Recommendations for caring for lips after lip augmentation

From this article you will learn:

  • Is it normal for swelling to appear after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid?
  • Why does prolonged swelling occur after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid?
  • How long does it last and how to eliminate swelling after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid
  • What can and cannot be done to prevent prolonged swelling
  • Where to do lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid

If you experience swelling after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid, this is not a reason to worry. This is how the body’s normal reaction to any mechanical impact manifests itself. You must be prepared for this. Reactions may vary in strength, duration, and other unpleasant consequences.

Who needs lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid?

Most often, girls who have naturally thin lips turn to cosmetologists for this procedure. This technique is suitable if a girl is not satisfied with the shape of her lips, but she is not ready to undergo surgery or introduce synthetic substances, which are not always safe. Hyaluronic acid has the advantage that it is not rejected when injected, because it is normally present in the body of every person. That is why this method is the safest.


  • lips look more natural;
  • uniformity and uniformity across all lips.
  • the effect is reversible.

The latter plays a significant role, because there is a possibility that the patient will not like the result.

How to disguise bruises and hematomas

No woman likes to walk around with bruises on her lips. Therefore, girls try to hide defects under foundation. A cosmetic pencil will help disguise a bruise.

When painting, it is worth considering the tone of the corrective agent and the color of the bruise. So, an orange tint will help against cyanosis, and green will hide red spots. Light purple hematomas are best tinted yellow. Upon completion, you should retouch the skin with powder.

How is lip contouring performed?

There are two main methods of performing the operation, on which the result depends:

  1. Filling the contours. The point of the method is to create artificial edema by filling it with filler - an injectable drug that allows contouring without surgical intervention. The swelling increases within an hour, then the cosmetologist gives the desired shape and distributes the material by kneading the lips. The result depends on the speed of injection of the filler and the skill of the doctor performing the operation.
  2. Parisian lips. This method allows you to maintain the naturalness of facial expressions. The shape is easy to adjust throughout the day, and the result looks natural. The method differs in the way fillers are introduced - using vertical injections.

Enlargement of only the upper or lower lips, most often the upper, is also becoming popular; this creates an attractive swelling. The lower one is usually increased only to correct aesthetic defects, which are either acquired due to injury or are congenital.

Fillers are introduced:

  • needle;
  • using a cannula.

Since the needles are laser sharpened, they penetrate the skin more easily and injure tissue less. The material is injected to a depth of 3 millimeters. The introduction with a needle can be divided into several step-by-step procedures, and the final result will be visible after the lips have completely healed.

The introduction of hyaluronic acid through a cannula is a more modern method:

  • there is not much swelling left after it;
  • there is less risk of the formation of severe hematomas (since the ends of the instrument are blunt).

To administer fillers under local anesthesia, two incisions are made in the corners of the mouth. After the lip procedure:

  • swelling;
  • blush;
  • may look tense.

However, the next day after injection, the swelling begins to subside.

Additional measures

In order for swelling to go away as quickly as possible after lip contouring, it is possible to resort to additional methods of influence. One of these methods is the use of special drugs that stimulate the resorption of bruises and the reduction of swelling - Traumeel, Lyoton and others. Under no circumstances should you prescribe medications yourself - the use of any medications and auxiliary products must be previously agreed with a doctor.

Cold compresses also have a good effect. It is best to apply them in the first hours after the procedure, since in the future the positive effect of compresses is minimized. This procedure also requires prior approval. Self-treatment increases the risk of deterioration in the aesthetic results of plastic surgery.

How painful is the procedure?

The fillers are administered under local anesthesia, but there is still discomfort. Everyone’s feelings are different: some endure the procedure with their eyes slightly closed, while others already in the first second regret that they decided to undergo the procedure, feeling severe pain. Reviews vary and only agree that discomfort cannot be avoided. It depends on the sensitivity of the patient, which is different for everyone.

Pain occurs not only due to lip sensitivity:

  1. Starting the procedure too quickly after applying the anesthetic, or vice versa – a long wait. Often the doctor either starts the injections too early or waits too long, which is why the effect of the painkillers may not be sufficient for the entire duration of the procedure.
  2. The fact that the filler comes into contact with living tissue also causes pain.
  3. Too much filler causes discomfort. Plump and thinner lips require different amounts of material. For thinner people less, but for plumper ones you need to work not only more, but also in several stages, this will also increase the pain.
  4. Injury to blood vessels is inevitable when pierced with a needle. If a larger vessel is damaged, hematomas may occur. And if the cosmetologist inserts the needle too deep, the procedure may be more painful than expected.
  5. Low pain threshold or, more simply put, sensitivity. Each person handles pain differently.
  6. Nervous tension. The feeling of nervousness and fear causes vasospasm and increases tissue resistance. When a patient is afraid, he cannot relax, this also causes pain.

There are some recommendations that you can follow to make this procedure a little easier for yourself:

  1. It is advisable to give up smoking and alcohol, as they have a bad effect on blood vessels and irritate nerves and pain receptors.
  2. You need to choose the right day and time. It is best to carry out the procedure at lunchtime, since after 13 hours the pain is lowest. Choosing a day is easier - you should not carry out the procedure on critical days, since at this time the body is more sensitive.
  3. It is recommended to replenish the balance of B vitamins in the body 10 days before the procedure; this will strengthen the mucous membrane of the lips.

The most important thing is to expect the operation in a good mood, because it’s all for the sake of beauty.

What is possible and what is not

After introducing the drug into the lip contour, it is prohibited:

  • use active lip expression, smile widely or open your mouth;
  • make physical efforts with your lips to bite off hard foods (for example, fruit or apples);
  • visit the dentist and other specialists where you need to open your mouth wide.

The muscles of the mouth that are located after contouring during the rehabilitation period become tense, which leads to stretching of the skin. In the first 34-48 hours, the injected gel is gradually distributed among the cells inside the soft tissues. Due to active facial expressions and articulation, the substance can fill the cavities unevenly, skew and the occurrence of asymmetry and various compactions are possible.

To avoid this, you should protect your lips from any physical activity during the first 5-7 days. This is why you should not visit the dentist or other doctors during this period. A wide open mouth puts undue stress on the lips.

What condition are your lips in immediately after the procedure?

Immediately after the augmentation procedure, swelling appears and the lips look swollen. As a rule, this goes away within a few days. There are:

  • redness;
  • slight lumping is possible;
  • blurring the contour of the lips.

The sensations after the procedure are different for everyone, for some the swelling goes away faster, for others it takes longer. Painful sensations are purely individual for each girl.

After lip augmentation you cannot:

  • touch lips with hands;
  • eating food and drinks that are too hot or too cold;
  • visit bathhouses, swimming pools, beaches, solariums for some time;
  • open your mouth wide;
  • strain the perioral area.

It is worth giving up kissing, eliminating physical activity and drinking alcohol. Do not make an appointment with the dentist for a month, and do not use any cosmetics or decorative cosmetics.

What to apply if you have herpes

Sometimes after the injection, herpes appears on the lips. Viral rashes prevent the normal absorption of hyaluronate and its distribution in tissues. In this case, the doctor prescribes anti-herpes medications. These include:

  • Acyclovir;
  • Valacyclovir;
  • Panavir;
  • Zovirax;
  • Gerpevir;
  • Groprinosin.

Treatment also includes treatment with antiseptic drugs and immunomodulatory medications.

When is the result visible and how long does it last?

You should not draw conclusions immediately after the procedure. At first the lips look like this:

  • not entirely natural;
  • tense;
  • there is redness.

The result becomes visible only after rehabilitation and complete recovery. As a rule, this is no more than two weeks. The swelling gradually subsides, the lips acquire a natural color.

The result lasts from 6 months to a year. This depends on individual characteristics, on how quickly the fillers split, and on the drug injected. The more hyaluronic acid contained in the drug, the longer the effect will last. We must not forget about the cumulative effect - the more often you prick your lips, the longer the substance will remain in the layers of the skin.

When should you see a doctor?

In addition to the usual situations, such as coordinating post-operative treatment or routine consultations, there are cases when contacting a surgeon should be done immediately. You should visit a doctor if swelling persists for more than two weeks for no apparent reason, becomes more pronounced over time, or is accompanied by other side effects.

If reactions such as a prolonged increase in body temperature, severe pain in the plastic area, extensive hematomas, or accumulation of pus are observed, you should immediately consult a doctor. These phenomena may indicate infection and the development of a focus of inflammation in the area of ​​intervention.

However, in general, complications after cheiloplasty are quite rare. Usually their appearance is associated with neglect of the rules of rehabilitation. Therefore, the patient must take the recommendations responsibly and follow all restrictions in order to avoid the risk of any complications.

How much filler does it take to enlarge lips?

The calculation of the amount of materials should be made by a cosmetologist, preferably a licensed one. As a rule, this is individual. But usually:

  • no more than 1 ml of the drug is used for thin lips;
  • for fuller lips up to 3 ml, as it is necessary to increase the volume.

Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid is a voluntary matter; every girl must choose for herself whether to decide on it or not. It is worth resorting to the procedure only after carefully weighing the pros and cons. One of the most compelling arguments in favor of such lip correction is safety. If you follow all the cosmetologist’s recommendations and choose the right drug, you can achieve an excellent result that you won’t have to regret in the future. If you are still not satisfied with the result, you can “roll back the effect” and return your lips to their previous shape and appearance.

Swelling – is it possible to avoid its occurrence, how to quickly remove it?

Are your lips very swollen after lip augmentation? If there is severe swelling and other concerns, make an appointment with a cosmetologist who will conduct an examination and tell you if there is cause for concern, give recommendations on how to eliminate side effects, and decide on the advisability of using pharmaceutical drugs with anti-inflammatory, drainage effects.

It is impossible to completely avoid the formation of swelling during lip augmentation, but if you use fillers with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid and inject them correctly, swelling will be minimal. And one more thing - the fewer punctures you make during the introduction of the gel, the less the tissue will subsequently swell. But the number of injections is determined by the doctor; you should not ask the doctor to do fewer injections - an experienced doctor will do exactly as many as necessary.

Plump, sexy lips are a pleasure that is available to everyone thanks to hyaluronic acid injections. The volume of the drug is selected individually, taking into account the anatomy of the face and the desired effect. Do the procedure in a good clinic, with competent doctors, take precautions - and the swelling will go away quickly, and the result will please you for a long time.

Prohibitions after injections

As after any cosmetic procedure, there are a number of recommendations that should be followed for normal rehabilitation of the body. 10-14 days after injections with hyaluronic acid, follow the recommendations:

  • Mechanical peelings cannot be performed on the skin of the lips. This will damage your sensitive skin after the injection. Aggressive peeling can cause inflammation and irritation of the skin;
  • Strong thermal effects are prohibited. You should refrain from visiting saunas and steam rooms. You should not stay in the sun for a long time without protection: a wide-brimmed hat and moisturizer on your lips. Visiting the solarium is prohibited. Also, do not overcool the skin;
  • Do not take a hot bath;
  • It is better to refrain from salty, peppered, smoked foods. During rehabilitation, it is better not to provoke an allergic reaction from food;
  • You should refrain from drinking alcohol, cigarettes or hookah;
  • During rehabilitation, especially in the first 4-5 days, you should not use lipstick. Only moisturizing lip balms can be used;
  • You should not engage in physical activity for 14 days, as this can cause bruising and hematomas.

If you follow the recommendations described above for at least the first two weeks after the injection, you can greatly reduce the likelihood of complications such as swelling or an allergic reaction.

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