Zerkalin: what it contains, how it works, instructions
Zerkalin: what it contains, how it works, instructions
Zerkalin is a drug for the treatment of acne vulgaris, the composition penetrates deep into the epidermis and
How to treat chickenpox in children besides brilliant green: 6 most effective remedies
How chickenpox begins in children - the first signs and symptoms in the initial stage (photo)
pimples on the penis
Watery pimples and blisters on the penis and glans
Men often experience acne on the penis. Regardless of whether it is worn
Ringworm in a child
What do different types of lichen in children look like and how to treat them?
Ringworm is a common disease of infectious-allergic origin, which is most often diagnosed in children in
Remedies for scars: top 7 best
Contractubex: indications and methods of use
Composition, dosage form In the pharmaceutical industry, Contractubex is produced in the form of an ointment: a gel-like viscous substance
Aloe juice is a faithful protector of the face from wrinkles and aging
Aloe juice is a faithful protector of the face from wrinkles and aging
Time-tested natural cosmetics made from simple ingredients are in demand among women
Treatment of streptoderma in adults
Dermatovenereologist Alina Rashidovna Khasanova Experience 9 years Make an appointment Common purulent-inflammatory skin disease
Effective treatment for eczema on fingers
Causes of water allergies, treatment of irritation on hands from water
Why eczema occurs on the fingers The exact causes of eczema on the fingers to this day
Erythema nodosum
Erythema nodosum of the lower extremities - photo with detailed description
Dermatovenerologist Khasanova Alina Rashidovna Experience 9 years Make an appointment One of the forms of vasculitis,
Herpes zoster and herpes-associated pain
Shingles: answering frequently asked questions about the disease
Shingles or herpes is an infectious disease that causes damage to the skin with the appearance of characteristic
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