Zerkalin is a drug for the treatment of acne vulgaris, the composition penetrates deep into the epidermis and
How chickenpox begins in children - the first signs and symptoms in the initial stage (photo)
Men often experience acne on the penis. Regardless of whether it is worn
Ringworm is a common disease of infectious-allergic origin, which is most often diagnosed in children in
Composition, dosage form In the pharmaceutical industry, Contractubex is produced in the form of an ointment: a gel-like viscous substance
Time-tested natural cosmetics made from simple ingredients are in demand among women
Dermatovenereologist Alina Rashidovna Khasanova Experience 9 years Make an appointment Common purulent-inflammatory skin disease
Why eczema occurs on the fingers The exact causes of eczema on the fingers to this day
Dermatovenerologist Khasanova Alina Rashidovna Experience 9 years Make an appointment One of the forms of vasculitis,
Shingles or herpes is an infectious disease that causes damage to the skin with the appearance of characteristic