Badyaga face cream. Beneficial properties for the skin, instructions for use
"BADIAGA FORTE®" gel for pigmentation and stagnant spots, acne and bruises, 75ml.
Active ingredients: badyaga, plantain and yarrow extracts. Badyaga is an effective and time-tested remedy
Systemic antibiotics in the treatment of bacterial infections of the skin and soft tissues: focus on macrolides
December 5, 2020 Most infections are caused by streptococci and staphylococci. They live in the environment
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Neither proper nutrition nor strict diets guarantee ideal body quality if a person tries
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Surgeon Bokhyan Tigran Surenovich Experience 37 years Surgeon of the highest category, Doctor of Medical Sciences, member
Boro plus
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Boro Plus is a cosmetic product for the care of problem skin. Contains natural
The external manifestations of aging (wrinkles, folds, swelling, dry skin) are the consequences of deeper changes in our body. Facial massage helps combat these changes.
Face massage. Goals and indications for the procedure
How is facial massage beneficial and what signs of age can be eliminated or smoothed out with the help of
Multiple conglobate acne - photo, spherical, treatment
Acne conglobata: symptoms and treatment of severe acne
These blackheads may coalesce and form cavities containing pus (abscesses). After permission they leave rude
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