Peeling with badyaga for the face - how to carry out the procedure at home

During the cold season, procedures that are undesirable to carry out during the period of active sun become especially relevant. These procedures include various peelings, which are included in most cosmetic skin care programs. Usually we talk about chemical peels, as a well-proven method, but recently biological peels have attracted the interest of specialists, and among them are procedures based on badyagi (or thistle). found out how this substance works and what results it can achieve when peeling facial skin.

Properties of badyagi

Colonies of freshwater sponges, from which badyagu is obtained, can be found in many bodies of water. Its healing and rejuvenating properties have been known since ancient times.

It is important to remember that before using any medicine it is better to visit a doctor or consult a cosmetologist. Self-indulgence in this matter can lead to undesirable consequences and harm to health.

The basis of the internal skeleton of a sponge is silica. Its sharp needles affect the epidermis and stimulate collagen production. Surface blood supply and protective properties of the skin are improved. The spongin protein in the composition has an antiseptic and analgesic effect.

Peeling with a badyagi is a universal cleaning. Suitable for all skin types and acceptable at any age.

This procedure reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, fights pigmentation and post-acne. It perfectly exfoliates old cells, which leads to skin rejuvenation: turgor is restored, pigment spots fade, and there are fewer rashes.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

Badyaga is used in pharmacology as a local remedy with analgesic and, most importantly, absorbent properties. With the help of badyagi, bruises are removed literally in one procedure.

How the product works

Bodyaga is a freshwater, coelenterate sponge. When dried, the plant becomes porous and brittle and easily grinds into a marsh or gray-yellow powder.

The resulting homogeneous substance contains tiny particles - silica needles, which are responsible for the main effect. Thin needles cause slight irritation, which provokes blood flow and accelerated cell regeneration. Skin renewal occurs through exfoliation of the old, dead layer.

Indications and contraindications

The procedure helps to achieve impressive results in solving a large range of problems. Among them:

  • withering of the skin, decrease in its elasticity;
  • post-acne, small scars, scars;
  • freckles, pigmentation, spots after inflammation;
  • uneven, dull color, dark circles under the eyes;
  • swelling;
  • closed comedones, pustules (purulent pimples);
  • excessive activity of the sebaceous glands, oily shine, enlarged pores;
  • hematomas.

There are also restrictions that must be remembered in order not to harm your health:

  • herpes, dermatological, infectious diseases in the acute phase;
  • rosacea (rosacea);
  • allergy to ingredients;
  • scratches, suppuration and open wounds;
  • excess facial hair;
  • rosacea;
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • too short an interval after the previous peeling.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

The limitation for the use of badyagi is the slightest damage to the skin. It is not advisable to use the product even with increased peeling of the skin.


Bodyaga (the “badyaga” option is also correct) is an olive-colored Spongilla coelenterate sponge that lives near fresh water bodies. Since our grandmothers learned about its exfoliating qualities, they began to use the sponge for both medical and cosmetic needs.

The product is available on the pharmacy market in different consistencies. Thus, the “Bodyaga” gel is very popular, intended for resolving bruises and contusions, as well as neutralizing redness and swelling.

Spongilla consists of microscopic needles of silica (compounds of silicon and oxygen) that act as abrasives, stimulating blood circulation in tissues and getting rid of dead cells that impede the penetration of vitamins and minerals.

Effect after the procedure

Due to the specific principle of action, face peeling with bodyaga can be compared with salon procedures for regeneration and rejuvenation, although in this case a whole range of problems are solved:

  • Oily shine, increased sebum secretion, enlarged pores;
  • Acne, blackheads and comedones;
  • Post-acne, mild stretch marks and scars;
  • Uneven, unhealthy shade of the skin;
  • Hyperpigmentation, freckles;
  • Photo- and chronoaging;
  • Bruising and swelling around the eyes;
  • General swelling.

Peeling with badyaga returns energy to weakened tissues, normalizes cellular respiration and tightens the oval of the face. Even one single session brings visible changes:

  1. Deep cleaning - quickly and effectively removes dead deposits, dirt and excess grease that do not allow oxygen and life-giving elements to enter;
  2. Therapeutic effect - wounds heal, hematomas resolve;
  3. Drying effect - lipid metabolism is normalized, acne goes away, pores narrow;
  4. Improvement - blood flow increases, barrier functions improve, the face becomes fresher;
  5. Lifting - wrinkles and unevenness are smoothed out, contours become clearer.

We recommend: 5 home recipes for FACE PHYTOPEELING

Peeling recipes

There are a large number of ways to deep cleanse using badyagi. The choice depends on the skin type, its condition, and the absence of contraindications.

Be careful: Individual intolerance is possible; before use, you must rule out allergies.


Even regular peeling without the use of additional ingredients will help restore your skin to a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

  • Mix 2 parts of warm water (purified and without gas) with 1 part of badyagi powder until smooth.
  • Apply the resulting mixture in a thin layer to the skin.
  • After 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

With hydrogen peroxide

This type of peeling is recommended only for those with oily, thick skin. Its strength is great, so it is able to withstand aggressive cosmetic procedures.

  • Clean your face and lightly steam.
  • To avoid bleaching your eyebrows, you need to lubricate them with cream or Vaseline.
  • Pour 2-3 tsp into a container. badyagi powder, pour in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. It should have a creamy consistency.
  • When the mixture begins to foam, it should be applied to the face along the massage lines.
  • After 15-20 minutes, remove the dried mask with running warm water.

It is better to do all manipulations with gloves.

Despite its excellent whitening, exfoliating properties and antiseptic effect, peroxide does not promote rapid healing of wounds and inflammation. That is why peeling with such an aggressive component can injure the sensitive dermis.

Other recipes

There are many variations of peelings with other ingredients that you can use at home.

In addition to dry powder, gels, balms, and creams based on badyagi are used.

ClassicalBadyagi powder and warm water, purified and without gas. In a ratio of 1: 2. The result should be a homogeneous mass 10-15 min.For deep cleansing, tightening pores, exfoliating dead cells, removing excess subcutaneous sebumExcellent exfoliation of keratinized epidermis
With hydrogen peroxidePour 3 tsp into a small container. badyagi powder, pour in a 3% peroxide solution. It should have a creamy consistency 15-20 min.For polishing, whitening and lightening age spotsThe best option for intensive cleansing of oily, dense skin.
Too aggressive for sensitive dermis.
With creamMix 1 tsp. badyagi with the usual cream until the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained 20 minutesRefreshes complexion, removes inflammationSoft action. Does not harm sensitive and dry skin
With powder and gel “Badyaga”Mixture of powder and gel “Badyaga”15 minutesStimulate blood circulation, discolor spotsMore gentle effect than with the classic composition
With boric alcoholBadyaga, boric alcohol and water in a 1:1 ratio. Apply to skin irregularities and scars 10 minutesFor resorption of stretch marks and small scarsAllows for deep skin resurfacing
With white and black cosmetic clayBadyaga and clay in equal parts.
The consistency after adding warm purified water should be quite thick. To dry, you can add a couple of drops of a solution of 1% salicylic acid to the mass.
15-20 min.Helps against blackheads, acne, removes excess subcutaneous fat and impuritiesGentle action, does not cause redness.
To obtain the desired effect, a long course is required - at least 10 procedures
With honeyMix liquid honey and badyaga gel in equal proportions15-20 minutesAccelerates the healing of microcracks and woundsEffective for sensitive skin
With salicylic acid and green cosmetic clayBadyaga, salicylic acid, green clay in equal proportions. Add warm water to the mixture 15 minutesRemoves comedones, pustules, warts, papulesSuitable for all skin types
With sea buckthorn oilBadyaga gel and badyaga powder in a 1:1 ratio, a little rice flour, a few drops of sea buckthorn oil. Rinse with water: first warm, then cool. 15 minutesAntibacterial, anti-inflammatory, keratoplasty, epithelializing effectAccelerates the formation of the pink layer of skin, removes inflammation

There are separate recipes that help fight age spots:

  • 5 g of badyagi powder, diluted to a thick paste with slightly warmed goat or cow milk. You can wipe it with a swab soaked in milk.
  • 1 tsp badyagi, milk, 1 egg.
  • 5 g of badyagi and dry yeast, low-fat cream.
  • 2 tsp badyagi powder, 2 tbsp. oatmeal or cereal, low-fat cream.
  • 1 tsp badyagi, rice flour, 2 tbsp. low-fat cream.

These components tones, whitens and cleanses the skin well.

Patient reviews

  • Zoya, 30 years old: “For several years now I have been doing 3-4 peels with a mixture of badyagi and hydrogen peroxide in the winter during the holidays, because after cleansing red spots and peeling appear on the skin. But after a week, my face looks younger, elasticity returns and acne disappears. The visible effect remains for several months.”
  • Elena, 25 years old: “I cleanse my face with bodyaga and mineral water - this recipe helped me get rid of age spots and redness. The product is inexpensive, but very effective, and it has minimal side effects - I recommend it to everyone.”
  • Tatyana, 27 years old: “A great way to get rid of post-acne, old scars and reduce the production of subcutaneous sebum. The main thing is to apply the peeling in a thin layer and not rub it into the skin, otherwise the redness will take a very long time to go away. Badyaga is my cheap salvation from acne and oily sheen, which I have been using for many years.”

When peeling with badyaga and peroxide, it is important to follow all the rules and not overexpose the product - ignoring the recommendations can provoke the appearance of age spots, burns and severe drying of the skin.



A week before the procedure, you can begin preparing the skin with oils that nourish and moisturize the dermis. An obligatory step is an allergy test.

First you need to remove dirt and makeup. You will need cream or Vaseline to apply a protective layer to the eyebrows, the area around the eyes, and the nasolabial triangle.


  1. Apply the paste onto your face using circular movements along massage lines.
  2. After 10-20 minutes, roll the mask with your fingertips, then wash off with running water. A slight tingling sensation and peeling should not bother you. This is fine.
  3. You can soothe your skin with cold kefir.
  4. Redness after cleansing sometimes lasts for several days.

You can apply the badyagu pointwise - lubricate only problem areas of the face.

Course duration

The number of procedures depends on the skin type, its condition, and other factors. An excellent result can be obtained after 4-5 sessions. The duration of the intensive course is up to 10 procedures. The optimal interval is 7-10 days.

For those with sensitive and dry skin, this period ranges from 2 weeks to a month.

Regarding an increase in the number of manipulations (over 10), it is better to consult a cosmetologist. Otherwise, the constantly injured epidermis will be defenseless against pathogenic microorganisms.

It is advisable to conduct no more than 2 courses of peeling with badyagi per year. And it's better in the cold season.

Healing period

On the first day after cleansing, you should not touch your face.
It is better to stay at home so as not to expose the injured epithelium to the adverse effects of the external environment. In the next 24 hours, it is better to wash your face with acidified water, special post-peeling gels or foams.

Peeling is a normal reaction to deep cleaning, during which dead skin scales are removed. After about 3 days it stops.

Redness also indicates the achievement of the desired result and the effect of the cosmetic product on the epidermis.

If you carry out the procedure before the weekend and properly care for your skin, the redness will subside by Monday.

To consolidate the effect obtained and reduce the recovery time, several rules must be followed:

  • Do not use the cream in the first 24 hours before peeling begins. Otherwise, this process will drag on over time.
  • After peeling, wipe the skin with tonic or chilled decoction of chamomile, calendula, linden.
  • Exfoliation will be more intense after treatment with an alcohol solution of salicylic acid (1%, 2%).
  • At the beginning of the active peeling phase, apply a cream containing lanolin or panthenol (bepanthen). Antipruritic, hypoallergenic gels with aloe vera, and professional creams with probiotics are also used. They reduce itching and burning.
  • The best time for the procedure is from mid-October to spring. During this period, the danger of excessive insolation is much less. In summer or spring, it is necessary to lubricate your face with a cream with SPF of at least 35, otherwise you can provoke the appearance of hyperpigmentation.
  • They return to regular cosmetics, including foundation and powder, only after healing.
  • Stress, heavy lifting, visiting the pool, and drinking alcohol are undesirable. It is better to exclude spicy foods from your diet.
  • Any thermal procedures (sauna, steam bath) are prohibited.
  • You cannot tear off exfoliated particles of the epidermis; they should fall off on their own.

Rehabilitation period

One of the important points is proper care of the face and body after the procedure. After the mask, the skin begins to peel and peel. In order for this period to pass without consequences and complications, you must adhere to some rules:

  • Do not peel off the skin yourself;
  • on the day the procedure was performed, it is better not to use any cosmetics;
  • in the following days you can use a rich cream to soothe the disturbed layers of the dermis;
  • It’s best to spend these days at home, but if you need to go outside, it’s better to use a cream that protects against ultraviolet radiation;
  • you cannot visit the solarium, baths and saunas, and you should also limit physical activity so as not to provoke the active work of the sweat glands on the face;
  • During a bodyaga peeling course, it is recommended to abandon other methods of cleansing the skin, especially the use of scrubs.

Safety regulations

The natural composition of peelings does not exclude side effects and negative reactions to the cosmetic product. Proper preparation and care will help to avoid unpleasant consequences during the procedure and after it.

You need to start with an allergy test.

  • prepare the mixture according to the chosen recipe;
  • Apply a small amount to the inner bend of the elbow for 15 minutes;
  • wash off the residue.

The presence of blisters, severe itching, or rash indicates a negative reaction of the body to the drug.

To prevent eyebrow discoloration during peeling with peroxide, it is better to lubricate them with cream or Vaseline. The same can be done with the skin around the eyes, lips, and eyelids.

Do not allow the mixture to get into the mouth, respiratory tract, eyes, or mucous membranes. If this cannot be avoided, it is necessary to rinse these areas with sufficient running water. Some people insert cotton swabs into their nose.

It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the evening due to increased photosensitivity of the skin.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before cleaning at home, it is worth assessing all the positive and negative aspects of the process.

  • Can be used at any age and for any skin type;
  • active exfoliation of dead cells and smoothing of fine wrinkles;
  • deep skin cleansing;
  • rapid healing of bruises and elimination of swelling due to increased blood circulation.
  • allergic reactions due to intolerance to individual components;
  • the possibility of burns if the rules are not followed;
  • possible loss of skin elasticity;
  • overdrying of the skin with too short intervals between procedures;
  • the likelihood of pigmentation and sunburn after peeling in the summer;
  • peeling and redness of the skin.

Operating principle

The drug contains tiny needles of silica. When applied to the skin, they begin to tingle. Their action increases blood circulation. Pores expand, the epidermis is cleansed of dirt plugs, fat, and dead cells. Active blood flow saturates the epidermal cells with oxygen, normalizes metabolic processes, and activates the production of collagen and elastane. The pores are narrowed, the skin becomes smooth, silky, without spots or irregularities. The natural product does not contain chemical components or preservatives.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Cosmetologists speak positively about cleansing procedures with badyaga and consider them a worthy alternative to chemical peels. Needles of freshwater sponges stimulate skin regeneration, successfully cope with stagnant spots, scars, comedones, and excess fat.

Some experts advise rolling up the remaining dried mask with your fingertips. This includes an additional massage and greater intensity of exfoliation.

Professionals warn about the need to strictly adhere to the rules of peeling and the rehabilitation period.

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