Tea tree oil for the face: application (reviews)

Tea tree oil is a valuable product obtained by steam distilling the leaves of the Australian Melaleuca tree (from the Myrtaceae family). Tea tree ether is considered a natural antibiotic that supports and stimulates the immune system.

Previously used to treat wounds. In the modern world, tea tree oil is actively used in cosmetology for the face, hair and body; in aromatherapy; in recipes of traditional and official medicine, dentistry due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities.

Tea tree essential oil is a water-insoluble, slightly yellow or colorless liquid with a rather pungent camphor aroma.

About the composition of the product

Tea tree oil for the face, the use of which is quite in demand among representatives of the fair half of humanity, contains the following valuable substances:

  • monoterpenes,
  • cineole,
  • terpineols,
  • diterpenes,
  • sabinen,
  • limonene,
  • pinene,
  • allyl hexanoate,
  • sesquiterpene,
  • viridifloren.

This complex of valuable chemical compounds gives the oil unique healing properties, appreciated by cosmetologists.

Mechanism of action against acne

Acne occurs on any skin type; combination and oily skin is most susceptible to breakouts. The sebaceous glands become clogged and bacteria begin to multiply in them. Without regular cleansing, the glands become inflamed and turn into subcutaneous pimples, comedones, blackheads, pustules, and boils. Inflammation can occur when you overuse cleansers that dry out the skin. The sebaceous glands produce even more oil to moisturize the skin, which leads to clogged and suppurated pores. Tea tree oil penetrates deeply into areas of inflammation and destroys pathogens. Gradually, the ether eliminates redness, dries out pimples, and activates skin renewal processes. With regular use, it eliminates post-acne - spots and scars after acne.

About a hundred beneficial chemical compounds in oils help heal acne skin. The healing components of the ether are distinguished by their universal properties:

  • Antiseptic;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antibacterial;
  • Antifungal;
  • Cleansing;
  • Antiviral;
  • Warming;
  • Antimicrobial;
  • Painkiller;
  • Calming;
  • Refreshing;
  • Wound healing;
  • Regenerating;
  • Anti-aging;
  • Antidote;
  • Smoothes the skin;
  • Improves complexion;
  • Eliminates itching;
  • Relieves edema and swelling;
  • Activates immune processes;
  • Improves blood circulation.

Medicine and cosmetology recognize the valuable qualities of the oil and actively use it in the production of effective acne products.

Oil properties

How to properly use tea tree oil on your face? This product is used externally. Internal use of the oil, which is a strong concentrated antiseptic, is unacceptable. Otherwise, a burn may occur.

Tea tree oil is an effective remedy that can:

  • neutralize the poison that insects inject when biting;
  • help in the fight against viral infections of the dermis (warts, herpes and papillomas);
  • eliminate fungal pathologies of the skin and nail plates.

Essential oil strengthens hair and eliminates dandruff. Used for douching for gynecological diseases. To treat bronchopulmonary diseases, colds and runny nose, the drug is added to the inhaler. The product is used for gum diseases and for rinsing the mouth. For joint inflammation, compresses with tea tree oil are applied to the sore spot.

In cosmetology, this product is successfully used to combat acne and wrinkles. A unique natural product tightens pores and eliminates inflammation, reduces oiliness of the skin, whitens, increases skin elasticity, treats dermatitis, eczema, furunculosis, lichen and other skin diseases. Tea tree oil cleanses the dermis well, accelerates tissue regeneration processes, and rejuvenates the skin. The use of this product for the face and hair is in great demand in home cosmetology.

The main properties of the drug are:

  • antiseptic;
  • healing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • cleansing;
  • soothing;
  • antiviral
  • antifungal.

Thanks to these characteristics, the natural product is used in many areas of life, including in the care of delicate facial skin.

Precautionary measures

Using oil in home cosmetology according to all the rules will help you avoid troubles and skin problems. The test, which did not reveal an allergic reaction, is just one of several factors in the safe use of tea tree leaf concentrate. Other recommendations:

  1. Do not increase the dosage of ether and the time the mask is left on the face.
  2. Be careful not to get the tea extract into your eyes. If this happens, rinse the mucous membranes with plenty of water.
  3. Do not take the oil internally without medical prescription.
  4. Try to use products with tea concentrate in the evening. If you do this in the morning, before going outside you need to smear your skin with sunscreen or spray.
  5. Do not apply masks and lotions with ether to very dry, burnt skin.
  6. Be sure to consider contraindications. In addition to individual intolerance to the components of the hood, these are:
  • exacerbation of chronic ailments;
  • age up to 6 years inclusive (some sources advise postponing the use of oil until 10 years);
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • very dry, sensitive skin;
  • open wounds, etc.

Rules for using the product

Tea tree oil for the face, the use of which is caused by many dermal problems, is suitable for any skin type. The product in its pure form is applied only to spots - on acne, wounds and other damaged areas. In other cases, the drug is used in diluted form. A few drops are added to care products.

When using a natural product, there are several basic rules:

  • Do not apply the oil in its pure form to large areas of the skin, as the product can cause burns or severe irritation. The undiluted product is used only point-wise, directly on the locations of acne, cracks and wounds.
  • Essential oil should not be heated to high temperatures: under the influence of heat it loses its valuable properties.
  • Masks with tea tree oil are applied to previously cleansed and steamed facial skin.
  • All products containing oil are applied with light patting movements along the massage lines.
  • The mask is kept on the face for 20 to 60 minutes, depending on the ingredients included in its composition. Wash off with warm water without using soap. Face care products containing tea tree oil are applied once a week. The duration of the course depends on the problem to be solved.
  • When treating acne, the natural composition is used in its pure form until the skin becomes clean.

Tea tree oil, regardless of the method of its use, shows excellent results in caring for the dermis: promotes faster healing of wounds, smoothes the skin, removes pimples, spots, scars and comedones.

Composition and beneficial properties

Ether contains about 100 chemical compounds of various types:

  • mono- and diterpenes;
  • viridifloren;
  • allyl hexanoate, etc.

These components provide a powerful antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory effect. Ether also reduces pain, reduces swelling, disinfects and heals wounds. It has been proven that the drug affects some staphylococci, viruses and fungi.

However, the oil can cause skin irritation, including due to an unbalanced composition. The Australian standard, approved more than half a century ago, states that the terpinen-4-ol content should be at least 30%, and preferably 40%. At the same time, the desired concentration of cineole is up to 15%, ideally 5%. Such proportions ensure high effectiveness of the product and reduce the likelihood of local allergic reactions.

In addition, if tea tree leaf extract is used incorrectly, there is a risk of burning the skin or internal organs. The ether is used in small dosages, diluted with base oils, and combined with other components. In its pure form, it is applied very carefully, precisely treating inflamed areas of the skin.

Contraindications and side effects

How beneficial is tea tree oil? Use of this product on the face is considered absolutely safe. But ether should not be used if you are hypersensitive. In some cases, allergic manifestations are possible.

Before using the composition, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test. To do this, apply a small amount of oil to the back of the elbow and wait half an hour. The product can be used if the skin does not become irritated.

This product should not be used by pregnant women and children under three years of age.

general description

The tea tree is a member of the Myrtaceae family and a “relative” of another medicinal plant: eucalyptus. Another name for the culture is Melaleuca. This is a low tropical tree or shrub with light, flaky bark, fluffy white or yellow flowers and dry leaves. They are of particular value. It is impossible to hide from the sun under the crown of a tea tree, since it practically does not create shade. But from the leaves, saturated with esters with the smell of camphor, you can get healthy oil.

Interesting to know. The Australian aborigines were the first to discover that tea tree leaves have healing properties. History says: people used plant materials to treat scurvy, intestinal poisoning, and skin problems. In the second half of the 18th century, explorer James Cook arrived on the mainland with an expedition. It is believed that it was he who gave the culture the name “tea tree”, since he brewed aromatic tea from its leaves, which saved against scurvy.

To obtain oil, the leaf is distilled with water. The method is gentle on the raw materials and retains useful substances in the finished oily liquid. The essence of the method:

  • water vapor is passed through crushed tea tree leaves under pressure;
  • it captures particles of ether;
  • The steam is cooled and filtered, releasing valuable oil from it. From 1 ton of tea leaves, about 10 liters of useful liquid are obtained;
  • the product is poured into bottles.

The main producer of this product is Australia, which is considered the birthplace of the tea tree. The longer the distillation lasts, the more useful substances manage to be released from the foliage. However, this increases the cost of oil. Therefore, analogues obtained using an accelerated method are sold at budget prices. They are not considered fake - they simply contain fewer valuable components. Visually, the oil looks like a pale yellow or slightly greenish liquid. The aroma is refreshing, cold, with spicy and woody notes.

Interesting to know. More than 150 years passed from the discovery of James Cook before science began to study the healing properties of tea tree oil. In the 20s of the 20th century, the product was called a natural antibiotic; it was proven that it effectively eliminates inflammation, heals wounds and cuts, and blocks the development of fungal infections. In the early 20th century, the drug was used during World War II to speed up the healing of wounds.

Tea tree oil - use for face for acne

Essential oil gives good results in the process of caring for problem skin. To apply the product precisely, take a cotton swab and dip it in essential oil. Lubricate all problem areas on the face. Particular attention is paid to acne localization areas. The procedure should be carried out in the morning and evening. When treating the problem area, the healthy skin around the pimple is not affected.

How effective is tea tree oil in cosmetology? Use on the face for acne gives good results. The product acts quickly and effectively. On the 2-3rd day of using it, acne dries out and goes away. It has been proven that the antiseptic properties of this drug are five times stronger than those of alcohol. The skin should be treated in the same way if it has herpes, cracks, fungus, redness and other defects.

To care for oily skin prone to acne, you can use lotion with tea tree ether. To prepare a healing composition, you need to combine 10 drops of ether with 100 ml of pure water or 50 ml of herbal decoction. Store the solution in the refrigerator for up to fourteen days, treating problem areas twice a day. The lotion can be used continuously.

If the skin requires enhanced care, then take 200 ml of water per 10 ml of tea tree ether. 15 ml of alcohol is added to the ingredients. Mix everything, place in a glass container and store in the refrigerator. Use only at night before applying the cream.

Where to buy and how to store

Since tea ether is a highly concentrated drug, it is produced in small dosages. Most often these are 10 ml bottles. Available in 15, 25 and 30 ml packaging. The cost varies greatly. Depends on the brand, the country in which the oil is produced, and other nuances. Some examples of oils that can be purchased at pharmacies or natural, organic cosmetics stores:

  • ether from TD SiNaM - approximately 55 rubles per 10 ml;
  • products from Elpharma - about 100 rubles per 15 ml;
  • oil from Camellia-LT - 115 rubles for 25 ml;
  • tea tree extract from the Zeitun brand - 860 rubles per 10 ml;
  • ether from the Botanika company - from 100 rubles for the same amount;
  • concentrate from dōTERRA - from 200 rubles per 1 ml, etc.

The Aspera company produces oils in the form of sprays, adding calendula or eucalyptus extracts to the tea tree base. Volume - 30 ml, cost - about 200-220 rubles. The Oleos company offers tea ether enriched with fir extract. A 30-ml spray will cost about 170 rubles. The Swiss manufacturer Vivasan produces one of the most expensive products in this category. A mixture of tea tree oils with manuka and kanuka extracts (also plants from the Myrtaceae family) costs about 1,400 rubles per 10 ml.

When choosing a quality product, give preference to a dark glass bottle. It ensures good preservation of the ether and protects it from sunlight. A good oil should not clearly smell like camphor, be cloudy, or have sediment. When purchasing, check the product certificates, release date, and expiration date.

Store the ether at a temperature no higher than +15 °C, or better yet, in the refrigerator. Close the lid tightly each time. Once opened, please allow the product to be used within 3-6 months. If the oil becomes sticky or has an unpleasant odor, throw it away.

Tea tree extract for dry skin

An essential oil obtained from a plant such as tea tree can be used not only for oily, but also for dry skin. The use of a natural product on the face shows excellent results: it eliminates peeling, relieves redness, and stops the inflammatory process.

A good example of an effective mask is oatmeal-kefir mask. To prepare it, two teaspoons of oatmeal are mixed with blue clay. Add two drops of tea tree oil and fifty grams of kefir to the mixture. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed together. The resulting product is applied to the skin for fifteen minutes. Apply the mask once every seven days. If the skin is excessively dry, it is recommended to replace kefir with sour cream.

For dry skin, a protein mask with the addition of tea tree oil is perfect. To prepare it, you need to beat the white of one egg into a foam. Add 5 g of olive oil, two drops each of lavender and tea tree oil. Apply the prepared mixture to the skin for 25 minutes. Frequency of use: once a week.

Why do acne occur?

The acne process starts when the following 3 conditions are present:

  1. The skin secretes excess oil, which is typical for oily and combination skin types.
  2. The cells do not have enough nutrition, and regeneration does not occur quickly enough.
  3. Due to the lack of proper care and nutrition, clogged with particles of dust and dead cells, the skin becomes a favorable environment for the development of bacteria. As the bacteria grow, a protein is released that your immune system reacts to, causing inflammation in a specific area of ​​the skin, which you see as a spot or pimple.

During puberty, as a teenager's hormones change, skin can become oily more quickly, beginning the cycle of conditions that cause acne. This is also the reason why women can become prone to acne during their periods.

However, acne does not only appear in teenagers and is not solely due to hormonal changes during menstruation.

Acne is also becoming more common in adults and is caused by stress, diet, lifestyle and other stressors that throw the body, including skin cells, out of balance.

If you have acne, your skin will suffer, but there are natural remedies to combat breakouts. Tea oil for acne has received good reviews.

Tea tree oil - use for the face for demodicosis

The drug has strong bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. There are clinical studies that note that tea oil can defeat demodicosis (skin damage by microscopic mites) in a very short time. Therefore, when treating this disease, a natural remedy is used in complex therapy using different methods.

Tea tree oil is a concentrated product, so it is diluted with carrier oils or alcohol before applying to the skin. Water is not suitable for this purpose, since the drug does not dissolve in it.

Mite damage to the skin, accompanied by peeling and redness, can be cured with a lotion with a decoction of string and ether. It is prepared from two tablespoons of herbs brewed with a glass of boiling water. Add six drops of ether to the resulting decoction. Treat the skin with lotion morning and evening.

For demodicosis, oil is simultaneously added to all facial skin care products. These are cosmetics for washing, tonics, nourishing and moisturizing creams.

User reviews

The broadcast collects a lot of positive reviews. It is often praised for its effectiveness in whitening teeth, but most of all for its cleansing and acne-free skin. For example, this girl - the owner of problematic, oily skin - suffered from monthly rashes. Positive changes came after “getting acquainted” with the oil.

The author of the following review advises adding ether to masks.

When treating acne, fresh rashes should not be treated. It is advisable to apply the product to inflamed skin when acne is still at the maturing stage. Otherwise, it is fraught with a strong negative reaction.

Tea tree oil is an excellent antiseptic that is useful in your home medicine cabinet and as a cosmetic product. Ether copes well with its tasks, but has some peculiarities of use. Carefully study all the recommendations to understand whether it is worth applying masks with this oil to your face. Ideally, of course, you need to consult a doctor. The properties of ether have been well studied, but in each individual case there is a risk of developing an allergic reaction. Listen to the advice of experts and your own body to qualitatively improve the condition and appearance of your skin.

How is oil used to eliminate wrinkles?

Tea tree oil can be used for more than just acne. The use of this product for the face against wrinkles has gained quite a popularity.

One of the factors of skin aging is contamination of the dermis. Because of this, oxygen and nutrients cannot reach the deep layers of the skin. The oil helps cleanse the dermis of impurities, disinfects, and relieves inflammation.

This is why tea tree oil is often added to skin care products. The following recipes describe the use of a mask based on a natural extract for the face against wrinkles in more detail:

  • Clay mask. For 30 g of powdered clay, take one drop of oils such as lavender, frankincense, tea tree, rosemary, carrot and calendula. The product is applied for 30 minutes. White and green clay are best suited to prevent wrinkles.
  • Anti-wrinkle mask for the skin around the eyes. Take 8 ml of almond oil and pour in 2 ml of grape oil, two drops of carrot oil and one drop each of chamomile and tea tree oil. Mix everything. Moisten cotton pads with the resulting solution, squeeze out and apply to the eye area. Keep for about ten minutes. This procedure improves the tone and elasticity of the eyelid skin.

Daily washing with tea tree oil will help smooth out wrinkles. Take three drops of the product per liter of water.

Similar drugs:

  • Augmentin Oral tablets
  • Augmentin Powder for suspension for oral administration
  • Bactrim Oral suspension
  • Dioxydin Mouth rinse solution
  • Pancef Oral tablets
  • Nifuroxazide (Nifuroxazide) Oral tablets
  • Cifran OD Oral tablets
  • Pancef Granules for the preparation of suspension for oral administration
  • Augmentin ES Powder for oral solution
  • Benzylpenicillin Powder for injection solution

** The Drug Directory is intended for informational purposes only. For more complete information, please refer to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not self-medicate; Before you start using Tea Tree, you should consult a doctor. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal. Any information on the site does not replace medical advice and cannot serve as a guarantee of the positive effect of the drug.

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** Attention! The information presented in this medication guide is intended for medical professionals and should not be used as a basis for self-medication. The description of the drug Tea Tree is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended for prescribing treatment without the participation of a doctor. Patients need to consult a specialist!

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Homemade face masks with added oil

Face masks with tea tree oil are no less effective than all other skin care cosmetics.

For example, an oatmeal mask against comedones makes your facial skin clearer. To prepare it, pour boiling water over a tablespoon of oat flakes and add five drops of tea tree extract. The product is applied to the face and massaged into the skin for five minutes.

To whiten your skin, take a teaspoon of baking soda, a little water and add two drops of tea tree oil. Apply the composition to the skin with light massaging movements.

A mask based on sour cream will help reduce the number of wrinkles. To prepare it, you need to take two teaspoons of sour cream, the same amount of persimmon and two drops of tea tree oil. Apply for thirty minutes.

To treat acne, take three drops of tea tree oil, a teaspoon of zinc ointment and 10 g of powdered badyagi. All components are mixed and applied to the face. The duration of the procedure is fifteen minutes.

To narrow enlarged pores, take two drops of tea tree oil, five grams (teaspoon) of crushed activated carbon and two teaspoons of natural cocoa. The ingredients are mixed together and diluted with any base oil (peach, almond, olive, linseed). Apply to face and leave for fifteen minutes.

A mask with tea tree oil and starch smooths out wrinkles well. To prepare it, starch (25 g) is diluted with coconut oil (half a teaspoon) and two drops of tea tree oil are added to the mixture. The composition is applied to the face and washed off after thirty minutes.

A mask with honey and tea tree extract will help relieve signs of fatigue and have a beneficial effect on blood vessels. To prepare it, you need to combine three teaspoons of liquid honey with 10 g of chickpea flour and three drops of tea tree oil. Apply the paste to your face and leave for twenty minutes.

When should it not be used?

It is not recommended to use oil from melaleuca leaves for those with thin, sensitive epidermis.

In addition, before you start using, you need to make sure that there is no allergic reaction to the product. This product is concentrated, so the skin may react inadequately to contact with it.

It is not recommended to use the product in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • for hypertension;
  • with increased nervous excitability;
  • for epilepsy.
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Feedback on product use

Tea tree oil helps get rid of many ailments. Reviews characterize the application on the face as very effective. It shows good results. Users say that the product dries and removes acne on the face, relieves redness and inflammation, and helps fight herpes. Well heals jams and cracks on the lips. Women note that adding tea tree oil to the cream enhances its positive effect on the skin, which becomes smoother and silkier. Some ladies, instead of creams, mix tea tree oil with base oil and take care of their skin constantly.

Tea tree oil helps to cope with rough and flaky dermis, quickly heals various abrasions, removes old scars and stimulates the skin's immunity.

Use on the face for acne (reviews note that when applying the product in its pure form, the area around the eyes should be avoided) is recommended to be used no more than once a week for dry skin types.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of the broadcast:

  • effectively copes with inflammation;
  • fights various pathogens - fungi, viruses, bacteria;
  • regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • treats pimples, blackheads;
  • rejuvenates the skin;
  • can be used not only on the face, but also on the entire body, on the lips;
  • Sold in pharmacies and stores - the choice of products is varied.

Disadvantages of the product:

  • has contraindications and restrictions;
  • not universal in use - for example, does not help with rosacea;
  • Suitable mainly only for oily and problem skin.

How to choose?

Now essential oils are widely represented on the shelves of pharmacies and stores offering personal care products. The price for them ranges from 70 to 200 rubles. This low cost is due to the fact that manufacturers offer esters diluted with base oils or various chemical components. Such a product cannot be ingested and the benefits from it as a component of a cosmetic product will be minimal.

You can choose a natural ether based on the following features:

  1. The bottle must be made of dark glass, the volume does not exceed 10 ml.
  2. The name of the plant must be indicated on the label in the language of the supplier's country, as well as in Latin.
  3. Most often, the inscription “100% natural” is an advertising ploy.
  4. A drop of pure ether from malaleuca leaves completely disappears from a sheet of paper after an hour.
  5. The manufacturing method must be indicated on the box or bottle.
  6. The natural product is allowed to be used for food.

To avoid purchasing a fake, you should give preference to brands with a good reputation: Styx, Iris, Aura Cacia.

Cosmetologists' opinion

Cosmetologists recommend using essential oil from tea tree leaves for women who have problematic epidermis prone to oiliness. Those with thin, sensitive skin should not use this product.

Provided that the product is used systematically and correctly, good results can be achieved. Pimples will go away, age spots will fade, your complexion will become healthier, and small surface wrinkles will smooth out.

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