash off the mask with water at room temperature. After the procedure, the face will turn red. This is considered a normal reaction to the effects of bodyaga. During the course of treatment, it is recommended to avoid exposure to direct sunlight. It is also better not to use aggressive care products, for example, with acids or hard abrasive particles.

Cost - 50 rubles per package of 5 g.

Effective folk remedies

How to remove acne pits on the face in other ways? You can use traditional methods. They will require longer use, but often show good results:

  • Compresses of natural tomato juice on the affected areas of the skin.
  • Cosmetic clay masks. They need to be done regularly.
  • A mixture of rosehip, almond, orange and tea tree oils. It is applied not to the entire face, but to the pits themselves. The course of treatment will take about three months.
  • Rubbing the skin with St. John's wort tincture 2 times a day.

In severe cases, getting rid of dimples on the face is quite difficult. It is always easier to prevent the occurrence of such a cosmetic defect. Timely treatment of acne and proper skin care will be an excellent prevention of scars and scars.

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