Products High in Hyaluronic Acid

What is hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid (HA, hyaluronic acid) is a substance that is a permanent and natural component of the body. Its main function is deep tissue hydration. Thanks to this, healthy metabolic processes are maintained in tissue cells.

In terms of its structure, HA is much more complex than simple acids found in food products, such as oxalic or acetic acid. Accordingly, maintaining the correct balance requires somewhat greater effort.

You can compensate for the deficiency of this substance not only with the help of supplements and injections. It is enough to review your diet and include foods that contain hyaluronic acid.

Below is a table with 20 foods that contain the highest amounts of this substance and also contribute to its production.

Types of hydrogels

By origin

The polymers that form the basis of hydrogels can be divided into natural and synthetic. Natural ones include polypeptides and polysaccharides. Synthetic polymers are divided into biodegradable and non-biodegradable. When creating biomedical materials in the form of hydrogels, collagen, alginate, chitosan, gelatin, hyaluronic acid, cellulose and fibroin, as well as copolymers of polylactide and polyethylene glycol are most often used [50].

The advantage of materials based on natural polymers is their high biocompatibility. In most cases, their degradation is possible due to the action of body enzymes. The disadvantages of these materials are low mechanical strength and the possibility of the body's immune response to their presence, as well as instability of the quality of the resulting product. The positive properties of synthetic polymers are high levels of mechanical strength compared to natural polymers, as well as the ability to more accurately control the rate of degradation. The disadvantages are the high cost of such materials and low biodegradability [59].

By stitching type

hydrogels are divided into physical and chemical. So-called “chemical” hydrogels are formed due to covalent and ionic cross-linking. “Physical” hydrogels are formed using hydrogen bonds, amphiphilic interactions, electrostatic complexes, and also due to aggregation and entanglement of polymer molecules [31]. Examples of hydrogels formed by aggregation and entanglement include materials based on gelatin, hyaluronic acid or polyethylene glycol. Their disadvantages are low mechanical strength and high fluidity, which limit their use for replacing bone defects subjected to high loads. That is why such hydrogels are most often used as scaffolds for the delivery of osteoinducers [19].

Depending on the gelation mechanism

hydrogels are divided into those that cure without any external influences and those that cure in response to changes in external conditions, such as temperature, pH changes, ultrasonic or electromagnetic influence, and ultraviolet radiation [59].

Hyaluronic acid and collagen with elastin

Supplements with HA often contain additional components - collagen and elastin, vitamins C, E and P. The level of collagen determines the firmness of the skin, its smoothness and elasticity. It is collagen and elastic fibers that prevent the formation of wrinkles, which immediately reveal true age.

Hair nourished with collagen looks shiny, dense and heavy. They are less exposed to the aggressive influence of dry winds and high temperatures. In addition, collagen accelerates wound healing and promotes nail and hair growth.

Production of hyaluronic acid in the body

Fortunately, the human body is capable of synthesizing hyaluronate itself, as well as many other acids (for example, folic or arachidonic acid).

According to Wikipedia, HA can be synthesized in the body using special membrane proteins called hyaluronate synthetases. These enzymes build the desired molecule, a polysaccharide, adding N-acetylglucosamine and glucuronic acid to it. As a result, hyaluronate, which the cells need, appears.

The main factor influencing the rate of hyaluronic acid production is age. There is no way to influence this, at least for now. But besides age, the synthesis of HA is also greatly influenced by your lifestyle and diet. Failure to maintain an adequate drinking regime, consumption of harmful and toxic foods - the so-called “hyaluronic acid eaters” (fast food, smoked, fried, salty, overly spicy foods, sweets) - leads to a sharp decrease in the rate of synthesis of this essential substance.

Question answer

Hyaluronic acid is an essential element for maintaining youth, beauty and health. With age, the natural synthesis of this component decreases, causing dry skin, the formation of wrinkles and other signs of aging.

It is impossible to answer this question precisely. Of course, the manufacturer promises a colossal effect after using such products, and you can find many rave reviews online (perhaps many of them were purchased). But in reality it is not possible to achieve a radical transformation. Many ladies notice a slight improvement in their appearance, but pills will not be able to remove wrinkles or tighten sagging skin.

For this purpose, contour plastic surgery, mesotherapy, and biorevitalization are performed. There are also non-injection methods. For example, laser biorevitalization. In this case, the laser helps the hyaluronic acid molecules penetrate the dermis. This is also an effective method, which has its own nuances.

How to force the body to produce hyaluronic acid?

Start your morning with a glass of warm water with lemon, avoid harmful and toxic foods and dishes. Introduce more foods with antioxidants into your diet. A detailed list of such products, which not only restore normal levels, but also stimulate the body’s own production of hyaluronic acid, is given in the table below.

A stressful lifestyle and insufficient sleep slow down the synthesis of GC. You yourself may have noticed how the condition of your skin worsens during periods of worry and lack of sleep. Supplements with this acid will help to quickly replenish the HA deficiency at home during such periods.

Such supplements must be introduced after 25-30 years, when your own production begins to slow down. Consult your physician about the indications for their use and to select the required daily dosage (normal intake per day).

Preservation of hyaluron

In addition to foods high in hyaluronate, the diet should include those without which the production, absorption and preservation of this substance will be impossible. We are talking about vitamins C (ascorbic acid) and P (rutin). They not only help in the absorption of HA, but also have additional positive effects.

Vitamins C and P are found simultaneously in most foods: vegetables, greens, and citrus fruits are rich in these vitamins. They enhance their mutual action and increase the natural production of hyaluronate by cells. Gelatin has a similar effect: to obtain it, you should eat jelly from vegetables, fish, meat and fruits.

Lack of hyaluronic acid and its consequences

At a young age, the skin produces a sufficient amount of HA. Starting from the age of 30, the natural production of hyaluronic acid and its supply decreases, and by the age of 50 its amount drops by half. Deficiency leads to a deterioration in the appearance of the skin: it becomes dehydrated, dryness, sagging, wrinkles appear, and the healthy and fresh appearance of the face is lost.

Due to the lack of HA, the synthesis of collagen and elastic fibers, which are responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin and prevent the formation of wrinkles, is disrupted.

The main reasons for the lack of HA in the skin:

  • prolonged and frequent exposure to direct sunlight;
  • visiting a solarium;
  • lack of vitamins necessary for its preservation;
  • smoking, alcohol abuse;
  • natural aging process.

When there is a lack of hyaluronic acid in the body, which cannot be replenished from food, drugs and supplements with hyaluron come to the rescue. The option that suits the reviews and the required dosage can be selected in the official online store on the website:


In dental surgery, during dental implantation surgery, the need for bone grafting occurs in more than 50% of cases and is required by 27 million Europeans per year [10].
In the last century, bone matrices of xeno- and allogeneic origin have been most actively used as substitutes for autogenous bone tissue, among which the best-selling drug in the world is Bio-Oss (Geistlich, Switzerland) [17, 18]. It promotes osteoconduction by acting as a scaffold for newly formed bone tissue. Resorption of the material occurs at a rate sufficient to remodel bone tissue and maintain a given volume for a long time. The positive properties of this material, which have proven themselves over a long period of time, have allowed it to become a standard of comparison in many experiments in vitro and in vivo.

and clinical trials [27]. However, despite a large number of advantages, Bio-Oss is significantly inferior to autogenous bone grafts in its ability to stimulate neoosteogenesis. This is due to the lack of osteoinductive properties of Bio-Oss and possible fibrous encapsulation of the material granules [54].

In general, both autogenous bone chips and its xenogeneic analogues, such as Bio-Oss, require additional reinforcing structures in the form of titanium meshes or bone blocks when replacing extended defects and barrier membranes to ensure directed bone regeneration [13]. There is a need for materials that have all the advantages of currently used drugs and are free of their inherent disadvantages.

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in a group of materials such as hydrogels, which have high biocompatibility and the ability to imitate highly hydrated body tissues [16]. There are technologies that allow hydrogels to harden after being introduced into a bone defect, which, on the one hand, improves their manipulation properties, and on the other, allows one to abandon the use of reinforcing structures and membranes. It is possible to include cells, osteoinducers and viruses in the composition of hydrogels to create tissue-engineered, protein- and gene-activated structures, which in the future can provide this class of materials with a leading position in the market of bone plastic materials. Thus, curable hydrogels are promising materials for osteoplastic operations, and information from various fields of science: biology, physics, chemistry and medicine requires systematization of current data to determine the direction of further developments in this area.

Where are hyaluronic acid and collagen found?

If a person has signs of hyaluronic acid deficiency, it is recommended to review their diet and include products from the list below. They are rich in this valuable compound and vitamins for its better absorption.

Hyaluronic acid differs favorably from other acids beneficial to the body in that the body can independently replenish it from food (for example, this is not the case for fulvic acid, which cannot be obtained from food).

When you give up bad habits, the effect of proper nutrition will be more pronounced. This list of products can make your golden dream come true - eat and look younger! Almost all of them are tasty and pleasant; you won’t have to force yourself to go on a special “hyaluronic diet”.

Meat products, bones and cartilage

Animal food contains the largest amount of hyaluronate and is its main source from food. HA is found in cartilage tissues, such as pig ears, articular cartilage, etc. Meat products are rich in hyaluronate: it is useful to make jellied meat or decoctions of chicken paws, rich meat broths with the addition of bones, skin and tendons several times a month.

It is these parts of the animal's body that contain the largest amount of HA. Pork or turkey jellied meat is recommended for consumption, as it additionally contains gelatin to increase digestibility and preserve hyaluronate in tissues.

However, you should not overuse meat products. They contain purine, a precursor to uric acid. Too much purine intake can cause unwanted diseases. For example, hyperuricemia (in the past called gout).

Vegetables and fruits

Hyaluronic acid is found in smaller quantities in plant-based foods, but they also need to be consumed. Vegetarians and those who do not like meat broths and jellied meat can replenish their supply of hyaluronate from soy foods.

A lot of it is found in soybeans: in addition to HA, they contain phytoestrogens necessary for collagen synthesis and increased hyaluronate production. They are especially important for women, as they have a positive effect not only on the skin, but also on the ligaments, joints, bone and cardiovascular system. Tofu and soy milk are other equally important soy products that increase the rate of HA synthesis in the body.

Bananas are one of the few fruits that contain ready-made hyaluronic acid.

Berries and herbs are rich in antioxidants, which themselves have a rejuvenating effect, protecting cells from the damaging effects of free radicals. They keep the skin looking fresh and enhance regeneration. Berries should be purchased and eaten fresh. This way they retain maximum nutrients.

A number of vegetables and fruits contain magnesium and zinc, which can stimulate the production of HA in the body. For a more detailed list, see the table below.

Medicinal plants

Burdock is considered the leader among plants in terms of hyaluronic acid content. Burdock fruit extract can be taken at any pharmacy to restore skin and reduce wrinkles. It is recommended to add it in small quantities to food, and also to brew tea with crushed dry burdock.

Studies conducted in Germany showed that taking a drug based on burdock extract for 4 weeks significantly reduced the number of “crow's feet” - wrinkles in the eye area.

Both low molecular weight and high molecular weight HA are also produced from fermented wheat. However, it is impossible to get enough acid simply by eating wheat products.

Drinks and juices

The main drink to increase the amount of hyaluronic acid is red grape wine. Its quality is important: for the rejuvenation effect, only natural wines obtained by processing grapes along with their skins and seeds are suitable.

To achieve the effect, it is enough to drink one glass of this drink a day: the dosage also matters; you should not increase the dose. From wine, the body receives the phytoestrogens it needs, under the influence of which the active synthesis of hyaluronate is launched: they act as a catalyst.

For those people who do not drink alcohol, as an alternative, you can drink grape juice, which contains only natural, natural ingredients.

Green leafy vegetables - lettuce, spinach, etc. - are rich in magnesium, zinc and natural enzymes and antioxidants. All these substances stimulate their own production of important cellular components. Juices and smoothies made from green leafy vegetables are a must to include in a healthy person's diet.


The use of curable hydrogels as a basis for osteoplastic materials is a promising direction. Unlike traditional materials in the form of bone tissue granules or autogenous bone chips, they have significant advantages: they allow you to fill complex bone defects, as well as maintain a given shape after curing without the use of reinforcing structures in the form of titanium meshes, bone blocks and screws. Their continuous structure eliminates the need to use barrier membranes to achieve targeted bone regeneration. Existing methods for impregnating osteoinductors of protein and viral nature while preserving their biological properties provide this class of materials with comparable or superior osteoinductive properties compared to autogenous bone chips and their allo- and xenogeneic analogues. Among the existing polymers used to obtain biocompatible hydrogels, chitosan is of greatest interest. Its unique properties include the ability to inhibit the growth of bacteria, fungi and tumor cells without having a negative effect on normal eukaryotic mammalian cells. However, among the existing commercial preparations, bone plastic materials based on chitosan hydrogel are not represented, as are other composite materials based on hydrogels and osteoinductors.

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Table of products with hyaluronic acid

This table contains both products that directly contain hyaluronic acid and those that are responsible for stimulating its production and preservation in the body. The second type of product is marked with an asterisk (*).

Animal sources
1.Bone broths, jellied meatsLong boiling of the bones extracts HA from the bones into the broth
2.Liver of poultry, beef, pork, lamb
3.CabbageRich in HA and collagen
4.Starchy root vegetables (potatoes, sweet potatoes and other tubers)
5.*Leafy vegetables (lettuce, spinach, chard)Contains magnesium, which triggers the production of HA
6.*BeetContains lycopene, an antioxidant that enhances HA production
7.*Red pepperContains lycopene, an antioxidant that enhances HA production
8.*CarrotBeing rich in vitamin A and collagen, carrots stimulate the production of HA and help absorb collagen and elastin
9.*TomatoesContains naringin, which protects HA from breakdown
10.BananasOne of the few fruits that directly contains HA
11.Olives and black olivesYes, from a scientific point of view it is a fruit! And they are rich in HA.
12.*Grapefruits, oranges and other citrus fruitsContains naringin, which protects HA from breakdown
13.*Cherry, strawberry, red grapes,Contains lycopene, an antioxidant that enhances HA production
14.*AvocadoContains magnesium, which triggers the production of HA
Nuts and seeds
15.Soybeans, soy productsDirectly contain HA
16.*Beans, lentils, beansContains magnesium and zinc, which contribute to the production of HA
17.*Almonds and cashewsContains magnesium, which triggers the production of HA
Other products
19.*Red wineContains phytoestrogens that promote HA production
20.*Dark chocolateContains magnesium and zinc

It is not always possible to meet the body's needs with food. Drugs and supplements with hyaluron come to the rescue. An option that is suitable based on reviews and the required dosage can be selected in the online store:

What to choose – natural or artificial HA

As soon as the properties of natural hyaluronic acid became known, scientists began to create it artificially. Initially, it was used to treat joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis) and skin pathologies (trophic ulcers, burns, psoriasis, etc.). Only then did HA begin to be included in cosmetics for external use, and then they began to use it in injection cosmetology.

Animal-derived hyaluronic acid was extracted from the organs of various animals. This is a more natural way to obtain it, but the final product, even after purification, contained many protein compounds. They cause allergic reactions, so the use of such HA is limited.

Modern preparations based on hyaluronic acid are produced by biotechnological synthesis from bacterial cultures. To do this, streptococci that are capable of producing HA are grown in laboratory conditions. The resulting substance does not contain foreign proteins, peptides and other additives that can cause allergies in humans, therefore it is well tolerated and has fewer side effects.

The introduction of hyaluronate from the outside increases the concentration of its own acid in the tissues. This is another positive effect from its use as a supplement or obtained from food.

Healthy foods

It is better to prevent a disease than to treat it. By consuming healthy foods, we give the body all the necessary vitamins and microelements, thanks to which the body is restored at the cellular level. To prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system, you first need to adjust your diet by consuming foods for joints.

What products are needed for joints and cartilage?

  • red fish;
  • greenery;
  • animal cartilage;
  • white meat;
  • milk;
  • hard cheeses;
  • yogurt;
  • low-fat kefir;
  • gelatin;
  • dried fruits: prunes, dried apricots, dates, raisins;
  • eggs;
  • cereals;
  • mushrooms;
  • corn.

Red fish contains a lot of phosphorus, calcium, and healthy fats, which improve the composition of synovial fluid and strengthen cartilage. Greens are rich in magnesium, which strengthens nerves in joints. Animal fats are well absorbed because... they are similar to human cartilage.

White meat contains iron to nourish joints. Dairy products supply calcium for arthrosis of the joints. Gelatin contains a lot of chondroitin and glucosamine. Foods rich in selenium and sulfur are involved in protein synthesis, so selenium-containing foods should be on the table every day - legumes, eggs, cabbage, apples, onions, radishes.

Chondroitin and gelatin are destroyed during heat treatment, so it is recommended to cook at low temperatures, preferring boiling or stewing.

Let us note which products contain glucosamine and chondroitin:

  1. Plant glucosamine is obtained from corn.
  2. Animal glucosamine is produced from the shell of crustaceans.
  3. Chondroitin of animal origin is extracted from the trachea of ​​cattle and the cartilage of red fish: salmon, sturgeon.

Chondroitin and glucosamine obtained by such methods have high bioavailability and are used in the manufacture of chondroprotectors.

HA and Collagen Supplements

A simple and effective way to replenish the deficiency of hyaluronic acid and collagen is to buy and regularly take dietary supplements with them. The benefits of such nutritional supplements:

  1. Ease of use - no preliminary preparation is required; you can swallow the capsule or tablet anywhere.
  2. A systemic effect on the body - HA and collagen are received not only by the skin, but also by cartilage tissue, joints, eyes, etc.
  3. Long-lasting effect – the result lasts for several months after completing the dietary supplement course.

Hyaluronic acid and collagen work perfectly in tandem, resulting in powerful anti-aging results.

Vitamins with hyaluronic acid

Substances that ensure long-term preservation of hyaluronate in tissues are often included with it in dietary supplements. These are vitamins that act as antioxidants that accelerate the synthesis of collagen fibers.

Under the influence of vitamin supplements with hyaluronic acid, the skin looks more well-groomed and regains its fresh appearance and elasticity. Nails and hair acquire smoothness and natural shine. A good option would be to take supplements with vitamins and hyaluronic acid, and these compounds should also be present in food.

Top 5 methods to fill the deficit

There are many products that contain hyaluronic acid or stimulate its production naturally. You can buy them in pharmacies. Let's look at the most effective drugs.

Essential oils

There are esters on sale that promote the active production of collagen and hyaluronic acid. This valuable property is typical for the following oils:

  • incense;
  • tangerine;
  • patchouli;
  • turmeric;
  • rosewood.

Essential oils are included in masks and homemade creams to enhance the effects of other components.

Ampoules with the substance

What does hyaluronic acid for the face contain in the pharmacy? It is in ampoules that the composition is sold, almost entirely consisting of this polysaccharide. These products differ from their analogues in their high concentration.

Today there are many brands that specialize in the production of hyaluron. The drug looks like a colorless, viscous, odorless gel. One package can contain up to 10 ampoules of 2 ml.

Concentrated acid is applied to the face according to the instructions. As a result, according to the manufacturer, the aging process slows down and wrinkles are reduced.

It is necessary to use the drug regularly; it will take at least 6 months to eliminate deep folds.

Tablets with hyaluron

Hyaluronate in the form of tablets has become widespread among modern representatives of the fair sex. Doctors classify such drugs as food additives.

Manufacturers claim that after completing a course of taking the tablets, the condition of the epidermis improves significantly, dryness disappears, and shallow wrinkles are smoothed out.

Reviews of preparations containing hyaluronic acid for the face indicate that most of the components are used to restore damage to the joints and muscular system.

It is for this reason that the epidermis accounts for a small part of hyaluronic acid, and rejuvenation will not be too pronounced.

To achieve visible changes, you will need to repeat the procedure, perhaps more than once. But cosmetologists are confident that the greatest effect can be achieved with subcutaneous injection of hyaluronate.

Injections with hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid molecules are quite large in size, so they are not able to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis when applied superficially. The most effective method will be delivery of the substance through injections.

Many aesthetic medicine clinics provide contouring, correction of certain areas of the face, and anti-aging injections.

The effect will be visible almost immediately after the procedure and will last about 1 year. After this, the injections must be repeated.

Carrying out injection procedures is the safest method of maintaining youthful skin.

When the procedure is performed professionally, no side effects are observed. To prevent a possible allergic reaction, a test is done first.



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About the author:

Natalya Aleksandrovna Lukina Pediatrician,

Tyumen State Medical University

Latest articles by the author: • Which Omega-3s are best to buy • Omega-3 for women • Omega-3 for men • Omega-3 for weight loss • What is lecithin and why does the woman’s body need it • Hyaluronic acid in tablets • Vitamin D for children

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