Ylang-ylang oil for the face: properties and applications, recipes for beautiful skin, reviews

Ylang-ylang essential oil is obtained from exotic, sunny yellow flowers collected in the Philippines, Burma or Indonesia.
The flowers of this tropical plant are cultivated throughout Asia. In Indonesia, for example, not a single wedding ceremony takes place without ylang-ylang flowers. This oil is a unique natural antidepressant and has amazing properties:

  • relieves mental anxiety and fears;
  • will give you a feeling of self-confidence;
  • develops intuition;
  • increases creativity;
  • normalizes sleep, relieving emotional arousal.

general description

The evergreen cananga tree reaches a height of 8–40 meters, covered with fragrant flowers of pink, lilac, and yellow shades. Cultivated in the tropical forests of Asia, its homeland is the Philippine Islands. Ylang-ylang blooms throughout the year, but the buds are collected only in early summer, early in the morning, at dawn. It is at this time that the concentration of ether reaches its maximum.

The best oil is found from yellow flowers; to obtain 1 kg of finished product you will need 60 kg of raw materials. In cosmetology, only ether is used; there is no basic vegetable oil of ylang-ylang. It is obtained using the steam distillation method; at home it will not be possible to isolate the oil, since the inflorescences are found only in tropical forests.

The ether is a transparent liquid with a yellowish tint and a bright, strong floral aroma, in which you can recognize notes of jasmine, lilies, and water lilies. Widely used for cosmetic purposes for skin and hair care. Eliminates acne, has anti-aging properties, stops hair loss.

By the way. On store shelves you can find many products containing ylang oil; it is part of creams, emulsions, tonics, and masks. You can also enrich homemade cosmetics with natural products, creating unique recipes to maintain fresh, youthful skin.

What is Ylang Ylang Oil

The product is extracted from the flowers of a tree called Kananga or Ylang-ylang. The latter is common in Indonesia, the Philippines, Madagascar and the Caribbean islands. The plant is evergreen and can reach a height of forty meters. The flowers have a yellow or pinkish tint and a unique aroma, reminiscent of jasmine or neroli.

It is interesting that religious ceremonies in Indonesia, without exception, are not performed without ylang-ylang flowers. The plant is considered a national treasure.

Ylang-ylang oil is extracted from the flowers of the tree of the same name.

To obtain oil, steam or water distillation is used, which involves distillation of liquid and subsequent condensation of vapors. This method allows you to preserve all the beneficial properties of the original raw materials. Depending on the stages of processing completed, the output products are divided into three main types:

  • First grade. It is released half an hour after the start of the process. Used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes, as well as for creating perfumes and aromatherapy. This product can be used even in its pure form for skin care.
  • Second grade. It is released 3–4 hours after the end of the first stage of treatment. Serves as an active additive in the production of cosmetics on an industrial scale.
  • Third grade. It is released 5–6 hours after the start of the process. Used for the production of budget cosmetics: scented soaps, creams, lotions, and so on. The product is considered to be of low quality and has a strong, off-putting aroma that can cause dizziness.

There is also a fourth grade of ylang-ylang oil called Complete. The product has a special aroma and is a mixture of preparations of the three previous variations in equal proportions.

Ylang-ylang flower squeeze has a light yellow hue, an oily, runny consistency and an unusual aroma. The latter is usually sweet and slightly spicy. The oil is essential, which means it most often serves as an active ingredient in homemade cosmetic products. However, there are exceptions that require the use of squeeze as an independent remedy.

Chemical composition

The main active components of ylang-ylang flower extract are:

  • Alcohols such as geraniol, farnesol and others. They have pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
  • Caryophyllene. It is a hydrocarbon that, according to scientists, can prevent the development of depression and combat anxiety.
  • Benzyl acetate and benzyl benzoate. They are esters involved in the synthesis of energy by the body.
  • Phenols. They help improve blood flow, improve the process of transporting useful (and other) components from products applied to the skin to the cells.
  • Salicylic, formic and other organic acids. Helps strengthen the natural defenses of the body in general and the skin in particular. Acids prevent the harmful effects of negative environmental influences on the epidermis.

How to select and store a product

When choosing ylang-ylang flower extract, base your selection on the following criteria:

  • Purchase method. Prefer a brick-and-mortar store to an online website. This way you can smell the product, feel its consistency and see the color. All this will help you avoid purchasing a counterfeit product.
  • Ether type. The word “Extra” must be indicated on the packaging. This means that the product is first grade. This is exactly the product that is suitable for preparing homemade cosmetic products for facial care.
  • Color. High-quality ylang-ylang flower extract has a pale yellow tint. However, in some cases, the oil may have a pronounced golden color, which is also acceptable. Brown and other dark shades of the product are a sign of poor product quality.
  • Smell. The product has a sharp, specific aroma. The latter cannot be too sweet or spicy, everything should be in moderation.
  • Consistency. It should be oily and fluid. A product that is too thin is likely to be diluted, while a product that is too thick is likely to be spoiled.
  • Price. Real ylang-ylang ether should not cost less than 250 rubles per 10 ml.

When properly stored, the squeeze from the flowers of an exotic plant may not lose its properties for up to 5 years. Such a long period is relevant only if the product is in sealed packaging. Usually this is a bottle made of dark glass. The product should not be exposed to the sun or heat. The open squeeze should be consumed within six months.

It is recommended to store ylang-ylang oil in a dark glass bottle.

Benefits of ylang-ylang ether for the face

Ylang-ylang flower extract is used in facial skin care for several purposes:

  • Rejuvenation. The ether contains phenols that actively stimulate blood flow in the deepest layers of the skin. Thanks to this process, regeneration is enhanced, and tissues are rapidly renewed. Regular use of the product leads to the following qualitative changes: non-surgical face lift,
  • sealing the oval,
  • highlighting the cheekbones,
  • reducing the appearance of sagging jowls,
  • smoothing out small wrinkles.
  • Fighting acne and other inflammations. The ether contains a little alcohol, due to which it has a pronounced antiseptic effect. The product helps relieve inflammation, redness and even swelling, accelerates skin healing and prevents scarring. At the same time, the product does not cause a feeling of dryness and tightness, and also does not provoke the formation of peeling in the affected areas.
  • Color alignment. With regular use, the product reduces bruising under the lower eyelid and also makes the complexion more uniform. Thanks to this property, the constant use of oil will free you from applying an impressive layer of foundation: creams and powder.
  • Toning. The oil can be used even without significant skin problems. A squeeze of ylang-ylang flowers tones the epidermis and prevents its premature withering.
  • Moisturizes and protects excessively dry skin. The product promotes high-quality nutrition and saturation with moisture of the deepest layers of the epidermis. In addition, the product fills cells with vitamins. The oil not only maintains the natural protective layer of the skin at the proper level, but also creates a thin film on the surface of the face that prevents the appearance of negative consequences from the harmful effects of the environment (wind, ultraviolet rays, sea water, etc.) on the epidermis.
  • Reducing skin oiliness. Ylang-ylang flower extract is one of the few oil products used to care for this type of epidermis. The product helps eliminate blackheads, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and narrow pores. Interestingly, the squeeze, when used correctly, does not clog pores. The skin becomes more matte and smooth after the first use.
  • Tanning and burn treatment. The product prevents the formation of the latter. In addition, the product helps the tan spread evenly on the skin.
  • Contraindications

    The main contraindications to the use of aromatic facial products are:

    • Hypotension. Even the aroma of the oil helps lower blood pressure.
    • Individual intolerance.
    • Children's age up to 12 years.
    • Pregnancy and lactation period.

    In addition, you should always consult a dermatologist if you have any skin conditions before using the ether.

    Side effects and precautions

    If the dosage is violated and contraindications are ignored, the use of ylang-ylang flower extract can lead to the following side effects:

    • nausea,
    • dizziness,
    • headache,
    • allergies (rash, itching, etc.).

    To avoid negative consequences of using the product, observe the following precautions:

    • Do not use the product for longer than 31 days continuously (except for scrubs). The fact is that oil is a potent agent, so it is recommended to give the body a break from using the active substance as often as possible.
    • Do an allergy test: apply a little ether to your wrist or elbow. If itching or irritation occurs within an hour, do not use the product in the future. Remember that it is normal to feel a tingling sensation during the first few minutes of application. Do a test every time you change oil manufacturer or use a new composition of an ether-based mask, scrub or serum.
    • Do not use ether alone.
    • Do not allow the oil to get into your eyes or other mucous membranes (mouth, etc.).
    • Do not use expired product. Such experiments can lead to unexpected consequences: from simple irritation to burns and dizziness.

    Video: what are the main properties of ylang-ylang flower extract

    A little history

    In the Philippines, fragrant flowers have been used for skin care since ancient times. The aroma drove away insects, and the decoction was used to treat eczema and inflammation. Girls decorated themselves with garlands of large inflorescences, thereby attracting their lovers. The buds were used in various rituals, including weddings; the ether is considered a powerful aphrodisiac.

    In the Moluccas, an ether-based ointment was prepared that was used to treat infections and also to restore youthful skin. Arab women used ether to increase attractiveness and care for their face, body, and hair.

    There is a legend about the origin of ylang-ylang; the name is translated from Filipino as “flower”. The couple had no children, and they prayed to the gods for a child for a long time. The higher powers agreed to fulfill the request by giving the couple a daughter, only on the condition that she would never be touched by a man. The girl was named Ylang, she grew up to be a real beauty, many young men wanted to tie their fate with her.

    The parents, in order to fulfill their promise to the gods, had to lock the girl at home. One day Ylang went out into the garden to collect a bouquet of flowers. An ardent admirer grabbed the girl by the hand, asking her to become his wife. At the same moment, Ylang disappeared, and in its place grew a beautiful tree with fragrant flowers. Since then, the young man has been wandering around the garden in search of his beloved, calling her: “Ylang, Ylang!”

    Areas of application and effectiveness of use

    Wide range of applications of ylang-ylang oil

    Thanks to its persistent, refined aroma, and the presence of more than 10 active biological components, including antibacterial ones, the scope of application of this oil allows it to be used for:

    • normalization of emotional and mental state (relieves anxiety, stress, irritation, fatigue, normalizes sleep, increases libido and sensuality);
    • respiratory system (when performing inhalations, lotions, rubbing);
    • normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels (stabilizes blood pressure, alleviates tachycardia, arrhythmia, ischemia);
    • muscles and inflamed joints (eliminates spasms, cramps, pain);
    • all kinds of massage actions;
    • healing of postoperative scars (due to active regeneration and renewal of the cellular layer);
    • enrichment of cosmetic preparations and masks (rejuvenates, tightens, increases elasticity, improves skin turgor, strengthens tan, strengthens and restores nails, hair, regulates sebum secretion, relieves acne, eczema);
    • gynecological diseases, normalization of the menstrual cycle in women, alleviation of menopause;
    • aromatization and disinfection of premises from germs, viruses and unpleasant odors;
    • taking baths, renewing the entire skin, activating blood circulation;
    • relief from epilepsy and diabetes;
    • preparation of long-lasting perfumes and aromatic compositions;
    • antiseptic treatment of skin after insect bites.

    Beneficial features

    The complex composition of the ether contains dozens of active elements. The balanced formula allows you to achieve a pronounced aesthetic effect.


    • pinene saturates cells with oxygen, stimulates renewal processes, has rejuvenating, regenerating properties;
    • bisabolene soothes irritated dermis, relieves redness, stops the proliferation of bactericidal microflora, regulates sebium synthesis, tightens pores, restores an even skin tone;
    • curcumen has tonic, whitening properties, strengthens thin capillaries, increases the protective properties of the integument;
    • linalool gives a matte tone, eliminates oily shine, and prevents the appearance of acne;
    • safrole rejuvenates the skin, stops the aging process, makes the texture dense, elastic, has antioxidant properties, protects the dermis from the influence of aggressive factors, fights rosacea, acne, moisturizes, and normalizes hydrobalance.


    Externally, this ester, like most floral oils, is light and fluid, and is characterized by an almost imperceptible yellowness.

    The aroma of ylang-ylang is considered one of the most vibrant floral scents. It is invariably associated with the beauty and exotic atmosphere of tropical islands, and even in household chemicals it clearly manifests its mood, awakening optimism, openness and giving positive emotions.

    The smell of the oil is rich, sweet, very warm, caressing, combining candy and floral bases in a festive and very intense bouquet with a spicy aftertaste.

    Indications for use

    Indicated for the care of different skin types, aging, stressed, dry, oily, combination. As a result of application, it is possible to restore skin elasticity, get rid of pigmentation, and give a healthy, even tone.

    Effect of cosmetic care:

    • has an antiseptic, disinfectant effect, stops the spread of infection;
    • tightens pores, regulates the secretion of sebaceous glands;
    • restores the water-lipid mantle of the integument, protects from ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes, and gusts of wind;
    • softens, moisturizes, eliminates peeling;
    • gives a healthy matte tone;
    • has whitening properties, prevents the formation of pigmentation;
    • helps smooth out wrinkles, restores elasticity and firmness;
    • tones, strengthens blood vessels, and is used to prevent rosacea.

    What are the benefits for the skin

    In addition to the exotic aroma and the ability to improve blood circulation (which is necessary for the health and beauty of the skin), this product has many other properties, which is why it is actively used in cosmetology for the face, body, hair and nails:

    • Suitable for soothing irritated and dry skin;
    • soothes overactive sebaceous glands of oily skin;
    • normalizes the condition of mixed skin;
    • relieves inflammation and irritation of various origins;
    • prevents the skin from aging;
    • needed to stimulate the growth of new dermal cells;
    • reduces acne;
    • “evens out” the skin, making it velvety and elastic;
    • reduces symptoms of dermatoses and eczema;
    • makes the tan more even and lasting;
    • relieves dilation of capillaries and blood vessels, that is, hyperemia;
    • prevents sunburn and irritation after tanning;
    • suitable for strengthening nails;
    • tightens and makes the breasts more elastic;
    • stops the fall of leaves on the head;
    • suitable for porous skin;
    • makes brittle and thin hair stronger.

    Where is the best place to buy

    Essential oil can be found at a pharmacy or cosmetic store, or you can place an order online. Before purchasing a cosmetic product, it is recommended that you read the information provided by the manufacturer. The natural ester label says “oleum anonae” on its packaging. A high-quality product is sold in dark glass containers with a pipette or dispenser.

    Concentrated oil can be bought in volumes of 3 ml, 10 ml, the price is from 80 to 300 rubles. The ether has a bright, specific aroma, so it is quite difficult to distinguish old oil. It is recommended to rely on the information provided by the manufacturer.

    Important point! It should be stored at a temperature of 5–25°, protected from direct sunlight, for no more than 9 months.

    Features of selection and storage

    When purchasing ylang-ylang inflorescence extract, pay attention to the following criteria:

    Oil produced from the inflorescences of the Kananga tree can be stored for up to four years if certain conditions are met. To do this, it is necessary that the factory packaging of the product is not damaged. It should also be taken into account that the pomace must be stored in a place protected from light. The room temperature can vary from 5°C to 25°C. An open product must be used within six months.

    It is recommended to store ylang-ylang oil in a dark glass bottle.

    General recommendations

    Essential oil has a high concentration of active elements, which can lead to irritation of sensitive dermis. Therefore, you should follow the basic rules to achieve the desired aesthetic effect:

    • Be sure to use diluted; 5 ml of oil base will require 4-5 drops of aromatic liquid;
    • you can enrich ready-made creams, tonics, lotions, but you also need to check for possible allergies; the presence of synthetic ingredients, even in the absence of individual sensitivity to the ether, can lead to unwanted reactions;
    • aroma oil does not need to be added directly to the jar, first a single dose for cosmetic care is measured, then mixed with floral ether;
    • when preparing homemade recipes, you need to use ceramic, earthenware, plastic or wooden spatula to avoid oxidation reactions;
    • can be used for all skin types, except sensitive, prone to redness and irritation;
    • the transformation effect can be assessed after the first use, but for a lasting result it is recommended to repeat the procedures 2-3 times a week, in a course of 10 sessions, then take a break for several months;
    • when testing for allergies, you need to mix the ether with a base oil in the recommended concentration and only then apply it to the wrist; you can evaluate the results within half an hour;
    • can be used throughout the year, does not have phototoxicity properties, therefore it is also used in the summer;
    • combines with basic base oils, as well as esters of bergamot, lemon, lemongrass, rose, orange, patchouli, lemon balm, neroli.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    In addition to being used in products for the face and hair growth, as well as in perfumes, this drug has many other properties:

    • aphrodisiac
    • antidepressant
    • antiseptic (fights a wide variety of bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc.)
    • lowers blood pressure
    • treats the gastrointestinal tract
    • normalizes pulse
    • relieves migraines
    • eliminates cramps
    • regulates blood circulation and makes blood vessels more elastic and dilates them
    • calms and relaxes the nervous system
    • helps fight lice and other parasites
    • makes the consequences of insect and snake bites less painful

    drawback is its certain toxicity, which manifests itself when large dosages are used. This product is added to sweets and drinks, but after heat treatment it can give dishes a bitter taste. At high concentrations it can cause headaches and nausea.

    Methods of application

    Ylang-ylang will be an excellent assistant for maintaining freshness, youth, treating acne, whitening, and getting rid of rosacea. Effective home recipes will replace professional care. By saturating cells with natural elements, it is easy to solve basic aesthetic problems.

    Anti-aging cream

    Helps reduce the number of wrinkles, restore elasticity and density of the skin. As a result of application, it is possible to refresh the color and remove pronounced wrinkles. Flower ether soothes the skin and increases protective properties.


    • 3 drops of ylang-ylang oil;
    • potato;
    • 5 ml peach seed oil.

    Boil the potatoes in their skins, then peel and grate. Heat grape oil in a water bath, add ether, mix with potato mixture. Clean your face and steam it with a compress for better effect. Spread in a dense layer, avoiding the mouth area. Leave for 20 minutes, then remove any remaining residue and apply moisturizer according to your skin type.

    Lifting mask

    After 30–35 years, to prevent ptosis, with the formation of nasolabial folds and double chin, it is recommended to use an effective remedy. Activates the synthesis of collagen fibers, accelerates blood flow, relieves swelling.


    • 5 drops of ylang-ylang oil;
    • 10 ml almond oil;
    • 5 gr. kelp;
    • 5 gr. corn starch.

    Grind dry kelp in a coffee grinder and pour warm green tea. After 10 minutes, when the algae swells, add starch, almond and essential oil. After stirring, apply with a spatula after cleansing the skin. The direction of movement is from the chin to the cheekbones and forehead. After half an hour, remove the frozen mask and wash with warm water. It is recommended to conduct a course of 12 sessions at intervals every other day.

    Acne mask

    This effective home remedy eliminates oily shine, tightens pores, and gets rid of comedones. Normalizes sebium synthesis, has bactericidal properties, prevents the appearance of acne. As a result, it is possible to improve complexion, get rid of redness and inflammation.


    • 5 drops of ylang-ylang ether;
    • 2 drops of lemon ether;
    • 5 gr. chamomile;
    • 5 gr. black clay.

    Grind dried chamomile flowers into powder and mix with black clay. Add ethers and dilute with water, cleanse face of cosmetics, moisten with water. Apply the product in a thick layer, with the exception of the eyelids and lips. Rinse off with cool water after a quarter of an hour; if acne is present, treat with zinc cream.

    Whitening mask

    Pigmentation will not decorate young skin, but after 30 it makes you look decades older. To restore an even healthy tone, whiten spots and marks after acne, you should use natural ingredients. Gently remove dead skin cells, stimulate renewal processes, and promote uniform distribution of melanin.


    • 3 drops of ylang-ylang ether;
    • 3 drops of bergamot ether;
    • 5 ml kefir;
    • 5 gr. rice flour;
    • 2 tablets of ascorutin.

    Grind Ascorutin in a mortar to the consistency of powder, mix with rice flour. Combine with kefir and aromatic oils, mix well. Clean the skin, steam, apply the mask along the massage lines. Complete the treatment after half an hour by washing with warm water. It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the evening so as not to expose the skin to ultraviolet radiation.

    Couperose lotion

    To restore thin, fragile capillaries, it is recommended to use a tonic lotion. Improves complexion, activates lymph flow, eliminates puffiness and pigmentation. Regular use is an effective prevention of the formation of spider veins.


    • 5 drops ylang-ylang ether;
    • 5 drops of tangerine ether;
    • 10 ml avocado oil;
    • 100 ml herbal decoction.

    Prepare a decoction from the herbal collection of chamomile, calendula, linden, cool and strain. Add nourishing and essential oils, pour the cosmetic liquid into a glass bottle. Wipe the skin after cleansing in the morning and evening, then apply moisturizer or makeup base.

    Impact on the psycho-emotional sphere

    A distinctive feature of ylang-ylang oil is its ability to affect almost all areas of human life. And it has a special impact on the psycho-emotional state. Many people call this oil the best antidepressant - it can instantly improve your emotional state.

    The oil causes a slight pleasant excitement - a person feels an emotional uplift. At the same time, the oil has one important feature - it helps to improve your mood not for a short period of time. The effect, supported by significant changes (for the better) in a person’s self-esteem, has been observed for a long time. That is why aromatherapy using this oil is recommended for prolonged depression.

    Another property that can also change the emotional state is the restoration of normal sleep patterns. These two factors are closely related. Without quality sleep, a person feels depressed, and at the same time, it is changes in emotions that can cause insomnia. Ylang-ylang helps to cope with both problems.

    Application for lips, eyelashes, hair

    It can be used to care for curls by adding ether to shampoos, balms, and sprays. The oil will help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, giving dull, thin hair volume and shine. You can also enrich masks, scrubs, effectively cope with dandruff, improve blood flow, and saturate the follicles with nutrients.

    For porous ends, as well as strands prone to tangling, aroma combing is recommended. A natural product will help give a healthy shine and silkiness to the strands.

    Attention! The ether is not used for eyelashes or lips. In case of contact, rinse with water, otherwise the concentrated product causes tearing, swelling, and redness.

    Brief summary

    It is popularly believed that "ylang-ylang" means "flower of flowers", which is actually incorrect. "Ilang" is an archaic Tagalog word meaning "wilderness." Before commercial cultivation began, the wild was the only place where ylang-ylang trees were found. []

    The flowers of this tree have traditionally been used for various purposes. They were believed to be aphrodisiacs and were therefore scattered on the newlyweds' beds.

    In its homeland (Southeast Asia), ylang-ylang has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries. For example, the Javanese used dried ylang-ylang flowers to treat malaria and its associated symptoms. And the people of the northern Mariana Islands made a paste from the aromatic flowers to relieve asthma.

    Certain parts of this tree (bark, roots) are also natural antiseptics and were used to disinfect wounds and speed up their healing. Ylang-ylang has powerful yet gentle antibacterial and astringent properties and thus shows good results when applied to the skin.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Cosmetic oil has a wide range of uses and effectively cares for mature, problematic skin. It is also worth considering the specifics of use and possible contraindications.


    • suitable for different skin types, used for both young and mature dermis;
    • the effect can be assessed after the first use;
    • affordable cost of ether;
    • For one procedure, a few drops of oil are enough;
    • can be used throughout the year, does not have phototoxicity;
    • has a complex effect on the skin;
    • combines with base oils, essential oils, herbs and other home cosmetology ingredients;
    • used for skin and hair care.


    • it is important to maintain the correct proportions; excess can affect overall well-being and lead to skin irritation;
    • has a number of contraindications;
    • It is not recommended to use constantly, to avoid the addictive effect, you need to take a break.

    The mechanism of action of essential oils on wrinkles

    Ylang-ylang oil for the face is universal, it is used for different skin types. With regular application, a decrease in the intensity of rashes and inflammation is observed, and the process of fat production is normalized.

    This oil is very useful for combination skin. It helps to cope with problem areas, and at the same time nourishes it.

    Ylang-ylang is also used when there is a lack of moisture; it moisturizes but does not clog pores. It also tones and soothes, protects against UV radiation, slows down age-related changes, and helps cope with peeling or redness.

    Or rather, the extent of the existing problem.

    • Are the wrinkles on your face superficial or deep? Superficial (small) ones are often observed in girls and young women. Reasons: dry epidermis, overstrain of facial muscles. Deep - appear as a result of long-term improper or inadequate care, health problems or age-related changes.
    • Are wrinkles dynamic or static? Dynamic ones appear only when the facial muscles are tense. Static ones are noticeable even in a calm state.
    • Is there swelling or sagging skin on your face? Gravity wrinkles appear due to loss of elasticity of the dermis and its sagging.

    We suggest you read: Which anti-wrinkle cream is the most effective around the eyes

    Thus, the ether is selected depending on how deep the grooves are and what caused their appearance (dryness, loss of tone, etc.).

    Essential oils are one of the best tools for maintaining youthful appearance and overall skin care, but it will do little if the underlying cause of premature wrinkles remains. This reason could be:

    • Overly active or passive facial expressions - in the first case, the muscles are overstrained, in the second - weakened.
    • Incorrect care - poor quality or incorrectly selected cosmetics not washed off on time, etc.
    • Some diseases: inflammatory skin diseases, diseases accompanied by swelling in the face and eyelids, hormonal disorders, diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous system, etc.
    • Unbalanced diet or drinking regime - little water, food with insufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals needed by the body.
    • Unhealthy lifestyle - bad habits, little physical activity, lack of sleep, frequent stress, sudden changes in body weight, living in an environmentally polluted area, etc.


    Very briefly, the process of formation of grooves can be described as follows: the internal nutrition and protection of the skin is disrupted - wrinkles appear.

    Since esters are biologically active substances, they easily penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis and act on it from the inside.

    Extracts from plants promote the production of collagen and elastin, support metabolism in the epidermis, protect it from wind, frost, and ultraviolet rays.


    You need to use anti-wrinkle recipes with essential oils systematically. This is the only way you will notice the accumulating lasting effect: the skin will gradually become more elastic and moisturized, and acquire a healthy color.

    Superficial and dynamic wrinkles will disappear, deep, static wrinkles will be smoothed out.

    Important! Do not apply the concentrate to your skin. Esters are intended for adding to care products: creams, masks, lotions, tonics, etc.

    The skin around the eyes is thin, so use light texture mixtures for this facial area. Apply them with very gentle tapping movements, barely touching them with your fingertips.

    Reviews from people

    Many have already appreciated the effectiveness of the miraculous oil for cosmetic purposes.

    The user describes the properties of the oil and shares his own skin care recipes.

    A participant describes a way to take care of oily skin.

    There are other reviews that indicate the specific aroma of the oil.

    The user also does not like the aroma of the oil, despite its beneficial qualities for the skin.

    Tips for effective use

    Exceeding the permissible dosage can have the opposite effect. Strictly follow the recommendations for its use for the following manipulations (in drops):

    • taking 2-3 baths;
    • performing a massage - 7 per tablespoon (tablespoon) of the base base;
    • for compresses 2-3;
    • in order to enrich natural cosmetic compositions, 2-3 per spoon (teaspoon) of base base;
    • in aromatic llamas and medallions 2-3;
    • to enrich the composition of wines and tea (dry) 3-4 for the entire quantity.

    A bit of myth and a bit of truth

    C. odorata var. genuina

    fragrant is a very common plant in the Philippines, Madagascar and Indonesia, and there are both cultivated and wild groves of these slender trees. Of interest are their yellow, fragrant flowers, which are collected at dawn by plantation workers, and then the precious oils from these flowers are evaporated in an old-fashioned way.

    The process is expensive and lengthy, limited by seasonality, so many believe that a good ylang-ylang ether cannot be cheap.

    Its consumption is absolutely small, so this investment lasts for a long time. However, the cost of oil also depends on the quality, concentration and manufacturer.

    The most famous beauty product containing ylang-ylang bears the proud name “CHANEL No. 5”. The popularity of the brand has become another reason for the surge of interest in this oil.

    Filipinos believe that this plant is a gift from the gods. They tell a legend about a married couple who gave birth to a long-awaited daughter, Ylang. The parents had to protect her from the touch of men, but one day they did not notice: a young man in love grabbed Ylang’s hand while she was walking in the garden. The girl forever turned into a beautiful tree with a heavenly smell.

    Back to the beginning of the article

    Contraindications: you won’t ruin your face with oil!

    When using any essential oil, there are general limiting tips:

    • If the smell is not to your taste, then the oil should be put aside. His time has not yet come.
    • Aromatherapy is not suitable for use by young children or pregnant women. The skin of the latter can show an unexpected reaction even to familiar products.
    • As a person ages, the effectiveness of the oil will decrease.
    • Light skin responds more strongly to the action of ylang-ylang than dark and dark skin.
    • A test before use is required: the oil is not suitable for everyone.

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