What is the difference between drugs for biorevitalization and drugs for contouring?

From this article you will learn:

  • Expected effect of mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid
  • Types of mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid for the face
  • Preparations for the procedure
  • Indications for mesotherapy
  • Preparation and carrying out the procedure of mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid
  • Why mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid should be carried out in the clinic

Mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid is one of the most effective procedures in the fight for the beauty and youth of the skin. The first wrinkles, withering and sagging appear after 35 years, and from this age women strive to maintain freshness for as long as possible. Anti-aging creams and masks are not able to radically transform the face and slow down aging. What is needed here is an impact on a deeper level.

During the procedure, a cocktail of hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin. Thanks to such microinjections, renewal at the cellular level is stimulated, water balance and elasticity are restored. From our article you will learn what problems mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid helps to cope with and why you should not be afraid of it.

Changing lip volume

With the help of injections of drugs containing hyaluronic acid, you can achieve significant changes in appearance. The most popular procedure in aesthetic medicine is changing the volume and shape of the lips.

This service is used not only by young women who want to make their lips more sexy, but by people of all ages who are faced with the following problems:

  • purse string wrinkles;
  • drooping corners of the mouth;
  • disproportion;
  • curvature of the lip line.

Using hyaluronic acid, you can change the shape of your cheeks, cheekbones or chin, which makes your facial features more harmonious.

Hyaluronic acid is superior to other drugs for increasing lip volume and has the following advantages:

  • naturalness _ After the procedure, the lips become voluminous, but without excessive plumpness, and their contour is clearer;
  • facial expressions are not disturbed;
  • there are no complications , because hyaluronic acid is as friendly as possible to the body;
  • rejuvenation of the skin of the lips occurs due to the stimulating effect on metabolic processes.

Why mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid should be carried out in the clinic

For the procedure to be successful, the correct selection of the drug is necessary. In this case, many aspects must be taken into account: the specifics of the meso-cocktail, its components and their effect on the body, the client’s age and the condition of his skin, the presence of urgent problems. It is very important to choose a meso-cocktail that is ideal for a given client, and not just a high-quality drug. Therefore, for the procedure, it is recommended to choose a certified dermatovenerologist who has a cosmetologist certificate. The price of a course of mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid will vary depending on the qualifications of the specialist.

Also, the effect of the procedure depends on how it is carried out. Mesotherapy involves a slight disruption of the skin at the injection sites, so the doctor should not cause an infection. Opt for a beauty clinic that is known for its hygiene standards.

In order to evenly distribute the active substances in different layers of the skin, the cosmetologist must make several punctures that are located at an equal distance from each other and at the same depth. The doctor definitely needs experience to perform this task. In cosmetology, there are many ways to administer meso-cocktails, so the doctor must know them all. Mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid is carried out on the lips, eyelids, cheeks and other parts of the face - the cosmetologist is obliged to study the procedure for each of them.

In addition to the mesotherapy itself, it is necessary to prescribe proper home care, which should be prescribed by a cosmetologist.

If, in addition to professionalism, your doctor also has a light hand, then you can be congratulated - you can safely entrust any procedures related to injections to this cosmetologist. Injections should not only be technical, but also easy, painless and fast - not everyone has this skill.

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  • This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary specialist, but by one of the best professionals in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

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Elimination of wrinkles with hyaluronic acid

Injection cosmetology has long rivaled cosmetic surgery in effectiveness, largely due to the use of hyaluronic acid. Fillers containing it are among the most popular. Their advantages:

  1. Safety . Hyaluronic acid, being part of cellular metabolism, is perfectly accepted by the body without causing side effects.
  2. Instant effect . Immediately after the filler is injected, the wrinkle is pushed out and the skin surface is smoothed.
  3. Rejuvenation . Hyaluronic acid, located under the surface of the skin, additionally stimulates regeneration, the production of collagen and elastin, which leads to the formation of new cells and increased skin elasticity.

Hyaluronic acid fillers are used to correct the following problems:

  • pronounced nasolabial folds;
  • marionette lines running from the corners of the lips to the chin;
  • eyebrow wrinkles;
  • horizontal wrinkles on the forehead;
  • wrinkles on the bridge of the nose;
  • mesh wrinkles around the eyes;
  • scars and scars after injuries or acne.

The role of hyaluronic acid in the human body, methods of administration, advantages and disadvantages

Hyaluronic acid (also called hyaluronan, hyaluronate) is the carbohydrate part of complex proteins, which in turn form the basis of the extracellular matrix.

Part of connective and epithelial tissues, hyaluronic acid is one way or another involved in all processes occurring in tissues. It also promotes skin regeneration, binds and retains moisture in its cells.

Due to these properties, hyaluronic acid is often called the “elixir of youth” and is added to such cosmetics as hand and face creams, lipsticks and lip balms, various lotions and serums, etc.

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  • Do not miss

    Injections, creams and tablets: why do you need hyaluronic acid

Treatment and rejuvenation with hyaluronic acid

The use of hyaluronic acid is effective for treating skin diseases and preventing aging. Mesotherapy and biorevitalization are injection techniques for rejuvenating and healing the skin using hyaluronic acid and various vitamin complexes containing it.

The essence of the method is simple: a specialist uses a syringe to inject microdoses of hyaluronic acid in various concentrations, or preparations containing it, under the patient’s skin.

Such procedures stimulate metabolism, rejuvenate the skin and treat many diseases. They are indicated in the following cases:

  • wrinkles _ Regardless of the depth of wrinkles, it is possible to achieve a significant effect of reducing or completely eliminating them for a long period. The technique works great in combination with the use of fillers;
  • dehydrated skin . Often this phenomenon is not associated with a lack of moisture in the body, but with a decrease in the natural production of hyaluronic acid. Its artificial introduction additionally saturates the skin with moisture.
  • aging skin - helps to launch metabolic processes, restore the production of its own hyaluronic acid, even out skin texture and improve complexion;
  • ptosis - sagging tissue is associated with decreased production of collagen and elastin. The introduction of hyaluronic acid helps restore skin turgor;
  • enlarged pores . This phenomenon is often associated with skin dehydration. One of the wonderful properties of hyaluronic acid is its ability to bind water. Its additional introduction helps to increase skin hydration several times;
  • acne and acne . Among the causes that cause them are metabolic disorders, increased production of sebum, and loss of the skin’s ability to cleanse itself. Hyaluronic acid normalizes metabolism, including the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Restores the natural ability to exfoliate dead skin particles;
  • scars . A course of mesotherapy can significantly reduce the severity of scars, regardless of their origin, be it post-acne, a scar from an injury, or the consequences of a surgical operation. Hyaluronic acid stimulates the growth of new tissue, making scars less noticeable or eliminating them altogether;
  • pigmentation disorder . The appearance of age spots is often associated with congestion, age-related changes and skin aging. Cocktails with hyaluronic acid restore natural processes, saturate the skin with vitamins and microelements and stimulate its renewal, which can significantly reduce or eliminate hyperpigmentation;
  • rosacea . Spider veins are a sure sign of damage to thin vessels. The introduction of hyaluronic acid, which promotes tissue regeneration and elimination of the defect, will help restore the natural appearance of the skin;
  • stretch marks are a blemish that occurs as a result of damage to the skin in places of strong tension. Hyaluronic acid helps eliminate breaks, even out skin texture and tone;
  • hair loss . Hair loss associated with metabolic disorders and vitamin deficiency can be eliminated thanks to the stimulating effects of hyaluronic acid. It helps restore metabolic processes and improves the absorption of vitamins and microelements included in the cocktail. As a result, hair loss stops, and the condition of the hair improves, it becomes thick and shiny;
  • cellulite . Lumpy skin is often a sign of severe dehydration. Injections of hyaluronic acid restore water metabolism, tone and help smooth out the skin texture;
  • preparation for plastic surgery, chemical peels, laser dembrasion and the postoperative period . A course of hyaluronic acid injections will help increase the chances of a favorable outcome of the operation, reduce the risk of complications, speed up healing and shorten the rehabilitation period.

Preparation and carrying out the procedure of mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid

3 days before the procedure, stop taking medications such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin, analgesics. This will reduce the possibility of bleeding during the injection. Also, do not use decorative cosmetics during this period.

If herpes rashes sometimes appear on your skin, do not forget to inform your cosmetologist about this, since herpes tends to worsen due to injections of hyaluronic acid.

Critical days and 5–7 days before their start are also contraindications for the procedure; pain sensitivity may increase, and recovery after injections will be delayed due to the formation of small hematomas. It would be most favorable to carry out mesotherapy in the first half of the cycle or immediately after the end of menstruation.

It is necessary to inform the cosmetologist that you have previously completed injection courses and about the medications that you are currently taking. If you are taking anticoagulants or medications that regulate blood clotting, stop using them 3-5 days before the procedure, but only with the permission of your doctor. Never stop taking medications on your own if you absolutely need them!

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If the drugs are prescribed by your doctor, then warn him about the procedure and take a break from taking it as much as possible. But in such a situation, the likelihood of bleeding may increase, and each injection will cause a small hematoma. If you're concerned about aesthetics, this might confuse you. After 5–7 days, small bruises from punctures will resolve.

You should not plan to carry out mesotherapy in hot weather; it is better to choose cool days. Avoid drinking alcohol before the procedure. The day before, do not overuse salt, which will most likely lead to swelling on the face.

The therapy begins with cleansing the skin and applying an anesthetic cream to it. Anesthesia is not necessary, but it can significantly reduce discomfort. After the cream begins to work, the doctor cleanses the skin again.

Next, the procedure itself begins. The cosmetologist evenly saturates a certain area with a healing meso-cocktail. The doctor makes many micropunctures with injections at the same distance from each other, while injecting small doses of the drug to a certain depth (it depends on the cocktail itself and is usually 2–4 mm).

At the end of the procedure, the doctor cleanses the skin and applies a soothing mask, if necessary. After therapy, the client can immediately return to his business.

Be sure to take into account the fact that the skin at the puncture sites will most likely turn red, bumps (papules), small hematomas and moderate swelling will appear. All this usually disappears after a couple of hours (maximum after 1 day), but it is better not to plan important events or romantic dates immediately after the procedure.

After visiting a cosmetologist, for several days avoid activities that can cause increased sweating, such as going to the bathhouse or sauna, playing sports and walking in the heat. At first, do not use decorative cosmetics, do not work in dirty rooms and do not touch the skin at the injection sites. All this is necessary in order to limit the entry of dust and sweat until the microwounds are completely healed.

Mesotherapy is usually carried out in courses of 4–10 sessions every 1–2 weeks. At this time, protect your skin from sun rays and avoid going to the pool, sauna or bathhouse. Don't drink too much alcohol or exercise too hard.

During the course of mesotherapy, it is also prohibited to take drugs that affect blood clotting. After 2 weeks from the last administration of the mesococktail, you can return to your normal lifestyle.

Rehabilitation period

To avoid complications and enhance the effect after any injection procedures with hyaluronic acid, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • During the day, try not to touch the injection areas and avoid exposure to them during sleep;
  • use antiseptic drugs recommended by a specialist;
  • do not use cosmetics unless otherwise prescribed by a doctor;
  • avoid exposure to ultraviolet radiation, after the ban on the use of cosmetics is lifted, apply sunscreen to the skin;
  • do not overheat, do not visit the sauna and bathhouse;
  • refuse any care and therapeutic procedures, unless otherwise recommended by the cosmetologist;
  • If you suspect complications, contact a specialist.

How to make your own face cream with hyaluronic acid

To take care of your facial skin every day, why not prepare your own cream, the main component of which will be hyaluronate? It can promote intensive hydration of the skin.

  • An easy and simple recipe for nourishing face cream


  1. 0.1 g of hyaluronic acid powder;
  2. ten milliliters of distilled water;
  3. cream - fifty milliliters.

Cooking method at home:

HA is diluted in water. Stir well. Leave for 20 minutes. The resulting gel is mixed with cream. Using a mixer, make the product. Use it like a regular cream.

  • Cream for all skin types with hyaluron

You can make a cream containing hyaluronate yourself at home. It will be universal as it can be used for all skin types. Area of ​​its use: décolleté, neck, face and hands.

In addition, you can take care of your lips and eyelids. This product should nourish and moisturize the skin of the face, hands, and neck. Fine wrinkles will disappear, and the skin color will become even.

To make 55 milliliters of cream, you need to take:

  1. 0.25 grams of HA powder;
  2. thirty milliliters of water purified from organic and inorganic impurities;
  3. ten drops of gingko biloba leaf extract;
  4. ten drops of seaweed extract;
  5. 25 grams of Cospem 704 (or baby cream);
  6. two capsules of vitamin E;
  7. four drops of rose oil;
  8. fifteen drops of grape seed oil.

“Hyaluronic acid” is mixed with water. You need to give it time for it to swell in water for twenty minutes. Cospem 704 is placed in a pan. Mixed with hyaluronic composition. Stir.

It is better if you use a mini mixer. Then all the remaining ingredients are added and stirred.

The resulting cream will have a light texture. It needs to be stored in the refrigerator.

Contraindications to the use of hyaluronic acid

The use of hyaluronic acid may be contraindicated in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance;
  • allergy;
  • acne in the acute phase;
  • rehabilitation period after deep peeling or polishing;
  • blood diseases, bleeding disorders, or taking medications that affect blood clotting;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • tendency to form scars;
  • skin diseases;
  • skin damage in the affected area;
  • diabetes;
  • herpes virus;
  • oncological diseases;
  • HIV or AIDS;
  • viral infections and fever;
  • trypanophobia and other mental illnesses;
  • age up to 18 years.


Hyaluronic acid is hypoallergenic and ideal for the face. However, when it is administered, it interferes with the natural process of skin restoration. Preparations containing HA may contain protein impurities, toxins, and destroyed cells. They cannot be removed.

This is why extreme caution should be exercised when choosing the mixture to be injected under the skin. Consultation with a doctor, in this case, is a necessity.

The main contraindications are:

  • the presence of autoimmune and allergic diseases;
  • hypersensitivity to the components that the drug contains;
  • the process of inflammation in the area where the mixture must be introduced;
  • time after other cosmetic procedures;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Acceptable and safe side effects after the procedure are:

  1. that the skin may turn red;
  2. the appearance of swelling;
  3. the occurrence of bruises and painful sensations that should disappear after a day.

Worth taking note! To avoid side effects and undesirable consequences, you need to check your health. Important symptoms indicating deviations include: elevated temperature, pressure and other factors.

Hyaluronic acid: injections

Historical reference

Hyaluronic acid was first isolated from the vitreous body of the eye in the 30s of the last century, for which it received its name (translated from Greek hyalos

means "vitreous").

Medicines containing hyaluron have been actively used since the late 70s in medicine in eye surgery. It was from ophthalmology that hyaluronic acid came to cosmetology: during treatment of a diseased eye with hyaluron, a decrease in the number of wrinkles around the eyes was noticed.

In the early 2000s, the Italian doctor Di Pietro invented the biorevitalization method (literally translated from Italian as “biological revitalization of the skin”), i.e. introduction under the skin of preparations with hyaluronic acid, which is a type of mesotherapy (injection under the skin of a vitamin solution along with medications, as well as plant and animal extracts), known since the mid-50s of the last century.

At the same time, cosmetic products containing hyaluronic acid began to appear on the market.

For a long time, hyaluronic acid of animal origin was used in cosmetology (mostly cockscombs were used, but other organs of various animals also suffered), which often caused an allergic reaction.

Later it was replaced by hyaluronic acid, synthesized by a biochemical method (streptococci grown in wheat broth).

Hyaluronic acid and its synthesis in the human body

The human body itself synthesizes hyaluronic acid every day.

However, as we age, the natural production of hyaluronic acid decreases significantly.

Thus, by the age of forty, its synthesis drops by 50% compared to the indicators that were at twenty to twenty-five, and after sixty, its production is only 15% of the original figure.

The reason for this reduction in the natural synthesis of hyaluronic acid in the body lies not only in age. Its quantity is also affected by:

  • Harmful UV radiation;
  • Poor nutrition;
  • Bad habits (drinking alcohol, smoking);
  • Nervous disorders, stress;
  • Taking a number of medications.
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