Facial oil is the king among all my skincare products. I use them in
What are jowls? The term “jowls” describes sagging skin on the cheeks. Usually it goes down to the line
Yulia Prokopenko, leading educational technologist Expert opinion Firm, healthy, glowing skin is the main beauty trend.
Clinical manifestations of rosacea The disease begins after 25-30 years. At first there is a tendency to frequent redness
Smooth, flawless skin texture is often an unattainable luxury for many. Porous dermis, lumpy relief,
Herpes simplex virus is a widespread infection throughout the world. Many people are familiar with the unpleasant tingling sensation,
A wart is a wart caused by the papilloma virus. It develops under the influence of negative factors
Hello dear readers of my blog! In the last article I told you about viral diseases
Causes The exact cause of psoriasis is unknown. Genetics plays a significant role in its development.
Causes of reaction to cold Long-term chronic diseases: sinusitis, sinusitis, caries, tonsillitis; Disruptions in the endocrine