How to use tea tree essential oil for acne?

Tea tree oil is known for its beneficial properties. It is a natural antibacterial remedy for acne. The ability to eliminate bacteria allows the product to be used in the fight against skin inflammation.

This article explains how to properly use tea tree oil for acne. It helps so quickly. How to use it yourself and how to add it to your skincare products.

Composition of tea tree oil

There are two main chemicals in the composition that provide a huge positive effect from using tea tree oil for acne: cineole and terpinene. You should carefully look at their ratio in the composition when choosing an oil. It will be considered optimal when the amount of terpinene is about 40%, and cineole - 5%. These two compounds have a powerful bactericidal effect, but cineole can be a strong irritant to the skin.

When used correctly, tea tree oil can be an excellent acne treatment, but you must follow the directions strictly and never use it undiluted all over your face.

For those with sensitive skin, excessive concentration of oil can result in burning, severe itching and swelling of the skin. It is very strong and in some cases it must be dissolved with the base ones.

When purchasing this ether, make sure that you did not buy a fake. In addition, the quality of the oil greatly depends on its storage conditions. If you follow these rules, the oil will retain its properties for a long time and will serve you well as an excellent remedy for treating problem skin:

  • keep in a cool, dark place;
  • do not allow excessive humidity in the storage area;
  • Air should not enter the bottle; it should be tightly closed after use.

Using oil to prevent skin problems

Oil can be added to:

  • shampoos for washing hair;
  • mousses for washing;
  • hair and face masks;
  • lotions;
  • baths.

If you need to remove oily shine and want to give your skin a healthy look, tea tree oil should be used daily.

Natural oil from tea tree leaves is an inexpensive and effective drug for the treatment and prevention of problem skin. The folk remedy should be used regularly, without waiting for acne to occur and its consequences.

Author: Vishnevskaya Galina

Article design: Oksana Grivina

Why do acne occur?

The acne process starts when the following 3 conditions are present:

  1. The skin secretes excess oil, which is typical for oily and combination skin types.
  2. The cells do not have enough nutrition, and regeneration does not occur quickly enough.
  3. Due to the lack of proper care and nutrition, clogged with particles of dust and dead cells, the skin becomes a favorable environment for the development of bacteria. As the bacteria grow, a protein is released that your immune system reacts to, causing inflammation in a specific area of ​​the skin, which you see as a spot or pimple.

During puberty, as a teenager's hormones change, skin can become oily more quickly, beginning the cycle of conditions that cause acne. This is also the reason why women can become prone to acne during their periods.

However, acne does not only appear in teenagers and is not solely due to hormonal changes during menstruation.

Acne is also becoming more common in adults and is caused by stress, diet, lifestyle and other stressors that throw the body, including skin cells, out of balance.

If you have acne, your skin will suffer, but there are natural remedies to combat breakouts. Tea oil for acne has received good reviews.

Why does tea tree oil help with acne?

Tea tree oil has many beneficial properties, but in cosmetology, when used on the face, the main and most effective are the following:

  • Anti-inflammatory and healing (redness, irritation and swelling are reduced, which in turn helps to get rid of acne faster);
  • Antibacterial and antiseptic (prevents the appearance and development of diseases in the affected cells of the epidermis and dermis);
  • Dissolves and removes (prevents dirt or debris from building up and clogging your pores).

When applied to the skin, tea tree oil does not remove the protective layer in the form of natural fats. With long-term use, it evens out the complexion and improves the structure of the skin, reduces morning puffiness when applied at night.

Phenol is a fairly popular remedy for solving cosmetic problems, but clinical studies show that tea tree oil turned out to be 11 times more effective than phenol!

Cosmetologists prescribe tea tree essential oil for complex treatment of acne, eliminating traces of acne and other skin diseases. It is sold in various concentrations, but it is better to purchase 100% tea tree oil - since you yourself will dilute it with the base oil to the required concentration.

Before using the oil, make sure there is no allergic reaction. To do this, apply a small drop of ether to your forearm and wait. If redness, burning sensations or other unpleasant sensations do not appear in this area, then you can safely use it for your own purposes.

How to distinguish natural oil from fake

There are many fake oils, you need to be able to distinguish them correctly

Only natural oil can be applied to the skin, and not a product containing it. Otherwise, you may get burns, side effects, allergies and not achieve your goal.

When buying oil, even at a pharmacy, there is no guarantee that the jar contains natural tea tree extract. It is almost impossible to determine this visually. If the seller allows, you need to open the bottle and pay attention to the emanating aroma.

The natural product has a subtle, refreshing aroma and contains notes of medicinal substances. If you get a fake, the smell will be sharp and cloying.

For treatment to be effective, the fight against acne must be carried out not only from the outside, but also from the inside. To do this, you need to spend more time outdoors, review your diet, and play sports.

Mechanism of action against acne

Acne occurs on any skin type; combination and oily skin is most susceptible to breakouts. The sebaceous glands become clogged and bacteria begin to multiply in them. Without regular cleansing, the glands become inflamed and turn into subcutaneous pimples, comedones, blackheads, pustules, and boils. Inflammation can occur when you overuse cleansers that dry out the skin. The sebaceous glands produce even more oil to moisturize the skin, which leads to clogged and suppurated pores. Tea tree oil penetrates deeply into areas of inflammation and destroys pathogens. Gradually, the ether eliminates redness, dries out pimples, and activates skin renewal processes. With regular use, it eliminates post-acne - spots and scars after acne.

About a hundred beneficial chemical compounds in oils help heal acne skin. The healing components of the ether are distinguished by their universal properties:

  • Antiseptic;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antibacterial;
  • Antifungal;
  • Cleansing;
  • Antiviral;
  • Warming;
  • Antimicrobial;
  • Painkiller;
  • Calming;
  • Refreshing;
  • Wound healing;
  • Regenerating;
  • Anti-aging;
  • Antidote;
  • Smoothes the skin;
  • Improves complexion;
  • Eliminates itching;
  • Relieves edema and swelling;
  • Activates immune processes;
  • Improves blood circulation.

Medicine and cosmetology recognize the valuable qualities of the oil and actively use it in the production of effective acne products.

Useful tips

To avoid unwanted reactions of the body, when using the composition you need to follow certain recommendations:

  1. Avoid contact of the product with eyes and mucous membranes. It is strictly forbidden to take the composition internally, as it has a toxic effect on the body.
  2. The product should not be applied to burns, eczema, or burnt skin.
  3. It is prohibited to use the substance before going outside. It is best to apply the product in the evening.
  4. Those with sensitive skin should test the reaction on a small area - for example, on the hand. This will help avoid unwanted allergic reactions.

Read all about acne treatment. How to remove acne spots on the face? More details here.

How to Use Tea Tree Oil to Treat Pimples and Spot Acne

These five rules should become mandatory for you if you want to improve the condition of your skin and not harm it.

  • Use after completing your skin care routine (i.e. after cleansing and moisturizing your face). This sequence will prevent the pores from clogging and spreading bacteria to other parts of the face).
  • Use undiluted tea tree essential oil for acne very carefully and for targeted treatment only.
  • To treat spot acne, dip a stick with cotton wool in the oil and carefully apply the composition to the pimple. Do not rub or rub, just apply. Allow the ether to absorb into the skin and do not touch your face.
  • It is best to use undiluted oil an hour or two before bedtime. Firstly, the specificity and strength of the smell does not contribute to falling asleep quickly. Secondly, it is necessary for the oil to be naturally absorbed into the skin and begin to work. Thirdly, skin restoration processes work best at night.
  • You can mix tea tree oil with other essential oils that help in the fight against acne in a 1:1 ratio (i.e., take 2 oils in equal quantities, mix, apply to the skin pointwise).

Pregnant women and teenagers should be very careful when using this oil. Its use may cause changes in hormonal levels, which during adolescence and pregnancy are subject to special changes and are very unstable. Clinical studies of the effects of tea tree oil indicate that boys in adolescence may develop gynecomastia when using the oil; there is no information about girls.

Safety precautions when using the product

Anti-acne oil extracted from tea tree shoots can be harmful to the skin in certain situations.

Rules for the safe use of the product will help avoid complications during treatment:

  1. Before applying the acne concentrate, it is initially better to dilute it with herbal decoctions or other oils and include it in masks or wipes along with the other ingredients.

  2. It is not recommended for children under 6 years of age to use oil in its natural form.
  3. Starting from the first month of pregnancy, the use of oil should be completely avoided.
  4. Breastfeeding is a reason to exclude folk remedies from recipes for face and body care.
  5. Personal intolerance to tea tree components is a contraindication to the use of oil.

To quickly achieve the desired result, patients increase the dose of the drug. This is prohibited because there is a risk of achieving the opposite effect and causing significant harm to health.

Tea tree oil for acne, applied undiluted to the surface of the skin, causes itching and burning of the inflamed areas , which often leads to mechanical damage to purulent inflammation and the possible formation of additional deep scars.

Before applying a herbal product, an allergy test should be performed:

  1. You need to distribute a drop of diluted tea tree oil onto the skin of the inner part of the wrist and do not wash it off for 24 hours. If there are no visible changes on the skin, you can start treating your face with oil in its natural form. If itching or redness is observed, you should stop using it.
  2. Avoid getting oil on your eyelids and eyes.
  3. You need to start therapeutic procedures with tea tree oil with small doses, carefully monitoring the condition of the treated areas.
  4. Store essential oils in airtight glass containers, away from heat and light.
  5. When purchasing the drug, you should beware of counterfeits. Real oil has a light medicinal aroma, while fake oil exudes a pungent smell of camphor.

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Elena: I just smear the pimples with oil every day until the last scars disappear. No more than three weeks pass before the final result. It also helps with dandruff, I add it to masks and shampoos. I love putting a drop in the humidifier, it smells nice, it disinfects the room, which is important with our cat and two small children.

Oksana: I use tea tree oil as a flavoring agent. I put a drop on the battery, the smell goes well. But it doesn't help much with acne. My eldest daughter has teenage acne, we tried everything, went to the doctor, and used strong drugs, but the result was zero. We started treating it with oil, it got a little better, but it still doesn’t completely disappear. We are waiting for the body to calm down, for the hormonal levels to improve, maybe it will go away with time.

Olga: I was recently standing at the pharmacy, a quick old lady swooped in and rushed to the cash register without waiting in line, suddenly I urgently needed tea tree oil! Then I ask the pharmacist, what is the salt? She explained everything in detail, I bought it to try, my husband’s acne appeared on his back. They smeared it in its pure form, although they said that it needed to be diluted, but my husband is thick-skinned, even if you smear it with sulfuric acid, he won’t notice. By the way, the acne disappeared without a trace.

How to use the product

There are several options for using essential oil:

  1. In its pure form directly to areas of inflammation. Here it is worth using cotton swabs.
  2. As an additive to finished cosmetics. You can add the product to your regular cleansing lotion. You can use it twice a day.
  3. To effectively moisturize the skin, mix the product with other oils.

Oil can be used as a main or additional component for preparing masks.

In no case should you use

  • You should not use this remedy more than once a day. In this case, the rule works - the less, the better. Use other essential oils for acne - you can simply alternate.
  • Never apply all over your face. Apply tea tree oil to acne only to the spot. After application, never cover the area with a bandage or plaster, allow the skin to breathe.
  • Do not add to your moisturizer, face mask, serum or toner if you intend to apply it all over your face. However, diluting or mixing tea tree oil with other natural, non-specialized skin care products—such as carrier oils—to treat only certain areas is appropriate. Below you will find some healthy recipes.
  • Avoid combination with pharmaceutical products designed specifically for acne (eg, salicylic acid, etc.). It is better to use such products separately from each other.
  • Do not use on flaky, irritated skin.
  • Do not apply to the area around the eyes, even spot on. Avoid any contact with eyes.
  • Do not try or use internally under any circumstances.

Price and where can I buy it?

The price of Melaleuca oil varies from 50 rubles to 1200 rubles. This “fork” is explained by the peculiarities of the raw materials, the ratio of useful components and the method of production. The inexpensive product is most often obtained in violation of the technological process and is characterized by impurities that are harmful to the body.

Natural essential oil should be sold in a dark glass bottle equipped with a pipette or dispenser. The label must contain the name of the plant in Latin. It’s easy to check its natural origin – just drop the liquid on paper. It should leave a trace after evaporation.

It is best to purchase esters in pharmacies or stores specializing in organic cosmetics. It is recommended to give preference to brands that use only natural ingredients in the preparation of products and have one of the ECO certificates.

Contraindications and side effects

If the product is ingested accidentally or intentionally, a person may experience a heart attack, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. In addition, a side effect is the appearance of abdominal spastic pain and severe flushing of blood to the face.

The drug may cause hyperemia of the skin, some pain in the area of ​​its application or swelling.

If the medicine is used by inhalation, bronchospasm may occur in those who are prone to broncho-obstructive reactions.

It is recommended that children under 10 years of age and those with hypersensitive skin avoid using this product.


Recommended compositions and recipes

Healing toner with tea tree oil for acne


  • 5 drops tea tree essential oil
  • 100 ml clean boiled water


You need a small bottle - you can use one of those that used to contain cosmetics, you just need to wash it well. Mix the ingredients in it in the recommended quantities. Use in the evening, after cleansing and moisturizing the skin, apply with a cotton pad to acne-prone areas. Even with such a small concentration, a slight tingling sensation is possible. Do not increase the amount of oil. Try to use only once a day, in the evening. Shake bottle thoroughly before use.

Natural soothing cream with jojoba oil


  • 5 drops lavender essential oil
  • 5 drops tea tree essential oil
  • 20 ml jojoba oil


Add all ingredients to a small bottle and mix. Apply the cream with your fingertip using light patting movements onto the damaged areas of the skin. Do not rub or rub into skin. Can be used at any time of the day, but make sure that after applying the cream you do not go outside for an hour and a half.

Nourishing acne treatment mask with tea tree oil


  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon almond oil
  • 2 drops tea tree oil


Mix all the oils. Make sure your coconut oil is at room temperature so it will be liquid and mix well with the other ingredients. Apply with your fingertip to damaged skin and leave for an hour and a half. During this time, try to stay home. You don’t have to rinse it off, or you can rinse it off with warm water and apply regular cream.

If you follow all the rules described above, using tea tree oil for acne is quite safe. You can not only get rid of acne using natural remedies, but also heal your skin.


Even if you are not allergic to the composition, certain precautions should be taken when using it. Along with checking for allergies, it is important to observe the timing of application. You should not treat inflammation during the daytime. You can't go outside with oil. Combined with the sun, this can lead to burns. The ideal time is the evening before bed, after washing your face.

Cosmetologists strongly do not recommend using the composition constantly. It should be used only when inflammation occurs. In the future, such a need will arise less and less often.

Effective skin treatments

Most expensive body care products contain tea tree extract. Essential oil is suitable for maintaining the health of oily skin when added to lotions, masks, creams. Its healing properties make it possible to use the oil in recipes for skin care at home.


It is useful to wash problem skin daily with lotion, which is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • 100 ml “Rose” water;
  • 60 ml sage infusion;

  • 25 drops of tea tree oil.

A solution of 50 ml of boiled water and 5 drops of concentrated oil also soothes inflamed skin areas.


Applying a mask with Australian melaleuca oil once every 3-4 days has a beneficial effect on enlarged pores.

Option 1:

  1. Blue clay – 1 tsp. (dissolve in warm water).
  2. Oatmeal – 2 tsp.
  3. Yogurt - 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking steps:

  1. All components should be mixed until smooth and add 3 drops of oil.
  2. Apply the emulsion to the face, avoiding contact with the eyelids and skin around the eyes.
  3. Keep the mask on for 15 minutes.

This procedure disinfects and smoothes the skin.

Option 2:

  1. Oatmeal – 1 tbsp. l.

  2. Green tea brew.
  3. Lemon juice – 1 tsp.

Cooking steps:

  1. It is necessary to combine all the products to a liquid paste and add 3 drops of tea tree oil to them.
  2. The healing mask should be applied to the face with a soft sponge for 25 minutes.

The components have a complex effect:

  • Lemon juice is a good skin whitener;
  • oatmeal creates a drying effect;
  • tea tree extract heals acne and damage;
  • green tea refreshes the face.


Lotions with tea tree essential concentrate help get rid of acne.

To prepare you will need:

  • calendula tincture - 120 g;

  • tea tree oil - 2 drops;
  • lavender concentrate - 3 drops.

Cooking steps:

  1. Dissolve 1 tsp in a glass of water. mixtures
  2. Next, you need to moisten a cotton napkin with the composition and apply it to your face;
  3. After 10-15 minutes. it is necessary to make a fresh lotion.

For the first 7 days, lotions are applied daily, then 1 procedure is performed every 2-3 days. The duration of the course of procedures is 1 month.

Photo: Before and after

The use of essential oil allows you to successfully cope with acne and other skin defects.
See how to use lemon for acne. How to remove acne spots? Find out further.

How to remove scars on the face after acne? The answer is here.

To achieve good results, before starting therapy you should consult a dermatologist and strictly follow his recommendations.

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