Why does a white coating appear on the head of the penis?

Yesterday everything was fine, but today red dots appeared on the head of the penis?

Don't panic, it can be treated. Most importantly, do not try to deal with the problem yourself.

In such a situation, you need to determine as quickly as possible what caused them and prescribe treatment, because red dots are most likely a sign of inflammation. In most cases, the right treatment will help you get rid of red dots on your penis fairly quickly. It is important not to delay visiting a doctor.

Causes of red spots on the penis

Having discovered red dots on the head of the penis, a man should consult a specialist. There can be no white or red spots on a healthy male organ.

The appearance of a rash on the penis indicates pathological disorders in the male body, which need to be diagnosed and treated as quickly as possible.

For your first appointment, you can go to a urologist.


After diagnosis, doctors of other specialties may be needed. You cannot ignore or try to treat a disease on your own, the first symptoms of which are small red rashes on the genitals.

History taking

To establish a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to collect complete information about the onset of the disease, symptoms and events preceding the disease:

  • Did you have unprotected sex before the spots appeared?
  • does the man use condoms during sexual intercourse, or use special lubricants;
  • does the man experience problems with urination: cramps, pain, delay;

  • how the spots behave, whether they increase in size, or whether they move from the head or foreskin to other parts of the genital organ;
  • whether the spots on the penis are constantly present or disappear and appear periodically;
  • Is there any discharge from the urethra?

Depending on the totality of symptoms, the doctor makes a conclusion about the infectious or non-infectious origin of the disease. A set of tests finally confirms or refutes the diagnosis.

Plasmacytic (Zoon) balanitis

Rice. 2 – Zoon-balanitis

A benign non-venereal disease of the penis, which is characterized by the appearance of a single red-orange, well-circumscribed plaque on the head. It most often develops in middle-aged and elderly men who have not undergone circumcision.

The exact cause of the pathology has not been established, but the main predisposing factors are phimosis, constant irritation and mechanical damage to the skin.

Apart from the plaque, a man may not be bothered by anything; pain and burning during urination are less likely to occur. Circumcision eliminates the manifestations; local ointments based on glucocorticosteroids and 5% imiquimod are also used in treatment.

Non-infectious factors

Red spots may turn out to be simple acne that affects the mucous membrane of the genital organ. After the irritation is removed, black dots characteristic of acme may remain on the penis.

A weakened body of a man with reduced immunity cannot effectively resist the effects of pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and fungi. One of the symptoms of non-infectious thrush

red dots may appear on the male organ.

The natural protective barrier of the mucous membranes and healthy microflora under the leathery fold of the foreskin, regular hygiene procedures can easily cope with saprophytic candida, preventing the rapid growth of these microscopic fungi. In a state of harmless cohabitation, the fungus constantly lives in the body of any person. With a weakened state of the body and decreased immunity, candidiasis

in men it can take
a clinical form

Advanced candidiasis enters the chronic stage

, passes to the prostate gland, causing its inflammation.

Chronic candidiasis can become one of the main factors in the occurrence of infertility and weakened potency in men.

Irritation on the head of the penis arises from basic non-compliance with hygiene rules. If you don’t change your underwear for several days in a row and neglect to shower, the result in the form of rashes and irritations will not take long to arrive.

The mucous membrane may become covered with a rash in the form of blisters filled with colorless liquid. This is a symptom of an allergic reaction to chemical additives in detergents, synthetic fabrics, condom lubricants or lubricants. Refusal to use allergenic substances and materials quickly leads to the disappearance of rashes. Allergic dermatitis is treated by an allergist.

. To identify the irritant, a blood test from a vein or a sensitivity test on the skin of the shoulder is required. In the absence of a positive result from the effects of individual reagents, the autoimmune or psychosomatic nature of the appearance of spots on the penis is considered.

The reason for the appearance of rashes on the penis is sometimes uncomfortable or tight underwear, injuries after too active sexual intercourse.

Precancerous conditions

10.1. Bowenoid papulosis

The disease develops against the background of infection with papillomavirus types 16, 18, 34, 39, 40, 42, 45. Rashes in the form of papules, multiple, small, appear on the head and foreskin and gradually merge into one large, flat plaque, their color is red-brown or gray-brown. Bowenoid papulosis can transform into cancer.

The main method of treatment is surgical excision/cauterization of the affected areas (CO2 laser, cryodestruction).

10.2. Erythroplasia Keira

Malignant tumor of the head of the penis in situ (non-invasive tumor). The foreskin may also be involved in the pathological process (single or multiple red neoplasms with clear edges are detected on the skin).

The disease affects men who have not undergone circumcision. Over time, the tumor may grow deeper into the tissue. The main treatment is surgical excision. The patient is also recommended to undergo circumcision.

Infectious factors

Infections affecting the male genital organ are most often transmitted sexually

and appear as a result of unprotected sexual contact with an infected sexual partner.
Among them:

  • Infectious candidiasis
    Unlike non-infectious thrush, it is accompanied by itching, cheesy discharge, and an unpleasant sour odor. Treatment is carried out in parallel by both partners. Men are usually prescribed antifungal creams and ointments.

  • At genital herpes
    Red dots and bubbles with colorless filling appear on the head of the penis. Herpes is accompanied by severe itching; bursting blisters eventually turn into sores. Simultaneously with the appearance of the rash, the lymph nodes in the groin enlarge. The patient is bothered by burning and pain in the genital organs, the temperature may rise and the state of health may sharply deteriorate. Without treatment, genital herpes quickly spreads to other organs.

  • Pink-red pimples, accompanied by peeling skin and unbearable itching, are signs balanitis
    . For treatment, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules of hygiene and make baths for the penis with furatsilin or potassium permanganate.

  • The appearance of red spots may indicate infection with a sexually transmitted disease
    : gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia.

Sexually transmitted diseases can be asymptomatic for a long time; rashes on the penis disappear for a while, only to later turn into large spots with ulcers.

Do not delay treatment of venous diseases. Uncontrolled development of the disease leads to male infertility and other unpleasant consequences.

If a man has psoriasis

, then red scaly spots may appear everywhere. They occur especially often on the scalp, in the groin, and sometimes on the mucous membrane of the penis. The causes of the disease have not yet been clarified, but there are many ways to dampen the acute phase of the disease, so you should not delay the treatment of psoriasis.

Papillomas and condylomas

Papillomas and genital warts are benign neoplasms that occur when infected with papillomavirus. It is transmitted during sex (oral, vaginal, anal). The maximum incidence is recorded at the age of 15-25 years among sexually active persons.

The first signs of the disease appear several weeks or months after infection. Papillomas are pink, dome-shaped protrusions of skin. The growths may be flesh-colored, red, or brown. Genital warts with their growths resemble cauliflower.

Formations can occur on the shaft of the penis, foreskin, scrotum, perineal skin and around the anus. In most cases, their appearance is not accompanied by any symptoms; less often, a man may be bothered by itching and discomfort.

Treatment is complex and includes removal of tumors using local drugs or surgical microsurgery and systemic immunotherapy (Panavir, Interferon-alpha).

Rice. 1 – Multiple genital warts of the glans penis

Associated symptoms

Sometimes red spots do not cause any additional discomfort. Most often, rashes are accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms:

  • Severe itching, the feeling that the sore spot is itching until it burns, is very unpleasant. It is almost impossible to work and lead a normal lifestyle with constant severe itching.
  • Involuntary discharge from the urethra.
  • Painful sensations when urinating.

  • Increased body temperature.
  • Nagging pain throughout the body, headache.
  • Red rashes on the penis can develop into blistering pimples, which burst over time or when scratched.
  • Affected organs may become swollen and inflamed.

Tell your doctor in detail about all the symptoms that bother you. An experienced specialist can make a preliminary diagnosis based on the medical history and prescribe appropriate laboratory tests.

Standard studies for the infectious nature of red rashes

Early diagnosis of the cause of red spots is the main factor in a quick cure.

The danger of advanced infections lies in the complications of the disease.

General testsTests to detect infection
Analysis of urineBlood test for STDs
Prostate examinationBacterial culture of urethral contents
Sowing according to NechiporenkoPCR analysis

Bacterial culture not only serves to clarify the diagnosis, but also determines the sensitivity of microorganisms to the effects of antibiotics.


The doctor, after comparing the identified symptoms, makes a preliminary diagnosis. For a more accurate diagnosis of the disease, tests are prescribed to determine the presence or absence of infectious agents. Allergic inflammation is treated by eliminating the allergen and taking antihistamines.

Exactly following your doctor’s instructions allows you to quickly relieve allergy symptoms.

Infectious diseases, the symptom of which are red rashes on the penis, can cause diseases of the bladder, prostate, kidney diseases, inflammation of the scrotum and testicles.

Infectious diseases of the male genital organs are associated with infection through unprotected sex. When treating a man, parallel treatment of sexual partners is necessary. Bacteria are treated with antibiotics.

The activity of viruses is suppressed with blockers and immunomodulators, and fungal diseases with antimycotic agents. The duration of therapy depends on the type of disease and the degree of its neglect.

Preventive measures

Performing hygienic washing of the penis at least once a day is an elementary necessity for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

This action must be performed even if it is not possible to take a shower. After having sex, washing should be a mandatory procedure .

When carrying out hygiene measures, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • wash pubic hair, skin of the inner thighs, scrotum and lower abdomen with soap;
  • Wash the skin of the penis and the part covering the head especially thoroughly;
  • expose the head and wash the folds of the mucous membrane with running water.
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