Top best creams for the eye area for the winter: editor's choice

Why do you need a separate eye cream?

A frequently asked question: why and for what purpose do you need a separate eye cream? The skin of this delicate area is significantly different from other areas of the facial skin, requires special anti-aging care and is a target for the first age-related changes. It is around the eyes that signs of skin aging first appear.

Features and differences of the skin around the eyes:

  1. The skin of the eyelids is thinner . Advantage: active ingredients are easily absorbed and effectively penetrate into the deep layers. Disadvantages: with excessive movements and facial expressions, creases quickly form. This area is prone to irritation and allergies are more common. People prone to eyelid hypersensitivity periodically experience reactions to creams, manifested by redness and swelling.
  2. In the layers of the dermis there are fewer collagen and elastin fibers than in other areas of the face, which help keep the skin smooth.
  3. Large vascularization and loose subcutaneous fat are the cause of many negative manifestations. For example, when drinking significant amounts of water, nighttime gatherings, short sleep, stress and fatigue contribute to the appearance of swelling, “morning bruising” and a tired appearance. The reason is impaired microcirculation in the tissues of the eyelids and fluid retention in the tissue, traces of which persist for a long time.
  4. There are significantly fewer sebaceous and sweat glands. This leads to a decrease in the natural protective properties of the skin around the eyes. In particular, sunscreen, after receiving even a small portion of sunlight, the skin quickly turns red, pigmentation is formed, which visually looks like bruises. Moreover, many do not apply cream with SPF to the area around the eyes, fearing irritation of the mucous membranes.

Usually at a young age, cell regeneration is sufficient. And, despite the actively working orbicularis oculi muscle, with the help of which we squint, blink, etc., the folds are smoothed out and wrinkles do not form. At an older age, as well as due to the influence of a number of factors, the eyelids lose this ability, it becomes easier to form noticeable folds, wrinkles remain even in a relaxed state of facial expression.

Read about the causes of early wrinkles and early aging here .

How to choose a cream for wrinkles around the eyes

We are forced to inform you: there is no universal miracle remedy for wrinkles around the eyes that is suitable for absolutely everyone. What should you consider when choosing an anti-aging product for home use?

  1. Age and age-related needs of the skin , which were not compensated for and ultimately caused the appearance of wrinkles.
  2. Individual skin characteristics and bad habits : frequent tanning, smoking, excessive consumption of sweets, sedentary lifestyle, etc. This affects the condition of the skin and requires the use of certain active substances to eliminate negative consequences. The ingredients are listed below.
  3. Type of wrinkles: There are two types of wrinkles - expression and static.

Some manufacturers initially indicate on the packaging of products for wrinkles around the eyes the age for which the cream is intended. This is not true, because wrinkles do NOT appear at a certain age for everyone - the reasons for the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes are completely different for everyone.

Everything is individual, but there are trends in the formation of wrinkles during periods of age - read below.

Modern professional products do not indicate the age of a particular product; this is typical for mass-market products.

How to remove wrinkles on the face

Before buying a cream for wrinkles around the eyes, you need to learn how to choose it correctly, in accordance with your age and symptoms.

Wrinkles after 40 and wrinkles at 20 have different causes! Therefore, cosmetic products for their correction require completely different compositions - depending on the situation!

Wrinkles up to 25 years

Under the age of 25, wrinkles are very rare and if they exist, they appear in the area around the eyes in the form of “crow’s feet”. The causes of wrinkles before the age of 25 are:

  • Abuse of ultraviolet radiation: prolonged exposure to the sun or visiting a solarium;
  • Dry, dehydrated skin for various reasons: skin diseases, incorrectly selected or used cosmetics, poor quality cosmetics, strict diets, etc.

All wrinkles on the face that appear before the age of 30 are a consequence of the influence of environmental factors: sun, smoking, diets, stress... If these damaging external causes are eliminated, all manifestations on the skin can still disappear without a trace with proper correction!

How to remove wrinkles before age 25
  1. Limit exposure to ultraviolet radiation: avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, regular use of products with SPF, wearing hats, Panama hats or baseball caps.
  2. Use correctly selected cosmetics; the best way is to choose care together with a cosmetologist.
  3. It’s too early not to use anti-aging wrinkle creams.
  4. Anti-wrinkle cream at 25 is a moisturizer or serum.
Recommended products

CBD “Blue Light” cream SPF 30 for the face of DermaQuest is a complete day cream with the functions of protecting the skin, including around the eyes, from UV rays and blue light.

  • For all skin types, especially sensitive, dry, dehydrated or irritated;
  • Nourishes and instantly moisturizes the skin, eliminates shallow dryness wrinkles and prevents their appearance;
  • Completely restores the skin;


Cannabidiol - plant extract, BOOM 2019 - hemp extract - heals, relieves hypersensitivity of the skin, revitalizes every cell. In dermatology it is used to combat inflammatory skin diseases. Most in demand for skin redness and tendency to irritation.

BlueLight filters against blue light are the scourge of our time, rays affecting the skin in excess from screens and monitors of various devices (phone, computer, etc.). They provoke dehydration, premature aging, the formation of wrinkles and age spots. It is recommended to use BlueLight protection daily, which slows down the aging process.

The advantage of CBD Blue Light face cream SPF 30 is not only photoprotection, but a complete skin care cream that does not require special application of additional products in the morning.

CBD Replenishing Eye Cream DermaQuest / CBD Replenishing Eye Cream - maximum skin hydration and instant rejuvenating effect by conducting moisture inside the cell and improving the quality of skin cell membranes.

The active substances in the cream smooth out dry wrinkles, tightening the contours of the eyes, instantly moisturizing the skin.

Result: with a duration of use of 2 weeks or more, the result is comparable to injections of biorevitalizants around the eyes!


Components that help intensively care for the skin around the eyes: strengthen, protect, reduce moisture deficiency thanks to the content of natural ingredients for the purpose of hydration and rejuvenation.

  • The cream contains the innovative double action ingredient AquaCell :
  • Instant hydration for 24 hours, eliminating all negative symptoms of dryness and smoothing dryness wrinkles;
  • Restoration of the skin’s own structures, which are responsible for filling the cells with moisture – a long-term effect of thickening and hydration of the skin;
  • Argan stem cells - activate the skin's own stem cells, normalizing collagen production and cell division - the skin becomes more elastic and toned;
  • The cream contains Cannabidiol , which affects skin cells, making them healthy and the epidermis dense.
  • The cream is applied 2 times a day, morning and evening, to clean skin around the eyes. If you are prone to swelling and to eliminate it, place the jar in the refrigerator door.

    Both creams have comfortable creamy textures, are evenly distributed over the epidermis, intensively reduce dryness, relieve skin tightness, and create a protective film. Soften the skin and prevent the formation of wrinkles.

    Wrinkles at 25-35 years old

    After 25 years, there are more reasons for the formation of wrinkles and each of them requires a special approach when choosing a cream:

    1. Depletion of one's own antioxidant defense system is the most common reason, because... This also happens when tanning is abused, due to polluted environment and bad habits, etc.
    2. Increased facial activity – facial wrinkles. According to scientists, the facial muscles contract and relax about 15 thousand times during the day, which over time leads to the formation of creases.
    3. Increased consumption of light carbohydrates (sugar).

    The age of 30-40 years is the manifestation of the first “time-earned” wrinkles. During this period of life, all the damage earned in previous years of life appears on the skin. This is due to the fact that from the age of 30 the activity of the body’s own antioxidant defense decreases.

    How to remove wrinkles at 25 – 35 years old
    • Using products with antioxidants is universal advice for this age group. Vitamins, alpha lipoic acid, coenzyme Q10 and plant stem cells act as antioxidants.
    • With increased facial activity, the goal is blockade. Botulinum-like peptides, which have a number of advantages over injections, will cope with the task: the absence of a mask-like facial expression, and they do not cause swelling and muscle atrophy.
    • If you are prone to diet violations and excessive consumption of sweets, the cause of wrinkles is glycation. This is the gluing of collagen fibers with sugars, as a result of which the firmness and elasticity of the skin is lost. The solution is products with Carnosine and Alpha Lipoic Acid.

    Ideally, choose a drug that works on several causes at the same time.

    Recommended products

    Antioxidant cream “S-Infusion” for the skin around the eyes is an ideal solution for caring for the skin around the eyes after 25 years! Light, nourishing cream with a high content of Vitamin C in a stable and active form and antioxidants. Moisturizes, nourishes and eliminates puffiness and wrinkles around the eyes.

    • Vitamin C and antioxidants prevent the appearance of dryness, sagging skin and wrinkles due to the effects of free radicals, and prevent premature aging;
    • Contains Sweet Orange Stem Cells - thicken and tighten the thinnest skin, visibly even out skin texture;
    • Peptide complexes improve microcirculation, remove puffiness and dark circles under the eyes;
    • Hyaluronic acid reduces the depth of wrinkles; it is contained in the form of microspheres that saturate the skin with water, soften it, and smooth out shallow wrinkles.

    The consistency of the cream is light, the cream moisturizes and nourishes the skin around the eyes.

    Application: 2 times a day, morning and evening, on the upper and lower eyelids.

    Wrinkles at 35 - 50 years old

    In this age period, there is already a lack of skin collagen, and there is a need to stimulate its formation.

    Age 40 years and older - all manifestations are organic in nature. To keep the rapid development of age-related symptoms, constant stimulation of fibroblast activity and stimulation of the production of cellular energy necessary to start the recovery process is required.

    It is necessary to choose a cream that meets the needs of the previous age group plus products with a stimulating effect.

    How to remove wrinkles at 35 – 50 years old

    To fully stimulate collagen production, the anti-wrinkle cream should include:

    • Retinoids – have a comprehensive effect on the aging process – are recognized as the “Gold Standard” of therapy, because are effective and scientifically proven in the field of cosmetology and dermatology.
    • Peptides have a wide spectrum of action, proven effectiveness and safety of use.
    • Plant stem cells - the whole group has a powerful antioxidant effect, some representatives work to increase collagen synthesis.

    The effectiveness of complex preparations is higher if the product is professional and the ingredient is introduced in a sufficient percentage.

    Recommended products

    3D “Lifting Effect” cream around the eyes is a rejuvenating cream based on stem cells and peptides for the correction and prevention of the entire spectrum of age-related changes in the area around the eyes after the age of 35.

    • Firms and tightens sagging skin around the eyes due to the work of plant stem cells and Matrixyl peptide ;
    • Contains the botulinum-like peptide Argireline - blocks the formation of facial wrinkles, reducing existing ones;
    • Moisturizes the skin and makes it silky - the composition includes hyaluronic acid, MDI complex, Allantoin and Shea butter.

    Application: 1 – 2 times a day, delicately distributing it over the eyelid along massage lines.

    In 2016, the 3D “Lifting Effect” Cream around the eyes from DermaQuest was declared as a nomenclature and was awarded the title of the best in the category “Care products around the eyes” according to the readers of the English professional magazine The Beauty Shortlist.

    How to keep your skin healthy in the cold

    Harsh winter requires taking yourself seriously. Here are some rules that you need to follow and make them your habit to keep your skin healthy:

    • Carefully cleanse the skin with mousse, foam, micellar water, cleansing oil, emulsion (washing with soap is not recommended, as soap contains alkali, which dries out the skin);
    • Wash only with warm water (hot water dries out the skin even more);
    • Use day and night nourishing cream, do not forget that the body recovers better at night;
    • Scrub and peeling can be used no more than once a week (this should be a very gentle and gentle cleansing);
    • Change cosmetics from summer to winter (it is better to use a richer nourishing cream, not water-based, do not use alcohol-containing products);
    • Pay special attention to the skin on the lips and around the eyes (there are no sebaceous glands there, so these places are the most unprotected, use hygienic lipstick);
    • For long walks in the fresh air, apply a special protective cream no later than 45 minutes before going out;
    • Drink at least one and a half liters of water per day (elasticity and healthy color directly depend on the amount of fluid consumed);
    • A healthy balanced diet (more vegetables and fruits, a minimum of sweets and smoked foods);
    • Try to create an optimal microclimate in the apartment (a humidifier will help with this).

    Pay more attention to yourself and your skin. Self-confidence and good mood directly depend on the awareness that you look flawless.

    Expression wrinkles around the eyes

    The age of their formation is very individual and depends on the activity of the facial muscles and the accompanying factors listed above. Dry skin, lack of collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin lead to the rapid formation of creases. If the leading factor is still facial expression, then a remedy that gently blocks active facial expressions is needed.

    How to remove wrinkles and expression lines

    Peptides with botulinum-like action temporarily block the hyperactivity of facial muscles, have a cumulative effect and work at the time of application. With regular use, they impart a feeling of restraint to facial expressions, which “weans” frowning and excessively tense muscles.

    What salon procedures can be done in winter?

    Some salon procedures are more in demand in winter.

    • Photorejuvenation - the procedure is not carried out in the summer due to the large amount of ultraviolet radiation. Photorejuvenation starts the process of cell regeneration. You can eliminate hyperpigmentation and hide blood vessels with targeted treatment. And when the tissues warm up, the synthesis of elastin and collagen starts;
    • Peeling - properly performed peeling in winter conditions will not harm the skin. Skin color improves, small wrinkles and defects disappear;
    • Biorevitalization - injections of hyaluronic acid. Relieves curpulosis. The skin is saturated with moisture. Hyaluronic acid does not have a moisturizing effect, but attracts fluid;
    • Massage.

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