Sandalwood oil: properties and uses for facial beauty, reviews

Humanity has been using the magical properties of ethers for more than a thousand years. Ancient civilizations kept the secrets of nature; priests and healers tried to create the elixir of youth and longevity. Today, unique opportunities are opening up to use sacred knowledge to preserve beauty. Sandalwood oil for the face was used for cosmetic purposes in China, India, and they knew about its unique properties in Ancient Egypt. It will become an indispensable ingredient for the beauty and freshness of the skin, everyone will be able to appreciate the valuable ether.

general description

Grows in deciduous forests of tropical Asia and Ceylon. A tree 6–8 meters high after reaching 30 years old is suitable for obtaining magic oil. Not only the aromatic liquid is also valued, but also wood; mahogany furniture is considered one of the most expensive. In China, due to the rarity of the breed, sandalwood products were intended only for the imperial dynasty.

The ether is obtained using steam distillation , which lasts from 2 to 3 days. The wood is pre-soaked and only then treated with high-pressure steam. The oil is a colorless or pale yellow viscous liquid. The aroma is soft, but persistent, has no harsh notes, and gradually grows. Deep, refined, includes sweet-woody, musky shades.

It will not be possible to create ether at home due to the rarity of the wood, as well as the need to use special equipment. In nature only essential oil exists base oil is not found.

Widely used in cosmetology due to its unique skin rejuvenation and restoration properties. Manufacturers add sandalwood to anti-aging programs, as well as lines for problematic, rash-prone skin.

You can also take care of your curls with the help of ether effective natural remedy for combating dandruff and seborrhea. They produce shampoos and compositions of oils to strengthen and nourish damaged hair.

​​​​​​By the way. Massage mixtures with sandalwood oil help correct the silhouette, restore elastic, elastic skin, and prevent sagging and cellulite.

Features of the composition

Sandalwood essential oil is steamed from the wood of the sandalwood tree, which grows in India or the Indian Ocean islands. Not all trees are suitable for processing, only those over 30 years old.

The uniqueness of the composition lies in the complexity of the components and amazing healing qualities. 90% of the liquid is santalol, the remaining 10% includes santhen, santalone, terasantanol, santalen. Together, these components have a powerful antiseptic, regenerating and calming effect.

A little history

In antiquity, caravans loaded with sandalwood were sent from India to Alexandria, Rome, and Greece. In Egypt, it was used in the embalming of pharaohs; the sensual aroma was endowed with special sacred abilities. One of the main components of Ayurvedic medicine, it was used to treat skin diseases and external infections.

In tantric practices it was used as a stimulant for the transformation of energies. Indian beauties used the oil to care for oily, problematic skin. Also mixed with other oils to get rid of wrinkles and skin elasticity. The properties of cleansing and toning helped to care for curls, the oil gave a special shine, and the aroma lasted for several days.

Legend of the East

According to Hindu beliefs, heaven has the scent of sandalwood, and in general, precious sandalwood oil and the entire plant play a key role in this religion. As you can see, such a high rating is well deserved. The disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, anti-stress, and calming properties of sandalwood oil are truly unique. For centuries it has been bringing benefits to people, which no synthetic analogue can replicate. The superiority of a natural product in restoring health and maintaining beauty is undeniable, so precious sandalwood oil remains very popular both as an element of complex therapy for a number of diseases, and as a useful and safe component in the care of beauty and youth.

Beneficial features

The composition is represented by unique components:

  • Santalol activates blood flow, saturates cells with nutrients in the deep layers of the dermis, copes with signs of fatigue and early skin aging;
  • Santalen has antiseptic properties, tightens pores, fights inflammation, relieves itching and irritation;
  • bergamotol increases skin firmness and elasticity, activates collagen synthesis, helps smooth out networks of superficial wrinkles;
  • Cuparen tightens pores, eliminates oily shine, restores hydrobalance, enhances the protective properties of the integument;
  • Santalon normalizes renewal processes, removes toxins, and ensures an even complexion.

Indications for use

Sandalwood is an ester that can be used without age restrictions for all skin types . It has restorative properties and soothes irritated dermis. A universal product nourishes and saturates the skin, restores natural beauty.

Indications for use:

  • has a bactericidal effect, prevents the appearance of acne;
  • accelerates blood flow, strengthens thin capillaries;
  • fights acne, inflammation;
  • tightens pores;
  • normalizes the synthesis of sebaceous glands;
  • eliminates oily shine;
  • smoothes out networks of wrinkles;
  • restores the contours of the oval;
  • tones aging skin;
  • relieves swelling and bags under the eyes.

Where can I buy

Ether can be purchased at a pharmacy or natural cosmetics store, or you can easily place an order online. Sold in volumes of 5 and 10 ml in dark glass bottles with a dropper dispenser. Price from 170 to 2000 rubles. depending on the manufacturer's brand.

When purchasing you need to pay attention to the amount of isomers; ideally , the indicators should be from 80 to 90%; the more, the the quality of the oil . You can also distinguish a fake by its aroma; sandalwood has a soft bouquet of woody-balsamic notes that lasts for several days.

The oil should be stored at room temperature away from sunlight; the shelf life of the oil is 5 years.

Attention! It is difficult to determine a spoiled product by external characteristics; it is better to focus on the dates indicated on the packaging.

General recommendations

Sandalwood ester is an oil recommended for all skin types. Provides restoration of regeneration processes, improves color and structure. To maximize the beneficial properties of a natural product, it is recommended to follow simple rules of cosmetic care:

  • The optimal concentration is considered to be from 5 to 8 drops per 10 g. basics;
  • you can enrich ready-made products or create homemade recipes;
  • suitable for caring for oily, dry, problematic, dehydrated skin, successfully copes with acne, smoothes wrinkles;
  • used throughout the year the exception of children;
  • to achieve a lasting transformation effect, it is recommended to use it 2-3 times a week, take a break after a month, so you can repeat the application up to 4 times a year;
  • The consistency of the oil is quite thick, before use you need to rinse the dispenser and warm the bottle;
  • It is recommended to combine the ingredients in glass or ceramic containers , avoid interaction with metal, an oxidation reaction is possible;
  • combines with base oils, esters of basil, bergamot, clove, jasmine, marjoram, myrrh, fennel, rose;
  • You need to prepare recipes or enrich ready-made creams immediately before the procedure; after completion, you cannot store them; it is recommended to prepare in small volumes, sufficient for one use;
  • The best effect can be achieved by using natural cosmetics in the evening.

Best aromatherapist

One of the oldest incense, sandalwood oil is effectively used in aromatherapy, and it is not for nothing that it is still popular in Eastern religions, traditional and official medicine. Its sedative effect on the psycho-emotional sphere is very effective:

  • relieves nervous tension;
  • relaxes;
  • removes fears, irritability, nervousness;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • sets you up for positivity;
  • copes with neuroses and depression;
  • promotes concentration and clarity of thinking.

As a remedy for insomnia, sandalwood was studied by scientists in 2007 on rodents (rats). Indeed, α- and β-santalol, entering the blood through the respiratory system, have a significant sedative effect, including increasing the so-called “slow-wave sleep” stage, which is especially important for combating insomnia. Moreover, the effect was the same in all rodents – both with normal sense of smell and without it at all. That is, the point here is not in the special aromatic bouquet of sandalwood, pleasant to the senses, but in its volatile active compounds that penetrate the body.

If you have difficulty falling asleep, evening fumigation of the room with incense sticks or the use of an aroma lamp with sandalwood oil (7 drops per medium-sized room) will help. It is often recommended by psychologists and psychotherapists as a standalone drug or as part of aromatic mixtures.

In particular, sandal therapy sessions cope with mood swings during menopause and have a beneficial effect on hormonal balance and the menstrual cycle. In addition, sandalwood is a recognized adaptogen, helping to better cope with time zone changes, sudden weather changes, pressure changes, magnetic storms, and the like.

In Hinduism, precious oil is considered the best assistant for meditation, capable of restoring the aura and driving away diseases.

Methods of application

Sandalwood oil successfully used for all types . You can enrich various cosmetic products and create effective natural recipes.

Important point! To achieve a pronounced transformation effect, you need to prepare the integument for the penetration of active elements into the deep layers of the dermis.

cleansing :

  1. Use micellar water to remove makeup.
  2. Apply a cleansing gel selected according to your skin type and rinse with running water.
  3. When using masks, it is better to steam the skin, use a compress or a warming mask. If sandalwood oil is included in a cream or toner, it can be applied immediately after cleansing.

Anti-wrinkle mask

It has a pronounced lifting effect, reduces the number of wrinkles, and gives elasticity . Perfectly nourishes, normalizes hydrobalance, increases protective properties. Application helps to give a beautiful even tone and restore the contours of the oval.


  • 3 drops of sandalwood essential oil;
  • half an avocado;
  • 10 gr. rice starch.

Peel and pit the avocado and mash it into a puree. Add starch and aroma oil, distribute the finished product on cleansed skin from the chin up to the forehead. Leave for half an hour, then carefully remove the frozen mass and wipe with a damp sponge.

Mask for bags under eyes

Eliminates signs of fatigue , insomnia, improves elasticity, reduces the number of wrinkles a natural eyelid care product. A mask with sandalwood ester improves lymph flow, relieves puffiness, swelling, and improves microcirculation. It is recommended to use after 30 years to prevent skin aging.


  • 3 drops of sandalwood essential oil;
  • 5 ml rosehip oil;
  • 5 gr. powdered milk.

Dilute the powdered milk with a small amount of water, add nutritious and aroma oil, the consistency should be similar to sour cream. Cleanse delicate skin, spread with light tapping movements from the inner corner to the outer. Leave for 20 minutes, then carefully remove with a damp cotton pad.

Advice. Repeat 2-3 times a week for prevention; to restore elasticity, carry out a course of 10 procedures.

Acne mask

The antiseptic and bactericidal properties of the oil help normalize sebium synthesis prevent the appearance of acne. The result of application will be a healthy tone and smooth structure. The product helps to whiten pigmentation and prevent the formation of scars.


  • 5 drops of sandalwood essential oil;
  • 5 gr. blue clay;
  • 5 gr. yeast;
  • 5 ml grape seed oil.

Combine the clay with yeast granules, dilute with warm green tea, add the rest of the ingredients. Clean your face, apply the mixture along the massage lines, leave to act for 20 minutes. Wash off with a cool herbal decoction, repeat up to 4 times a week.

Whitening mask

To remove pigmentation and restore an even, healthy tone , you should use an effective product. Promotes the uniform distribution of melanin in tissues, allowing you to prepare the skin for the summer season.


  • 6 drops of sandalwood essential oil;
  • 5 ml grapefruit juice;
  • 10 gr. oatmeal.

Grind the oatmeal in a coffee grinder, add freshly squeezed citrus juice and wood ether. Stir the mixture thoroughly; you can dilute it with a small amount of herbal decoction. Distribute on the skin, excluding the eyelid area, rinse after 15 minutes. After use, before going outside, apply cream with SPF factor.

Refreshing tonic

Helps moisturize the skin, tighten pores, and activate blood flow. The home remedy can be used for different skin types and prevents dryness and acne. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the integument and stimulates renewal processes.


  • 5 drops of sandalwood ether;
  • 30 ml green tea;
  • 5 ml tocopherol.

Brew green tea, strain, add pharmaceutical oil solution and wood ether to the cooled liquid. Prepare a cosmetic jar and pour the prepared liquid. Use morning and evening after cleansing the skin, it is recommended to shake well beforehand.

How to choose?

Only a natural remedy can solve skin problems. To do this, it is important to choose the right one, buy a high-quality extract, and not a fake. The following expert recommendations will help:

  • Sandalwood essential oil is a viscous liquid with an intense, persistent, but mild aroma.
  • India is considered the birthplace of sandalwood, so pay attention to the country of origin and the place of its packaging.
  • Use trusted places of sale. It would be a good idea to read reviews of the manufacturer on the Internet or from friends.
  • When choosing a quality product, pay attention to the color of the extract - it should not have transitions, only an even shade. Color varies from light yellow to dark brown.
  • A high-quality and natural drug is expensive, so another sign of a fake is low cost. Every year the price of sandalwood essential oil increases by 25%, which is due to small quantities of raw materials and the possibility of sandalwood growing only in a certain region.
  • The product requires protection from ultraviolet radiation and is packaged in a dark bottle.
  • If possible, do a quick test: drop the oil on a clean sheet of paper and observe. If after 10 minutes there is no trace of a drop left on the sheet, the product is natural and of high quality. The remaining stain is evidence of counterfeiting of the drug.

Application for lips, eyelashes, hair

The oil is used to care for curls, nourish, accelerate growth, and strengthen the root system. You can enrich shampoo or conditioner, which will improve the condition of both dry and oily strands. Adds shine, shine, restores split ends, makes fine hair easier to comb.

In case of or dandruff , it is useful to massage the scalp ; oil applications are effective In its pure form it can be applied to sections; the viscous structure of the ether seals the porous areas.

Important! The aroma oil is not used for eyelashes and lips due to its high concentration. May cause irritation and swelling; if it gets on the mucous membrane, rinse with running water.

Sandalwood oil: Love Beauty and Planet “Shea Butter & Sandalwood” shampoo 400 ml

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  1. Sandalwood oil is good for hair and scalp, so you can buy medicated shampoo containing it. Such a product is offered by Love Beauty and Planet - “Purposeful Hydration Shampoo, Shea Butter & Sandalwood” (400 ml). The product does not contain sulfates, dyes and parabens, which means it is gentle on the hair without disturbing its structure. After several uses, the hair becomes significantly softer, easier to comb and does not look lifeless. Suitable even for colored hair. The composition also includes other active ingredients: shea butter and coconut oil.

Recommendations for use: Love Beauty and Planet shampoo should be used like any other scalp wash.

Internal use

The oil is used in the production of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Widely used in aromatherapy to restore psycho-emotional state and overcome depression. Effective in the treatment of infectious and dermatological diseases.

use it internally , but in a diluted form. To normalize the functioning of systems and organs, it is better to consult a doctor; only after diagnosis can you use folk remedies.

The optimal dosage is 2-3 drops of sandalwood ether per 5 grams. honey or olive oil, you need to take the mixture in the morning, on an empty stomach. Helps cope with respiratory tract pathologies, restore reproductive functions, and is effective for eating disorders. Duration of treatment - no more than 14 days.

Contraindications for use are individual intolerance, pregnancy, chronic diseases in the acute stage.

Sandalwood oil for massage

Massage with sandalwood oil creates a multifaceted effect to improve skin condition, strengthen small blood vessels, and relax nerves. For the massage mixture, you will need to dissolve 5 drops of sandalwood oil in milk, honey or in the base massage mass.

Sandalwood oil massage is a more than pleasant procedure

RECIPE: Massage with aphrodisiac oil To activate sexual desire through massage, prepare a cocktail of several essential oils on any odorless base. For example, the following oils go well together:

  • sandalwood (3 drops) + mint, bergamot and neroli oils (2 drops each of mint and bergamot and 4 drops of neroli)
  • sandalwood (2 drops) + ylang-ylang (3 drops) + patchouli (1 drop)
  • sandalwood (1 drop) + bergamot (1 drop) + rose (2 drops) + jasmine (1 drop)

Precautionary measures

The oil cannot be used for cosmetic purposes if you are hypersensitive . You need to test for possible allergies, apply diluted ether on your wrist, if there is no burning or redness, you can use it to care for your skin and curls for half an hour.

not recommended to exceed the recommended dosage; it may cause nausea, dizziness, and drowsiness. Also, you should not carry out procedures during pregnancy and lactation.

Advantages and disadvantages

Wood ether is considered the most effective for restoring mature, aging skin. It also improves the condition of problematic, oily dermis and prevents the appearance of acne. Using homemade recipes helps achieve a lasting transformation effect.


  • suitable for all skin types - oily, dry, dehydrated, has no age restrictions for use;
  • used throughout the year, protects the skin from adverse environmental factors;
  • economical consumption, a few drops are enough to create recipes;
  • combines with base oils, esters, and other natural and pharmacy components of home cosmetics;
  • the result can be assessed after the first procedure;
  • has a complex effect.


  • high price;
  • After using it for a month, you need to take a break to avoid the addictive effect.


Stress Relieving Massage Oil with Sandalwood and Vetiver – Adarisa, Kuwait

Since ancient times, sandalwood oil has been considered a basic component for aromatherapy. Under the influence of the fragrant aroma, the feeling of anxiety decreases, fears go away, and sleep normalizes. Inhaling vapors helps to withstand weather changes, magnetic storms, and changes in atmospheric pressure.

User reviews

Many reviews on the Internet contain effective recipes for solving one or another cosmetic problem.

The girl writes that she uses it in pure form to treat acne , the skin looks fresh after masks with sandalwood.

The user describes a method for enriching the cream and advises carrying out the treatment several hours before bedtime to avoid oil marks on the pillow.

The participant writes about the universal use of oil for the face, curls, and body.

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