Sea buckthorn facial oil for acne, real reviews, does it help?

Acne is a pressing problem for millions of people. Unfortunately, it is impossible to “outgrow” it; rashes often appear in those who have long passed adolescence. Treatment with special pharmaceutical products is quite expensive and does not at all guarantee a positive result. Traditional medicine inspires much more trust: problematic skin responds to natural remedies much better than to complex chemical creams and ointments. Treatment with healing oils is especially effective, which can even be made at home if desired.


Sea buckthorn oil for acne is used due to its unique composition, which includes:

  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin E;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • oleic acid.

Vitamin A or retinol improves local blood circulation, effectively eliminates inflammation, normalizes the production of sebaceous secretions and prevents the appearance of acne spots.

Vitamin E, also known as tocopherol, has a similar effect on problem skin. It stimulates the regeneration of inflamed tissues, maintains the water-lipid balance in the dermis and prevents the appearance of acne marks.

Ascorbic acid has antiseptic, whitening and anti-inflammatory properties.

Oleic acid, in addition to its anti-inflammatory effect, has an immunostimulating effect on the skin and additionally enriches it with moisture.

Sea buckthorn extract also contains other beneficial substances, but the ones mentioned above play the main role in the treatment of acne.

Pimples on the face: how they form and what to fear

There is an opinion that the main cause of acne is poor skin cleansing. Careless washing actually worsens the condition of the skin: the pores become clogged with sebum mixed with dead skin particles and external dirt, so-called “plugs” (or simply black dots) are formed that do not allow fatty secretions to pass out - an ideal environment is formed for the activity of bacteria, and they , in turn, cause inflammation. There are, however, other unfavorable factors:

  • Hormonal disorders: they mostly affect teenagers and pregnant women, but can affect anyone with metabolic abnormalities;
  • digestive disorders: the skin acts as an indicator of internal problems - ailments of the gallbladder, intestines and liver;
  • poor nutrition: a passion for smoked meats, fatty and spicy foods leads to an imbalance of hormones, sharply increasing the likelihood of acne formation;
  • neglect of hygiene: the habit of touching your face with your hands, on which bacteria constantly live, negates even the most scrupulous cleansing. Contact with gadgets can lead to infection, so it is important to regularly disinfect them with special wipes.

Very often, the situation is worsened by the acne carrier himself - attempts to squeeze out pimples are fraught with infectious infection, in which the source of inflammation quickly spreads to healthy areas of the skin. Mechanical acne removal can only be done in a cosmetologist’s office, where the environment meets sanitary and hygienic requirements.

If the acne is abundant, large, has a bluish tint and reacts painfully to touch, you should rush to see a doctor - the diagnosis of “cystic acne” requires an integrated approach to treatment. Therapy, which lasts at least six months, includes nutritional correction, antibiotics, hardware peeling, exposure to special regenerating drugs, examination of internal organs and hormonal levels.

Those who intend to get rid of acne at home (which is acceptable in cases where the problem is not advanced) should rely on natural helpers. Cosmetic oils will not leave scars on the skin; they will remove not only acne, but also spots after them. Let's list the most effective esters:

  • Eucalyptus;
  • lavender;
  • juniper;
  • tea tree;
  • pine;
  • orange;
  • cedar;
  • fir;
  • rosemary;
  • clove;
  • citric;
  • bergamot.

Each of these products has anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties, effectively cleanses dirty pores, regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands and removes redness.

The healing effects of sea buckthorn on the skin

Sea buckthorn oil for the face against acne is used due to the following therapeutic effects on the dermis:

  • brightens;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • starts the regeneration process;
  • enriches with vitamins;
  • increases the protective barrier.

The product can be used for problem skin with high oil content due to its low level of comedogenicity. However, the component is not used in its pure form due to the risk of even more clogging of the pores. The product is ideal for combination and dry skin types.

Features of use

You can increase the effectiveness of the sea buckthorn product by combining it with other ingredients that have antibacterial and cleansing properties. This recommendation must be observed especially for oily skin types.

Before using the product as directed, do not forget to test for an allergic reaction.

Before applying medicinal compositions with herbal products, you should thoroughly cleanse the skin of dirt and sebum. Otherwise, you can only worsen the condition of the skin.

To improve absorption, it is recommended to pre-heat the oily liquid slightly in a water bath.

Anti-acne oil

A good effect can be achieved if you use various oils for post-acne. Herbal products (oil of sea buckthorn, rosemary, celandine, tea tree, fir) not only smell pleasant, but also refresh the skin, tone and eliminate stretch marks on it. Almost all anti-acne cosmetics made from sea buckthorn oil extract also help cope with redness.

Note for women: preparing and using a sea buckthorn face mask.

In addition to sea buckthorn, other oils will also be useful:

  1. Rosemary. Reduces subcutaneous fat secretions, tightens enlarged pores and eliminates blackheads. Possessing antiseptic properties, the product cleanses the dermis of acne and post-acne.

  2. Celandine. Eliminates redness and other acne marks. It has a whitening effect, so it eliminates red spots and evens out the tone of the dermis.

  3. Tea tree. Has an antiseptic effect. Removes acne marks. Recommended for people with oily skin. Apply with a cotton swab only to damaged areas of the face.

  4. Fir. It has anti-aging properties, therefore it is used to smooth out wrinkles, as well as to eliminate post-acne. It will be especially useful for people with oily skin.

Post-acne is a common problem, however, it is completely solvable. The result will not be long in coming; the main thing is to use a product that is suitable for the type of dermis.

Methods of application

Sea buckthorn oil for acne in its pure form is used extremely rarely. It is much more effective to use the product in combination with other components. The ingredient is used in:

  • masks;
  • lotions;
  • compresses.

The herbal component is also applied pointwise to more quickly relieve the inflammatory process in the problem area of ​​the dermis.

Spot application

Sea buckthorn for acne is often used in combination with lemon juice for cauterization. The two ingredients are taken in equal proportions, mixed and applied directly to problem areas. It is recommended to wash your face 10 minutes after cauterization.

The ingredient also goes well with fir essential oil. The two components are mixed in equal proportions and used for local application.

Mask recipes

Sea buckthorn for acne on the face is used as part of cleansing and healing masks and helps prevent drying of the skin, as well as effectively relieve inflammation.

With cosmetic clay

White or blue clay is taken in equal proportions with sea buckthorn oil. The ingredients are diluted with a small amount of water to the consistency of thick sour cream. The resulting mass is distributed over the face in an even layer, leaving until it hardens. The approximate exposure time is 10-15 minutes. Recommended use up to twice a week.

With oat flakes

At 2 tbsp. l. of rolled oats ground into powder, you will need a teaspoon of lemon juice and the same amount of sea buckthorn product. A small amount of warm, boiled water is added to the components. Once the mixture has acquired a uniform consistency, it is ready for application. Frequency of use – no more than once every 3-4 days.

The product helps eliminate excess oiliness, reduce inflammation, and also get rid of acne spots.

With honey and egg

For a tablespoon of crushed rolled oats, use one egg white, a teaspoon of honey, the same amount of oily sea buckthorn extract and a couple of drops of tea tree oil. When obtaining a very thick consistency, it is permissible to add a small amount of clean water to the components.

With coffee grounds

A scrub mask made from the following ingredients will help get rid of blackheads:

  • crushed rolled oats - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • coffee grounds – 1 tsp;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil – 5 ml.

Rub the mixture in with light massaging movements for a couple of minutes, then rinse off. The recommended frequency of use is twice a week.

With aloe juice

Honey, aloe juice and sea buckthorn extract are taken in equal proportions. After thorough mixing, the composition is ready for use. Can be used up to twice a week.

The medicinal mixture not only helps to effectively stop the inflammatory process in tissues, but also additionally saturates it with essential microelements, improving the appearance of the protective integument.

With cucumber

A medium-sized vegetable is chopped using a grater. Add a couple of drops of sea buckthorn and tea tree oil to the resulting gruel. The mixture is ready for application.

With tomato

Oily extract of sea buckthorn berries is used in combination with crushed tomato, potato starch and wheat germ to get rid of acne spots. At 2 tbsp. l. Tomato puree will require a couple of teaspoons of a starchy product, the same amount of crushed germs and 3 ml (about half 1 tsp) of sea buckthorn oil.

Making lotions

Beat the egg white until a foamy consistency is obtained and mix with half a glass of vodka. Add a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil to the ingredients. The product is used to treat inflamed areas of the dermis in the evening and morning. Apply until the inflammatory elements on the integument completely disappear.

Using compresses

Hot chamomile decoction is mixed with a teaspoon of extract obtained from sea buckthorn berries. A clean towel is soaked in the broth and applied to the face. The product should not burn the skin, but you should feel the warmth emanating from the damp cloth. After the towel has cooled, it is again moistened in the broth. The procedure takes 15 minutes. This compress helps effectively remove sebum and prevent the appearance of skin rashes.

How to treat acne* at home?

There are a huge number of homemade care products based on sea buckthorn that will be beneficial for skin, including acne-prone skin. But it is necessary to understand that proper care and application of cosmetic procedures alone is not enough to get rid of acne.

Acne is a chronic inflammatory disease of the hair follicles9. It requires treatment, which is carried out using medications. So, for mild to moderate acne, a dermatologist can prescribe azelaic acid, for example, Azelik®9.5 gel.

The drug must be used twice a day, applied to dry, cleansed skin.5 To see the results of the therapy, Azelik® gel must be used regularly, following the instructions.



You can find out how effective the use of a herbal remedy for acne is by reading reviews from users who have used it in practice.

Nelly: I decided to try sea buckthorn oil against acne as part of masks. I don't have very oily skin, so this product worked well for me. Once a week I use medicinal mixtures with this ingredient. The skin not only became much cleaner, but also became velvety.

Nastya: A friend advised me to try this product, but it didn’t work for me. An allergic reaction began, so I had to stop using it further.

Sasha: I add sea buckthorn oil to various acne masks. It helps reduce the aggressive effects of other components and soothe the skin. After using such compositions, you feel that the dermis is saturated with moisture and receives the necessary nutrition.

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