Shea butter is an invaluable product for facial beauty: application, reviews, recipes

Natural oils, given to us by nature, often find their use in cosmetology. There is nothing surprising about this. The fact is that the valuable composition of oils cannot be compared with any other skin care product. This natural product allows us to look younger, forgetting about wrinkles and many other cosmetic problems.

Shea butter occupies a special and most honorable place in this matter. After all, the composition of this unique product may well be the envy of any, even the most expensive creams.

general description

Shea butter, exotic in origin, is considered a valuable cosmetic additive, which is obtained from the seeds of the tree of the same name. The culture is widespread in Africa, where it grows in the wild. The fruits of the shea tree (shea) contain nuts that contain kernels. It is from them that useful oil is extracted. In African countries this is a whole ritual.

Women collect raw materials. After this, they separate the pulp and grind the solid part of the fruit into powder in mortars. Then the resulting mass is fried, brought to a paste-like state and mixed with water. Everything is mixed by hand. The paste is placed in a container of hot water and boiled. During this, a light foam forms on the surface, which is removed and cooled, obtaining a paste-like consistency - this is shea butter.

Attention! On an industrial scale, the product is obtained by extraction using a solvent. Typically this component is hexane.

Residents of Africa widely use shea butter to care for dry skin, treat dermatological ailments, heal wounds, and also for food purposes. It is believed that the beneficial properties of shea were highly valued by Cleopatra herself, to whom this product was delivered in clay jugs. Among Europeans, the first to learn about the production of oil and its healing qualities was the explorer of central Africa, Park Mungo (late 18th century). A Scottish traveler noted the taste and shelf life of shea butter.

In Russia they started talking about this ingredient a little later - in the mid-19th century. Since 1940, full-scale research began to be carried out, which proved the value of the oil as an additive to cosmetics. Today, the exotic component is found in skin care products from many companies (for example, the French brand Loxitan, etc.).

Shea butter most often goes on sale in its original, solid form. This form is called batter. The product melts at the temperature of the human body, you just need to hold a small piece in your hands for a while.

Visually, high-quality butter looks like melted butter. It is yellow or cream in color, with a pleasant nutty smell. Refined shea butter is white in color. If the product has been further refined, it has no characteristic odor. The liquid form is less common.

You can watch videos with testimonials and reviews of shea butter from different manufacturers, as well as the process of obtaining the product. For example, there is a sufficient amount of such content on YouTube.


Since time immemorial, shea butter has been used by Africans. And this happens because, thanks to its valuable properties, it is able to have a beneficial effect.

Shea butter is produced from the fruit of a tree that has several names. These are colo and kare, shea and shi. This tree grows in the savannas of Nigeria and Senegal. It is also grown in Sudan, Mali and Ghana. Externally, shea butter is similar to oak. This similarity gives it a hard trunk and a long lifespan (up to 300 years).

The pits are extracted from shea fruits, which are similar in appearance to miniature avocados. They are the direct source of healing oil. The seeds are fried or boiled, and then thoroughly chopped.

Composition and beneficial properties

The lion's share of shea butter - 80% - comes from triglycerides, i.e. fats. Therefore, the product is thoroughly absorbed, delivering beneficial components to the deep layers of the dermis. Contains:

  • oleic acid - gives the skin a feeling of moisture, softness, tenderness, ensures proper metabolism;
  • palmitic acid - prevents peeling, increases the protective functions of the epidermis,
  • stearic acid - takes care of the protective properties of the dermis, making it soft and smooth;
  • linoleic acid - retains moisture in the skin;
  • myristic acid - improves the penetration of nutritional components.

Other valuable substances in shea butter include vitamins E and A, which are antioxidants that fight age-related changes in the skin.

What effect does it have?

Shea butter, when applied to the skin, has the following effects:

  • nutrition and hydration,
  • improvement of protective function,
  • suppression of free radicals,
  • protection from ultraviolet radiation,
  • slowing down the aging process,
  • maintaining and restoring elasticity,
  • smoothing wrinkles,
  • softening effect
  • improvement of microcirculation,
  • anti-inflammatory effect,
  • stimulation of cell renewal.

As a result of using shea butter, complexion improves, skin texture is restored - it becomes velvety and smooth. The effectiveness of shea butter is confirmed by the fact that the product is successfully used in the treatment of skin diseases due to its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, regenerating and healing properties.

Interesting! Shea butter helps fight scars and cicatricial changes on the skin, relieves swelling and pain in joint diseases, sprains, and myositis.

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Indications for use

Thanks to its saturated fatty base, base oil effectively cares for dry, dehydrated, flaky, rough, flabby, withering epidermis. It is optimal to use shea butter at the age of 35+ to eliminate age-related changes, refresh the skin, make it firmer and more elastic.

The neutral composition makes shea a suitable product for sensitive or delicate baby skin. The oil copes well with skin problems on the lips and eyelids, gently cares for rough elbows and heels, softens the body, heals hair, etc.

Regular use of shea butter on the face will achieve significant results, including:

  • protection of the skin from adverse environmental factors, including ultraviolet radiation;
  • softening, nourishing the dermis;
  • bactericidal effect on the skin;
  • acceleration of healing of wounds and cuts;
  • reducing the severity of wrinkles;
  • improvement of complexion;
  • maintaining moisture in the skin;
  • giving tone and increasing elasticity of the epidermis;
  • elimination of peeling, signs of chapping;
  • rejuvenation, regeneration of the skin;
  • reduction in the number of rashes.

Attention! What is good for dry skin is not quite suitable for oily, problematic, combination skin. In all these cases, shea butter is also used, but very carefully, especially carefully monitoring the individual reaction.

Where to buy and how to store

Many natural cosmetics and organic products stores sell the oil. Shea butter is also sold online. Regardless of the chosen method, do not hesitate to ask the seller for a certificate of quality. It is believed that the product obtained in African countries - Ghana, Côte d'Ivoire, etc. - has the greatest value. For the official sale of goods in Russia, special documents must be available.

The price range of shea butter is quite wide. The cost of the product is influenced by various factors: brand, country of origin, method of production, presence/absence of additional processing (refining), etc. Today, on various trading platforms you can purchase the following options for shea butter:

  • from the Russian company Botanika - 30 ml at a price from 180 to 260 rubles;
  • Royal Forest shea butter - 370 rubles per 150 g;
  • product Paradise Jungle from Institut Karite Paris - 50 ml costs approximately 960 rubles;
  • Enriched Shea Butter from the Anna Lotan brand - about 1,600 rubles for 75 ml. The product also contains macadamia and cocoa oils, etc.

There are also offers to sell whipped shea butter. It is called airy and compared in texture to a delicate soufflé. You can prepare such a product at home by combining 70–80% shea butter and 20–30% of another base oily liquid in one container. The mixture is whipped to a meringue state and stored in a sterile cream jar.

If possible, before purchasing, evaluate what shea butter looks and smells like. The highest quality is considered to be yellow-cream or yellowish-gray oil with small inclusions and a pronounced nutty smell. Remember that the unrefined product retains a little more nutrients. However, oil that has undergone additional processing also contains a lot of nutritional components. It completely loses vitamin E, but retains fatty acids. Some women buy white refined oil because it remains usable longer.

Advice. Try to choose an organic product without hexane (it’s good if there is such a mark on the package).

Shea butter can be stored for 2-3 years, and not necessarily in the refrigerator. Just choose a dark place that is kept at room temperature. When scooping a small amount of product from a jar, use a sterile cosmetic spatula. This will extend the life of the oil and preserve useful components in it.

If you leave a bottle of shea butter open or in a hot place, a few days will be enough for the product to deteriorate. This will be indicated by an unpleasant, rancid odor. It is advisable to keep the oil in a glass container, even if you purchased it in a plastic or other container.

Look for shea butter in stores that sell basic ingredients for making cosmetic creams. This is what experienced bloggers advise.

General recommendations

The oil is suitable for year-round use. In the cold season, it protects the skin from chapping and peeling, and the lips from cracking under the influence of frost and wind. In summer, shea butter protects the face and exposed areas of the body from ultraviolet radiation. Of course, this does not mean that shea butter can be used constantly throughout the whole year.

Approximate scheme: a course of 4–8 masks (1–2 per week), then a break of 1–1.5 months. Be sure to test the product by applying a small amount to the crook of your elbow or wrist. Wait at least 1 hour, preferably 12 hours. Make sure there is no burning, redness, peeling or other symptoms of an allergic reaction. You should feel completely comfortable.

Other features of home use of shea butter:

  • masks containing this component are prepared for one use. The remainder of the mixture is thrown away, and next time a new composition is prepared;
  • to prepare compositions, it is advisable to use glass, porcelain, ceramic and other utensils, but not metal containers;
  • homemade creams are stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks, each time measuring out the required amount with a clean spoon, spatula, etc., screwing the lid tightly;
  • Before the procedure, the face is cleaned and scrubbed; if there are no contraindications, it is steamed;
  • the skin is also moisturized with a herbal decoction or plain water to prevent possible dryness;
  • the product is distributed strictly along the massage lines;
  • if shea butter is used in its pure form, it is also applied to the area around the eyes and lips;
  • what is not absorbed is removed with a cosmetic disc, a paper napkin, and then washed off with warm water without soap;
  • the duration of the procedure is about half an hour, unless otherwise indicated in the recipe;
  • After removing the mask, gently blot the face with a towel, do not rub it.

Obtaining oil

The healing product from the seeds of the unique shea tree can be prepared in two ways. One of them is manual, and the second is industrial.

The first method of obtaining oil is the most labor-intensive and requires a lot of patience. When using it, the seeds are crushed in mortars, and then a small amount of water is added to the resulting mass. The mixture is thoroughly ground until a brown paste is formed.

The next step is the rinsing process. It is carried out until foam forms, which is then collected and then boiled. The topmost layer of the resulting broth is removed and left to cool. This substance, which looks like baked milk, is the famous shea butter.

Modern technical developments also make it possible to obtain this product. In the production method, shea butter seeds go through the stages of heat treatment, filtration, bleaching, and then deodorization. The resulting product has an attractive snow-white color and is devoid of a specific odor.

Methods of application

Shea butter can be used in different ways. If you want to apply it directly to your face, hold a small amount of the solid product in your hands. The shea butter will begin to melt and become easy to use. You can move the block along the massage lines. The butter will soften upon contact with warm skin. All you have to do is do a light massage with your fingertips to improve the penetration of the shea components. Remains of the product are removed with a napkin after 20–30 minutes.

To add shea butter to a mask, cream or lotion, you need to melt the required amount of oil in a water bath. Use immediately, otherwise it will harden quickly. You can beat the ingredients of the homemade mixture with a blender. This way you will get a homogeneous consistency without lumps.

Attention! Those with oily, problem skin should not apply pure shea butter. This can cause clogging of pores and the formation of acne and comedones. For the same reason, you should not get too carried away with products with a fatty component.

For dry skin

If the epidermis peels and becomes rough, use a honey mask. It will restore healthy color and elasticity to the skin, and reduce the appearance of fine wrinkles:

  • melt 30 g of shea butter using a water bath;
  • add the same amount of honey and 30 ml of flaxseed oil;
  • combine the mixture with beaten chicken yolk, mash well;
  • when warm, spread over face;
  • after 20 minutes, wash off.

You can also combine 0.5 tsp. melted shea butter, cocoa and wax. Then you should turn this into a homogeneous mixture and enrich it with a couple of drops of mint ether. The composition is applied to the face in the traditional way.

To make dry skin more hydrated, combine these ingredients:

  • 2 tsp. persimmon, avocado or banana puree;
  • 1 tsp each honey and jojoba oils, shea butter.

Keep the mixture on your face for about 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

For oily and problematic epidermis

A lemon-egg mask will help eliminate greasy shine, reduce pores and cleanse the skin

  • wash a medium-sized citrus;
  • remove the peel and grind it with a blender;
  • add beaten chicken egg;
  • pour in 30 g of melted shea butter and 5-7 drops of walnut oil;
  • turn everything into a homogeneous mixture;
  • spread over the face, moving along the massage lines;
  • after 30 minutes, wash with warm water.

Walnut oil is also useful for another mask that copes with rashes and inflammation. Combine this component with shea butter and calendula oils in equal proportions. Apply over your face using massaging movements. After 20 minutes, remove any residue with a dry cloth.

has a positive effect on oily skin :

  • 1 tsp. white clay dilute 2 tbsp. l. spoons of warm water;
  • pour in 5 ml of melted shea butter;
  • add 1 drop of tea tree ether;
  • achieve a homogeneous mixture;
  • spread over the face, avoiding the area around the eyes;
  • after 15 minutes, wash off.

Attention! Do not wait for the clay to dry completely. Lie down during the procedure - the mask will be more effective.

For mature skin

This simple recipe consists of just 3 ingredients and is ready in a few minutes:

  • melt 1 tsp. shea butter;
  • add the same amount of olive oil;
  • beat the egg yolk separately;
  • add to oil mixture;
  • spread over the skin in a thin layer;
  • after 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Face cream recipes

To protect your skin from the effects of negative factors, make it firmer and more elastic, prepare the following mixture:

  • Melt 50 g of shea butter and 30 g of beeswax in a water bath;
  • pour in 30 ml of cinnamon tincture, 10 ml of unrefined avocado oil;
  • add 15 ml orange juice;
  • next ingredient - 5 drops of sandalwood essential oil;
  • mix thoroughly, place in a dry glass jar;
  • use for daily care.

A simplified version of this cream consists of only 3 ingredients. Take shea butter and wax in the same proportions, and you will need 40 ml of cinnamon tincture.

Cream lotion prepared according to the following recipe also protects the skin from environmental influences. It softens rough areas, eliminates itching and flaking. Instructions on how to cook:

  • mix 50 g of shea butter with 30 ml of coconut oil and the same amount of grape seed extract;
  • using a water bath, turn everything into a homogeneous mixture, but do not allow it to boil;
  • let the liquid cool slightly and harden;
  • beat the mixture with a blender or whisk;
  • Use whipped air cream as needed.

Multi-component night cream is suitable for nourishing and rejuvenating the skin. Recipe:

  • combine 30 ml of rose water and 15 g of aloe gel;
  • Place 50 g of shea butter and 30 g of beeswax in another container, melt in a water bath;
  • Without removing the dishes from low heat, add 50 ml of olive, almond or peach oil, 5 g of lecithin to the melted mixture;
  • do not stop stirring the liquid;
  • squeeze out the contents of 2-3 vitamin E capsules there, piercing their shell with a sterile needle;
  • Stirring constantly, pour in the mixture of rose water and aloe gel;
  • then add 5 drops each of tangerine and chamomile esters;
  • remove the container from the water bath and continue stirring until it cools completely;
  • transfer the cream into a sterile glass bottle with a tight lid;
  • use as needed.

A vitamin E capsule will also be useful for the cream prepared according to the following recipe. In addition to this ingredient, prepare 45 ml of shea butter, twice as much avocado oil, 25 g of wax. Solids are first melted in a water bath, and then liquids are added to them. The product can be used instead of daily cream.

For wrinkles

The following mask will help smooth out existing wrinkles and reduce the likelihood of new wrinkles appearing

  • In a glass container, combine the yolk and 2 tsp. lemon juice;
  • slowly pour in 2 tbsp. l. avocado and shea butter (melt the latter first);
  • spread over the skin and wash off after half an hour;
  • repeat twice a week for a month.

The following anti-wrinkle mixture has additional softening properties:

  • half a banana is combined with 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  • add 1 tbsp. l. melted shea;
  • Keep it on your face for half an hour, then wash it off with warm water.

By the way. This mask can be done 2-3 times a week for up to 1.5 months.

increase the elasticity of the skin and smooth out wrinkles a little :

  • the dried peel of a medium-sized lemon is ground into flour using a coffee maker or blender;
  • lemon powder is combined with melted shea butter (15 ml) and chicken yolk;
  • add 7 ml of rosehip oil to the homogeneous mixture;
  • Keep the mixture on your face for half an hour, then wash it off.

For the eye area

reduce the severity of wrinkles in this delicate area :

  • combine 1 tbsp. l. melted shea butter with 1 tsp. jojoba oils;
  • pour in 0.5 tsp. lemon juice;
  • mix and gently spread over the skin around the eyes;
  • after 15 minutes, rinse with warm water;
  • repeat 1-2 times a week for a month.

To rejuvenate your eyelid skin, use a yogurt-based mask:

  • 1 tbsp. l. combine a natural fermented milk product without additives with the same amount of melted shea butter;
  • add yolk;
  • mix and leave on eyelids for a maximum of 20 minutes;
  • rinse with warm water.

of almond and shea butter will help relieve swelling and remove signs of fatigue . Proportions - 1:1. The mask is applied to the eyelids for 20 minutes.

For lips

The easiest way is to apply shea butter in a thin layer, gently rubbing it into the sponges. This way you will moisturize your delicate skin, protect it from chapping, and if trouble has already happened, you will help quickly restore your lips.

You can prepare all kinds of balms based on shea butter. For example:

  • melt 15 g of shea butter;
  • add 10 ml of jojoba and the same amount of rose water;
  • enrich the mixture with two drops of lemon ether;
  • mix, place in a convenient container;
  • use as needed, preferably before going outside.

For eyelashes and eyebrows

Shea butter strengthens hairs and stimulates their growth. It is convenient to apply the product to the eyebrows with your fingers or a cotton swab, and to the eyelashes with a washed brush from old mascara. The procedures can be performed daily for a month. Distribute the melted butter in the direction of hair growth. Remains of the product can be removed after an hour with paper napkins.

For eyebrows and eyelashes, shea butter is used in pure form or in combination with other components: castor, almond, burdock and other base oils, oil vitamins A and E. The proportions are arbitrary, most often 1:1.

Recipe options:

  • 1 tsp. shea butter + the same amount of castor oil + 5 drops of lavender ether;
  • 1 tsp. shea + the same amount of coconut oil + 1 crushed vitamin Aevit complex;
  • 2 tsp. burdock oil + the same amount of melted shea butter and flaxseed extract;
  • 1 tsp. coconut oil + similar volume of shea butter.

Advice. If you are healing the skin of your eyelids and eyelashes with herbal decoctions, next time add a little shea butter to the mixture. Dampen cotton pads and apply them to your closed eyes.


Shea butter can be taken orally - the main thing is not to take a cosmetic product for this. They often replace butter in cooking. For medicinal purposes, shea is taken at night to cleanse the intestines.

Precautionary measures

In addition to the fact that oil can provoke the formation of comedones on oily skin, it can cause a feeling of dryness in the dermis. This often happens due to improper use of the product. If shea butter dries out your skin, you probably don’t moisturize your face before the procedure.

Like any other oily liquid, shea only retains existing moisture, so it should not be applied to completely dry epidermis. This applies not only to the face, but to the entire body.

Another reason why oil causes discomfort and can cause harm is individual intolerance. Be sure to test the product before regular use to understand whether it can be smeared on your skin. An allergic reaction is the main contraindication to the use of shea butter. Also, do not apply oil to open wounds, pimples, blackheads and skin prone to comedones.

Opinions about the comedogenicity of shea butter are controversial, but it is better to be safe than sorry. Moreover, judging by the reviews, there are still examples of clogged pores after using oil.

Causes of wrinkles

The process of wrinkle formation is largely due to the loss of moisture from the facial skin and a reduction in the production of collagen fibers in the dermis. The tissue frame supported by these fibers gradually begins to weaken, and areas of the face, especially in the lower part, sag. This is due to the influence of various destructive environmental factors (unbalanced diet, stress, unhealthy lifestyle, etc.), as well as the irreversible aging processes of the body as a whole.

Due to excessive dryness of the skin, superficial wrinkles appear faster. The situation is aggravated with the intensive use of facial expressions in everyday life. Already at a young age, girls can notice light wrinkles around the eyes, on the forehead and near the mouth, which do not disappear even with a neutral facial expression. Due to age factors and individual tissue elasticity indicators, they gradually turn into deeper ones.

Ptosis, which forms under the influence of elementary gravitational force, plays an important role in the sagging of the lower parts of the face. As a result, nasolabial folds become especially noticeable.

The main part of wrinkles appears in the forehead, corners of the eyes and in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle

Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits of shea for facial skin:

  • instant effect - after the first procedure, the face becomes moisturized, soft and tender;
  • hypoallergenic - with the exception of individual cases of individual intolerance, shea fruit extract is suitable even for infants;
  • rejuvenation, slowing down the signs of aging of the skin - shea butter reduces the severity of age-related changes, including wrinkles;
  • combating peeling and dryness of not only the skin of the face, but also lips, eyes, and the whole body;
  • protection of the epidermis from the sun, wind, frost;
  • the ability to use the product at any time of the year;
  • a sufficient range of products in different price categories.

Disadvantages of shea butter:

  • texture that makes it difficult to quickly apply the product;
  • slow absorption;
  • the risk of purchasing a counterfeit;
  • high price;
  • the likelihood of developing an undesirable reaction (comedones, dryness, acne, etc.).

Cosmetologists' opinion

Experts do not recommend getting carried away with oils. After all, there is always a risk of an allergic reaction or the possibility of incorrect use of the product.

Shea has earned a good reputation among professionals, but it has some peculiarities.

Some cosmetologists claim that shea butter can negatively affect the condition of the skin.

Because of this, it is worth using shea or any other similar base product in the hope of making the skin more hydrated. The goal of natural products in this category is to retain existing moisture.

User reviews

The benefits of shea butter have been appreciated by many women suffering from various problems: dryness, flaking of the skin, the first signs of aging, etc. The author of this review is very pleased with the product and the variety of ways to use it.

The next girl replaced her hygienic lipsticks with shea butter, which she never regretted.

The girl who left this opinion uses karite during illnesses, but at the same time notes its heavy structure.

The author of the following review uses shea in various ways. I try not to apply it to my face very often.

Another girl noted that shea butter procedures take a lot of time. In addition, the product may not be suitable for every skin.

Despite some nuances, there are still more positive opinions about shea butter than negative ones. Women often doubt the quality of products from different manufacturers, but still note its effectiveness. Use shea in moderation, without fanaticism, and do not forget to take breaks between courses. Following simple rules will reduce the risk of an unwanted reaction of your skin to the oil and ensure noticeable results from using an exotic product.

Some tips for choosing a product

To use shea butter for the face against wrinkles in its pure form or create such masks, you need to find a quality product. It is sold in many pharmacies.

Before you purchase the jar you need, you will have to carefully study all the information on it. It should be dense in appearance, comparable to homemade ghee, and the color can vary from white to brownish. If stored properly, the smell will be similar to nutty or coconut.

A natural product cannot be very cheap. Therefore, if you come across a product at a suspiciously low price, it is better to avoid it.

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Thanks to shea butter, you can give your skin youth and beauty and get rid of wrinkles without the use of chemicals and especially plastic surgery. The main thing is to use the product wisely!

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