Beneficial effects of evening primrose oil for facial beauty: reviews, recipes, recommendations

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Primrose oil has a whole range of beneficial properties and is actively used in the treatment of many diseases. But first I would like to say a few words about the use of evening primrose oil in cosmetology, because primrose oil is useful, first of all, for the face. It has a positive effect on our skin and helps get rid of many cosmetic problems.

Evening primrose oil is rich in vitamin E, also called the vitamin of youth. This oil also contains fatty acids, the main percentage of which is linoleic acid. It has been scientifically proven that it is the lack of this acid in the body that leads to dryness and increased sensitivity of the skin.

general description

Evening primrose oil is obtained by treating the seeds of the plant. The raw materials are subjected to hot pressing or extraction. The result is an oily product of light yellow color, liquid consistency with a slight nutty aroma. The plume of the substance is often compared to the smell of fish oil.

The properties of evening primrose oil (primrose or evening primrose) are used to treat many diseases. The benefits of the substance are also noticeable for some dermatological problems (eczema, psoriasis). The product is also used for skin rejuvenation, both for the purpose of prevention and improvement of the natural state, and for recovery after plastic surgery, sudden weight loss, and during the period of hormonal changes in the body.

Evening primrose oil can often be found in anti-aging cosmetics. The option is useful for beauty for internal and external use.

Advice. It is better to buy the pomace ready-made rather than try to prepare it yourself. At the same time, homemade oil-based cosmetics are not inferior in effectiveness to expensive industrial products.

General information about the plant

Evening primrose is an essential oil-bearing, perennial plant. Its stem is erect. It has many green leaves and bright yellow flowers with a distinct aroma. They bloom only at night. Evening primrose is found mainly in forest and forest-steppe zones. The plant's homeland is considered to be South and North America.

The flowering period of this medicinal plant is from the first weeks of April to the end of June. Evening primrose flowers, leaves and rhizomes have been used in traditional medicine. Preparations are carried out as follows:

  1. Even before flowering begins, the leaves are plucked, but only halves, so as not to harm the flowering. Closer to autumn, the roots are dug up.
  2. Primrose leaves are dried in a closed, well-ventilated room or in special dryers. The finished dry raw material has a pleasant honey aroma. When chewing the leaves, a sweetish taste first appears, which is replaced by bitterness.
  3. Herbal preparations are stored in paper bags for 12 months.

Evening primrose oil is obtained from the seeds by cold pressing. This is a rather labor-intensive process, so such a product is usually expensive. But due to its wide range of useful properties, the price is completely justified.

A little history

Evening primrose has a wide distribution area. The natural habitat is considered to be the territory from the Mediterranean to Scandinavia. The plant is found in China, Japan, America, Australia, and New Zealand. Evening primrose appears mainly where traces of human economic activity are visible: near railway tracks, dams, roads.

The plant has been widely used in medicine since ancient times. There is evidence of the active use of evening primrose by Indians. Products from the processing of greens, flowers, and seeds were used to stop bleeding, treat wounds, skin diseases, and hormonal deficiencies. The whitening and rejuvenating properties of seed extraction were noticed early on.

Composition and beneficial properties

The fatty acid composition of evening primrose oil is similar to fish oil, a product of animal origin. The substance is 70–80% formed by linoleic acid. The composition contains up to 14% gamma-linoleic acid, which is not found in such quantities in other vegetable fats.

It is this component that arouses the interest of scientists who are developing various drugs. Oleic, palmitic, stearic, alpha-linoleic, and eicosenoic acids are present in small quantities (from 0.2 to 10%).

Attention is drawn to the high content of vitamin E, which is called the guardian of youth. The composition also contains other vitamins (A, D, C), basic minerals.

All components of evening primrose seed squeeze are aimed at achieving the following beneficial effects on the skin:

  • improvement of local metabolism;
  • relief of inflammation processes;
  • relieving irritation;
  • acceleration of regeneration;
  • neutralization of toxins;
  • accelerating the process of cell renewal;
  • balancing skin tone;
  • activation of the sebaceous glands;
  • bleaching fabric colors.

The result of using the product is toned, well-moisturized, healthy skin, striking with freshness.

Primrose oil for women's health, video

is not responsible for the accuracy of the information presented in this video clip.
Source – Daily News Sources:

  2. Study of biomarkers of metabolism of omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids in children and pregnant women. Shilina N. M. // Specialty of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation 03.01.04. – M., 2012.
  3. POLYUNSATURATED FATTY ACIDS IN NUTRITION: A MODERN VIEW. Zaitseva L.V., Nechaev A.P. // Food industry. – 2014. – No. 4. – pp. 14-19.
  4. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Burbello A.T. // Pharmacology. Clinical application. - St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State Medical Academy named after. I. I. Mechnikova. - 2005. - P. 304.
  5. Lipid metabolism disorders in women and the possibility of their correction with highly purified omega-3 fatty acids. Prokhorovich E. A., Maichuk E. Yu., Voevodina I. V., Vladimirova N. N. // Practitioner. - 2006. - No. 2. — P.7–9.
  6. Application of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in medicine. Gavrisyuk V.K. // Ukr. pulmonol. magazine - 2001. - No. 3. — P.5–10.

Indications for use

Cleansing, whitening, moisturizing, restoring are the main properties of the product that cosmetologists value. Evening primrose oil perfectly softens the surface of the skin, eliminates peeling, irritation, inflammation, and redness.

The product will also help get rid of itching and tightness. This option can be used for some diseases in the field of dermatology: psoriasis, eczema.

Squeezing evening primrose seeds is usually recommended for dry, sensitive, mature skin. The substance will help moisturize and refresh tissues. Performing procedures with oil will prevent the worsening of age-related changes.

Note! The results of the product are noticeable even on old wrinkles, with increased tissue sagging.

People with oily or combination skin should not use evening primrose oil. The product is not used in its pure form. A well-prepared mixture of components will help to obtain results without compromising the quality of covers with natural characteristics.


Women who consumed primrose oil during pregnancy and before childbirth noted significant relief during labor (especially those who gave birth not for the first time). The cervix opens easier and there is less rupture. Midwives note that childbirth is more comfortable.

When using it as a cosmetic product, significant improvements in skin color, elasticity and cleansing are noted. By all accounts, the only downside is the unpleasant smell.

Doctors talk about the benefits of primrose oil for uterine fibroids. After a month of use, a decrease in tumor size by almost 2 times is noted.

Women who took the drug during menopause note a significant improvement in their condition and a decrease in hot flashes.

Features of purchase and storage

You can buy evening primrose oil at a pharmacy, but there is often an option available in capsules for internal use. The product is often supplemented with other ingredients: vitamins, glycerin. It is easier to find cosmetic products in specialized stores. A 30 ml bottle usually sells for 250–500 rubles.

Squeezing evening primrose seeds quickly loses freshness when opened. It is recommended to store the product in the refrigerator, but without freezing. Be sure to limit the access of air and sun to the substance. Shelf life is usually limited to 6 months.

Evening primrose: what is it and what does the flower look like?

Evening primrose is an underrated and inconspicuous plant that grows in roadside meadows and fields. Although it is a very common flower, few people know about its properties.

Evening primrose can be recognized by its delicate four-petaled flowers and tiny oblong leaves. Most of the nearly two hundred species bloom with yellow flowers. While white, purple and pink varieties of primrose are less common.

Photo of evening primrose flower

A characteristic feature of evening primrose is that its petals bloom late in the evening, so it is mainly moths that pollinate it - hence the popular nickname “night candle”. Evening primrose is known for its medicinal properties and is used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries, as well as in beekeeping and as an ornamental plant. There are about 30 species in Russia, of which evening primrose is the most common.

The seeds of this plant contain beneficial ingredients that make evening primrose medicinal. These are small, hard grains that contain extremely valuable unsaturated fatty acids - linoleic acid (omega-6), gamma-linolenic acid (omega-6) and oleic acid (omega-9).

Evening primrose also contains saturated fatty acids, including palmitic and stearic acids. In addition, the seeds are a source of protein, plant styrene, enzymes, vitamin E, as well as the elements magnesium, selenium, zinc and calcium.

Terms of use

Evening primrose oil can be used as a base oil. This option is recommended only for those with very dry, mature skin. It is not advisable to apply pure product regularly. You can conduct intensive courses or use mixtures of components.

For owners of normal, oily skin, cosmetologists recommend introducing a squeeze of primrose seeds in a concentration of no more than 10% of the total volume of the product. The substance can be used separately in its pure form for the skin around the eyes, for pronounced wrinkles.

Evening primrose oil goes well with other cosmetic components. Experts say that the product enhances the beneficial effects of the components of the mixture.

Squeezing primrose seeds gives excellent results when used in the autumn-winter period. During the cold season, the skin is most susceptible to dryness and peeling. The oil will protect against the negative influence of climate and prevent the worsening of age-related changes.

Medicinal properties

The plant oil is known and actively used as an adjuvant therapy due to its unique concentration of gamma-linolenic acid and vitamin E with antioxidant properties. Rare eicosenoic acid was also found in the oil.

The composition has a beneficial effect on the body in the following areas:

  • helps restore and renew the skin;
  • helps protect cells from age-related changes and the influence of negative external factors, fights wrinkles;
  • eliminates dermatological problems, including helping to cope with inflammation, peeling, dryness, and irritation. Facilitates the course of chronic skin pathologies;
  • evens out the skin, makes age spots lighter, whitens the skin;
  • helps in the fight against dandruff, itching, hair loss;
  • improves hair condition: strengthens, nourishes, makes hair silky.

When taken orally, the oil has an anti-inflammatory effect and also:

  • reduces the severity of PMS manifestations (pain in the lower abdomen, in the mammary glands, nervous excitability, mood swings, anxiety);
  • restores hormonal levels;
  • promotes pregnancy when planning it;
  • helps bring blood pressure back to normal;
  • serves as a prevention of osteoporosis;
  • helps in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

Application options

Evening primrose oil is suitable for skin and hair care. This option is often used for the area around the eyes. The product is actively consumed internally to obtain a therapeutic effect.

Facial beauty recipes

Evening primrose oil can be used as a base or as an addition to various blends suitable for skin care. This option is added to ready-made cosmetics or made into your own mixes. The following recipes are popular:

  1. Blend for dry, mature skin. Mix 1 tsp until smooth. shea butter, jojoba, avocado, primrose, drop by drop - geranium, chamomile, lavender. The composition is applied as a half-hour mask. After the time has passed, wash your face or simply remove excess product with a napkin. If the mixture is completely absorbed without leaving a greasy feeling, then use the product daily or every other day instead of night cream until the situation changes.
  2. A mixture to combat excessive pigmentation. Combine 2 tsp. evening primrose seed pomace, add 1 tsp. cocoa butter, 5 drops of safflower ether, 2 each of lemon and rosewood. A homogeneous composition is applied pointwise to problem areas. The effect lasts about a quarter of an hour. Subsequently, it is recommended to wash your face with water acidified with lemon juice and apply moisturizer.
  3. Nutrient mixture. In equal quantities (1 teaspoon each), combine jojoba and evening primrose oils, add a drop of rose and lavender esters. A homogeneous mass is applied as a night cream. Aromatic ingredients will help make the procedure pleasant and improve night's sleep.

Attention! Evening primrose oil can be added to any suitable mask or ready-made cream. The substance will improve the effect of your favorite product.

Care for eyebrows, eyelashes, lips

Evening primrose seed oil is beneficial for applying to the skin around the eyes. There are almost no sebaceous glands in this area, which eliminates the negative impact on their work. At the same time, such procedures will help improve the condition of eyebrows and eyelashes.

The squeeze can be additionally applied to the hairs. A pure product or a mixture with any base oil is suitable for this purpose.

Squeezing evening primrose seeds is also good for lip care. Oil care will slow down the aging process, eliminate peeling, and remove cracks. The lips will be pleased with their softness. To do this, just rub a couple of drops of a clean product or do a massage (mask) with a mixture of oils.


Evening primrose oil is most often taken orally. Using the product allows you to improve the condition of your skin and hair from the inside. Using marc as food has a beneficial effect on hormonal status, the health of the female reproductive system, and is useful for various diseases: diabetes, hypertension, asthma, allergies. It is recommended to take special capsules internally, after consulting with your doctor.

Use for cosmetic purposes

Evening primrose oil is used in cosmetology in the following areas:

  1. stimulation of skin regeneration and renewal at the cellular level;
  2. restoration of the skin after aggressive procedures (peelings, mechanical cleansing, dermabrasion);
  3. Anti-age care for aging skin prone to dryness and flaking;
  4. prevention of wrinkles and fight against existing ones;
  5. normalization of the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  6. effective moisturizing and regulation of cellular keratinization;
  7. care of nail plates;
  8. hair care, treatment of dry seborrhea, psoriasis of the scalp.

For cosmetic purposes, primrose oil is used internally as a dietary supplement. They also add a few drops of it to care products. Also, cosmetics manufacturers themselves include this product in creams, shampoos and other products.

Precautionary measures

External use of evening primrose oil is limited only by individual intolerance. Before starting to use the product, they always do a test to determine how the body reacts. Using the substance in its pure form may have a negative effect on oily skin (risk of increased sebum production).

You should stop squeezing evening primrose seeds before the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, during breastfeeding. Be careful when taking hormonal medications. Long-term use for psoriasis is not recommended.

Important point! The substance may cause a decrease in blood pressure.


  • The main contraindication for the use of primrose oil is an allergic reaction.
  • It is not recommended to take it for mental illnesses simultaneously with taking fentosians, as it can cause harm to the patient.
  • Use in the treatment of psoriasis should be careful, preferably only after consultation with a doctor, who will determine the duration of the course and application regimen.
  • In medical practice, harm from the effects of oil on patients with epilepsy has been noted.

Advantages and disadvantages

Evening primrose oil is an excellent remedy for very dry or mature skin. The option is suitable for external and internal use for aesthetic and treatment purposes. The product combines well with other components and enhances the benefits of the components of the mixture.

The downside of using evening primrose squeeze will be an increase in sebum secretion, which is not acceptable for every skin type. Those with hormonal imbalances should consult a doctor before use.

Primrose in cosmetology

The cosmetic effects of primrose oil are best reflected on dry or irritated skin. The substance can quickly soothe, relieve inflammation, and soften problem areas.

As a nutritional supplement to the main ingredients, the oil can be used daily.

Constant use of the drug has a beneficial effect on patients with varicose veins.

It tones the skin and triggers regenerative processes in cells. This promotes epithelial renewal and, accordingly, rejuvenation.

The oil reduces skin pigmentation and increases the effectiveness of therapeutic massage.

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