Flaxseed oil for the face against wrinkles: composition, action and recommendations

The skin around the eyes is delicate and needs special care. Vegetable oils help with this. Flaxseed oil for eyes is one of the best options for the skin around them. Masks with this component fill the skin with vitamins, making it healthy and elastic.

The skin around the eyes is delicate and needs special care.

Benefits of flaxseed oil for eyelids

The oil contains a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids, for example, linoleic and linolenic acids, as well as vitamins E, K, and B vitamins necessary for the body.

Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids help in cell regeneration, healing of wounds and cuts, and softens wrinkles. Vitamin K improves skin color. Thiamine, or vitamin B1, provides moisture, which is beneficial for dry skin. Choline, vitamin B4 - relieves irritation and inflammation, helps with acne.

A distinctive feature of linseed oil is its light texture, which makes it possible to use it on thin eyelid skin.

Who is flaxseed oil recommended for the eyes?

  • For those who discovered the first wrinkles. Regular use of the oil will soften the skin and smooth out wrinkles, and also help prevent them.
  • People from arid regions where the skin lacks moisture. The oil will do a great job with this and help combat flaking and dryness.
  • People who, due to work, come into contact with harmful environmental factors. Flaxseed oil performs a protective function, cleansing the skin of harmful substances.

Finally, the oil can be used by anyone who cares about their own skin and wants to maintain its elasticity and youth for a long time.

Who should not use it?

There are practically no contraindications to the use of flax seed oil in cosmetics. The only exception is individual intolerance to the product. Therefore, before the first use, you need to do a simple test to understand how your skin reacts to contact with the oil. If there is no negative reaction, you can safely use the oil.

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Features of use and storage

Like any plant product, the oil does not last long: no more than two months from opening the package. It must be stored strictly in the refrigerator. Therefore, for the eyelids it is enough to get a small bottle.

It is also not recommended to use the oil too often for people with very oily skin. Then the effect will be the opposite: together with fat, the oil will clog the pores and lead to acne. Application 2 times a week is sufficient.

A greater effect can be achieved if you use the oil not on its own, but in combination with other products.


The use of flaxseed oil depends on the type of skin and its individual condition. Those with dry and sensitive epidermis can use this product without restrictions. For combination skin, it is suggested to use masks and compresses with a small content of this healing component. If your skin is oily, then applications and masks with flaxseed oil should not be used often - 2-3 times a month.

How to use anti-wrinkle oil? There are several ways:

  1. It is added to food or taken 1 tablespoon before meals three times a day for 2 weeks;
  2. Wipe the face with oil using a soft napkin, a cotton pad or spreading it over the skin with your fingers;
  3. Lotions and compresses, masks and homemade creams are made from the oily liquid.

When taken internally, the oil is absorbed quite quickly by the body, its components immediately begin to act. They normalize the activity of the digestive system, eliminating constipation and cleansing the intestines of toxins. But it’s no secret that these problems adversely affect the face.

When using an oily product externally, it is applied to the skin in the evenings for 15-20 minutes.

When making lotions and wiping, you should follow simple but mandatory rules:

  • The face should be thoroughly cleansed of decorative cosmetics, dust, and excess sebum;

  • The oil must be slightly heated in a water bath or a small amount of the product must be thoroughly rubbed with the palms of your hands;
  • The product should be applied with light patting, massaging movements;
  • Leave on face for 15 minutes;
  • Remove any remaining oil by blotting your face with a napkin;
  • The procedure is carried out 1-2 hours before bedtime, 1-2 times a week.
  • Recipes for homemade creams and masks with flaxseed oil for wrinkles


  • Flax seed oil – 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Raw yolks from 3 eggs
  • Cream – 200 ml
  • Zest of 1 lemon
  • Boiling water – 1 glass
  • Liquid honey – 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Camphor alcohol – 150 ml

You need to prepare 2 basics:

  1. Mix whipped yolks, cream and flaxseed oil
  2. Pour boiling water over the lemon zest in advance and let it brew. Then strain the resulting tincture and add honey.

Mix both bases carefully, combine them and add camphor alcohol. You need to add a little warm water to the resulting product, so that the volume of the cream is 0.5 liters.

The cream should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a week. Before use, warm slightly and shake well each time. Apply to skin twice daily, spreading in an even, thick layer.

The amount of product received is large, its shelf life is short, therefore, in order to use all the cream within the allotted time, it can be successfully applied to the neck, décolleté, treat the forearms and hands. After all, these areas of the body also become covered with wrinkles and betray their age.


"Flour and Butter"

  • Flaxseed flour – 1 spoon
  • Flaxseed oil – 1 spoon
  • Warm water – 3 spoons

Combine all ingredients in a bowl, then cover the container with a napkin and wait until the mixture absorbs all the liquid.

You need to apply the mask in layers: apply the first layer and let it dry, then apply the second and continue until the entire composition has been used. Leave for 20 minutes and remove.

The product perfectly tightens the skin.

"Clay and Oil"

  • Flaxseed oily liquid – 1 spoon
  • Blue clay – 1 spoon

Combine the ingredients and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps. If the mass is too thick, it can be diluted by gradually adding warm water. The consistency should be similar to sour cream.

Apply and leave for about 20 minutes.

"Yolk and Honey"

  • Flax oil – 1 spoon
  • Raw yolk – 1 pc.
  • Fresh honey – 1 teaspoon

Beat the yolk, add the remaining ingredients, mix. Apply the mask to clean skin for 15 minutes. The duration of the course of such masks is 2 months.

The composition nourishes, moisturizes, tightens the skin.

"Sour cream and cucumber"

  • Fresh cucumber pulp – 1 spoon
  • Sour cream – 1 spoon
  • Flax seed oil – 1 spoon

All components are mixed in equal proportions and applied generously to the skin of the face. After 20-25 minutes, wash off the mask.

"Yeast, milk, lemon"

  • Flaxseed oil – 1 spoon
  • Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon
  • Milk – 1 spoon
  • Honey – 1 teaspoon
  • Yeast – 1 teaspoon

Add yeast to warm milk and stir. Add oil, honey and lemon juice to the paste.

Apply for 10-15 minutes. This composition fights not only wrinkles, but also age spots. If your skin is sensitive or you are allergic to citrus fruits, lemon juice should be replaced with a spoonful of sour cream (kefir, yogurt) or calendula decoction.

"Oatmeal and milk"

  • Flax oil extract – 1 spoon
  • Small oat flakes – 1 spoon
  • Milk – 2-3 spoons

Pour milk over the oatmeal and let it sit for 5-10 minutes, add oil. Apply to skin with rubbing movements, leave for 10 minutes. The mask not only improves skin elasticity, but also acts as a soft scrub.

"Cottage cheese and protein"

  • Flax oil – 2 tablespoons
  • Soft cottage cheese – 1 spoon
  • White of 1 egg

Mix the butter with fresh cottage cheese, carefully fold in the lightly beaten egg white. The validity period of the mask is 20 minutes.

"Strawberry and Yolk"

  • Flaxseed oil – 2 tablespoons
  • Raw yolk – 1
  • Strawberries – 2-3 large berries

Mash the berries into a homogeneous puree, add the yolk and butter. If the composition turns out to be liquid, then you can add a little starch or flour. The mask is applied for 25 minutes.

If desired, the procedures can be diversified by replacing the strawberry pulp with other fruit and berry purees: kiwi, banana, sea buckthorn, apple.

"Blend of oils"

Mix several types of vegetable oils - olive, flaxseed, corn.
You can add a drop of essential oils - chamomile, rose, almond, orange. Rub the mixture with soft, light movements in the evenings for 2-3 months.

Anti-wrinkle oil mixture

Mixing different oils can also infuse the skin with nutrients.

  • 5 drops of linseed oil;
  • 5 drops of walnut oil;
  • 2 drops of violet ether.

First mix the oils and then add the flavoring ester to them. Apply the oil to the skin using massaging movements. This mixture can be used both after removing makeup and instead of moisturizer. Oils soften the skin, smooth out folds and wrinkles.

You can use citrus oils, olive or wheat oil.

Toner for dry skin

This option of using linseed oil will give instant results, is suitable for daily use, and does not create a greasy film on dry skin, but is completely absorbed!

  • Pre-cleanse your skin with a cleanser. Wait for the skin to dry naturally, do not rub.
  • Add 3-4 drops of flaxseed oil to thermal water for the face or regular mineral (non-carbonated) water.
  • Using a cotton pad, wipe your face, especially paying attention to problem areas - with wrinkles and peeling.
  • There is no need to rinse off the toner!
  • After the procedure, 10 minutes later, apply an additional moisturizer according to your skin type.


Maria: “Facial skin is a special topic for me, and the oil does an excellent job of taking care of it. True, after oil the skin becomes oily, you need to wash your face more often. But the acne has gone away.”

Tatyana: “The oil helps in the fight against wrinkles. After just a few uses I noticed that they had smoothed out.”

The oil can be used by anyone who wants to improve the skin of the eyelids, make it elastic and get rid of wrinkles. This is a versatile product with hundreds of recipes. Flaxseed oil can become part of your daily skin care routine and take its rightful place in your cosmetic bag.

Recommended for whom?

It is recommended to use flax seed oil in cosmetology to solve the following problems:

  • smoothing surface wrinkles and preventing their damage;
  • smoothing deep folds, smoothing skin texture;
  • increasing skin tone when the first signs of aging appear;
  • treatment of acne and pimples;
  • lightening of unwanted pigmentation;
  • restoration of water balance.

Remember! This product is especially useful for skin prone to dryness, dehydration, and flaking. If your skin is oily, flax oil should be used with caution. Improper use can provoke increased functions of the sebaceous glands, which will only aggravate the problems.

Therefore, if your skin tends to be oily, you should avoid using undiluted oil. It is better to prepare masks with the addition of this product, and they will need to include drying components.

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Instant lifting effect

If you have a romantic meeting planned this evening, I recommend making such a compress; it will help reduce the number of wrinkles for several hours and tighten the contours.

  • Heat the flaxseed oil slightly (until warm).
  • Blot well the gauze folded 5 times.
  • Lie down and apply a compress to your face, neck and décolleté.
  • After 7 minutes, remove it and blot off any remaining residue with a cotton pad.
  • No rinsing required.

Of course, this method is contraindicated for those with oily skin types!

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