A guide to fillers: how to choose the right one and how long does the effect last?

Fillers can easily be called one of the most powerful things in the world of plastic surgery. Lack of understanding of proportions and excessive addiction to fillers can turn a beautiful woman into one of hundreds of faceless dolls. At the same time, a competent approach and skillful hands of a qualified cosmetologist can create a real miracle.

Facial contouring using fillers is currently one of the most popular and sought-after procedures in cosmetology. This was largely due to modern beauty trends, which dictate to society such ideals as clearly defined cheekbones, a prominent sharp chin and seductive plump lips. Fillers help improve the characteristics that nature gave to humans, or correct significant and not very significant defects. For example, lips of insufficient thickness or with pronounced asymmetry, sagging cheeks and even traces of skin rashes. But before you decide to go through with the procedure, there are a few things you need to know.


Of course, the first question the specialist will ask you will be about the presence of allergic reactions and the drugs that cause these reactions. But in the case of fillers, it is not enough to limit ourselves to only this issue. Injections also have a number of other contraindications that are typical for most surgical interventions:

  • endocrine disorders,
  • diabetes,
  • problems with the immune system and the like.

By concealing the presence of any contraindications, including allergies, from the doctor, you can, at a minimum, get an unsatisfactory result, and at a maximum, get anaphylactic shock. To avoid seals at injection sites, allergic manifestations and other unpleasant consequences, before the procedure it is very important to undergo a high-quality medical examination and rule out the presence of one of these diseases.

It should be noted that many are frightened by the terrible consequences of using fillers, based on nothing. The body's reaction to fillers is strictly individual and cannot be categorically determined for everyone. To reduce all the risks listed above to zero, you definitely need to check your body in advance.

Fillers - review by a cosmetologist

Juvederm is a good quality product. But to treat all the required areas on the face, fillers of different densities are needed. The name is the same (One brand), but the density is different.

Is this drug safe?

Real drugs are safe, but there is always a nuance: No matter how qualified a cosmetologist is, no matter how carefully he follows the technique, there is always the possibility of some undesirable phenomena.

Fillers, like drugs, are different. There are branded certified drugs, and there are fillers that are much cheaper than certified ones. For example, in clinics the average cost of filler is 15-17 thousand rubles, and in the cosmetology market they offer filler for 8 thousand rubles. And if it is a drug of the same brand, then you should seriously think about counterfeiting. Since a certified filler purchased from an official distributor cannot cost so cheap.

No matter how qualified the cosmetologist is and no matter how carefully he follows the technique, there is always the possibility of some undesirable phenomena. This is unlikely, they happen rarely, but they still happen. You should definitely check the qualifications of the doctor before going for the procedure. You need to ask your cosmetologist what product he will use. Don't be shy and ask questions that concern you.

Especially if something bothers you after the procedure has already been performed, be sure to let your doctor know. This way you will avoid possible complications.

The advantage of hyaluronic acid is that it has an ANTIDOTE - hyaluronidase. If suddenly a vessel occlusion or an allergic reaction occurs (which is extremely rare with hyaluronic acid), we have the opportunity to remove this drug. Antidotes - hyaluronidase and longidase - are placed directly in the area where hyaluronic acid was injected and the filler dissolves literally immediately. It begins to turn into water and is excreted from the body.

The principle of resorption is simple. When the deadline expires, the filler is absorbed due to our own hyaluronidase, which is in our body, but if it needs to be removed urgently, then an injection of the antidote hyaluronidase is administered. For example, you didn’t like the effect achieved and you decided to return everything back.

How long does the effect last?

The effect for the cheek-zygomatic area from the volumizer lasts, according to informed consent and according to the product label, for 12-18 months. On average, it lasts this way in reality, gradually settling over a year and a half. In the nasolabial areas from a year to 14 months. On the lips, usually up to 1 year.

Filler injection - injection

We add a small volume to the lip area, very delicately. It’s not so much that the effect itself disappears, but the patient gets used to the natural volume and literally after a month it seems - So what? Did we stage anything?

When you show a photo before the procedure, it becomes obvious that there is an effect, and the patient quickly gets used to the natural volume. After the effect wears off and all the fillers (hyaluronic acid injections) injected under the skin turn into water, won’t I look worse?

Cosmetologist Yuliana Shiyan

Comment from cosmetologist, dermatologist Yuliana Shiyan:

I always give an example: When we (girls) start using shapewear, get in shape and then take it off, we have more fat and a thicker waist, it doesn’t get any better! It's the same with fillers and threads.

After we put the drug on and it dissolved, for no reason at all the face will not get worse. The question arises when the patient forgets how it was. And naturally he wants to repeat the aesthetic effect that was at the beginning.

This is an aesthetic addiction, not a physiological one. If suddenly a Woman becomes pregnant or for some reason suddenly decides not to take the drug anymore, then her face will not be worse than because she was once injected with fillers. The face will age naturally, as it did before the introduction of fillers.

Fillers. Video with comments from a cosmetologist

Fillers. Detailed review and application practice

Here I have Juvederm with lidocaine in my hands, expiration date until November 2020. Such drugs are always opened directly in the presence of the patient. This is an individual syringe and already filled. Contrary to the wishes of the patients, to divide it between girlfriends, he does not share. For example: Botox is drawn up multiple times with a sterile syringe from one bottle.

Juvederm comes with a drug passport. It is stuck in the “Informed Consent” Drug VOLUMA

So that there is no misunderstanding between the doctor and the patient, or doubts about the integrity of the doctor whom the patient sees for the first time. The doctor is obliged to open the syringe with filler in the presence of the patient and after administering the filler, show the empty syringe. So that the patient can see that an expensive injection has been given and there is no drug in the syringe. So that there are no questions: Have you given me everything? Here the doctor insures himself.

Drug options

Previously, fillers based exclusively on hyaluronic acid were used. This substance has many benefits, and at this stage, preparations with hyaluronic acid still retain their popularity. But modern cosmetology offers other, no less practical and useful solutions. For example, if you are prone to the formation of edema, you can use a drug based on calcium hydroxyapatites.

Also no less popular is the lipofilling procedure, when the patient’s own fat tissue is used to add volume. This method has many advantages. First, donor material can be collected from most parts of the body. Secondly, the body, as a rule, does not perceive its own tissues as something foreign, so there is no need to be afraid of the risk of material rejection. Contouring requires very little fat tissue, so even a slender girl can afford it.


The German drug contains calcium hydroxyapatite and gel. Radiesse is injected into the deep layers of the dermis. It is not used for superficial injections. Radiesse fills the “voids” under wrinkles, thereby smoothing them out. Gradually, the auxiliary gel dissolves and the main rejuvenating effect is carried out by the active component. Calcium hydroxyapatite stimulates body tissues to synthesize collagen. The more active the production of collagen fibers is, the faster the skin will restore its elasticity and unsightly skin folds will disappear.

Contour plastic using this product is used both for tightening the oval of the face and for the purpose of a general rejuvenating effect. The result will please you for 1 to 3 years.

No procedures on the eve of important events

Modern injections are as safe as possible and do not leave long-lasting marks. Nevertheless, when attending the procedure for the first time in your life, it is better not to plan it later than three to four days before the important event. After the injection, slight swelling may occur. This is a completely normal reaction, but, of course, it does not add aesthetics. The appearance of small hematomas is also possible - approximately every third patient faces this problem. There are a lot of blood vessels in the skin, and even the most experienced doctor cannot get around them all. Small bruises go away quickly, especially if you use healing ointments recommended by your doctor.


This is a multicomponent drug from France. The main active ingredient of Surgiderm is hyaluronic acid. Thanks to additional components, hyaluronate forms additional bonds in the skin and forms a matrix structure. The acid becomes more stable and dissolves much more slowly than other representatives. The three-dimensional structure also prevents Surgiderm from migrating under the skin or being displaced by external factors.

Injections are carried out only to medium and deep depths. Contour correction in the sensitive area around the eyes is not carried out with this drug.

Surgiderm 24 XP has a high density and is ideal for camouflaging nasolabial folds and moderate wrinkles. Using this ruler, you can lift the cheekbone area and give the missing volume to the lips.

Surgiderm 30 XP. The series is distinguished by its viscosity and is used mainly to increase volume where it is lacking. The drugs are effective against deep wrinkles. In the forehead area, a cosmetologist can not only smooth out the skin, but also raise the corners of the eyebrows. The eye will become more open, the face will take on a fresh and rested appearance. Series 30 XP is also used for lip contouring.

Surgiderm is compatible with other preparations containing hyaluronate. The result lasts up to 1.5 years.

The result can be corrected

If you didn’t achieve the desired aesthetics the first time, nothing bad happened. Yes, sometimes instead of an aristocratic oval and seductive full lips you get sharp facial features and huge lips. Fillers usually dissolve on their own over time. But when using hyaluronic acid filler, you don’t even have to wait until the expiration date. In this case, a special enzyme, hyaluronidase, is injected into the injection sites. This is done within the first two or three weeks after your first appointment. The enzyme breaks down fillers and allows you to easily and painlessly eliminate the results of manipulation.

Non-absorbable fillers, biodegradable

These preparations are made on the basis of liquid silicone. They do not dissolve, do not require repeated injections and are a much cheaper way to rejuvenate and correct skin imperfections. These tempting advantages force many women to risk their health and beauty, but such fillers have many more disadvantages and complications: such fillers can migrate from the injection area (for example, by adjusting the volume of your cheekbones, you can become the owner of swollen cheeks), form granulomas, with their subsequent necrosis. There is a high risk of developing allergic reactions. In case of complications, it is necessary to perform an operation to remove the fillers.

After plastic surgery with fillers, it is important to follow your doctor’s instructions.

The most important thing to remember is that after visiting a specialist, be sure to strictly follow all the recommendations given by the doctor! Otherwise, the result is not guaranteed. Neglecting the requirements for the recovery period can lead to uneven distribution of the drug or failure to obtain the much desired volumes and forms. An important rule is that you must categorically abstain from drinking alcoholic beverages and foods for the day after surgery. For four days after the procedure, a ban on facial massage and the use of blood thinning drugs (like aspirin) is imposed. And for a month - no sauna or solarium. Approach the doctor's requirements consciously, and the result will not be long in coming.


German products, which contain two active substances: mannitol and hyaluronate.

Mannitol has antioxidant properties. It slows down the destruction of hyaluron, which further prolongs the preservation of the rejuvenation effect.

Unlike other products, Etermis contains an increased concentration of hyaluronic acid. Accordingly, the drug is more effective and allows you to replenish a larger volume, as well as maintain the result for as long as possible.

Our doctors work with Etermis 4. It is injected into the middle and deeper layers of the dermis. This series successfully copes with deep wrinkles and massive ptosis. Etermis 4 fills voids, replenishing lost volume. Even deep, pronounced folds are smoothed out. Using Etermis 4, a cosmetologist can also correct facial asymmetry and correct lips.

The effect of Etermis lasts up to 2 years.

Fillers are a regular procedure

As mentioned earlier, fillers tend to dissolve. On average, this occurs a year and a half after the injections, but the duration of action may vary depending on individual indicators. After this, a second visit to a specialist is required. The only exception is the lipofilling procedure. With a properly administered injection, your own lipid cells will take much longer to dissolve, about three to five years. Sometimes even longer - this again depends on individual indicators.

Radiesse filler (based on calcium hydroxyapatite) –

The most popular filler of this type is Radiesse. The drug was developed by a well-known American biotechnological company, but at the moment the drug belongs to the German company. Has FDA approval. The drug consists of microspherical particles (25-45 microns in size) of 30% calcium hydroxyapatite, which are suspended in a gel-like carrier.

The gel-like filler carrier dissolves approximately 2-3 months after injection, after which the skin cells come into direct contact with the microspheres. Clinical studies have shown that the gradual destruction of microspheres by macrophages leads to the activation of fibroblast function and the replacement of this volume with newly formed collagen (according to Hirsch R. and Cohen J.). Thus, Radiesse filler is one of the few drugs that actually stimulates neocollagenogenesis. At the same time, calcium and phosphate ions formed during the destruction of microspheres do not have antigenic properties, i.e. the drug is completely immunologically inert.

Another very interesting point is that the body sometimes responds to the introduction of any type of filler by forming granulomas in the soft tissues, perceiving them as a foreign object, which is a common complication when using dermal fillers. An interesting point is that after injection of Radiesse, granulomas never form. Indications for use of Radiesse: correction of nasolabial folds, cheekbones, hollow cheeks, marionette lines. The average duration of the effect is from 9 to 18 months, and unlike the drug Sculptra (see below), the wrinkle smoothing effect will be visible immediately after the procedure.

→ The price for Radiesse in clinics is from 16,000 rubles for 0.8 ml, and from 25,000 rubles for 1.5 ml.

Safe and effective alternative to fillers

You have to pay dearly for such instant “transformations” on the cosmetologist’s couch. We are, of course, not about money (although filler injections are ruinous). We are about beauty, youth, health.

To prevent your skin from prematurely becoming dry, sagging and wrinkled, don’t rely on the “magic” of fillers. It is built on illusion. A trick that will age you and deprive you of your beauty.

Isn’t it better to deal with your face systematically and constantly, in conjunction with the rest of the body? Spend 10-15 minutes a day on self-massage of the face and gymnastics? This is the only way to preserve youth and even turn back time.

MelAnnett's big broadcast, in which she talks and shows exercises for the beauty and youth of the face:

Our updated basic marathon “SmeloNET” is designed to straighten your back and rejuvenate your face. Read more about him further.

Fillers under the eyes

Fillers under the eyes are recommended for those who suffer from dark circles, bags, wrinkles, and depression in the nasolacrimal trough.

Under-eye fillers are an even riskier procedure than lip injections. The treated area is located next to a very delicate organ and has the thinnest skin. The consequences may be irreparable. Occlusion (obstruction) of the vessels of the ophthalmic artery may occur. There are cases where such a complication after fillers led to blindness.

How does the procedure work?

Before carrying out the filler injection procedure, a detailed consultation with a doctor and diagnostics are required - identifying the characteristics of the skin, the patient’s needs, and eliminating contraindications.

The duration of the procedure is from 15 minutes to an hour, on average 30 minutes.

Stages of the procedure:

· cleansing the facial skin, marking and placing points in the areas of filler injection

The doctor shows the patient a syringe with the drug - its integrity, dosage and expiration date.

· pain relief

An anesthetic is applied to the skin of the face - a drug that can cause a decrease in sensitivity. In addition, some filler compositions include analgesic components, making the injection procedure virtually painless.

injection of fillers

The drug is injected using a very thin needle to a certain depth, which depends on the composition, the desired result and the severity of the skin defect. The technique of administration also varies and is determined by a cosmetologist.

· facial massage for even distribution of filler

The final effect appears after two weeks.

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