How to use grapefruit oil for facial skin: effective recipes, reviews

Grapefruit oil has a light yellow (in some cases yellow-green) hue, an oily, runny consistency and a pleasant citrus aroma. Its scent can be described as bittersweet, cool and refreshing, combining notes of orange and lemon with a hint of herbs.

Using grapefruit oil on the face helps improve skin tone, tighten pores, improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminate pimples and prevent the appearance of blackheads, and also whiten one or two shades. In addition, grapefruit is a recognized anti-aging product. It has a detrimental effect on the enzyme elastase, a substance that destroys collagen fibers and causes skin aging. Grapefruit oil retains moisture in cells for a long time, protecting the epidermis from drying out and wilting.

general description

The oil obtained from grapefruit fruits is classified as essential oil. The substance contains a high concentration of special volatile compounds that give a bright aroma. The smell of the product is fresh, coolish with a characteristic bitterness. Many people detect the aroma of orange with notes of grass. The oily liquid has a yellowish color and a slightly viscous consistency. A quality product is often a pleasant yellow-green hue.

Grapefruit essential oil is obtained by cold pressing. The raw material is the crust of the fruit. It is difficult to make such a squeeze at home. More often, a simpler method of infusing the crusts on a base fat basis is used. This option will not be ethereal, but is suitable for home treatments (especially for normal, dry skin).

Grapefruit oil is often found in cosmetics for oily skin and hair. Cosmetologists actively use the option for massage and masks. The ether will perfectly complement the complex for the care of problematic, oily skin.

Note! With the right combination of components, it can be used in procedures for other types of integument.

What is

The main substance in the composition is limonene. Its share in the product is 90%. Limonene determines the beneficial properties of oil for medicine and cosmetology. Grapefruit essences are also used for the production of drinks and confectionery products.

Smell, taste

The main note of the aroma is citrus, close to orange.
Additional impurities are also present. Among them is the smell of grass and slight bitterness. The aroma depends on the method of obtaining the product. When cold pressed, the smell is pronounced, fresh, bitter-citrus. If the oil is extracted through distillation, the smell is light, sweet, delicate, and refreshing. The taste is neutral, maybe a little bitter.

Consistency, color of liquid

Grapefruit oil is a yellow liquid with a slight green tint. The consistency is light, oily, slightly viscous.

A little history

Grapefruit is classified as a hybrid of orange. Historians cannot say exactly when this species appeared. The first mention of the fruit dates back to the 17th century. Information about the use of the fruit is available from residents of South America, the Mediterranean, China, and India.

This amazing fruit is considered to be the most useful, completely waste-free. Historically, the oil extracted from the peel of grapefruit fruit was used for medicinal purposes. We quickly noticed the benefits of the substance for oily, problem skin. The product was used for toning the skin, spot eliminating inflammation, regulating sebum secretion, and whitening. These properties were of particular value to the southern peoples.

The double benefit of the product lies in the additional aromatherapy effect of cosmetic external use of the ether.

Composition and beneficial properties

Up to 90–95% of the composition of grapefruit oil, like lemon or orange ester, is limonene, a volatile hydrocarbon. Other terpene compounds, fatty aldehydes, alcohols, and esters are present in small quantities. It also contains organic acids, vitamins (A, B2, PP, C), microelements (calcium, potassium).

The substance ideally tones, mattifies the skin, helps relieve inflammation, cleanse pores, and lighten pigmentation. The use of ether will help improve the drainage functions of the skin, speed up metabolic processes, and protect collagen and elastin from premature destruction. As a result, the face looks clean, healthy, and young.


Grapefruit oil is a powerful antidepressant. If you're feeling low and overwhelmed, add a few drops of essential oil to a hot bath or simply open a jar and enjoy the scent of the fruit. The concentrate can also be used for massage: this procedure will reduce pain and relieve muscle tension.

Massage with grapefruit oil will relieve tension and fatigue

Indications for use

Grapefruit peel oil has significant benefits for oily, problematic facial skin. The substance has high antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-cellulite, and fat-burning properties. The ether improves the quality of tissues, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and increases local immunity.

The product can be used daily to care for oily skin. You can enrich a portion of your basic night cream with a drop of ether. Oil is added to water or herbal decoction when freezing ice cubes, which are used to tone the skin. Pure ether is applied pointwise to severe inflammation. They do multi-component masks, steam baths, and massage.

For dry, normal skin, grapefruit essential oil is recommended for occasional use. For procedures, only mixtures with a positive effect on the type of integument are taken.

Important point! The substance is contraindicated for use when exposure to the sun is necessary.

Features of purchase and storage

It is better to buy grapefruit essential oil at a pharmacy or specialty store . The substance must be contained in a tinted glass container. It is more convenient to use packaging equipped with a pipette or dispenser.

Oil storage conditions are normal: room temperature (+5–25°C) with no direct sunlight on the packaging. Be sure to cap the product tightly after each use.

Spoiled oil has an unpleasant odor with a strong bitter odor. If stored improperly, the substance may thicken and darken. The shelf life of the product after opening the package is usually 1–2 years.

Grapefruit essential oil for weight loss

You can lose weight very easily with grapefruit essential oil

One of the properties of grapefruit is its ability to reduce hunger. Therefore, those who want to lose weight should inhale its oil shortly before meals. There are other essential oils that help reduce appetite and lose weight:

  • apple;
  • banana;
  • mint;
  • lavender;
  • rose;
  • anise;
  • vanilla.

Attention! You should know that the smell of cigarettes in the apartment interferes with the perception of aromatic oils used for weight loss.

Rules of application

Grapefruit essential oil is not applied in its pure form to the entire surface of the skin. Rare spot use in limited areas is possible. The product is usually added to base fat bases or masks.

Good “partners” for grapefruit oil when caring for oily skin would be: honey, clay, aloe juice, for normal, dry skin - cream, oatmeal. The substance combines well with other esters.

Grapefruit oil should not be applied to the skin before going outside. Exposure of treated areas to sunlight can cause burns. In winter, the surface of fabrics lubricated with the product runs the risk of weathering faster and losing moisture.

It is recommended to use ether strictly in accordance with the chosen recipe. There is no need to often “pamper” normal, dry skin with products containing grapefruit squeeze. For oily skin, regular use of the product is possible.

How to distinguish an original from a fake

You can choose natural grapefruit oil, rather than a fake, based on 5 criteria:

  1. The price of natural oil cannot be too cheap.

The natural product is expensive to produce. It takes 100 kg of grapefruit peel to produce 1 kg of oil. To get 100 g of ether, you need to spend 10 kg of crusts. Therefore, the price of the hood cannot be low. The average cost of 100 g of 100% natural citrus oil is no less than 5–15 USD.

  1. The label must contain clear information.

The fewer advertising slogans, the better. The words “effective”, “unique” and “elite” do not mean anything. The description should be clear and concise – “Grapefruit essential oil. 100% natural." The label should also include:

  • Best before date.
  • Batch number.
  • Method of receipt.

If there is secondary packaging, for example a box, then the information is duplicated on it.

  1. The bottle should be made of dark glass.

When choosing an oil, you need to pay attention to the bottle. There are 5 requirements for it:

  1. The glass is darkened by at least 50%.
  2. The package includes a dropper dispenser.
  3. The bottle is sealed with a first opening ring.
  4. The lid is fixed tightly so that the esters do not evaporate.
  5. The optimal capacity is 10 ml. This volume will be enough for 0.5–1 year. The shelf life of citrus ester is 1 year. There is no point in having a larger capacity.

You should not buy goods in light packaging. Under the influence of light, the chemical composition of the ether changes. And instead of benefit, it can cause harm to the body. Light, transparent glass is a fake.

  1. There must be a certificate of authenticity at the point of sale.

The certificate of authenticity must be available where the oil is sold. It is marked according to international standards - ISO, GMP. If there is no certificate, then the oil is not suitable for cosmetic purposes and aromatherapy. The words “restructured” or “reconstituted” indicate that the product is synthetic and not natural.

  1. The aroma should be grapefruit

The smell of 100% natural oil is pure without impurities. Everyone knows what grapefruit should smell like. The ether has exactly the same aroma, only more concentrated. Somewhere between the smell of lemon and orange, with the presence of fresh notes of cut grass and a slight bitterness.

Methods of use

Grapefruit essential oil is suitable for facial, body and hair care. In this case, the type of integument present is not important. The main thing is to choose the right recipe and scheme of action.

Facial care

Grapefruit essential oil in its pure form is used only locally when severe inflammation occurs on the skin. In all other cases, the substance is used in diluted form. The following options for influencing the integument are popular:

  1. Tonic ice. Add 10 drops of ether to a glass of water or herbal infusion. The liquid is poured into molds for freezing. Use ready-made ice cubes to wipe the clean surface of the face, neck, and décolleté. You can tone the areas under the eyes. The procedure will help strengthen and tighten tissues, remove bags and swelling.
  2. Leveling, lipolytic massage. To 15 gr. Add up to 5 drops of grapefruit ether to high-fat base oil. It is permissible to create an individual mix with the addition of other concentrates. A homogeneous mixture is used for massage. You can slightly heat the oils, soak a cloth, and apply it to the surface of the skin for 20–30 minutes. The complex effect will improve blood circulation, help reduce fat, and tighten tissue.
  3. Enrichment of cosmetics. Add 3-5 drops of ether to a portion of night cream. The substance is used in the usual way. The areas around the eyes are not treated. Wash off the product only in the morning. The effect promotes cleansing, narrowing pores, toning, and whitening tissues. The additional inclusion of ylang-ylang, patchouli, lemon, and chamomile is useful.
  4. Making masks. For oily skin, it is useful to perform mattifying effects based on honey and clay. The base for the mask is diluted with water until a homogeneous sour cream-like slurry is obtained, a couple of drops of grapefruit ether are added. For dry skin, a base of oatmeal soaked in warm milk is suitable; you can use a fatty base oil (olive, linseed, wheat germ). Ether is added drop by drop. It is recommended to prepare mixes (rose, lavender) together with citrus. As usual, the mask should be spread over the face for 20 minutes, rinse with water or a decoction of herbs. An oily, inflamed surface can be additionally toned, a dry surface can be lubricated with cream.

The use of any products with grapefruit essential oil has a brightening effect. This must be taken into account before starting the procedures. The substance helps not only to gently remove freckles and acne spots, but also to lighten a beautiful bronze tan.

Effect on hair, eyelashes, eyebrows

Grapefruit oil is suitable for hair care. Adding the substance to the shampoo will charge your hair with strength and healthy shine.

Mix a drop of ether with 1 tsp. base oil is used for rubbing into eyelashes and eyebrows.

The composition can be left overnight or washed off after half an hour. Hair becomes stronger, grows better, becomes more elastic and manageable.

Attention! It is important to be careful when performing the procedure. Contact with the eyes may cause severe burning. The hair will have to be washed off with soapy water, and the eyes will have to be washed with plenty of water.

Lip treatments

Grapefruit oil in combination with any base is used to massage the lips. The tissues around the mouth become denser, tubercles and folds disappear. Scrub based on 1 tsp. honey and a drop of grapefruit essential oil will help eliminate peeling, soften and moisturize the skin.

Internal use

It is contraindicated to use the pure product internally. Ether in the amount of 1-2 drops can be mixed with a spoon of honey, lemon juice or stirred in edible vegetable oil, which can be eaten on its own or dropped onto a piece of bread. Internal administration of the substance is indicated for diseases of the liver, gall bladder, and stomach. Consuming the product on an empty stomach is unacceptable.


Mattifying mask

  • 2 drops each of grapefruit and lavender oils,
  • aloe,
  • orange juice 50 ml,
  • green clay 40 grams.

Get juice from aloe (about ¼ cup). Mix everything and apply the mixture to your face, except for the eyes and lips. After 10&minus, 15 minutes, wash off the mask.

For dry skin

You will need:

  • chicken egg yolk,
  • 15 grams of honey,
  • 2&minus, 3 drops of grapefruit oil.

Lightly beat the yolk. Mix honey with butter and then add yolk. Distribute the mask evenly and let it absorb for several minutes, then rinse with warm water.

For aging skin


  • milk 30 ml,
  • honey 30 grams,
  • 3&minus.5 drops each of rose oil and grapefruit essential oil.

Combine everything and heat the resulting mass until smooth. Allow the product to cool and apply to problem areas for 10&minus, 15 minutes.



  • ginger juice 15 ml,
  • almond oil 20 ml,
  • rosemary oil and grapefruit essential oil 2&minus, 3 drops.

Mix the ingredients and spread on your face. Leave for 15 minutes.

For any skin as additional nutrition


Precautionary measures

Grapefruit oil is contraindicated to be taken internally in its pure form, or to lubricate large areas of the skin with the undiluted substance. The product should not be applied externally before going out into the sun.

The substance can cause a tingling sensation that quickly passes. If a burning sensation or noticeable redness occurs, then it is better to stop using the product. This reaction rarely occurs on thick, oily skin.

Adverse body reactions to citrus fruits are common. Before procedures involving grapefruit ether, it is necessary to perform an individual sensitivity test. The product is not recommended for those with thin, sensitive skin.

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