7 express face masks before the holiday at home

Refreshing facial masks are prepared at home only from natural ingredients.
They can nourish tissue cells with vitamins and microelements, moisturize, have a regenerating effect, and restore metabolic processes. They can be applied in the morning, evening and even during the day. They are ideal for refreshing the dermis after a party or before going out. Before using the mask, you should remove cosmetics and dirt from your face using gels and foam cleansers. When choosing which mask to make, you should take into account your skin type and the characteristics of the effects of the selected ingredients. Only correctly selected products will have a positive result.

Recipes for refreshing face masks at home

The cosmetic mixture is used 2-3 times a week. Before applying the mask, steam the dermis with a warm towel to expand the pores. It is not recommended to leave the mask on your face for too long, as this will reduce its effectiveness. The mass is prepared with your own hands from products that can always be found in the refrigerator. The mask will relieve fatigue, make the dermis elastic, firm and give a velvety effect. It can be applied before a business meeting, a long-awaited date or after a sleepless night.

Using natural ingredients, the mask solves the following problems:

  • eliminates pale and dull color of the dermis (which is important if you need to quickly refresh your face before the holiday);
  • eliminates fine wrinkles and age spots when the skin begins to fade;
  • fights age-related changes;
  • cleanses clogged pores;
  • eliminates lethargy and sagging skin cells, gives a fresh look;
  • exfoliates dead epithelium;
  • relieves irritation and inflammation;
  • regenerates the secretion process of the sebaceous glands.

Peeling or gomage is often used to cleanse and regenerate the skin. The composition of the gomazh mask can be found in this article.

Refreshing masks are used both in emergency cases and at any time of the year.

Express mask before the holiday

This express mask can be prepared from honey - a storehouse of minerals and vitamins necessary for the skin. She will quickly cope with the signs of fatigue and sagging dermis. Has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and soothing effect. Amino acids, essential oils and trace elements in bee honey can:

  • soften the skin;
  • moisturize and nourish;
  • tone, eliminate wrinkles;
  • stimulate blood circulation;
  • give a well-groomed and healthy look;
  • rejuvenate and clear of dead cells;
  • even out the relief, fight dark circles and bags under the eyes.

Refreshing masks provide the skin with reliable protective properties and additional nutrition with beneficial substances.

Preparing a honey mask:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, 3 tbsp. l. honey and 3 tbsp. l. Combine squeezed pomegranate juice in a glass container.
  2. Apply to facial skin and wait 20 minutes.
  3. Rinse off with warm water.

Basic components of express masks

The main advantage of such cosmetics is their quick effect. Traditionally, express formulations are focused on working with the upper layer of the dermis. Their use allows:

  • remove excess oil from the skin or its individual areas;
  • get rid of peeling;
  • refresh color;
  • prepare the base for makeup.

Instant action masks help improve blood circulation in skin cells, due to which a healthy glow appears naturally, tone is evened out, and a slight lifting effect is observed. In home cosmetology, the following basic components are used for such recipes:

  • cosmetic clay (deeply cleanses the skin of impurities, polishes the surface, smoothing it);
  • salt (ideally sea salt: stimulates blood circulation due to delicate peeling);
  • vegetable oils (used to moisturize the epidermis, especially indicated for mature skin with pronounced age-related changes, wrinkles, pigmentation);
  • vegetables, fruits (used as vitamin complexes for comprehensive skin refreshment);
  • honey (quickly moisturizes the skin, tightens it, is effective for the visual effect of reducing wrinkles).

Along with the listed ingredients in home cosmetology, oatmeal flour, fermented milk products, bread and its derivatives, tonic teas, etc. are often used for express masks.

How do the remedies work?

Express procedures are performed on the eve of an important event, immediately before makeup. After exposure to the mask, the skin becomes smooth and elastic! This means that decorative cosmetics will fit perfectly.

No special ingredients are used to make masks. Products that are always at hand come to the rescue. The main thing is to follow the recipes and not violate the proportions.

If everything is done correctly, the components quickly penetrate the tissue and act as follows:

  • activate blood circulation and give a light blush;
  • improve shade;
  • exfoliate the stratum corneum;
  • eliminate small wrinkles;
  • smooth out bumps, improving skin texture;
  • get rid of greasy shine;
  • lighten pigmented areas;
  • prevent drying out.

As a result, tired skin begins to radiate youth. Just looking in the mirror improves your mood! Self-confidence appears! It's time to “go out into the world” and conquer others with your brilliant appearance. And with no effort, the procedure is completed quickly. But do not forget that the effect lasts about 6 hours. It is this period of time that you need to count on.

Popular express masks

The choice of “instant” masks is very wide. Therefore, choosing the right recipe is not difficult. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most effective means. They give excellent results in minutes.

To prepare the mask you will need:

  1. chicken protein – 1 pc.;
  2. fresh lemon juice - teaspoon;
  3. lemon zest - the same amount;
  4. liquid honey - the same amount;
  5. ground oatmeal - a tablespoon.

Beat the egg white until foamy, gradually adding honey and lemon to it. Then add oatmeal - it is needed to improve the consistency. The result should be a mass similar to a thick cream. Spread the product over clean, damp skin and wait 10 minutes. You can also treat the neck and décolleté area. The dried product is soaked with a wet cold cloth. Then wash with warm and cool water in turn.

This mask tightens pores well, improves tone, brightens, and smoothes wrinkles. But do not forget that lemon is a rather aggressive component. It contains a lot of acids and can dry out the skin. Therefore, you should not abuse the product.

This homemade composition is intended for oily dermis. It is prepared from the following products:

  1. fresh yeast - teaspoon;
  2. sauerkraut juice - spoon;
  3. camphor oil - half a teaspoon.

The mask is prepared very quickly. Pour the yeast with cabbage juice, add oil and mix well. The duration of the session is about a quarter of an hour. Afterwards, rinse your face with warm water.

This universal mask is suitable for any skin type. It acts gently and never causes side effects. The product is prepared from three available products:

  1. full fat milk – 2 tablespoons;
  2. honey - teaspoon;
  3. grated cucumber – 10 g.

Combine the ingredients and beat well with a blender. The mixture is distributed over the face and left for 10 minutes. Then wash well.

Do you want your skin to glow with beauty? A simple composition will help you achieve an immediate effect:

  1. olive oil - spoon;
  2. yolk – 1 pc.;
  3. fresh orange juice – 2 tablespoons.

The products are combined, brought to homogeneity and kept on the skin for 15 minutes. Complete the procedure in the standard way - wash with warm water.

This mask is recommended for those with dry epidermis. Perform the procedure according to the following instructions:

  1. Take a wide roll of cotton wool and cut 30 cm from it.
  2. Holes are cut for the lips, nose and eyes.
  3. Soak the cotton wool in cosmetic oil (can be replaced with olive oil).
  4. Apply to moisturized face.
  5. Wait 15 minutes and wash.

The product softens well, smooths out wrinkles and makes the skin more elastic.

  • Honey composition for instant lifting

The recipe is suitable for all women, regardless of skin type. A lifting mask is prepared from the following products:

  1. walnut – 5 pcs.;
  2. raw yolk – 1 pc.;
  3. butter - teaspoon;
  4. honey - the same amount.

The nut kernels are thoroughly crushed, combined with melted butter, liquid honey and yolk are added. The prepared product is kept on the skin for a quarter of an hour, and then the skin is washed with warm water.

If you need to eliminate signs of fatigue, you can’t think of a better remedy! The recipe is incredibly simple. All you need to do is pour a spoonful of salt into a cup of hot water. (Sea salt is best; it contains many beneficial elements). When the salt dissolves, you need to take a napkin, soak it in the composition and apply it to your face. Session duration is 15 minutes. Complete the procedure by washing.

  • Cabbage brine mask

If you have sauerkraut at home, squeeze out a little brine, soak gauze and apply to your face for a quarter of an hour. Then wash your face with cool water. After this, you can use your daily moisturizer. As a result, the face will get rid of wrinkles and become noticeably fresher.


  1. Masks are prepared at home only from fresh natural products. Find out effective recipes for anti-inflammatory masks with mumiyo.
  2. Before using the product, determine your skin type.
  3. The facial procedure is carried out no more than 3 times a week.
  4. Masks are made from honey, herbal decoctions, essential oils, gelatin, coffee, glycerin.
  5. Mixtures of natural ingredients cleanse, moisturize, nourish skin cells, whiten, rejuvenate, and correct oval shape. They have an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and disinfectant effect.

Recommendations from cosmetologists

In order for the express procedure to be effective, certain rules must be followed during its manufacture and application.

The quick care mixture should be prepared according to the following guidelines:

  • Do not use allergenic products;
  • It is better to take those ingredients that have already been used many times, since there is usually no time to conduct an allergy test;
  • Fruits, berries, vegetables must be fresh and ripe;
  • The product must be prepared immediately before application;
  • To obtain a homogeneous mixture, it is advisable to mix the components using a blender;
  • The skin must be prepared - cleanse well before the procedure, washing your face with gel or foam;
  • For good distribution of the product, it is advisable to use a brush or spatula;
  • When applying the product, it is better to relax and lie down to achieve the greatest effect;
  • The exposure time of the mask should be no more than 20 minutes;
  • There is no need to apply a care cream after a procedure using fruit or berry ingredients;
  • If you need a super-fast effect, there is no need to waste time on steam baths, since they only affect the top layer of skin;
  • Do not use express care if there are lesions, cuts, pimples, fresh stitches or rosacea on the skin;
  • You need to wash off the mask after the procedure with warm water;

By following the advice of cosmetologists, you will achieve visible results and go to the celebration with a beautiful, radiant and fresh face. But experts recommend not using holiday face masks too often. A quick but superficial action of an instant face mask at home will not solve serious and deep-seated problems with the skin and appearance.

Facial Care Basics

The fast pace of life, constant stress, lack of sleep and poor diet do their dirty work. The face becomes sluggish, tired, and has an unnatural appearance. We need to restore health and elasticity to it; using a mask to refresh your face will be very effective.

The main task is to find a mask that can be done quickly and also gives a positive result immediately after use. Of course, you can buy a ready-made facial skin care product in the store and use it.

But the downside is that there are a lot of chemical additives, flavors and dyes. It is much better to nourish your cells with natural elements.

What does skin health depend on?

The condition of the skin depends on its level of moisture, cleanliness, nutrition, and saturation with useful components. Facial skin in good condition looks like this:

  • not matte;
  • elastic;
  • velvety, soft to the touch;
  • there is a natural glow and blush.

But over time, age makes itself felt. As a result of everything we have experienced, the sebaceous glands do not work as productively, and the skin may begin to age and wrinkle. The face can completely change, the skin can become dry. But don't despair. It is enough to spend 5 minutes every day to stay fresh and well-groomed.

Vitamin mask with yolk

The mask has an excellent tonic effect and is recommended for skin that has lost its tone.

For 1 procedure you will need:

  • 4 capsules of vitamin Aevit;
  • 1 egg yolk (preferably from a country egg);
  • 1 pinch of salt.

Puncture the Aevita capsules with a needle and carefully squeeze out their contents into a container, add the yolk and salt. Mix everything. Apply three layers to the face in the same way as the first mask, only in this case the same composition is applied.

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Japanese massage technique to quickly refresh your face.

1.Remove cosmetics;

2. Prepare a bowl of hot water. To prepare the skin for the massage to be effective;

3. Soak a towel in hot water and place it on your face. Lightly steaming. Do this several times;

4. Let's start the massage. We take wheat germ oil. Apply the oil using stroking movements;

5. Rub your palms so that they are warm;

6. We start with stroking movements.

Video instruction:

Recipe for dry skin

Dry skin also needs to be nourished, moisturized and refreshed. When cells don't get enough moisture, you experience flaking, tightness, and itching. In this case, we recommend you a yogurt mask. It will have not only a refreshing, but also a whitening effect. Stock up on these products:

  • 1 banana – it contains a large amount of microelements, vitamin E, which moisturizes the skin, and B vitamins, which give elasticity;
  • orange juice – enriches the skin with vitamin C, refreshes and gives a healthy appearance;
  • natural yogurt (can be replaced with cream) - this product should be low-fat, it will help retain moisture.

Mash the banana with a fork and add 3 tablespoons of cream or yogurt to it, combine the ingredients into a homogeneous mass. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for 10 minutes, then add two tablespoons of orange juice. Apply the mixture to your face and leave for 15 minutes. Reviews for this mask are 90% positive.

Express masks for the eye area

The area under the eyes is especially delicate and requires proper care. Due to the fact that the skin here is thin and subject to constant facial stretching, it cannot be cared for with any cosmetic products. Cosmetic preparations for this zone have a special composition and consistency, and their application is also carried out using a special technique.

Curd and honey quick mask

Since the area under the eyes is especially delicate, it is not recommended to use aggressive components and strong allergens in their pure form to care for it. Honey is an allergen, so for cosmetics it should be used in a diluted, not concentrated form. The curd base is ideal for soft nutrition, proper moisturizing and whitening. In combination with honey, cottage cheese also has a pronounced rejuvenating effect, so the composition is suitable for anti-aging programs. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions, the mixture is applied for 20 minutes. After the procedure, the remaining mixture must be removed with a napkin and washed with mineral water. If the consistency of the mask turns out to be too dense (heavy), the cottage cheese can be diluted with milk or water. For such purposes, it is recommended to choose fermented milk products with a low fat content.

Homemade bread mask for expression lines

Expression wrinkles are one of the first to appear on the face and reveal age. It is difficult to get rid of them, but it is quite possible to prevent them without resorting to expensive hardware or injection cosmetology. The main reason associated with the appearance of expression lines is an insufficient level of hydration in the area around the eyes. To solve this problem, you can use the following simple and effective home recipe:

  • Pour warm milk over the bread crumb, soak it until it becomes a viscous slurry;
  • add a teaspoon of butter;
  • add pharmaceutical vitamins A and E to the composition (10 and 20 drops, respectively).

Apply the product in a thick layer over the entire area under the eyes for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water and apply a suitable eye cream. For cosmetic purposes, rye bread rich in lysine, a component that enhances regeneration in skin cells, is better suited.

Tea bags as an express mask

The use of tea as a powerful antioxidant is actively practiced in China and Asian countries. High-quality tea has unique properties that can be successfully used for beautiful skin. So, simple compresses from tea bags will help get rid of puffiness under the eyes, relieve inflammation in this area, quickly moisturize the skin and make it more elastic. For the procedure, it is better to choose tea without additives. For better results, it makes sense to pay attention to large-leaf tea and use ready-made filter bags.

The optimal duration of the “mask” is 15 minutes in the evening. Any tea contains a significant dose of caffeine, which is not recommended for regular use for cosmetic purposes. That is why tea-based masks are ideal for express techniques for caring for the area under the eyes.

Smoothing masks with gelatin

Option 1. Take 1 part of gelatin and pour 2 parts of natural fruit juice or hot milk. Keep this gelatin swelling mass warm; you can heat it in the microwave. After the gelatin swells, place the container with the mixture in the cold (you can just use the refrigerator) until it thickens to a gel-like state. Then apply the mask to your face for 20 minutes.

Option 2. For the mask you will need:

  • 1 cucumber;
  • 2 teaspoons of green tea and chamomile infusion (warm);
  • 1 teaspoon aloe juice;
  • 1 teaspoon of gelatin.

Preparation: Rub the peeled cucumber through a sieve, separate the pulp and juice. Add tea, chamomile infusion and gelatin to the cucumber pulp. Heat the mixture until thickened and add cucumber and aloe juice.

You can apply the composition to your face for 20 minutes.

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Cheese mask

This quick, wrinkle-fighting tightening mask is considered one of the most effective ones available for DIY use. Its creators promise that the result can be seen after just 15 minutes. after applying it.

The components of this mask are hard cheese and cream (sour cream), which are taken in equal volumes. The cheese should be grated and mixed with cream. Apply the mixture to your face for 15 minutes. Then it is washed off with warm water.

Purifying mask with activated carbon

A mask with activated carbon has excellent cleansing properties, and its effectiveness lasts for a long time. With regular use of this mask (2 to 4 times a month), the overall condition of the skin significantly improves.

The mask is applied to clean skin, which should first be steamed.

Mask components:

1 tablet of activated carbon;

1 teaspoon gelatin;

2 teaspoons milk or water (cold).

Preparation: Grind the coal thoroughly, mix it well with gelatin and milk. Then heat the resulting mixture in the microwave for 15 seconds. And cool to room temperature.

Apply the finished mask in an even layer to the face or only to problem areas. For ease of application, you can use a brush. 10 min. should be at rest. During this time, the mask will harden, turning into a film. It is recommended to remove it from the chin towards the forehead.

It should be remembered that such a mask should not be left on the skin for longer than the specified time, otherwise activated carbon can ruin the color of the skin.

In conclusion, general recommendations. All masks are applied to cleansed skin. After applying them, you should lie face up and lie quietly for the required time, without talking. Following these tips will help achieve greater results from the procedure.

Features of cosmetics for quick results

The masks are easy to use, act instantly, significantly rejuvenate the skin and retain the results for up to 5 hours. This refers to the positive features of the funds.

Features of using instant products:

  1. They require testing for negative reactions. Contain more active substances than the ingredients of conventional anti-aging and nourishing cosmetic products. Increased exposure to these components quickly improves the condition of the dermis, but can provoke a negative reaction from simple irritation to allergic reactions.
  2. Not for permanent use. Potential to cause addiction with frequent use. The withdrawal effect can significantly worsen the condition of the skin, which is accustomed to regularly receiving moisture and nutrients from the outside and has stopped producing them on its own.

It will also be useful to learn about masks with acids here.

Frequent use of express cosmetics reduces its effectiveness.

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